What is your point? i know they faced off before.. lesnar lost some of his momentum. doesnt matter how protected he was beacuse casuals usually look at the result, not how their opponent faired.No, he didn't. The two of them faced off in a grudge match, at Extreme Rules 2012. CM Punk defended the WWE Title against Chris Jericho in the match before.
They wanted to give cena his win back because they love to kiss his ass. they dont want anybody to win a feud against him or get the last laugh.The only time Cena and Lesnar met for the WWE Title was at Backlash 2003, and Lesnar beat him.
Cena doesnt deserve the superman treatment. u know it is not helping his position? cena isnt going to be around forever, doesnt matter how talented he is because he is not the future. he is 35 years old for gods sake, hardly the future of the company. he should be building up younger stars instead.To answer the question, there was a time I would have said Wrestlemania 30, and argued hard for it. The fact is, like it or not, John Cena is the top guy in the company. Like it or not, you can't just have anyone come in and beat Cena for the title. So having Cena go through the Mark Henry's, Randy Orton's and Sheamus' of the world is a logical thing. Why? Because Cena has proved time and again that he's better then them. In the past, it's taken a herculean effort to take the title off of Cena. Edge cashing in Money In The Bank. Big Show chokeslamming him through a spotlight. Del Rio locking him outside of the Hell In A Cell structure. And CM Punk in his hometown, and once again at Summerslam.
and why the fuck would they put cena in a rematch against lesnar? are u delusional? what a waste of a match man.. it wouldnt draw as much as cena vs undertaker or rock vs brock, so from a business perspective, doesnt really make sense. also dont wanna see brock lose credibility once again.
As Cena once said it, there's only one man who's been his equal, and that's been CM Punk. I could have seen them having a match at Summerslam, but it's obvious Punk will be tied up with Lesnar. Speaking of Lesnar, logic would dictate that at some point, he would be due a championship match himself. But with his limited dates, and a certain date with Punk at Summerslam, I'd say he's out of the picture as well.
how is cm punk his equal? they never let punk get a clean win against cena.. while cena had a clean win over punk. hardly "equals"
U actually have faith in letting wwe build up daniel bryan? no chance. he is just another person for cena to steamroll over because no way in hell are they going to let some midget go over their face of the company. 0.00001 percent chance of winning clean. and 3% chance of winning with a controversial finish. 97% chance of cena winning , clean or not.So why am I sticking with Summerslam? Because of one Daniel Bryan. In my opinion, it's now or never for Bryan. I don't know if they're going to continue on the "weakest link" angle, but it would be excellent if Bryan did so, won Money In The Bank, then announced he was cashing in at Summerslam, to prove once and for all he's not the Weakest Link. What better way to do it then by defeating the WWE Champion, one John Cena?
WWE has done a fantastic job of building Daniel Bryan up as a top superstar, with his submission victory over Randy Orton two weeks ago on Raw being the best example. It's time to go the entire way, with a MITB win, and a victory over John Cena at Summerslam. I don't anticipate a long reign, and Cena will likely regain the title from him.
Unless, like CM Punk, John Cena finds himself with a second form of kryptonite in Daniel Bryan.
Lets see what happens. i think u put too much faith and hope in wwe, u are going to get ur hopes down. many times wwe has let me hope down in the past.