The Official Favourite Sport and Why Thread

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Hello! and welcome to the official favourite sport and why thread, here you get to say what your favourite sport is but you must give a reason
with the reasons there is a 4 scentence min. on why! so start posting!

My favourite sport is rugby as many of you know. I like rugby because there is nothing more enthrilling then playing rugby in the pouring rain and dump-tackling your opponent down onto the floor. It is also my favourite sport because it keeps you active and teaches you that teamwork.
Rugby is also my favourite sport because you get to ruck and maul your opponent which you can't do in football/soccer, also there is less diving in rugby then there is in football/soccer.

Now its your turn so get posting! remember 4 scentence minimum]

pastie out!
Even though its called "sports enternainment" wrestling is still my favorite sport. Its so much more enternaining to watch than two people hitting a ball from one side of the court to the other. I wish that my high school had a wrestling team cause I'd join it in a heart beat. If my school had a wrestling team than I'd actually do sport and not wag it. :)
My favorite sport is football. I've been going to watch Stoke play since I was 5. I think I like it so much because my Grandad used to take me when I was young, although he's too old to go with me now. A few year's ago I got banned from going to matches (Because I acted like a dick) and now that the ban is up I really appreciate every match I go to.
My Favourite sport is soccer wanna know why just backtrack to the world cup.
The whole world accept ignorant americans Stop and watch the spectacle that is the world cup it drags you in and captavates you and its a chance for you to show pride for your country.
Me and my mates spent so many nights at the bar watching betting drinking crying getting caught up in the emotions of it all AWESOME stuff
Rugby League is the top for me. It is one of the most exciting sports out there and unpredictable as well. It's a sport that all Americans would love because it is just so physical and enjoyable. Rugby League is at a tie with Aussie Rules for popularity in East Australia but sorry to all Victorians but I think Rugby League could kick the AFL's arse. BTW the NRL is the best competition in Australia.

Whenever somebody says football I think of american football. That is my favorite sport. I just like the strategy involved and the fact I grew up watching it, I had season tickets to the raiders for 2 years. I just grew up on the sport, Its not really fast paced but the hits and strategy involved in the game are great.

I used to like the Raiders, but they have gone downhill recently, after my dad passed I kinda drifted towards the Patriots. Tom Brady is awesome, in a day when flash is so important and so many have forgotten the basics, he is a flashback to Joe Montana.
Football / Soccer

why ? Because it provides frills and spills. Also i am good at it which makes it fun when i skip pass the fat defenders :)
Baseball is mine, with basketball as a close second. I've played both. I still play high school basketball. I really don't know why I like them, I just do. Mine probably go: baseball, basketball, pro wrestler(NOAH esq. wrestling, WWE is not a sport), and football. I'm one of the few Canadians they hates hockey.
football(soccer 4 americans)
is da world game. ive played it for years
ive been goalie 2 striker and its great all over da ground
My favourite sport is Football (or Soccer) it is a chance to represent which town/city/country your from. It is a game with so much passion and hatred for other teams, its what my weekends are all about. Nothing gives you a better thrill than travelling to home or away games and watching your team play. The atmosphere, the excitement, the game itself. Its magic!

The other thing that spoils the sport is fans that give football a bad reputation for hooliganism and glory supporters (Chelsea / Man Utd / Arsenal and Liverpool)
My favorite sport is American football.
I've been watching it for many years, and where I live, really isn't a whole lot to do on a Sunday but watch the Packers.
The rare chances i get to go to a Packer game make me love the game even more, the atmosphere at Lambeau is fantastic.
American Football would definitely have to be my favorite sport. The excitement during a football game is hard to match (even for a soccer/football game). I've personally been to at least 25 pro soccer games, including one during the 2006 World Cup, and the atmosphere is not even like a NFL game.

If you go to a San Francisco 49ers vs. Dallas Cowboys game during the 1990s, the buildup and excitement is huge due to their rivalry. It's like Paris/Marseille or Barcelona/Real Madrid in soccer... Same for a Super Bowl game. I speak from experience having been to 2 49ers-Cowboys games and one Super Bowl...

Plus the sport is actually more fun to play IMO, it's a bit rougher and less tiring. There are a lot more rules and strategies, and 50+ players on a team, making it harder to follow in general, but a lot more fun if you are really into it.
I play a lot of sports in high school so it's hard to pick one. My favorite would have to be football (american) because I got a scholarship from the University of Texas and I'm going to play for them when I finish my senior year. Why I love football? Because it's the most aggressive sport out there and you really get to kick ass and take names on the field. Wrestling and Baseball would be 2nd and 3rd.
My favorite sport would maybe be Basketball but it is also hard for me to pick though. In my free time thats usually what I do is go down to the court or the SBC and play with some friends. I'm a big basketball head I was pretty much brought up on it, even if im not playing I still know alot about the game and I usually get between 15-20 points when I play but I like it because it's alot of heart in the sport like Football and you have to push your body and both sports are very competitive but to me College sports can be a little btter because people are fighting more harder and it's actually more about the sport then the money in a way. And also unlike my friend who HATES sports which I don't understand why, Ace you know who that is lol sports should always be apart of someones life don't matter what kind it is though just get out and play!!!
My favorite sport is also american football there is nothing like it, you truly have to be an outstanding athlete to play this sport. there are to many good thing to list about. just watch players like vick, brady, and tomlinson then you will know what im talkin about.
A tie between soccer and hockey

Hockey - I've had a huge passion for hockey ever since I was a yougn'n Im a goalie every time I skate on that ice in my crease ready for every shooter that will shoot that puck right at the net i'll be there to stop it.

Soccer - In soccer im a really offensive player in my soccer league the past 3 or 2 years i've been named MVP
When I was younger, definetly soccer/football. I was a goalie my whole life, then broke both my legs and was done with that.

Hit my growth spurt and started to play basketball, real nice when you're 6'4", then had a bunch of ankle injuries and ended that career too. Damn legs.

Now I watch mostly American Football. Just the strategy is amazing in that game. College Basketball is great too. I try to watch soccer, and love the World Cup, but trying to watch the MLS is like watching grass grow. The level of competition is so sub par tot he rest of the world it's sickening.

I love it now. One of the local channels has picked up English soccer games and shows them late nite, so i find myself watching those more then anything now. Couldn't tell you whose playing,b ut I just love watching soccer fans, they are the most rabid and loyal fan base anywhere.
I love football. It's the only sport I'm good at and I always get most excited for the NFL season more than other sports.
My favorite sport has always been baseball. It's just the best game ever to me. I've loved it since I was a kid in part because of my dad taking me to Red Sox games but also because I was an avid baseball player all throughout my youth. I was actually pretty damn good too, one of the few things I was good at, held the season record for most homeruns in a season for my high school. That was a while ago though for all I know it could be broken now.

Baseball is just the most fun to me. Nothing I enjoy more then a hot summer day with some burgers and dogs on the grill, drinking copious ammounts of beer and watchin a Red Sox-Yankees game.

Incase you didn't catch it I'm a die hard Sox fan, in part because I was born in Boston. Now for the obligatory fuck yankees shout out...

My favourite sport is Rugby League. I am a huge Leeds Rhinos fan, and go to every single match. I love the atmsphere of a crowd. I love the fact you can get along with fans from any other team, whereas this causes fights in football. It's also such an unpredictable sport. Any team can beat any other. The table means nothing, especially in the late stages, where everyone has their eyes on that one goal. The Super Leagu Trophy.

I also enjoy football (soccer), however got a lot of stick for my teams. The English premiership generally bores me, it's too much about attack, and they make too many errors. I enjoy Portugese football, and support FC Porto. In internationals, I support Portugal. Which, after they knocked England out of the World Cup, I get a lot of stick for. But I love them, so it doesn't stop me.
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