Oh haaaaaay Theo.
I don't really understand why Marvel rebooted, but if I had to guess it would be because they figure their loyalists will keep buying their comics and this would open up the door to getting a whole new base of customers. Unfortunately, for people like me who love Marvel but aren't frequent comic buyers, it pretty much kills my interest in trying to get into their stuff, especially because they really threw my favorite franchise under the bus.
My understanding from talks with the comic shop owners I talk to was that the reboot last year was done to draw interest and build up their Civil War II run and then another reboot was done for the post CWII run. No idea why they just couldn't continue as planned after CWII but what do I know? I'll check out some of the new reboots and see if they're any good. The X-Men thing has me a bit ticked as most of my subs were X-Men and Guardians.