Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Obviously you're talking about Riot Fest, you are aware you don't have to camp out at the festival grounds, you can get a hotel right? Are you going to Chicago or Denver?
Obviously you're talking about Riot Fest, you are aware you don't have to camp out at the festival grounds, you can get a hotel right? Are you going to Chicago or Denver?

That's true, and likely what I'll do. Or maybe Air BnB it. Staying at the festival grounds would be exhausting.

I wasn't aware there was a Denver one. I'll probably do Chicago as I'd imagine a flight there is cheaper from Boston than one to Denver.
That's true, and likely what I'll do. Or maybe Air BnB it. Staying at the festival grounds would be exhausting.

Plus you're probably gonna want a shower at the end of the night, & with a hotel you'll probably get breakfast, which will be one less meal to pay for.

I wasn't aware there was a Denver one. I'll probably do Chicago as I'd imagine a flight there is cheaper from Boston than one to Denver.

I'd try & get in touch with CH David if you have time. He could probably give you some pointers on getting around the city, & places to check out outside of the festival if you have time.
Plus you're probably gonna want a shower at the end of the night, & with a hotel you'll probably get breakfast, which will be one less meal to pay for.

I'd try & get in touch with CH David if you have time. He could probably give you some pointers on getting around the city, & places to check out outside of the festival if you have time.

Actually, I'll conveniently be in Chicago in July with my dad to see a Cubs/Mets game (go Mets), so I'll have a small chance to get a quick lay of the land.

Can't hurt to meet up with CH David and his fiance, though. Another WrestleZoner I can add to my collection... of people I've met in real life from the forum.
I've hung out with him a few times and met his fianceé. Both get a big thumbs up from me

Despite the fact that David and I had a short overlap when we were both regulars here, he and I have actually talked quite a bit.

In fact, I may have drunk FB messaged him once. I'm deeply ashamed of that, but it happened.
Saw the Deadpool movie. I really liked it. Thought it had the right amount of action, comedy, and drama without taking itself too seriously.
Wow, you're late to the game on that one.

But yeah, the Deadpool movie was excellent. It reminded me of Guardians of the Galaxy in approach in that it managed to keep things serious when it needed to be serious, but also had plenty of fun so you didn't get overwhelmed by the absurd problems the heroes faced.
I thought Deadpool was pretty shit. Constant comedic bits with a very low rate of it actually being funny. Of course I seem to in the small minority that didn't like it, and I don't like recent Deadpool comics so it wasn't exactly made for my enjoyment.
I thought Deadpool was pretty shit. Constant comedic bits with a very low rate of it actually being funny. Of course I seem to in the small minority that didn't like it, and I don't like recent Deadpool comics so it wasn't exactly made for my enjoyment.

I find the comics to be wildly inconsistent. I like when people write Deadpool as a superhero (or mercenary, whatever role he's playing) first and a comedian second, not a comedian first and a superhero/merc second. I find when writers attempt to do the latter, it's usually decidedly unfunny and much more dull.
I saw a trailer for it before the X-Men movie and thought it looked decent, so I'll probably check it out. I don't have super high hopes for it, but I think it has potential to be an above average action movie.

Plus I really like Margot Robbie.
Suicide Squad looks like it could either be really fun or a colossal fucking trainwreck. I fear it'll be the latter, although I do like David Ayers as a director for the most part.
When one of our clients at work isn't doing well, a clinician has to ask them a series of questions, two of them being, "Are you feeling suicidal? Homicidal?"

And I always want to add in, "Genocidal?" but I also don't want to get yelled at/fired. Plus I'm pretty sure nobody would get the reference.

If Sabu made a surprise appearance for the WWE (which would be weird, but certainly far from the weirdest surprise appearance possible), I wonder if they'd say genocidal. WWE is pretty PC, and making light of genocide is about as un-PC as you can get.
Sabu vs Rey is one of my favourite matches of this century. Nothing 2016 WWE would let Sabu do would be Sabu enough to top that.
I like to appear from the ether every once in a while to make comic book recommendations. Today's selection:

Dan Slott's Silver Surfer, the DNA of which people have correctly identified as being from Doctor Who, but also from a grander tradition of British sci-fi, like Judge Dredd. Dan Slott is an American so I can accuse him of no less than cultural appropriation.

Tom King's The Vision, which is probably more similar to something like Twin Peaks, i.e. incredibly dark for a story the premise of which is "The Vision builds himself a family."

And don't forget the best Spider-Man book in decades, Ms. Marvel.
Sheesh, comic books. I haven't bought one in quite a while, sad to say.

Of those suggestions, Silver Surfer piques my interest the most. I'm not even a fan of Dr. Who OR Silver Surfer, but those two things together sounds fascinating.
I picked up as many issues as I could fine of Jason Aaron's Dr. Strange run, haven't really had time to read them yet though so I can't tell you if they're good or not, but I'm betting it is seeing as how they're written by Jason Aaron & all, his track record is pretty solid.
Looking back at Lee's shoot thread right now. You and Doc fighting reminds me of the raised voices waking me up in the middle of the night after my mother had finished the whole bottle of wine waiting for my dad to finally come through the door. It hurts.
Looking back at Lee's shoot thread right now. You and Doc fighting reminds me of the raised voices waking me up in the middle of the night after my mother had finished the whole bottle of wine waiting for my dad to finally come through the door. It hurts.

It's crazy to think that Doc and I used to be at odds at certain points in this forum's history. We moved past it in a big way, though.

I think we revisited those moments fairly recently and both of us attempted to take responsibility for the arguing. It's definitely more my fault though, don't let him tell you otherwise.

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