How long will John Cena's reign last?

How long will Cena's reign last

  • MITB 2013

  • Summerslam 2013

  • Night of Champions 2013

  • over the limit 2013

  • hell in a cell 2013

  • survivor series 2013

  • royal rumble 2014

  • elimination chamber 2014

  • wrestlemania 30

  • extreme rules 2014

  • payback 2014

  • wrestlemania 31

  • special Raw event

  • Other

  • Longer than Cm Punk's 434 day reign

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No, Cena doesn't job 3 PPVs in a row. It's called being the top face. When Batista was the top guy he went over Triple H 3 PPVs in a row.
being the top face means u cant put people over?
Also, Batista was on his way out, he was just putting his buddy over before he left.
putting over his buddy? why cant he put over a younger star? cena does not need the rub, hes already an established top star. why dont u give it to someone who needs it?
What is this thread about again?
do you know how to read?
being the top face means u cant put people over?

Being the top guy means that you ultimately come out on top of the feuds you go into. Doesn't mean you don't put people over, hell, Cena has never beaten Punk on PPV while Punk has at least 3 victories over him.

putting over his buddy? why cant he put over a younger star? cena does not need the rub, hes already an established top star. why dont u give it to someone who needs it?

Because a feud with Batista and Cena hadn't been done yet, it was surefire money maker. You don't waste that. Of course Cena came out on top, he's the good guy. He was also the guy that was still going to be there when their feud was done.
Believe it or not you can put talent over while still winning a match. If you make your opponent look good despite being beaten you've still managed to put him over while still coming out on top in the match.

Orton has done this with Christian during their long feud a few yrs. ago over the WHC. & then again this past Fri. on SD!, & just a few months ago Cena did it with Punk on RAW.

As for Batista's feuding to Cena on his way out, it's really a no brainer, Cena/Batista feud is a surefire money feud, & they obviously wanted to make sure they get it in before Batista left. Besides if your Batista & you know you're on your way out the door, wouldn't you want to go out feuding with the top guy in the company, the guy who you're going to get you into the main event, the guy who's going to get you the biggest pay days on your way out?
Being the top guy means that you ultimately come out on top of the feuds you go into. Doesn't mean you don't put people over, hell, Cena has never beaten Punk on PPV while Punk has at least 3 victories over him.
cm punk is a top guy. he lost many feuds with undertaker, triple h, john cena, and the rock. cm punk lost all his feuds against these men, yet john cena gets so protected and wwe always makes sure that he gets ALL of his wins back. nobody can get the last laugh against john cena, but i guess its okay for cm punk to come out short, huh? cuz its cm punk, and john cna is kissing vince's ass and vice versa, huh????????

and btw, doesnt matter that punk beat cena on ppv. cena beat punk more times (one or 2 times more, on raw, obviuosly) and one of them was clean.

Because a feud with Batista and Cena hadn't been done yet, it was surefire money maker. You don't waste that. Of course Cena came out on top, he's the good guy. He was also the guy that was still going to be there when their feud was done.
haha yeah right.. they feuded in summerslam 2008, in which batista beat john cena clean. get ur god damn facts right. they also had a match (not a feud) in no way out 2007 or 2008. it was john cna and shawn michaels vs batista and the undertaker. cena and michaels won.

and cena vs batista was a money maker, but it juts got stale on the 2nd ppv they fought (extreme rules).. it wasnt that big of a money maker because batista wasnt booked as a threat.
Believe it or not you can put talent over while still winning a match. If you make your opponent look good despite being beaten you've still managed to put him over while still coming out on top in the match.
u can, but its limited. i would say dolph ziggler's first match, batista put him over big time. and kurt angle put over john cena in cena's 1st match.. u can put people over while still winning, but that only works if u are a mid carder. if u are an main event star, u dont get put over JUST by being in the same match as another main eventer.. its way different.

Orton has done this with Christian during their long feud a few yrs. ago over the WHC. & then again this past Fri. on SD!, & just a few months ago Cena did it with Punk on RAW.
not really, christian isnt any mpore over than he was before. and cm punk didnt get over from that match with cena. u dont know anytjhing about putting over people. its like saying john cena was put over just by having a promo with hhh.. doesnt work that way because cm punk is already an established star, he doesnt get put over just by having a match with cena.
As for Batista's feuding to Cena on his way out, it's really a no brainer, Cena/Batista feud is a surefire money feud, & they obviously wanted to make sure they get it in before Batista left. Besides if your Batista & you know you're on your way out the door, wouldn't you want to go out feuding with the top guy in the company, the guy who you're going to get you into the main event, the guy who's going to get you the biggest pay days on your way out?
it wasnt even that big of a money feud man.. if its one match, then fine, it can draw a lot. but the 2nd match, they had nothing new to add, batista wasnt treated as a threat, it just got worse and worse. the booking was horrible, batista didnt win a single match.

and dont u want to think LONG TERM by putting over newer stars, instead of thinking short term by feeding batista to cena? cena isnt going to be around forever. no, if i was batista, i would want to go out on a win, not jobbing to a top star. batista was alerady in the main event, that feud did nothing for him. batista acted like a pussy in that feud.. batista, 310 pound 6 foot 5 MONSTER is acting like a pussy in front of johnn cena. see how embarassing that is? a man of batista's physique shouldnt be treated like that. what the fuck? i would rather have batista go out with undertaker, because at least undertaker knows how to put peole over. all cena does is smile, then he overcomes the odds at the last raw. undertaker would actually treat him as a threat.
cm punk is a top guy. he lost many feuds with undertaker, triple h, john cena, and the rock. cm punk lost all his feuds against these men, yet john cena gets so protected and wwe always makes sure that he gets ALL of his wins back. nobody can get the last laugh against john cena, but i guess its okay for cm punk to come out short, huh? cuz its cm punk, and john cna is kissing vince's ass and vice versa, huh???????

Jesus Christ, dude. I've tried being reasonable and nice tonight but you're just such a hapless fucking ******. When Punk lost those feuds he was a heel. Heels lose to the faces. It's not fucking rocket science. While Punk was a face, he always came out on top in the end.

and btw, doesnt matter that punk beat cena on ppv. cena beat punk more times (one or 2 times more, on raw, obviuosly) and one of them was clean.

My head's going to explode. Whenever Jericho is hailed as the first guy to ever beat The Rock and Steve Austin in the same night, does anyone ever bring up the fact that he cheated to win both of those matches? NO! Because it doesn't fucking matter! Bad guys cheat to win. If they won fair and square, they would be good guys.

Also, Cena hasn't beat Punk more, Punk has the edge in the win-loss ratio, stupid.

haha yeah right.. they feuded in summerslam 2008, in which batista beat john cena clean. get ur god damn facts right. they also had a match (not a feud) in no way out 2007 or 2008. it was john cna and shawn michaels vs batista and the undertaker. cena and michaels won.

A feud that got cut short due to injury so they never got to finalize it and a one off tag match to hype Mania. The fuck is your point?

and cena vs batista was a money maker, but it juts got stale on the 2nd ppv they fought (extreme rules).. it wasnt that big of a money maker because batista wasnt booked as a threat.

You can have your opinions, your stupid misinformed opinions, but the FACTS show that you're wrong.

You really need to have some testing done.
Jesus Christ, dude. I've tried being reasonable and nice tonight but you're just such a hapless fucking ******. When Punk lost those feuds he was a heel. Heels lose to the faces. It's not fucking rocket science. While Punk was a face, he always came out on top in the end.
so u are saying heels are meant to lose? lol, this is why the wwe has no top heels right now. fucking mark henry and del rio are the top heels, and thats pretty sad

My head's going to explode. Whenever Jericho is hailed as the first guy to ever beat The Rock and Steve Austin in the same night, does anyone ever bring up the fact that he cheated to win both of those matches? NO! Because it doesn't fucking matter! Bad guys cheat to win. If they won fair and square, they would be good guys.
i agree, but people with big physiques shouldnt be treated as cheaters.. guys like batista, ryback, sheamus, big show, henry, etc. it just looks stupid
Also, Cena hasn't beat Punk more, Punk has the edge in the win-loss ratio, stupid.
oh really? do i have to look for videos to prove it to you? seriously?

1. Raw - November 23, 2009

John Cena won this match in their first outing. I remember this match getting praised with people begging to see more from these two. Little did we know that we were looking into the future with this one...

2. Raw - December 14, 2009 (Superstar of the Year Tournament match)

This was pretty much a squash with Punk tapping out in under 2 minutes. How far he's gotten right?

3. Raw - June 7, 2010 (Viewer's Choice)

The viewers voted Punk into the match, and although it wasn't half-bad, it was overshadowed by the NXT rookies who stormed the ring and destroyed ringside!

4. Raw - January 17, 2011

After his amazing stint on commentary, Punk returned to the ring as the leader of New Nexus and begun his first formal feud with Cena. This match ended in a DQ after Mason Ryan debuted and attacked Punk.

5. Raw - February 14, 2011

This was CM Punk's first real win against Cena. A member of the Nexus gave him a weapon so he could use it to win, but hey, a win is still a win.

6. Raw - June 13, 2011

This was another win for Punk although it only occurred due to R-Truth interference. This match was just used to further the Cena/Truth feud, but it foreshadowing of WWE's next top storyline.

7. WWE Money in the Bank - July 17, 2011 (WWE Championship, Title vs. Career)

The most infamous of Punk and Cena's encounters, this will probably always be remembered as the turning point for Punk's career. Cena had his career on the line while Punk's contract was ending that very night. Vince and Laurinitis tried to interfere to keep Punk from winning the title, but their plan backfired. They distracted Cena during an STF, and allowed Punk to hit the GTS for the win. Even though it wasn't a clean finish, it was still an amazing moment for Punk.

8. WWE SummerSlam - August 14, 2011 (WWE Championship, Special Referee: Triple H)

Punk was back almost immediately for a Champion vs. Champion match. They had another excellent outing, but this time, Triple H didn't see Cena's foot on the ropes and accidentally gave Punk the win. This eventually led to the convoluted "Nash texts himself" storyline.

9. Raw - August 22, 2011 (#1 Contender to WWE Championship)

After 5 straight wins for Punk, Cena got another win when Nash distracted Punk. This was shorter than their other matches, but they still had a good match.

10. Raw - July 23, 2012 (WWE Championship, Money in the Bank Cash-in)

This was the night Punk turned heel. Big Show caused a DQ allowing Cena to win the match while Punk did nothing about it. He ended up GTS'ing The Rock which eventually led to their 2013 feud.

11. WWE Night of Champions (WWE Championship)

Punk and Cena had an excellent main event, but it ended with the crowd chanting "Bullshit" after it was declared a draw. Despite the finish, they both brought their A-game for the match.

12. Raw - November 12, 2012

Prior to the Survivor Series Triple Threat match with Ryback, Cena went one-on-one again with Punk. Here, Cena got his first clean win against Punk in almost 3 years, tying with Punk for 5 wins a piece.

13. Raw - February 25, 2012 (#1 Contender to WWE Championship)
cena won this CLEAN.

14. elimination chamber 2011 - february 10, 2011 (#1 contender)'
cena eliminated punk clean.

15. survivor series 2012 : punk pinned cena.
their record is 7-6-2, with cena taking the lead by 1 win

A feud that got cut short due to injury so they never got to finalize it and a one off tag match to hype Mania. The fuck is your point?
my point is that the feud has already been done and it wasnt that big of a draw in the 1st place. face batista vs faCE Cena wouldve been better because batista wouldve been a legitimate threat. for some reason wwe doesnt know how to book heels as THREATS. batista is 300 pounds for gods sake, why do u book him like a pussy?

You can have your opinions, your stupid misinformed opinions, but the FACTS show that you're wrong.
what "FACTS" are u talking about? the buyrates were horrendous.. cena used duct tape, seriously?? DUCT TAPE??? who pays to see this shit lol.

extreme rules 2010 : 182k buyrate. nothing special
over the limit 2010 : 197k buyrate..nothing special
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's called 'making a point.' My point? You should re-read your own words, and see how foolish you sound.

So again, in your own words:

in addition. i cannot see ANYBODy taking the title off of cena right now. not a single person is capable.. only undertaker is capable of it. brock lesnar already failed and i cant see them having a rematch for some reasno..
When did Brock Lesnar fail to take the title off of John Cena, prey tell? ;)

I know lesnar won in 2003. wwe wanted to give john cena his win back.
You know for a fact that, 9 years later, WWEs concern was with "giving Cena his win back?" Or could it possibly be, me wonders, that the top face doesn't lose to two part-timers in row on back-to-back PPV's?

What true top faces lose consistently, as you'ld have Cena, and stay on top?

Your problem isn't with the booking, its with who's booked there. You know it, and I know it. All the ridiculous posturing, curse words, and 3rd Grade Grammar is nothing more then a facade for one thing. You can't stand the fact that Cena is the face of the company, so you look for any reason to bash him.

1. a lot of people didn't watch the ppv, therefore they dont know that lesnar dominated most of the match.
Who cares? If they want the details, there's,, and our own KB, with KB's Wrestling Reviews.

And "casuals" don't generally care that much, do they? ;)

2.casuals usually remember the result of the match, not how their opponent faired..
Same question: Who cares? Casuals generally don't, that's why they're casuals.

3. it was a really lousy finish. lesnar dominates most of the match.
Which thus proves my point that he was booked strongly in the loss.

and cena hits 2 moves and wins. seriously?
Want to take a guess as to what would be worse? Taking a chain shot to the head and an AA on steel steps and still kicking out. :blush:

this should be an exception because it was lesnar's god damn fucking return match! return matches should always be won!!
1. It was his first match in 8 years. It's simple booking: He dominated, but was rusty, and couldn't put Cena away. Cena, who's been wrestling week in and week out, seizes an opportunity because he's wrestling on a consistent basis.

2. Return matches should always be won by faces. The same logic doesn't apply to heels.

they didn't get the last laugh though. wwe creative always remembers cena's feuds and always wants to give them their win back. remember the raw after summerslam 2011? it was cm punk vs john cena for the #1 contenders match to see who faces alberto del rio.. john cena won that match, and that match ended their feud. remember : ppv matches dont always end feuds. dont be so naive man.
Yes, Cena won when Kevin Nash walked down to the ring. But that was to determine who faced Del Rio, and had nothing to do with their feud, which had been over the WWE Championship.

Both matches which Punk won, btw.

alberto del rio may have won that feud, but he didnt necessarily get the last laugh.i remember john cena beating him on 2 different times : the santa claus episode where del rio ran over santa clause, and of course this week on monday night raw.
That's the only time a heel Del Rio has ever retained his title. It also transitioned Cena out of the title picture for a year. But clearly, a comedy match from a year and a half later and a champion vs. champion match for simple bragging rights are far more important. :rolleyes:

Especially a year and a half later. :rolleyes:

and dolph ziggler lost to john cena on 2 raws after that tlc match.. it was so embarassing for ziggler. ziggler had 2 people backing him up (big e and AJ) and he still lost. john cena embarassed him to death.. he got nothing out of that feud.
He got several things from that feud:
1. He main evented a PPV against John Cena.
2. He won a PPV main event match against John Cena.
3. He was in the only main event match of his career, and he won.
4. He got AJ, who's been great for enhancing him.
5. He's the only person to beat John Cena in a ladder match. People who have failed?
Edge, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Kane, and The Miz.
But clearly, Ziggler got nothing from the feud. :rolleyes:

doesn't mean it wuold be a good draw. that feud was lame as fuck, cena didnt even treat lesnar as a threat, he just kept on smiling like it was nothing.
Why wouldn't a match between John Cena and Brock Lesnar for the title draw? Its the face of the company against a monstrous special attraction, for the WWE Title. That's a heck of draw.

that feud was lame as fuck, cena didnt even treat lesnar as a threat, he just kept on smiling like it was nothing.
Yes, he treated Lesnar as such a joke and smiled him off that this happened:

But clearly, Cena wasn't worried about the match at all. :confused:

u did mention cena vs lesnar..
As a possible match for the WWE Title, not a match at Wrestlemania, as I said in an earlier post.

so distractions count as clean? cuz john laurintiis distracted john cena, causing cena to break his fucking submission move. we don';t know if cm punk would have tapped out or not.
Actually, we know exactly what would have happened. Cena would have won without a doubt. It was, kayfabe-wise, Cena's choice to leave the ring. And it was Cena's choice to get back in. And Punk hit him with the GTS, and pinned him 1-2-3. It was the perfect finish to a perfect match, and Cena put Punk over in a big way.

are u fucking seriuos? how stupid can u get man? it was a cheap win because the match was not properly finished.. cena had his fucking foot on the rope.. how do u know what would have happened if the match went on? its like kicking out of a move but the referee didnt see it..
Did you just start watching wrestling recently? Did HHH see Cena's foot on the ropes?
No, he didn't. Hence, the "record book" says Cm Punk defeated John Cena by pinfall to win the Unified WWE Championship. Period.

The same as the next night, Cena beat Punk to become No. 1 Contender by pinfall, even though Kevin Nash was walking to the ring to distract Punk.

You want it both ways, man, and the same arguments you use against Cena are easy to turn around the other way.

because they wanted to make khali a threat, which cena couldnt do because he doesnt know how to put people over?
Edge, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Cm Punk can all thank their ascencion to permanent, main event status due to John Cena.

Do you need more examples then four?

because batista is more selfless than john cena.. he actually puts people over.
I just named four people that before John Cena, were not consistent main event level stars. How many people can you say the same for about Batista?

None come to mind.

and where is the great khali now? superstars matches, lmfao. i would actually be the top heel on the B show than be on the A show and be fed to a top star.
And clearly, it's John Cena's fault that Khali's knees are shot, he barely speaks English, and he can't wrestle. :rolleyes:
And he wasn't fed to Cena. He was given exposure in the main event of back-to-back PPV's, and shortly after, became World Champion.

lmfao at cena brinigng khali to main event status. it was undertaker and dominant booking (prior to cena feud) that elevated him, not cena. cena just hurt his momentum.
1. He beat Undertaker clean, but Undertaker won their feud by defeating Khali in a Last Man Standing Match on Smackdown.
2. Getting main event exposure on back-to-back PPV's is good for one's momentum, and pinning the WWE Champion in a non-title match, like he did on Saturday Night's Main Event, is also as well.

i think u are wrong and u don;t know dog shit about wwe. thank goodness u are not a wwe writer
Yet I just went through your post, point by point, and showed you wrong at every turn. ;)

Once again, I find myself done with you. You have your opinion, however wrong, and I mine. And mine is this: Cena will defeat Henry at Money In The Bank, but lose the title at Summerslam to Daniel Bryan. Bye now. :p
It's called 'making a point.' My point? You should re-read your own words, and see how foolish you sound.
I know what your point is. I can fucking read
So again, in your own words:

When did Brock Lesnar fail to take the title off of John Cena, prey tell? ;)
Congratulations, you saw a mistake. everybody makes mistakes, thank you for nitpicking. what a big detail, right?

You know for a fact that, 9 years later, WWEs concern was with "giving Cena his win back?" Or could it possibly be, me wonders, that the top face doesn't lose to two part-timers in row on back-to-back PPV's?
Yes, i knew because wwe loves to kiss cena's ass. why didn't they make the match a draw to maintain lesnar's credibility?
What true top faces lose consistently, as you'ld have Cena, and stay on top?
Randy orton, undertaker, the rock
Your problem isn't with the booking, its with who's booked there. You know it, and I know it. All the ridiculous posturing, curse words, and 3rd Grade Grammar is nothing more then a facade for one thing. You can't stand the fact that Cena is the face of the company, so you look for any reason to bash him.

my problem IS with the booking. the thing is, i would like cena if he had a more interesting character, but he DOESNT. he had no change in character for 8 years and he is so predictable. overcoming the odds, smiling, pandering to the crowd, cookie cutter, typical clean cut babyface.. nothing edgy or appealing about that.

Who cares? If they want the details, there's,, and our own KB, with KB's Wrestling Reviews.

And "casuals" don't generally care that much, do they? ;)
I told u, casuals usually look at the result of the match, not how their opponent faired. besides, cena always gets beat up on most of his matches and then manages to overcome the odds.. 90% of his matches are like that. how does that make lesnar any more special?

Same question: Who cares? Casuals generally don't, that's why they're casuals.
Thanks for proving my point
Which thus proves my point that he was booked strongly in the loss.
if he f5ed john cena after the match, that would be booked strongly.. but a lousy finish does not count as booked strongly.

Want to take a guess as to what would be worse? Taking a chain shot to the head and an AA on steel steps and still kicking out. :blush:
now THAT would be "booked strongly"..

1. It was his first match in 8 years. It's simple booking: He dominated, but was rusty, and couldn't put Cena away. Cena, who's been wrestling week in and week out, seizes an opportunity because he's wrestling on a consistent basis.

2. Return matches should always be won by faces. The same logic doesn't apply to heels.
I can't make it any simpler than this : when you return after an 8 year absence, u have a stream of momentum because u feel fresh. however, when u go to a hyped PPV match and u lose cleanly, then it is disapppointing, therefore it makes u lose momentum. is this that hard to get through your thick head?

Yes, Cena won when Kevin Nash walked down to the ring. But that was to determine who faced Del Rio, and had nothing to do with their feud, which had been over the WWE Championship.
it did have something to do with their feud.. it was the match that ENDED their feud..
Both matches which Punk won, btw.
what matches? punk lost that raw match..

That's the only time a heel Del Rio has ever retained his title. It also transitioned Cena out of the title picture for a year. But clearly, a comedy match from a year and a half later and a champion vs. champion match for simple bragging rights are far more important. :rolleyes:

Especially a year and a half later. :rolleyes:
from a backstage perspective, it demonstrates that cena is superior to del rio in many ways..

He got several things from that feud:
1. He main evented a PPV against John Cena.
he only main evented because of a lack of stars.. cm punk was injured
2. He won a PPV main event match against John Cena.
interference from AJ, cena no sold that lost, aj's heel turn overshadowed ziggler's win..
3. He was in the only main event match of his career, and he won.
like i said, it was overshadowed by aj's heel turn and it was no sold by john cena.
4. He got AJ, who's been great for enhancing him.
not really, he already has Big E langston.. AJ is barely over herself, how can she get ziggler over?
5. He's the only person to beat John Cena in a ladder match. People who have failed?
lol, like that statistic even matters. they didnt even mention that statistic
Edge, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Kane, and The Miz.
But clearly, Ziggler got nothing from the feud. :rolleyes:
nobody cares about a useless statistic.

Why wouldn't a match between John Cena and Brock Lesnar for the title draw? Its the face of the company against a monstrous special attraction, for the WWE Title. That's a heck of draw.
because there are BETTER draws and its a waste of wwe's time and money to waste lesnar's LIMITED appearance on a man he alerady faced?

Yes, he treated Lesnar as such a joke and smiled him off that this happened:

But clearly, Cena wasn't worried about the match at all. :confused:
Don't forget that when cena and lesnar were brawling, cena was busted open and he just smiled it off..

As a possible match for the WWE Title, not a match at Wrestlemania, as I said in an earlier post.
like i said, still a waste of lesnar's limited appearances. why would u go with that feud when there are better draws and better options?

Actually, we know exactly what would have happened. Cena would have won without a doubt. It was, kayfabe-wise, Cena's choice to leave the ring. And it was Cena's choice to get back in. And Punk hit him with the GTS, and pinned him 1-2-3. It was the perfect finish to a perfect match, and Cena put Punk over in a big way.
and cm punk took advantage of a fucking distraction.. it wasnt a perfect finish. a perfect finish would be cm punk wins CLEAN. no distractions, no controversy, no excuses, none of that shit.

Did you just start watching wrestling recently? Did HHH see Cena's foot on the ropes?
No, he didn't. Hence, the "record book" says Cm Punk defeated John Cena by pinfall to win the Unified WWE Championship. Period.
it wasn't clean though.. it's the equivalent of a referee not seeing someone kick out, but kept on counting.

The same as the next night, Cena beat Punk to become No. 1 Contender by pinfall, even though Kevin Nash was walking to the ring to distract Punk.

You want it both ways, man, and the same arguments you use against Cena are easy to turn around the other way.
that was not a clean loss either, it seems like u dont know what the term "clean" means.

Edge, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Cm Punk can all thank their ascencion to permanent, main event status due to John Cena.
okay.. i give credit for putting over edge, sheamus, and punk, but i gotta say that randy orton was already a main eventer.. remember in 2007, orton injured cena, then orton went on to feud with hhh? it was hhh that put over orton and elevated him into main event status, not cena. cena was the one injured, getting injured and getting pinned are completely different.

Do you need more examples then four?
yes i do, cena was on top for 8 years, and he only put over 3 people, really?

I just named four people that before John Cena, were not consistent main event level stars. How many people can you say the same for about Batista?
batista did put over edge at a PPV. it was a triple threat consisting of edge vs batista vs undertaker.
None come to mind.
he put over ziggler on his 1st match. i know ziggler lost, but for a newcomer and rookie, his 1st match was VERY impressive. however, its different if u are a upper-mid carder/ main eventer.

And clearly, it's John Cena's fault that Khali's knees are shot, he barely speaks English, and he can't wrestle. :rolleyes:
no.. those things didnt stop him from getting into the main event. it was cena that halted khali's momentum.
And he wasn't fed to Cena. He was given exposure in the main event of back-to-back PPV's, and shortly after, became World Champion.
he was fed to cena.. how hard is it to understsand? he went from beating undertaker clean to losing to cena 2 ppvs in a row.. exposure to main event doesnt matter because everybody knows that khali's purpose was to put over cena.
1. He beat Undertaker clean, but Undertaker won their feud by defeating Khali in a Last Man Standing Match on Smackdown.
actually, khali won the feud when he defeated undertaker on SNME.
2. Getting main event exposure on back-to-back PPV's is good for one's momentum, and pinning the WWE Champion in a non-title match, like he did on Saturday Night's Main Event, is also as well.
main event exposure is good for momentum, but only if khali was protected, he was not protected because cena beat him clean twice. that win on SNME meant nothing because it wasnt an important match and cena's wins overshadowed it.

Yet I just went through your post, point by point, and showed you wrong at every turn. ;)
no, it was ME that proved u wrong at every turn.
Once again, I find myself done with you. You have your opinion, however wrong, and I mine. And mine is this: Cena will defeat Henry at Money In The Bank, but lose the title at Summerslam to Daniel Bryan. Bye now. :p

good luck on your hopes and dreams. bryan is just another person to be fed to cena.
No one should pretend like they understand what is successful by WWE standards. At this point the company is so diversified that just looking at PPV numbers alone says nothing.

John Cena has been their number one guy for ten years and that's not without lack of trying to push new stars. CM Punk was given a year long title reign, going over almost everyone in the company. I think it's fine if John Cena gets a six month run with the championship. Especially given his string of matches this year so far.

I personally find him extremely entertaining.
No one should pretend like they understand what is successful by WWE standards. At this point the company is so diversified that just looking at PPV numbers alone says nothing.

John Cena has been their number one guy for ten years and that's not without lack of trying to push new stars. CM Punk was given a year long title reign, going over almost everyone in the company. I think it's fine if John Cena gets a six month run with the championship. Especially given his string of matches this year so far.

I personally find him extremely entertaining.

lol, are u fucking god damn serious? john cena extremely entertaining? same old stale character for 8 god damn fucking years, and no chagne in character..

smiling, pandering to the crowd, typical, generic cookie cutter face.
overcomes the odds no matter what.. so predictable..

how the fuck is he extremely entertaining?
I think Daniel Bryan will win it from Cena at Summerslam. When a wrestler is that over they have to capitalize on it and winning the WWE Championship at the 2nd biggest show of the year will cement Daniel Bryan's spot as a main eventer in WWE.

Could not agree more. I'm sure the original plan was to drag out the feud with Ryback at least another month, but props to them for realizing that it wasn't working out and bringing Henry back with a bang. I also would imagine Cena was going to originally hang on to the title until at least Survivor Series, but now I see Bryan winning at SummerSlam. He's the most over guy in the company right now and they should strike while the iron is hot.

If it doesn't work out with Bryan as champ, you can always have Cena win it back and remain champ til the Rumble or Mania.
I would actually love to see them give Henry a run as WWE Champ, but I'm realistic and know that's not going to happen. I just wonder if this is a filler feud for just MITB or if goes past that.

Here's how I'd book it...

Bryan wins the briefcase. Henry wins in some sort of screwy fashion amd Cena AA's him afterwards. Bryan runs out, clobbers Cena w/ the case and puts Henry in the No Lock to get Henry to tap out and become new champ. 2 quick title changes just like at TLC 2011.

Henry and Cena both have legitimate rights to a rematch. Triple threat at SummerSlam.
What is this thread about again?

The title of this thread is "How Long Will John Cena's Reign Last?", but I think realistically this thread should be called "I Want To Use Poor Grammar and Spelling to Bash Cena".

At least that's what I got from the OP of this thread.

lol, are u fucking god damn serious? john cena extremely entertaining? same old stale character for 8 god damn fucking years, and no chagne in character..

smiling, pandering to the crowd, typical, generic cookie cutter face.
overcomes the odds no matter what.. so predictable..

Dude, getting the crowd behind you is what babyfaces are SUPPOSED to do. That whole "overcoming the odds" thing is what makes them seem more heroic. After how many anti-hero babyfaces we had from the Attitude Era, I would say Cena was a breath of fresh air. It's those tweener/anti-hero babyfaces that are cookie cutter to me.

And what about your boy CM Punk? Holding the WWE Championship for as long as he did doesn't seem like "overcoming the odds no matter what" to you?
I hope he holds it till summer slam and DB comes out and challenges Cena to a match and makes him tap out clean.
Cena is unfortunately the best guy to hold the belt or to challenge the belt..he'll always be there until injury/retirement. I think he'll drop it, but not cleanly. Perhaps a DQ, interference from someone to form a new feud (let's say; the Wyatt Family). But no matter, Super Cena will be somehow contending for the belt for the next ppv if not sooner haha!

Note to Punk...hurry up and become more of a superstar than Cena!
However long this title reign goes, it all adds up to TOO DAMN LONG.

I'm hoping for Summerslam to be the end of this reign. God forbid he loses it to Mark Henry, hopefully to Curtis Axel or even CM Punk again. If he loses it to Punk it would be a great set up for a heel turn. Either way, WWE will push this on too long. As usual.
Jack G said:
Note to Punk...hurry up and become more of a
superstar than Cena!

The bigger dog (with apologies to JLDG and Sally) swings the bigger dick... Cena is a bigger star than Punk and he'll get the title record. Maybe now, maybe in his next reign, but he'll likely pick up the record.

I see a LOT of complaints about "title prestige". What better way to elevate the title than to put it on the top guy? That way, Punk can see if he can lead the charge to make the WHC mean two shits over on the blue show.
lol, are u fucking god damn serious? john cena extremely entertaining? same old stale character for 8 god damn fucking years, and no chagne in character..

smiling, pandering to the crowd, typical, generic cookie cutter face.
overcomes the odds no matter what.. so predictable..

how the fuck is he extremely entertaining?

Dude, it's okay if you don't like Cena. I'm just saying I do enjoy his character. The great thing is if you don't like him there are other wrestling companies that you can watch. I suggest ROH or even a Japanese company like New Japan or NOAH.

The bottom line is that there are other options. You just want to complain. Feel free, just do yourself a favor and calm down. You're just a fan. Wrestling isn't your livelihood.
The title of this thread is "How Long Will John Cena's Reign Last?", but I think realistically this thread should be called "I Want To Use Poor Grammar and Spelling to Bash Cena".

At least that's what I got from the OP of this thread.

Dude, getting the crowd behind you is what babyfaces are SUPPOSED to do. That whole "overcoming the odds" thing is what makes them seem more heroic. After how many anti-hero babyfaces we had from the Attitude Era, I would say Cena was a breath of fresh air. It's those tweener/anti-hero babyfaces that are cookie cutter to me.

And what about your boy CM Punk? Holding the WWE Championship for as long as he did doesn't seem like "overcoming the odds no matter what" to you?
Cena does a bad job of getting the crowd behind him, look how many people boo him. wwe wants him to be the face of the company yet he gets this many boos.. it shouldnt be like that. no.. overcoming the odds is what makes it predictable and stale. thats why cena's character is so stale.

and i dont think the amount of anti heros matter, because all the anti heros had a unique personality about them. stone cold steve austin was a legit badass, the rock was a very good trash talker, undertaker was a monster, etc.. today, everyone is very similar. sheamus is just an irish version of cena, cena is a pandering to the crowd smiler, kofi kingston is a high flying version of cena, etc..

no, cm punk holding the championship was actually good because i believed he was vulnerable.. he actually treated people as a threat. he treated daniel bryan and kane as a threat, and he had to use cowardly tactics to win. cena doesnt use cowardly tactics to win because he doesnt need to, he is super cena, can fight people 5v1.. its so unrealistic and unrelatable, no wonder so many people hate him and no wonder the mainstream audience uses the "lol fake" tag.

Dude, it's okay if you don't like Cena. I'm just saying I do enjoy his character. The great thing is if you don't like him there are other wrestling companies that you can watch. I suggest ROH or even a Japanese company like New Japan or NOAH.

The bottom line is that there are other options. You just want to complain. Feel free, just do yourself a favor and calm down. You're just a fan. Wrestling isn't your livelihood.
what the fuck. why do u enjoy his character though? theres nothing appealing about it. if u want to see john cena's character, go watch a fucking nickelodeon show. i came here to be entertained, not watch a typical good guy with no edge to his character.. i am not 10 years old, okay? and i will continue to watch wwe because cm punk is there. to me, cm punk is the only reason i watch. everybody else sucks in wwe. del rio sucks cuz he has no mic skills, sheamus sucks cuz he is an irish cena (although a bit more tolerable), randy orton is good but wwe is not going to push him, daniel bryan is an overrated midget and also i cant take his catchphrases seriously because they are sooo goofy.. undertaker, triple h, and brock lesnar are all very talented but they are only part timers.. etc. wwe booking is stupid and illogical and ******ed.. etc.


The bigger dog (with apologies to JLDG and Sally) swings the bigger dick... Cena is a bigger star than Punk and he'll get the title record. Maybe now, maybe in his next reign, but he'll likely pick up the record.

I see a LOT of complaints about "title prestige". What better way to elevate the title than to put it on the top guy? That way, Punk can see if he can lead the charge to make the WHC mean two shits over on the blue show.

the only reasno cena is a bigger star than punk is because cena kisses vince's ass better. i already know cena will beat punk, nobody will ever be close to beating cena's legacy because he is too damn good at kissing ass. dude, cena doesnt even take the title seriously anymore.. all he does is say the CHAMP IS HERE!!! cm punk actually elevates it, he brags about being champion.. while cena just ignores the championship, he just carries it around, but doesnt really show it off like cm punk does.
I enjoy the never say die, positive attitude of his character. I've seen too many Steve Austin's since the 90's being upset at the system. He is a positive character who kids can get behind. That's who the WWE is appealing to. Like I said before, you don't have to like it. You can even skip over his segments to watch Punk.

You say Cena has kissed Vince's ass but to be fair you have no idea how hard he has worked to get his spot. Don't pretend to know anything about the business. Like I said before. You can hate him. That's cool. Just know that if you want Cena free wrestling there other fantastic outlets to get you wrestling alternatives.
I enjoy the never say die, positive attitude of his character. I've seen too many Steve Austin's since the 90's being upset at the system. He is a positive character who kids can get behind. That's who the WWE is appealing to. Like I said before, you don't have to like it. You can even skip over his segments to watch Punk.

You say Cena has kissed Vince's ass but to be fair you have no idea how hard he has worked to get his spot. Don't pretend to know anything about the business. Like I said before. You can hate him. That's cool. Just know that if you want Cena free wrestling there other fantastic outlets to get you wrestling alternatives.

its your stupid delusional opinion, so i dont wanna deal with that. u can say hornswoggle is ur fav wrestler and i wont give a shit, okay? its ur stupid opinion.

anyways, its almost impossible to skip over cena's segments because he is always in the main event. also, wwe creative puts all their brains into his matches, and thats not even saying much because wwe doesnt have many brains in the 1st place.. so even they put their 100% effort into it, they still cannot be able to produce a good storyline. which means that every other feud, will play second fiddle, and wont be as good because not as much effort will be into it. and also i do know about the business.. cena kiss vince's ass, thats how cena got on top for 8 fucking years. vince loves big men who have good physique.. nothing wrong with that, but in addition to good physique, u must have good character.. which cena does not have
Look you stupid shit. I tried to be polite but obviously you're the real moron here. I came on here to give my opinion and say that if you don't like it there are obvious alternatives. You seem more interested in insulting me for my tastes instead of exchanging in a conversation. You don't know a goddamn thing about the business and never will. Like I said before its totally fine that you don't like Cena just do me a favor and don't insult my tastes because in no way did I ever make a comment to insult your opinion.

As far as the topic goes, I see Cena holding the belt until after SummerSlam. Bryan seems to be the obvious choice to beat Cena but I think they need a bit more time to build him. Wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the trigger early though. Would be an interesting change of pace.
I would hope Cena loses the title soon but he'll probably hold it forever which sucks but oh we'll. My honest opinion is he'll lose it at the Rumble then win it back either at Mania again like he always does. Anyway you morons need to stop arguing. Don't know how a simple poll/Question became a debate about people's opinion towards Cena. Go express your shit in the John Cena thread
Look you stupid shit. I tried to be polite but obviously you're the real moron here. I came on here to give my opinion and say that if you don't like it there are obvious alternatives. You seem more interested in insulting me for my tastes instead of exchanging in a conversation. You don't know a goddamn thing about the business and never will. Like I said before its totally fine that you don't like Cena just do me a favor and don't insult my tastes because in no way did I ever make a comment to insult your opinion.

As far as the topic goes, I see Cena holding the belt until after SummerSlam. Bryan seems to be the obvious choice to beat Cena but I think they need a bit more time to build him. Wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the trigger early though. Would be an interesting change of pace.

seriously? i dont know a god damn thing about business... what the fuck? i know a lot more than u think. i know what the word LONG TERM means because i am not a ******.. i look toward the future, not the past.. and i dont like john cena, why the fuck would u try to shove ur opinion down my throat? deal with it, john cena is GARBAGE. his characfter is garbage. if u are into his character, go watch some fucking cartoons.. fucking pandering to the crowd, smiling, overcoming the odds all that fucking BULLSHIT! how old are u man?

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