How Many Of You Here Support Trump?

Let me get this straight. You guys want unborn babies to be killed. You want to give even more money to the government for them to waste. You want a healthcare program, which has cost millions of Americans their insurance. You want an education program, which is extremely difficult and teaches a bunch of useless information. You want them to take away our guns so we have no protection. Dangerous criminals are going to get them anyway. You want the government to decriminalize drug use, which has destroyed numerous peoples' lives. Do you really want all of this?

No. I want you to live in reality, meaning none of what you said above is based upon anything set in reality. Actually, I don't care if you and your people are nuts, just keep it to yourselves. People like you may put Donald fucking Trump in the White House. I would be embarrassed to call myself a U.S. citizen if that happens.
Let me get this straight.

You have my permission to be straight.

You guys want unborn babies to be killed.

There's many scenarios that would validate a woman's legal right to have an abortion, writing off the issue as "unborn babies being killed for fun" is a pretty damn low-brow perspective, even for you. If we're going to demand that a gestating egg be granted the same rights as a birthed human being, then we may as well take it a step further and demand that sperm itself is granted the exact same right. You call it "killing babies", we call it "A woman's right to privacy".

You want to give even more money to the government for them to waste.

You're going to have to be a little less vague here. Unless you're a member of the Tea Party, I'm pretty sure that there's some kind of Federal program that you'll admit to taking advantage of. I -- for one -- really do enjoy being allowed to drive on a beautiful paved road to and from work.

You want a healthcare program, which has cost millions of Americans their insurance.

So, so wrong. I have to ask, because you seem to be shooting in the dark here; are you referring to the Affordable Care Act?

You want an education program, which is extremely difficult and teaches a bunch of useless information.

Um, useless information is extremely difficult for you to comprehend?

You want them to take away our guns so we have no protection. Dangerous criminals are going to get them anyway.

Oh good grief. If any type of gun was outright banned today, it wouldn't work retroactively. It's never worked retroactively, not even when automatic rifles were banned. Dangerous criminals will have a heck of an easier time getting guns if they can just trudge into a gunshow and -- without any difficulty -- buy two assault rifles and enough ammunition to start a sovereign nation. Gun control won't solve gun crimes, but they'll make them a Hell of a lot less prevalent.

You want the government to decriminalize drug use, which has destroyed numerous peoples' lives.

They don't intend to decriminalize drug use in general, a few Democrats want to decriminalize only certain types of drugs like marijuana. Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug, only because of the stigma it had earned in the 1970s based on its recreational use among young people and the false assumption that it was directly responsible for cases of insanity(source; link).

Hillary's own website states that she intends to treat drug addiction as a public health issue to be remedied in hospitals, and not so much a criminal issue to be remedied in prison. I'm not sure what your take is on that, so I'll leave it at that.

You also disregard her email situation as if it's nothing. It is. It's a huge deal. She sent out classified information on a private server. This is a risk to national security, as an enemy could have easily hacked that server. Also do you not find it a little suspicious that she deleted 30,000+ emails before she turned it over to the FBI. What about the fact that she lied about her sending classified information out? She said she didn't, but she clearly did.

The FBI clearly said that Hillary Clinton had sent classified info after she denied doing so, and I'm with you in leaning toward the findings of the FBI. Though; I'm willing to give her a shred of credit in that she might not have known exactly what could be considered classified and would couldn't. Sometimes an email where you and someone else engage in mindless chit chat can be considered classified later on even though it wasn't classified at the time that it was sent.

If any of those emails amounted to a risk to national security, I'd like to know about that. So far; there's nothing proving that a foreign adversary obtained data that could bring harm upon us and there's nothing proving that her private server was vulnerable to hackers.

The only law that she could have possibly broken was the Federal Records Act, which states that a federal employee can't delete official correspondence. If the FBI found that -- in spite of being considered classified at the time of the investigation -- the emails that were deleted were just private messages between friends and family, then Hillary did not break the law by deleting those emails.

What about Benghazi? Maybe it was a mistake, but how do you explain this?

It's Hillary Clinton, so of course it doesn't matter.

I believe that Madame Secretary was pretty damn exhausted from being spun in circles with predatory questioning from an over-zealous Republican panel of ass-hats, as was most American's who were foolishly expecting a fair-minded investigation. Asking "What difference does it make!?" implies that interrogating her should be more focused on her role as Madame Secretary and her actions on that night and not an investigation into whether that incident can be exploited as another reason to demonize Islam and to assassinate the character of a potential Democratic President.

It most certainly does matter, and based on my research, Hillary Clinton did nothing to cause the deaths of J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.
Let me get this straight. You guys want unborn babies to be killed. You want to give even more money to the government for them to waste. You want a healthcare program, which has cost millions of Americans their insurance. You want an education program, which is extremely difficult and teaches a bunch of useless information. You want them to take away our guns so we have no protection. Dangerous criminals are going to get them anyway. You want the government to decriminalize drug use, which has destroyed numerous peoples' lives. Do you really want all of this?

You also disregard her email situation as if it's nothing. It is. It's a huge deal. She sent out classified information on a private server. This is a risk to national security, as an enemy could have easily hacked that server. Also do you not find it a little suspicious that she deleted 30,000+ emails before she turned it over to the FBI. What about the fact that she lied about her sending classified information out? She said she didn't, but she clearly did.

What about Benghazi? Maybe it was a mistake, but how do you explain this?

It's Hillary Clinton, so of course it doesn't matter.

People have already addressed what you've said, but I'd like to add you are the reason why so many people on the left think the right are by default, all idiots, and as such, aren't open to intelligent right-wing politics. You are not going to win these battles.
In the interest of fairness; I do see the media using playground politics to push Donald into making controversial statements.

I'm noticing a lot of buzz regarding the situation involving Donald Trump and the parents of a Muslim US Army Captain who was killed in Iraq, Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

Now; this is all being referred to as a "clash" between Trump and the Khans by the Washington Post, as an "attack" by Trump regarding statements made by Khizr Khan on CNN, and FoxNews is pushing it as the "Trump Khan Controversy".

The main focus seems to be on Khizr Khan's accusation that Donald Trump hasn't sacrificed anything. Given that Khizr Khan had to give his own son, it's understandable that he'd feel that Donald Trump hasn't sacrificed as much, but on that note one has to wonder if Hillary has sacrificed as much either.

I realize that Donald Trump is the candidate who at one time called for a ban on all Muslim immigrants, and thus would appear to have mocked the notion of a Muslim giving their life for this country. I'm just saying; with Donald Trump you have to be a little more direct. Donald's response to ABC was "I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've had tremendous success. I think I've done a lot.", so again, you have to be direct or he'll miss the point. Either way, I don't see this exchange as an "attack" or a "clash" or even a "controversy".

From what I've been able to research, Donald Trump took offense to the accusation by Khizr Khan that he's never read the Constitution. Albeit; Donald Trump made a gaffe on the 7th of July, where he said to Republican Congressional leaders that he'd defend Articles I, II and XII of the Constitution (source; link). But it would still be callous to assume that Donald has never read the Constitution, so Donald subtly accused Khizr Khan of simply repeating something that was written for him by the Clinton Campaign. Also; Donald stated that he wanted to hear more from Ghazala Khan and added that she "maybe wasn't allowed to have anything to say", thus implying that she was being forced to keep quiet.

Now; it should be noted that regarding the death of Captain Humayan Khan, Donald Trump released a statement that said that Captain Khan was "a hero to our country and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe."

Donald Trump is currently being criticized by his own party (what goes around...) regarding his "controversial" statements to the Khans. I see it as a gotcha' attack that was designed to show off how gullible he is. Sure he fell for it, but I have no respect for the people who exploited a gold star family to set him up.
Donald Trump is always offended. A constant victim. I have never seen a more thin-skinned man in my life. Another reason, one of dozens, why he isn't fit to run our country.
I was pretty Bernie or Bust and even went on to say I'd vote for Jill Stein. But over the last couple of weeks, I kind of feel like I've been successfully scared into giving Hillary my vote. Which I don't like. Liberals whine about Trump using scare tactics. But we're doing the same thing. But instead of minorities, we're suppose to be scared of Trump himself.

And that can go one of two ways. He'll either be a complete lame duck, or he'll actually try to impliment all the bullshit that's come out of his mouth. At least Hillary's bullshit is mild and non-threatening.
The Dunce cap has been passed around in this thread.

Who is voting for Hillary here because they actually think she'd make a good president. With or without the Drumpf.
I'm voting for Clinton because I think she's intelligent and tough. She's a progressive, but not too far to the left, which I like. Wasn't a Bernie fan, despite how honest and funny he is.

However, none of it matters if moderates and liberals stay home during midterm elections. Old white people vote during midterms, which will never help democrats pass what they want.
I'm voting for Clinton because I think she's intelligent and tough. She's a progressive, but not too far to the left, which I like. Wasn't a Bernie fan, despite how honest and funny he is.

However, none of it matters if moderates and liberals stay home during midterm elections. Old white people vote during midterms, which will never help democrats pass what they want.

She's not progressive at all, her opinions and political views change to match what's popular at that time. Not too long ago, she was against gay marriage. Now all of a sudden she's all for it. Call it what you will, but it's not progressive. It's pandering. Don't get me wrong, I'm not for Trump either. I hate them both, I just hate Clinton a little bit more than I hate Trump. I'd vote Gary Johnson if the guy had a snowball's chance in hell. I may still vote for him because as much as I hate Hillary, I'm not sure if I can actually bring myself low enough to vote for Trump.
Who is voting for Hillary here because they actually think she'd make a good president.

My top ten picks for President from the group we were given during the primary were:

#1, Marco Rubio
#2, John Kasich
#3, Chris Christie
#4, Rand Paul
#5, Jeb Bush
#6, Bernie Sanders
#7, Ted Cruz
#8, Mike Huckabee
#9, Hillary Clinton
#10, Donald Trump

I'm not proud of what I must do.
The idea of putting Mike Huckabee or Chris Christie (political ideology aside) ahead of Clinton is lunacy. Huckabee is an Evangelical nutjob that wants to bring religion into everything and Chris Christie has managed to be just as corrupt (if not more so) than Clinton with far less power.
Chris Christie reminds me of a combination of The Fat Cat from Rescue Rangers and that guy from The Chase:


It was hilarious to see him kissing up to Trump in an effort to get a VP nomination.

Cruz was the worst of the worst in the Republican election though from what I saw. I remember Nick said he wanted to make "sand glow", and he actively wants to make America a theocracy. Because that's working so well in places like Saudi Arabia, isn't it?
Chris Christie reminds me of a combination of The Fat Cat from Rescue Rangers and that guy from The Chase:


It was hilarious to see him kissing up to Trump in an effort to get a VP nomination.

Cruz was the worst of the worst in the Republican election though from what I saw. I remember Nick said he wanted to make "sand glow", and he actively wants to make America a theocracy. Because that's working so well in places like Saudi Arabia, isn't it?

The only thing Ted Cruz is good for is the dank memes made of him.
Marco Rubio looked like a decent candidate.

Then he opened his mouth and proved himself to be completely useless. In a field of liars, deceivers and Trump, he still managed to stand out as someone who clearly did not understand or believe anything he was saying, and proved completely incapable of operating under the scrutiny of public speaking.
She's not progressive at all, her opinions and political views change to match what's popular at that time. Not too long ago, she was against gay marriage. Now all of a sudden she's all for it. Call it what you will, but it's not progressive. It's pandering. Don't get me wrong, I'm not for Trump either. I hate them both, I just hate Clinton a little bit more than I hate Trump. I'd vote Gary Johnson if the guy had a snowball's chance in hell. I may still vote for him because as much as I hate Hillary, I'm not sure if I can actually bring myself low enough to vote for Trump.

I can't believe Fox News has done a good enough job making Clinton look like as big of a scumbag as Donald Trump. He is an embarrassment to humanity. She is not. If you dislike her because she panders, you should really take a long look at Trump and realize is 1000x worse.

It's legitimately puzzling how anyone can rate Trump ahead of Clinton in any way. He is a horrible person. Worst to ever be a serious Presidential candidate.
I can't believe Fox News has done a good enough job making Clinton look like as big of a scumbag as Donald Trump. He is an embarrassment to humanity. She is not. If you dislike her because she panders, you should really take a long look at Trump and realize is 1000x worse.

It's legitimately puzzling how anyone can rate Trump ahead of Clinton in any way. He is a horrible person. Worst to ever be a serious Presidential candidate.

Just out of curiosity, Nick, do you have any thoughts on Hillary Clinton's sense of entitlement? Because that is probably the biggest problem I have with her. And her husband as well for that matter.
People only complain about pandering when they're the ones not getting "pandered" to.
I mean, yeah, something something condescending something something dishonest, but if the results of the pandering sway in your favor one is a lot less likely to say something.
I can't believe Fox News has done a good enough job making Clinton look like as big of a scumbag as Donald Trump. He is an embarrassment to humanity. She is not. If you dislike her because she panders, you should really take a long look at Trump and realize is 1000x worse.

It's legitimately puzzling how anyone can rate Trump ahead of Clinton in any way. He is a horrible person. Worst to ever be a serious Presidential candidate.

That is a very small part of why I dislike her so much. Believe me, I know EXACTLY what Trump is. It's why I'll avoid voting for him at all costs. He and Hillary are cancerous human beings.

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