I hate people...

Nothing wrong with big girls if they're pretty or have a good personality. I had one in high school but she turned out to be completely crazy and ended up dropping out so she could move to Arizona with her online boyfriend.

Yes, this is the one who decided to hand-rape me in the middle of a pep rally, and no I did not jizz in her hand.

They aren't exactly my preferred type, but there;s nothing wrong with them. Oh, except if they're bitches. Then they can be made fun of all you want, but that applies to everyone.
The girl I was talking about isn't very pretty, to be honest. But that still doesn't give people the right to talk about her. I don't even like her and it annoys me because they do it so much.

Telling us about it doesn't do any good. If it bothers you stand up for her and tell off the guys that are talking shit about her.
seriously though kick them right in the sack and tell them to fuck off.

If you do this everytime they make fun of her I'm sure they'll get the hint.
Nothing wrong with big girls if they're pretty or have a good personality. I had one in high school but she turned out to be completely crazy and ended up dropping out so she could move to Arizona with her online boyfriend.

What's really scary about that statement is that it sounds almost exactly like someone I knew.

You didn't happen to go to high school in Missouri, did you?
DirtyJosé;2555387 said:
He'll treat them right.

Nothin' finer.

Didn't seem to bother you until after that went sour.

Ah, I see. I have learned something today.

There's a thread for you in The Cage somewhere.

Haters gonna hate. More fatties for us, amigo.

Only women are supposed to be held to an unfair standard of appearance, didn't you know?

You said it,brah. Fist Pound. *explosion*
I don't care if the girl is "nasty" and "fat", you aren't better than her and you shouldn't be picking on her.
Depends on how you define and quantify "better". If they aren't nasty and/or fat, w/o knowing anything else it would seem they're already headed in the right direction of "better than".
Fat girls that think they're hot deserve to be made fun of.

I think the ones that are being referred to are the ones that prance around in public wearing clothes that would only be found at Gap Kids, or what you'd see the WWE Divas trying to wear when wrestling, only these ladies wear them when going to the grocery store...that's considered highly inappropriate....
not only inappropriate but vomit inducing as well. like fatties that insist on wearing low cut jeans and thongs.

*things that make you go bleh*
I'm guessing he used to be a fat girl that got teased. and the only reason he thinks he is a boy now is because of that small tuft of fat down there that he thinks is a penis.
If your feeling helpfull why not buy her a treadmill for her birthday, or go the easy route and get her a gastric band.

And by "her" I actually mean "you"

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