What the fuck are you talking about?
It's called 'making a point.' My point? You should re-read your own words, and see how foolish you sound.
So again, in your own words:
in addition. i cannot see ANYBODy taking the title off of cena right now. not a single person is capable.. only undertaker is capable of it. brock lesnar already failed and i cant see them having a rematch for some reasno..
When did Brock Lesnar fail to take the title off of John Cena, prey tell?
I know lesnar won in 2003. wwe wanted to give john cena his win back.
You know for a fact that, 9 years later, WWEs concern was with "giving Cena his win back?" Or could it possibly be, me wonders, that the top face doesn't lose to two part-timers in row on back-to-back PPV's?
What true top faces lose consistently, as you'ld have Cena, and stay on top?
Your problem isn't with the booking, its with who's booked there. You know it, and I know it. All the ridiculous posturing, curse words, and 3rd Grade Grammar is nothing more then a facade for one thing. You can't stand the fact that Cena is the face of the company, so you look for any reason to bash him.
1. a lot of people didn't watch the ppv, therefore they dont know that lesnar dominated most of the match.
Who cares? If they want the details, there's PWTorch.com, Prowrestling.net, and our own KB, with KB's Wrestling Reviews.
And "casuals" don't generally care that much, do they?
2.casuals usually remember the result of the match, not how their opponent faired..
Same question: Who cares? Casuals generally don't, that's why they're
3. it was a really lousy finish. lesnar dominates most of the match.
Which thus proves my point that he was
booked strongly in the loss.
and cena hits 2 moves and wins. seriously?
Want to take a guess as to what would be worse? Taking a chain shot to the head and an AA on steel steps and
still kicking out.
this should be an exception because it was lesnar's god damn fucking return match! return matches should always be won!!
1. It was his first match in 8 years. It's simple booking: He dominated, but was rusty, and couldn't put Cena away. Cena, who's been wrestling week in and week out, seizes an opportunity because he's wrestling on a consistent basis.
2. Return matches should always be won by faces. The same logic doesn't apply to heels.
they didn't get the last laugh though. wwe creative always remembers cena's feuds and always wants to give them their win back. remember the raw after summerslam 2011? it was cm punk vs john cena for the #1 contenders match to see who faces alberto del rio.. john cena won that match, and that match ended their feud. remember : ppv matches dont always end feuds. dont be so naive man.
Yes, Cena won when Kevin Nash walked down to the ring. But that was to determine who faced Del Rio, and had nothing to do with their feud, which had been over the WWE Championship.
Both matches which Punk won, btw.
alberto del rio may have won that feud, but he didnt necessarily get the last laugh.i remember john cena beating him on 2 different times : the santa claus episode where del rio ran over santa clause, and of course this week on monday night raw.
That's the only time a heel Del Rio has ever retained his title. It also transitioned Cena out of the title picture for a year. But clearly, a comedy match from a year and a half later and a champion vs. champion match for simple bragging rights are far more important.
Especially a year and a half later.
and dolph ziggler lost to john cena on 2 raws after that tlc match.. it was so embarassing for ziggler. ziggler had 2 people backing him up (big e and AJ) and he still lost. john cena embarassed him to death.. he got nothing out of that feud.
He got several things from that feud:
1. He main evented a PPV against John Cena.
2. He won a PPV main event match against John Cena.
3. He was in the only main event match of his career, and he won.
4. He got AJ, who's been great for enhancing him.
5. He's the only person to beat John Cena in a ladder match. People who have failed?
Edge, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Kane, and The Miz.
But clearly, Ziggler got nothing from the feud.
doesn't mean it wuold be a good draw. that feud was lame as fuck, cena didnt even treat lesnar as a threat, he just kept on smiling like it was nothing.
Why wouldn't a match between John Cena and Brock Lesnar for the title draw? Its the face of the company against a monstrous special attraction, for the WWE Title. That's a heck of draw.
that feud was lame as fuck, cena didnt even treat lesnar as a threat, he just kept on smiling like it was nothing.
Yes, he treated Lesnar as such a joke and smiled him off that this happened:
But clearly, Cena wasn't worried about the match at all.
u did mention cena vs lesnar..
As a possible match for the WWE Title, not a match at Wrestlemania, as I said in an earlier post.
so distractions count as clean? cuz john laurintiis distracted john cena, causing cena to break his fucking submission move. we don';t know if cm punk would have tapped out or not.
Actually, we know exactly what would have happened. Cena would have won without a doubt. It was, kayfabe-wise, Cena's choice to leave the ring. And it was Cena's choice to get back in. And Punk hit him with the GTS, and pinned him 1-2-3. It was the perfect finish to a perfect match, and Cena put Punk over in a
big way.
are u fucking seriuos? how stupid can u get man? it was a cheap win because the match was not properly finished.. cena had his fucking foot on the rope.. how do u know what would have happened if the match went on? its like kicking out of a move but the referee didnt see it..
Did you just start watching wrestling recently? Did HHH see Cena's foot on the ropes?
No, he didn't. Hence, the "record book" says Cm Punk defeated John Cena by pinfall to win the Unified WWE Championship. Period.
The same as the next night, Cena beat Punk to become No. 1 Contender by pinfall, even though Kevin Nash was walking to the ring to distract Punk.
You want it both ways, man, and the same arguments you use against Cena are easy to turn around the other way.
because they wanted to make khali a threat, which cena couldnt do because he doesnt know how to put people over?
Edge, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Cm Punk can all thank their ascencion to permanent, main event status due to John Cena.
Do you need more examples then four?
because batista is more selfless than john cena.. he actually puts people over.
I just named four people that before John Cena, were not consistent main event level stars. How many people can you say the same for about Batista?
None come to mind.
and where is the great khali now? superstars matches, lmfao. i would actually be the top heel on the B show than be on the A show and be fed to a top star.
And clearly, it's John Cena's fault that Khali's knees are shot, he barely speaks English, and he can't wrestle.

And he wasn't fed to Cena. He was given exposure in the main event of back-to-back PPV's, and shortly after, became World Champion.
lmfao at cena brinigng khali to main event status. it was undertaker and dominant booking (prior to cena feud) that elevated him, not cena. cena just hurt his momentum.
1. He beat Undertaker clean, but Undertaker won their feud by defeating Khali in a Last Man Standing Match on Smackdown.
2. Getting main event exposure on back-to-back PPV's is good for one's momentum, and pinning the WWE Champion in a non-title match, like he did on Saturday Night's Main Event, is also as well.
i think u are wrong and u don;t know dog shit about wwe. thank goodness u are not a wwe writer
Yet I just went through your post, point by point, and showed you wrong at every turn.
Once again, I find myself done with you. You have your opinion, however wrong, and I mine. And mine is this: Cena will defeat Henry at Money In The Bank, but lose the title at Summerslam to Daniel Bryan. Bye now.