How long will John Cena's reign last?

How long will Cena's reign last

  • MITB 2013

  • Summerslam 2013

  • Night of Champions 2013

  • over the limit 2013

  • hell in a cell 2013

  • survivor series 2013

  • royal rumble 2014

  • elimination chamber 2014

  • wrestlemania 30

  • extreme rules 2014

  • payback 2014

  • wrestlemania 31

  • special Raw event

  • Other

  • Longer than Cm Punk's 434 day reign

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John Cena is a terrible champion, has had WAY more title reigns & days as champion than he ever deserved & his current reign has already lasted too long if you ask me. But just because Cena was booked dominant for the first half of 2013 to gain his "redemption" doesn't indicate to me in any way, shape or form that Cena will pass Punk's 434 day WWE Title reign, I think that is a pretty riduclous thought/prediction.

Unless for some odd reason WWE wanted to put the stap on a part-timer like Lesnar or RVD, I think the only person that should take the WWE Title from Cena right now is Daniel Bryan & I think he will do it at Summerslam 2013. Bryan could have realistically been put right back in the WWE title picture after last years Summerslam if not for the forming of Team Hell No. Bryan is a clear cut main event talent & I think WWE has more stock in him than some choose to believe. While I do think Bryan will win the MitB briefcase, I don't think he needs to in order to challenge for the WWE Title, he is already at that level. Once again, unless WWE decides to go with some huge swerve, which I doubt, I see no other plan for the WWE Title than Bryan gaining a clean & decisive victory over Cena at Summerslam & becoming WWE Champion in the mix.
seriously? i dont know a god damn thing about business... what the fuck? i know a lot more than u think. i know what the word LONG TERM means because i am not a ******.. i look toward the future, not the past.. and i dont like john cena, why the fuck would u try to shove ur opinion down my throat? deal with it, john cena is GARBAGE. his characfter is garbage. if u are into his character, go watch some fucking cartoons.. fucking pandering to the crowd, smiling, overcoming the odds all that fucking BULLSHIT! how old are u man?

Jesus!...I, like you dislike the Cena character, but come on his character works. WWE "needs" his persona, the guy who the kids look up to the most, the role model. You can hate his character all you want, I do too, but you must admit it's a necessary evil.

We in the forums are the likely candidates to want that elusive heel turn which will never come, but we accept that Cena is Face Cena - period.

This is one of the reasons I doubt D-Bryan will take his strap; face vs face (if bryan turns complete) is not a good booking I don't think..but we'll see? Cena will drop the strap, he wont have such a reign that punk did because every promo Punk gives, he mentions his new record (which isn't a record).

My prediction - Cena drops the strap at Summerslam in a stipulation match of some sort (here's hoping hell in a cell vs Henry)
What I see happening is Bryan winning the MITB; face Cena at SummerSlam and Bryan wins. Then it gets interesting. Two things: Cena wins it back of Bryan at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble, keeps the belt till Mania and drops it to Taker.

Second: Bryan wins; then drops it to Brock Lesnar who it turn drops the belt to Cena. This could happen at the Royal Rumble or at the Elimation Chamber.

Basically, Cena looses the belt at SummerSlam and regains it within 7 months maximum.
I like the idea of one last Taker run as Champion...but how often will he appear after WM? Will he be like The Rock and fill in every few weeks as champ?

Taker vs Cena is the most talked about match that hasn't been booked yet..but for the strap? I'm not too sure.

I'd like Henry to take it from him at Summerslam...maybe even MITB! Henry could be the monster champ nobody can take down (including Cena) and then Lesner shows up and takes him down, leading Lesner vs Punk for the title and Cena free to go at Taker.
I do think that Cena vs. Undertaker will be THE main event of Wrestlemania 30, barring Rock becoming available to fight 'Taker or Lesnar.

The real question is, will it be for the belt or not? If they believe that Taker has "one last run" left in him (which would mean he can appear on weekly shows and PPVs), then I do believe the match would be for the belt. If that's the case, then Cena will hold it all the way til WM 30, before dropping it to 'Taker.

If that match is NOT going to be for the WWE title then I think Cena holds it through Summer Slam but then drops it shortly thereafter and starts a supplementary feud for the fall leading into the Rumble and WM season. In that scenario, I'm really not sure who Cena will drop it to. I don't think they're going to give the belt back to Punk just yet, so I'm ruling him out. It could be Daniel Bryan, although I'm still not buying it. I'd love to see heel Orton beat Cena for the title in the fall.
Everybody seems to be itching for the heel Orton..for him to take the strap would be huge for him because at the minute I get no reaction when he comes to the ring. He has no presence, and joining the Shield and taking the belt would do that ;)
Jesus!...I, like you dislike the Cena character, but come on his character works. WWE "needs" his persona, the guy who the kids look up to the most, the role model. You can hate his character all you want, I do too, but you must admit it's a necessary evil.

We in the forums are the likely candidates to want that elusive heel turn which will never come, but we accept that Cena is Face Cena - period.

This is one of the reasons I doubt D-Bryan will take his strap; face vs face (if bryan turns complete) is not a good booking I don't think..but we'll see? Cena will drop the strap, he wont have such a reign that punk did because every promo Punk gives, he mentions his new record (which isn't a record).

My prediction - Cena drops the strap at Summerslam in a stipulation match of some sort (here's hoping hell in a cell vs Henry)

his character is not necessary for the wwe. its a curse. do u realize that wwe's main demographic is adult and to teens? it it not to children, smart one.. children are very low population in the wwe universe.. plz learn ur facts. which makes it stupider because wwe is PG and caters to little kids. remember the attitude era, it was TV-14 and there were no PG heros like john cena. it did very good ratings and remember that it was very intense.
Summerslam 2013. Like most, I think Daniel Bryan will win the MITB contract and overcome Cena this August in what promises to be a stacked PPV.

However, I don't think this will be his last reign this year. I predict he will win the championship back at TLC 2012 to set up Cena/Punk at Wrestlemania XXX.
Summerslam 2013. Like most, I think Daniel Bryan will win the MITB contract and overcome Cena this August in what promises to be a stacked PPV.

However, I don't think this will be his last reign this year. I predict he will win the championship back at TLC 2012 to set up Cena/Punk at Wrestlemania XXX.

Then i hope that cm punk will finally get his clean win against john cna in the MAIN EVENT of wrestlemania. cm punk still needs his wrestlemania main event moment! he needs to establish his legacy as a legend status.
i dont think the amount of anti heros matter, because all the anti heros had a unique personality about them. stone cold steve austin was a legit badass......QUOTE]

You say Cena is stale, then you say that Stone Cold has a unique personality? Stone Cold was stale by 2001. Why do you think they made his character such a shade of grey? Because Austin didn't have the ability to add ANY depth to his character. Why do you think EVERY other gimmick he had sucked massively?
i dont think the amount of anti heros matter, because all the anti heros had a unique personality about them. stone cold steve austin was a legit badass......QUOTE]

You say Cena is stale, then you say that Stone Cold has a unique personality? Stone Cold was stale by 2001. Why do you think they made his character such a shade of grey? Because Austin didn't have the ability to add ANY depth to his character. Why do you think EVERY other gimmick he had sucked massively?

how was stone cold stale? buyrates and ratings obviously dont prove that.. how can a legit badass be stale? john cena is not a legit badass, he is a PG lover, smiling, pandering to the crowd superhero. u know how stale that would get fast? there is no depth to his character..

stone cold was 10x more interesting than john cena. at least he had that badass edge to him, unlike john cena, who just uses cheesy smiles and no sells some storylines..
which makes it stupider because wwe is PG and caters to little kids. remember the attitude era, it was TV-14 and there were no PG heros like john cena. it did very good ratings and remember that it was very intense.

WWE had good ratings in the Attitude era because ALL wrestling had good ratings since the product itself was such a hot commodity.

And if you want to say that having TV-PG is stupid, WCW beat the WWF's Attitude era consistently until the infamous "Fingerpoke of Doom". Oh yeah, and WCW's shows were PG. It wasn't until Russo decided to go TV-14/MA that WCW's ratings started to tank.
WWE had good ratings in the Attitude era because ALL wrestling had good ratings since the product itself was such a hot commodity.

And if you want to say that having TV-PG is stupid, WCW beat the WWF's Attitude era consistently until the infamous "Fingerpoke of Doom". Oh yeah, and WCW's shows were PG. It wasn't until Russo decided to go TV-14/MA that WCW's ratings started to tank.

no, u are so wrnog. wwe had good ratings in the attitude era because it was more INTENSE... and u know why its not such a hot commodity anymore? because of the "lolfake" tag from the mainstream audience. do u know why wwe gets this "lolfake" tag? because it is cheesy as fuck, because of JOHN CENA, if we had more intense stuff, like blood, headshots, cursing, then it will be taken seriously. right now, nobody takes wwe seriously because of the PG bullshit...

no, the reason why wwf beat wcw is because wcw had vince russo, who is an illogical person.. the booking also sucked, like fucking 40 man royal rumbles man.. the booking was awful in wcw, that is why that it started to tank. not be cause it switched to tv-14.
no, u are so wrnog. wwe had good ratings in the attitude era because it was more INTENSE... and u know why its not such a hot commodity anymore? because of the "lolfake" tag from the mainstream audience. do u know why wwe gets this "lolfake" tag? because it is cheesy as fuck, because of JOHN CENA, if we had more intense stuff, like blood, headshots, cursing, then it will be taken seriously. right now, nobody takes wwe seriously because of the PG bullshit...

no, the reason why wwf beat wcw is because wcw had vince russo, who is an illogical person.. the booking also sucked, like fucking 40 man royal rumbles man.. the booking was awful in wcw, that is why that it started to tank. not be cause it switched to tv-14.

It's funny you say that, because Russo was one of the driving creative forces behind the Attitude era concept.

And add more blood and cursing? That's great. That way they can put even less effort into making in-depth content for the shows. Adding extra sex and profanity is used to pander (there's that word that you like so much) to people who are too dumb to actually pay attention to a build-up to a feud or a drawn-out technical match.

Here's a fun thought:

You hate Cena because you think that he is stupid and predictable, and you don't know how he gets ratings.

I have seen people (because of your lack of comprehension of the English language) call you stupid, but look at your thread. You have nine pages of comments so far!

So, you're considered boring and stale yet your thread is really popular.

The results are in: You are the John Cena of Wrestlezone! :D
John Cena will hold the belt until he is told to do otherwise. In between he will meet some sick kids, work out, bang a bunch of hot chicks and their less hot twin sisters. He won't complain and then he'll go on to the next feud.
John Cena will hold the belt until he is told to do otherwise. In between he will meet some sick kids, work out, bang a bunch of hot chicks and their less hot twin sisters. He won't complain and then he'll go on to the next feud.

The thing is, whoever he feuds with might get to bang some hot chicks too since that dude will have actually got main-event screen time JUST for having feuded with Cena. But yeah, CMmarker here is right. The WWE is burying people by feeding them to Cena.
It's funny you say that, because Russo was one of the driving creative forces behind the Attitude era concept.

And add more blood and cursing? That's great. That way they can put even less effort into making in-depth content for the shows. Adding extra sex and profanity is used to pander (there's that word that you like so much) to people who are too dumb to actually pay attention to a build-up to a feud or a drawn-out technical match.

Here's a fun thought:

You hate Cena because you think that he is stupid and predictable, and you don't know how he gets ratings.

I have seen people (because of your lack of comprehension of the English language) call you stupid, but look at your thread. You have nine pages of comments so far!

So, you're considered boring and stale yet your thread is really popular.

The results are in: You are the John Cena of Wrestlezone! :D
Hey, dont fucking twist my words. i said i wanted more blood and intensity, but that doesnt mean i want to REMOVE storylines.. dont be so naive man. u can have intensity, blood, AND a good storyline, believe it or not. vince russo is a ******, seriously.

thats a nice comparison, but i dont give any fucks.. besides there is a big difference between me and cena, i am not a sports entertainer, and he is one, but he is stale as fuck. i dont wanna get out of topic, but how am i stupid? what stupid thing have i said? and how do i not understand english.. i live in the usa, of course i know english.
i dont wanna get out of topic, but how am i stupid? what stupid thing have i said? and how do i not understand english.. i live in the usa, of course i know english.

I didn't say you were stupid, but apparently everyone else has. Have you read everyone else's comments?

And that whole understanding English thing may be debatable. I have a brain aneurism each time I try to read your posts.
I didn't say you were stupid, but apparently everyone else has. Have you read everyone else's comments?

And that whole understanding English thing may be debatable. I have a brain aneurism each time I try to read your posts.

i can understand my posts just fine.. sometimes i misspell a few words here and there because i have a life and i dont take all day to edit forum posts, okay?

yeah i read everyone elses comments. they basically argued with me saying that john cena is their favorite superstar and argued how many people he put over. imo he doesnt deserve as much protection as he gets. in the attitude era, he would be a mid carder.
John Cena isn't my favorite wrestler but I don't hate watching him as much as some people do. This topic is obviously geared toward some John Cena hate. Anytime anyone has expressed their opinion you've swooped in with extreme Cena hate.

It's cool that you don't like him but the topic has become less about when he'll lose the belt and more about how much people on this forum hate that he has the belt.

I say he'll probably lose it before October as I can't see any real feuds being available for him, especially if CM Punk is going to be a full blown babyface by that point.
CMPunker I agree with you when you say that in the attitude Era Cena would have been a mid card talent however what you need to Understand is that the attitude Era is over and is not coming back. You seem to be wrapped up in your own little world and you need to wake up and realize that WWE is not going to do what just you want and I havent seen one person agree with you. Your ignorant to say the least and I think you could use a life outside of wrestling because your way too caught up in hating John Cena. Hes the face of the company.... Get the fuck over it
Chris "The Show" Adams;4528639 said:
CMPunker I agree with you when you say that in the attitude Era Cena would have been a mid card talent however what you need to Understand is that the attitude Era is over and is not coming back. You seem to be wrapped up in your own little world and you need to wake up and realize that WWE is not going to do what just you want and I havent seen one person agree with you. Your ignorant to say the least and I think you could use a life outside of wrestling because your way too caught up in hating John Cena. Hes the face of the company.... Get the fuck over it

i will not get over the fact that cena is the face of the company because wrestling is my passion.. it is my favorite tv show and i watched it since i was a baby. why would i get over john cena? he takes up so much tv time and hogs the main event to himself.. he is always involved in important feuds with my favorite wrestlers, like batista, cm punk, lesnar.. how the fuck can i avoid him?
There are really great alternatives to WWE. ROH, PWG, New Japan all are fantastic promotions where John Cena doesn't wrestle. I suggest giving them a chance.
There are really great alternatives to WWE. ROH, PWG, New Japan all are fantastic promotions where John Cena doesn't wrestle. I suggest giving them a chance.

they dont sound too good to me. basically, i dont like indie shows becaues they dont have the fan support and money to make some good storylines. they may have good matches, but the storylines are not that good and the atmosphere is very different from the wwe. booking is just as bad as wwe also
As for how long John Cena's title reign will last, since Cena won the title at WrestleMania 29 back in April I think Cena will drop the title if not at SummerSlam then definitely he will end up dropping the title at Night of Champions 2013 in September so that is a good 6 month title reign as WWE Champion

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