This is messed up

If a chick punches you for no apparent reason, then by all means, defend yourself and put her in her place. You said that your friend called her a cunt. He instigated, so he got his ass whooped. It's really not that hard to grasp.

I have to ask him what exactly happened, like I said, I don't think he'd call her a cunt for no reason out of the open, maybe he did.

I just think the chick should've got punished, that's all. Not saying it wasn't wrong, it was completely wrong. But the girl should have got a detention or something at least.

This chick is actually known to cut herself. She mentioned it before, and sometimes even fucking brags about it. Maybe the school didn't wanna send her home crying, and then get investigated for a suicide.

My friend was wrong, but both of the kids should have gotten in trouble.

Plus to be honest...she is a cunt. :lmao:
I've been out of Highschool ten years now, so I'm sure it's different. I know when I was in school, the instigator of the altercation got the shit end of the stick, justifiably so. I know shit changed after Columbine, and everyone gets punished, which is pure bullshit. So I'm old school.
Speaking of Columbine, the month of April is fucking dangerous. V Tech was April 16th, and Columbine was April 20th. And my birthday was the 19th. God must hate April.

Plus, the kids in both shootings were in their senior year. I don't understand it. All they had to do was wait..a month and a half, and they'd be out of school. They wouldn't have to deal with bullies anymore. Although, most of the shootings involve people who are mentally ill, so I guess they are to focused on killing people to realize that.

I just hope I don't end up getting shot at school some day, because I'm a fucking asshole to some people. I know at least 2 kids who would come to school and shoot me first, or at least get me eventually. But if I have to die because I was shot, I don't want to get shot in high school. Maybe in my 40s or 50s.
Well it all depends on how you look at things. IF your friend called her that first, I can see why she punched him. If she started it, then got called a name, then punched him, then it's the girl's fault. Otherwise I see the boy asking for it.

As a girl myself, If i was called that by a boy I definately would've popped him whether I got in trouble or not.

The boy deserved to get in school suspension, but I think the girl should have gotten at least a smaller punishment. Maybe detention or something? I don't know.

What a cunt.
I like how there's no degrading words for white people or for men in this country. I agree with you, Sully. It was dumb of your friend to call her a cunt, but she had no right to hit him. Why? Because he wouldn't have had recourse to assault had she said equally insulting to him. Your friend could always go to a seedy part of your town and hire some roughneck bitch to rearrange this girl's face.
If any guy would mess with my aunt, my Dad or Uncle would beat the shit out of them (they actually beat the shit out of a lot of people, and I mean a lot), when a chick messed with my aunt, my Dad would get a girlfriend to beat the shit out of the girl.

Although, both of these kids are in special what I'm saying is..they're a few fries short of a happy meal.
He should have been mildly scolded at best, detention at worst.

She should have gotten a full-blown out-of-school 10 day suspension.

I bet she feels like she can just punch people without any repercussions now.
Calling a girl a cunt supposedly holds the same weight as calling a black guy a ****** to his face. He deserved it, and she had every right to punch him.
Calling a girl a cunt supposedly holds the same weight as calling a black guy a ****** to his face. He deserved it, and she had every right to punch him.

First of all, no she didn't. Gay people have the right to get married, women have the right to vote, a right doesn't give a privilege to punch somebody in the face because they called you a mean name and hurt your feelings. Whether it's ******, cunt, nerd, you don't fucking punch people in the face.

I'm not complaining at my friend, or even the girl who punched him. I don't care about why she did it, or if she had a right to, what I was pissed about, is that the school punished the boy, but didn't punish the girl.

I'm sure my friend is pissed off about the whole thing to, as is his family. If I was him I would sue her. I could easily win a case with that situation. What's gonna be her defense? He called me a cunt, so I punched him. The court room would laugh in your face. All though I don't think they can hold two children going at each other in court, so I don't think that would work.

If it was me, I would beat the shit out of her. My defense..I thought she was a dude.
I hate the fucking "they want equal rights so you should be able to hit them back" argument. I guess that makes you a big man admitting you would beat up a girl instead of restraining her by grabbing her arms and waiting for help to come. Sorry for having morals.

If there is more to the story where the girl antagonized him which lead to him calling her a cunt then yes I would say he didn't deserve to get hit, but with what you are saying he started it thus opening himself up. He should have known calling someone a name like that would obviously infuriate the person. His fault.
Did he go down from th shot?

I don't think so. People were exaggerating a lot as it was, if he went down, the story would have gotten a lot more out of hand.

The next thing that I would have been told, was that she tackle him to the ground, banged his head off the wall, knocked a few teeth out, and gave him a concussion.

I did hear that he almost cried though...

I remember in 6th grade, the second to the last day of school, he fucked with this fat kid, and that fat kid beat the shit out if him. He's not really a chubby fat kid, more of a linemen type of fat kid.
I don't see why calling a girl a cunt is such a bad thing. They have a cunt, I have a dick and if someone called me a dick I wouldn't give a fuck.
But if you did give a fuck, you can always punch the dude in the face. Don't worry, you won't get punished for it.
Lol, I can't see Milenko knocking anyone "the fuck out".

But if you see a women hitting a man for any reason..what? We see Double Standards rear it's nasty head again.
I hate the fucking "they want equal rights so you should be able to hit them back" argument. I guess that makes you a big man admitting you would beat up a girl instead of restraining her by grabbing her arms and waiting for help to come. Sorry for having morals.

If there is more to the story where the girl antagonized him which lead to him calling her a cunt then yes I would say he didn't deserve to get hit, but with what you are saying he started it thus opening himself up. He should have known calling someone a name like that would obviously infuriate the person. His fault.

What if the woman was bigger and stronger? Would you try and restrain her knowing she could over power you or retalliate?

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