Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Oh haaaaaay Theo.

I don't really understand why Marvel rebooted, but if I had to guess it would be because they figure their loyalists will keep buying their comics and this would open up the door to getting a whole new base of customers. Unfortunately, for people like me who love Marvel but aren't frequent comic buyers, it pretty much kills my interest in trying to get into their stuff, especially because they really threw my favorite franchise under the bus.

My understanding from talks with the comic shop owners I talk to was that the reboot last year was done to draw interest and build up their Civil War II run and then another reboot was done for the post CWII run. No idea why they just couldn't continue as planned after CWII but what do I know? I'll check out some of the new reboots and see if they're any good. The X-Men thing has me a bit ticked as most of my subs were X-Men and Guardians.
The Death of X shit is just stupid. Only thing I've really read from Marvel lately is Jason Aaron's Dr. Strange book, it's pretty good so far.
They got me with that Logan trailer. Holy hell. Looks like they're pulling from Old Man Logan and Second Coming. The Reavers are a great choice for guys to get shredded.
They got me with that Logan trailer. Holy hell. Looks like they're pulling from Old Man Logan and Second Coming. The Reavers are a great choice for guys to get shredded.

While I loved the Logan trailer, I felt it missed a trick. They could have made the fact that this is a Wolverine/X-Men film a big reveal at the climax of the trailer.

Take out the mention of mutants at the beginning and cut down the mentions of Logan and Charles and there is some mystery over what exactly this movie is about. Even have the fight scenes not show Wolverine's claws.

Then at the end have Logan reveal his claws to save himself, allowing things to fall into place - Logan, Charles, claws... holy shit, this is a Wolverine/X-Men movie!
I'd ask this in my own thread but Jake would hit me on the nose with a newspaper:

Guardians 2, Logan, Thor Ragnarok... Lego Batman; this year could be a worldly for superhero films. Wonder Woman and Justice League, assuming anybody still gives a fuck about the DC Universe, are also out this year, aren't they?

Don't worry, I'll watch Toni Erdmann tomorrow to cleanse myself.
I'd ask this in my own thread but Jake would hit me on the nose with a newspaper:

Guardians 2, Logan, Thor Ragnarok... Lego Batman; this year could be a worldly for superhero films. Wonder Woman and Justice League, assuming anybody still gives a fuck about the DC Universe, are also out this year, aren't they?

If superhero geeks didn't give up on the concept after Batman and Robin, they won't give up after Batman vs. Superman.

However, the other movies you have named do excite me, although I'd wager that Logan will be a disappointment, and Thor Ragnarok could be another, "good enough," for the Marvel crew. But the other two movies I think will be very enjoyable.

Don't worry, I'll watch Toni Erdmann tomorrow to cleanse myself.

Say what you will about those Germans, but they know how to make a film... apparently.

I still looki9ng forward to Wonder Woman, I'm sure JL will be fine, though I wish they ditch Snyder.

I don't see how Justice League could be fine unless they fire Snyder. I recently came to the conclusion that he's a slightly more artistic Michael Bay.
I don't see how Justice League could be fine unless they fire Snyder. I recently came to the conclusion that he's a slightly more artistic Michael Bay.

I am far more forgiving of these movies than you are. I didn't hate BvS, I thought there was actually a pretty decent Batman movie buried in there, & I enjoyed all the Wonder Woman stuff as well, it's the Superman shit that sucked, & unfortunately there was a lot of it in that film.
I am far more forgiving of these movies than you are. I didn't hate BvS, I thought there was actually a pretty decent Batman movie buried in there, & I enjoyed all the Wonder Woman stuff as well, it's the Superman shit that sucked, & unfortunately there was a lot of it in that film.

I actually haven't seen it. I was referring to all the other movies I've seen of his, mainly 300 and Watchmen, but also Man of Steel.

He makes movies that appeal to the adolescent boy in us. He's like hair metal: it's flashy, feels like a party, gets your heart racing, and every now and then has some substance. But mostly it's just the same thing over and over again and probably has VD.
It's the logo for Ragnarok - which is eighties as fuck - that has me hyped for that film. Genuinely.

Watchmen never quite lived up to its first five minutes but I must admit I actually do quite like it.
It's the logo for Ragnarok - which is eighties as fuck - that has me hyped for that film. Genuinely.

I'm excited for it because Dr. Strange will be in it. Say what you will about him, but I am fully aboard the Cumberbatch train.

Watchmen never quite lived up to its first five minutes but I must admit I actually do quite like it.

That's because you're a huge nerd.

Oh wait, so am I.

Maybe it's worth a rewatch now that I've actually read the graphic novel, but I'm not sure I want to commit two plus hours to a movie I remember being aggressively dull.

I hear Watchmen talk, I hear Let it Go. This is who I am now.

I was going to make a joke about how none of the actors that had major roles in Watchmen have gone on to have good careers, but that's actually not true. Some of them have even had pretty big hits in the past few years. The guy who played The Comedian had one of the biggest moments on TV last year as Walking Dead's Neagan, and Patrick Wilson was in The Conjuring which was easily one of the best horror films of the decade thus far.
Going into Watchmen, who would have been considered the biggest "star" of the cast? Billy Crudup? I guess arguably the biggest draw was the idea of Watchmen actually finally making it onto the screen.

The Patrick Wilson/Conjuring comment reminded me that I really must watch Stoker again. Can't recall much about it aside from it being filmed very nicely and a long abiding sense of unease. I'm easily be pleased by someone named Goode playing a bit of a bastard.

Giving this thread a big ol' bump to see if anybody is watching the new season of Orange is the New Black. I think it may be the best season yet, though it's hard to compare seeing that I think I've watched each of the 5 seasons in less than a week a piece.
I just wanted to take the opportunity this thread affords me to get back up and say:

Go see Baby Driver.

Fucking phenomenal movie. I'm not a hardcore Edgar Wright guy by any means, but that movie made me a believer; the guy is seriously brilliant.

I don't want to give away too much about the movie because I think it's good to go in fresh, but if anybody else has seen it, let me know, I'd love to talk about it!
For your information I have both a tablet and several of those TPBs in hardcover. But I appreciate you looking out for me.

For prices like those I might be tempted to indulge in buying a few even though I haven't picked up a superhero comic in ages.
Yeah, this thread is pretty much collecting cobwebs these days. Sad to say I can't really remember the last time we had a good conversation going in this thread.
That seems likely. Also, if you look at the top contributors to this thread, you may notice that almost none of them post here anymore, or at least not regularly.

Who needs those quitters anyway, am I right?
Another "I had nowhere else to post this," comment:

I'm about 5 minutes away from finishing Season 1 of Friends From College on Netflix. My sister told me about it and it has a great cast, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

It's pretty fucking brutal, man. Very depressing. Does not paint marriage or friendship in a kind light.
That seems likely. Also, if you look at the top contributors to this thread, you may notice that almost none of them post here anymore, or at least not regularly.

Who needs those quitters anyway, am I right?

Quitters always win though. That's what the inspirational Tom Brady has taught me. So a quitter I am. However I'm not winning. So who knows.

I just wanted to take the opportunity this thread affords me to get back up and say:

Go see Baby Driver.

Fucking phenomenal movie. I'm not a hardcore Edgar Wright guy by any means, but that movie made me a believer; the guy is seriously brilliant.

I don't want to give away too much about the movie because I think it's good to go in fresh, but if anybody else has seen it, let me know, I'd love to talk about it!

Baby Driver was freaking awesome dude. I'd be willing to say it was the best movie I went to see this year. Hands down.

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