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Got to call you out Nate

Understandable, but regardless you ultimately agree. Just replace IC with Sly, who does have a girlfriend we've never seen, and then you'd agree with me, correct?

Maybe, maybe not. I now remember you likening HBK-aholic to Miss Piggy and getting a ton of rep for it, so it looks like your theory's not as credible as I originally thought it was. I officially retract my original agreement.

I vaguely, VAGUELY remember this, and what I remember of it is a couple of people did come to IC's defense. Plus, it's not the same thing since IC's wife isn't ugly and someone claiming she is just comes off as being jealous, especially if they don't have a girlfriend themselves or have shown any evidence of them ever getting a chick that looks better than IC's wife.

So Wolfdemon's girlfriend is ugly then? You're confusing me here. We don't make threads about this/come to someone's defense when claims about their significant other are patently false, but do when we think she's a hideous seadonkey?

Tdigs, you're my boy so I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you getting so offended for IC over his wife's joke actually makes you the one who seems insecure about having a small penis, since you're so quick to call someone a bitch just because she makes a joke about a dick being small.


Also, this is ridiculous since IC's wife MARRIED him, so obviously she does see everything he has to offer.

Jesus Christ, why the fuck are we even talking about this? lol My comment wasn't made with the intent to talk about IC's love life, just to show the double standard that exist here. I could have used your wife for the example instead, or even Nate's wife (IIRC Nate is married with kids), and my point would have stood.

All right.

Making fun of people on the internet is hypocritical in itself anyway since 90% of the people on this forum here would never say the shit they say on here in person.

Besides, if you just have to be offensive on the internet to release whatever anger you have because of the fucked up shit that goes on in your real life, at least actually be funny. Nate's joke wasn't funny, just cruel. Huge difference, and why I felt the need to create this thread.

All right.
Are you saying that the kids gf really did look like a man? Not cool bro.

Lol... I knew someone would interpret that line in that manner.

And to be completely honest here, yes... when I first looked at the picture, I thought she looked peculiar, but it's one thing to think something than to blurt it out to purposely insult someone you know absolutely nothing about for no reason other than to increase your e-penis size on a fucking wrestling forum.
jmt, I'm not going to argue over this anymore as I've realized how fucking stupid it is to do so over such a topic. Consider yourself in the right on this one. I just wanted to write some funny shit and pester IC some more.
To be honest, at first I thought she was a dude, too. And that is in no way meant to be insulting. But that whole thing has nothing to do with the illness, right?
The kid's only 16/17 and it's obvious the girl is too.
The kid's only 16/17 and it's obvious the girl is too.

Yeah I just read his "farewell" thread, I never actually read any of the threads

to be fair he could 17, the girl 16, & they could still be brother/sister, or ya know something, meaning it's possible she related in another way, like a cousin or something, but whatever it really doesn't matter
What I was commenting upon was the general attitude towards women displayed by a section of this community; where upon whenever one under the age of 65 is displayed, under any circumstances, half a dozen people will either show up saying they want to "bone the shit out of that" in order to prove to everybody how heterosexual they are, or if the general consensus is that "boning the shit" out of aforementioned women is an unappealing prospect then said emphatic heterosexuals will instead content themselves by making unpleasant comments about her appearance.

so it's cool you're all old school and stuff, but you know women are not these tiny frail people who can't defend themselves right? I know just as many girls who see a guy and say "I'd fuck the shit out of him" as I do guys who would say the same thing. This isn't the 50's. When a girl goes out looking like this:
She WANTS people to look, and think "damn I'd nail that." There are far less girls that are offended by it, than there are guys trying to "defend their honor" Like I said, it's cool that you still think that way and everything, but to condemn others because they don't have some 1950's style of thinking? That's just not how society works these days. You have kids having kids, girls are loosing their virginity at the age of 12, and going on Maury at the age of 13 trying to find who the dad is. Every new trashy reality show brings in a new wave of ****ty girls. 16 and Pregnant? Horrible idea for a show, since now the amount of girls getting knocked early up has gone up. Girls are not these stay hidden behind the man, let him fight all their battles people anymore. They are Alcohol drinking, finger flipping, Bar star, sex loving people. Sorry to break it to you man.
I've always wondered about guys hitting on female posters here who never supplied their picture. What sexually arouses someone about text?

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