Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Wanna know something fucked up?

I'm an outreach worker (like a social worker but not masters level), and I have a client who had a psychotic break and brutally stabbed two of his sisters. One of them is okay, but scarred pretty bad, the other one still hasn't regained full use of her hands and needs help eating.

He was found competent by the state to stand trial. He's going to be tried for attempted murder. His family doesn't even want to press charges, but the state is going to.

Jimmy Snuka could possibly get murder charges dropped because he can barely recognize his own wife right now.

And then there's people like the Affluenza kid who killed four people and basically got off for free because he didn't realize the consequences of his actions... like my client who has severe schizophrenia and had been in and out of psych hospitals for months before the incident did.

Our justice system is a joke.
Wanna know something fucked up?

I'm an outreach worker (like a social worker but not masters level), and I have a client who had a psychotic break and brutally stabbed two of his sisters. One of them is okay, but scarred pretty bad, the other one still hasn't regained full use of her hands and needs help eating.

He was found competent by the state to stand trial. He's going to be tried for attempted murder. His family doesn't even want to press charges, but the state is going to.

Jimmy Snuka could possibly get murder charges dropped because he can barely recognize his own wife right now.

And then there's people like the Affluenza kid who killed four people and basically got off for free because he didn't realize the consequences of his actions... like my client who has severe schizophrenia and had been in and out of psych hospitals for months before the incident did.

Our justice system is a joke.

Did you see that Snuka is appearing at WrestleCon next year? Yeah he's fine enough for an autograph signing but not enough for a trial. Funny how that works.
Not only that, but he committed those crimes when he was competent. It's the exact opposite of what my client is going through: he was literally psychotic when he committed the crime, but then he went to the psych hospital/prison where he was treated and brought back to sanity and was then declared competent. Snuka committed the crimes when he was competent, doesn't go to trial for like 30 years, and now he's too old and brain damaged to be found competent.

Government Bureaucrats. There's a hearing at Seton Hall Newark that DDD is hosting for the Statewide Transition Plan that is going to restrict new and existing housing projects from accepting any new adults with special needs.

I suppose it varies state to state. Massachusetts does really well with special needs people. There's an entire state department for special needs people that connects them with resources and there are dozens of companies that contract out from the government to serve special needs people.

I should also point out that special needs is different from mentally ill, in MA anyway. Here the mentally ill fall under the care of the Department of Mental Health, whereas special needs people fall under the care of the Department of Developmental Services. I've worked with both, but currently work with mentally ill people (I prefer working with mentally ill people, personally).
Here in good ol' Oklahoma, the state just keeps chipping away at any benefits they can. The program in Paul's Valley closed and the entire South-east side of the state's been scrambling to figure out what to do and how to take care of these poor people. It's all one sad and pathetic mess.

Your point about the legal system is one of those things that just gets me angry. You see this backwards bullshit all the time in every part of the system whether it's violent or something petty. Teens being charged with child pornography for taking their own picture with a law that was suppose to be for their protection, shoplifters being put in jail for 3 months on first time offenses, and treating mental illness the same way we did back in the 1800s.
Reading half of this crap can make you angry at the world and ruin your smile for the day.
Gonna flat out admit it: I don't remember enterkey. I feel bad about it.

Are you the guy that just had an endless catalog of boob pics and gifs? If so, welcome back.

Nothing is going on on the forums these days. Some interesting stuff happened here and there, most recently Coco getting himself permabanned on purpose, and we had another BZT last month, but since then it's been quiet. Though I haven't been following this Spoderman tjing, maybe that's something?
You read All-New X-Men? The one with the time travel. I need to know if it's decent.

Yeah, I think I have a few TPBs for All New X-Men. I really liked it, but it does fall off at some point (around the time the time jumping gal leaves the crew (sorry for the spoilers)), but up to that point it's pretty good.
Yeah, I think I have a few TPBs for All New X-Men. I really liked it, but it does fall off at some point (around the time the time jumping gal leaves the crew (sorry for the spoilers)), but up to that point it's pretty good.

When Marvel rebooted last year, All New X-Men became incredibly below average. And now Marvel rebooted again. Though I look forward to Death of X series that they're coming out with. But the run prior was pretty solid.

Oh and hi there fella! First post here (or anywhere for that matter) in a long, long time.
When Marvel rebooted last year, All New X-Men became incredibly below average. And now Marvel rebooted again. Though I look forward to Death of X series that they're coming out with. But the run prior was pretty solid.

Oh and hi there fella! First post here (or anywhere for that matter) in a long, long time.

Oh haaaaaay Theo.

I don't really understand why Marvel rebooted, but if I had to guess it would be because they figure their loyalists will keep buying their comics and this would open up the door to getting a whole new base of customers. Unfortunately, for people like me who love Marvel but aren't frequent comic buyers, it pretty much kills my interest in trying to get into their stuff, especially because they really threw my favorite franchise under the bus.

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