Group Chat


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Seriously...Quit it.

It's fucking annoying. Unless I'm talking to you one-on-one already, just assume I'm too busy to sit on MSN and bitch about how WZ is nothing but politics and how big of an ass KB is. <~~ Not my thoughts, but shit that's on my screen when these things pop up.
Yeah I know how much all you ***** (not you NSL) on MSN can't stand me.

I haven't seen anything that's stopping you from calling me out on it.

That's why I stay offline. I'll be talking to my friends, then group chat pops up and screws up my ipod.
Yeah I know how much all you ***** (not you NSL) on MSN can't stand me.

I haven't seen anything that's stopping you from calling me out on it.

What I find laughable, is that half of them don't even like me, and yet add me every 5 minutes for the entire night.

Last night it was really pissing me off. Work has been crazy, and I was trying to squeeze in my Book This. If I leave it up, all I see is:

"WZ is nothing but politics. You can't make it unless you kiss a mod's ass"

"Kb is a douchebag"

"like omg...i totally agree"
Uh ohhhh. I bet they're talking about this thread. Or they will lol. Or talk about you.

And I repeat what Justin said!

Flames Out
:wtf:? Polliticks? When I'm in these group chats, The only people "I" bitch about are the people on there. Not once have I said anything about KB. and not once have I mentioned pollitics on WZ to anyone on msn. I don't beliave there is.
I never once said one bad thing about KB! Ever! So not everyone in group convos are bitching about him!

I've never been to one you were in. I don't think. I don't stay long enough to see who's there.

Uh ohhhh. I bet they're talking about this thread. Or they will lol. Or talk about you.

:eek2: OMG...

Like I said last night...They can FUCK OFF. I have bigger things going on, to worry about whether or not they like me.
What I find laughable, is that half of them don't even like me, and yet add me every 5 minutes for the entire night.

Last night it was really pissing me off. Work has been crazy, and I was trying to squeeze in my Book This. If I leave it up, all I see is:

"WZ is nothing but politics. You can't make it unless you kiss a mod's ass"

"Kb is a douchebag"

"like omg...i totally agree"

Seriously NSL, Get the fuck over yourself. I'm in alot of those fucking conversations, and not once has anything like that been said. right now We are talking about how much of a liar you are.

But thats not the main fucking thing that is shitting me off at the moment. If your too busy to talk, Say so don't just appear online.

and its not a WZ problem, you don't have to sook about it on WZ. Jesus Fucking christ, you sound like Derf.
Lets see, last night on it, we talked about:

How big of a douche NSL
Rocca being great
My essay
Making everyone has an Alt Joke
M_F being drunk

So unless it happened in that hour I was gone, I think you are a little full of shit.

And I think people add you just to piss you off;)
I have also never said anything bad about KB.

I don't care who has and who hasn't. It's pathetic that people get on MSN and just bitch about stuff like this. If you don't like it, leave. Until someone above me tells me to change how I do things, they're staying this way. Ignore me if you want. It's really not that hard to do.
I always get added when I turn on my XBox. People ask who FTS is. This is when I explain it's my alter ego on a wrestling site.
Those suck most of the time. I usually only group talk with Justin, Brian, Will, AJ, and PRH before he vanished.
Seriously NSL, Get the fuck over yourself. I'm in alot of those fucking conversations, and not once has anything like that been said. right now We are talking about how much of a liar you are.

But thats not the main fucking thing that is shitting me off at the moment. If your too busy to talk, Say so don't just appear online.

and its not a WZ problem, you don't have to sook about it on WZ. Jesus Fucking christ, you sound like Derf.

:lmao: this is fuckin funny
I have also never said anything bad about KB.

I didn't name names. I don't know who's there anyway.

Lets see, last night on it, we talked about:

How big of a douche NSL
Rocca being great
My essay
Making everyone has an Alt Joke
M_F being drunk

So unless it happened in that hour I was gone, I think you are a little full of shit.

And I think people add you just to piss you off;)

I wasn't talking about just last night. I'm talking about all the times over the last few weeks that I've been added.

And, I'm guessing I'm a douche because I said leave me the fuck alone.

Kind of surprised you didn't just red rep me, thinking I'd cry.
Apparently they used to bitch about me too a few months back. They thought I was an asshole :lmao:

Silly drama queens :p

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