Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Fantastic Four should be pretty easy to figure out, for starters set it in the 60's where it belongs, it should be treated as a sci-fi time period flick.

I'm not sure whether you plagiarised this from me or whether the idea is blindingly obvious. Probably the latter.

Disagree with all of this. DoFP was adequate, and Singer is an okay director that made one great movie, and I'm not sure he deserves as much credit as he gets.

I'm not sure whether the great movie you're referring to is The Usual Suspects (not my cup of tea) or X-Men 2 (more my cup of tea). I'd imagine Public Access is too obscure. I've only two complaints about Singer's X-Men films: 1) an overemphasis on Wolverine, 2) his reluctance to put the fuckers in the classic blue and yellow. Jack the Giant Slayer was much better than it had any right to be and Superman Returns would have been much better received had it been released in 1978.

Days of Future Past had all the period espionage I require from an X-Men film and all the time-hopping, apocalyptic brutality. I was on board the moment Colossus got his head caved in. The sheer fanboy joy of seeing so many characters realised on screen. So many plates spinning but they all stayed aloft. The Quicksilver sequence re-established Singer as the absolute king of the action setpiece.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if they'd let George Miller make his Justice League movie.
I have a terrible confession to make.

I had to take an Uber to work the other day as my neighbor had blocked my car in the driveway. The Uber driver was listening to the local top 40 station, and while for the most part the music did nothing for me, the last song I heard in the car sounded pretty good, though I was fairly certain it was heavily edited for radio play.

I forgot about it for the rest of the day until I was talking about music with my roommate and remembered I had heard this cool song that I wanted to look up.

After struggling to find the song (I mistakenly thought the lyrics were, "you can go fuck yourself,"), I finally discovered what it was. It's apparently a very popular song right now and is the artist's hottest track on Spotify.

It's called Love Yourself. It's by Justin Beiber. Without knowing who's song it was, I liked a Justin Beiber song.

And I still do. It's a pretty good song. It would be better if he said fuck yourself instead of love yourself, but it's still a decent song. It's got a little Culture Club in it, a little Jack Johnson, a little... you know what, I don't have to fucking explain myself to you nerds, it's an okay song, leave me alone!

Seriously though, after overcoming the overwhelming shame of having liked a Justin Beiber song, I've made peace with my masculinity and decided I don't need to sepuku myself.

tl;dr I listened to a new song on the radio that I enjoyed, later found out it was by Justin Beiber, and still like the song.
I have a terrible confession to make.

I had to take an Uber to work the other day as my neighbor had blocked my car in the driveway. The Uber driver was listening to the local top 40 station, and while for the most part the music did nothing for me, the last song I heard in the car sounded pretty good, though I was fairly certain it was heavily edited for radio play.

I forgot about it for the rest of the day until I was talking about music with my roommate and remembered I had heard this cool song that I wanted to look up.

After struggling to find the song (I mistakenly thought the lyrics were, "you can go fuck yourself,"), I finally discovered what it was. It's apparently a very popular song right now and is the artist's hottest track on Spotify.

It's called Love Yourself. It's by Justin Beiber. Without knowing who's song it was, I liked a Justin Beiber song.

And I still do. It's a pretty good song. It would be better if he said fuck yourself instead of love yourself, but it's still a decent song. It's got a little Culture Club in it, a little Jack Johnson, a little... you know what, I don't have to fucking explain myself to you nerds, it's an okay song, leave me alone!

Seriously though, after overcoming the overwhelming shame of having liked a Justin Beiber song, I've made peace with my masculinity and decided I don't need to sepuku myself.

tl;dr I listened to a new song on the radio that I enjoyed, later found out it was by Justin Beiber, and still like the song.

Same thing happened to me. I really like that song too and yes, it would be much better if they had to balls to say fuck yourself.
I've never understood the hatred. Not a fan, but I've never found any of his songs I have come across to be bothersome or even bad when compared to peers. Same thing with Iggy Azalea.
I've never understood the hatred. Not a fan, but I've never found any of his songs I have come across to be bothersome or even bad when compared to peers. Same thing with Iggy Azalea.

With Justin Beiber I think it's two things. First of all, he definitely acts like a massive tool in his conduct. Secondly, I think his music is generally aimed at young women, and this song I'm talking about is a good example. The lyrics give every indication that he is going to tell this girl to go fuck herself, but he says love yourself instead. I think Nate is right, him and his producers and the people making the decisions for him don't want him making an angry song like that because that's not what the Justin Beiber brand is about.

But still, the second reason doesn't really merit hate. Beyonce went through the same thing with Formation recently and people got pissed off because they didn't like the theme of the song, but it wasn't for them. Beiber's music is, in general, not for men, but that doesn't mean that all men should hate him because he doesn't make music targeted at them.

Iggy Azalea is a different beast, as there's some accusations of cultural appropriation there and from what I understand this is a rare case where such an accusation may actually be merited. But being that I don't really know anything about Iggy Azalea, I stay out of that conversation.
This reminds me of GSB's thread about being a fan of P!nk, in a nice way.

I've heard a cover of Love Yourself where they say Fuck but to me it doesn't have the same impact as the use of the word love paints the person he is singing about as more egotistical and narcissistic. Plus there's the line about his momma not liking her so I think that plays into the choosing of a more passive put-down rather than an overtly aggressive one.

The recent Justin Beiber about turn has been quite interesting to observe as the general picture seems to be one of late-teen/early 20s and upwards males going from dismissing his music as shite and chastising the people who liked his music, to the ones who liked his earlier music now taking the piss out of those that used to bad-mouth him. I'm speaking in generalities of course with the above.

Can't think of anyone who has had such a relatively sudden shift in their fan-base in recent memory.

Fucking love the video for the song he did with Skrillex and Diplo too by the way

Here's a funny story of something that happened recently.

My parents were in town and I was waiting for them to arrive at my house for brunch. They texted me that they were five minutes away, so I went down to my front porch to wait for them. My roommates saw this and figured they'd come down with me to say hi with my parents. So we were hanging out on the porch and talking about traffic and the weather like a bunch of old men when my parents pulled up and laughed at how we were talking about the weather, and one of my roommates (and quite frankly, the dumbest among us), said, "Yup, we're a couple of porch monkeys."

And he didn't know that that was racist. It was just like Clerks 2. He thought that it was just a phrase to use for people who like to hang out on the porch.

It was amazing. And I was glad he said it in front of a bunch of white people and not any of my black friends.
That is hilarious.

It brings a question though, are there any other phrases rooted in racism that are used casually now without prejudice? Besides the use of ***** between friends, I cant really think of any.
So I've just spent the evening looking back fondly on the Battle Zone Tournaments and I really think our second one kicked the most ass. It also had the most interesting selection of characters for my money. Achilles, King Arthur, the like. Good times.
So I've just spent the evening looking back fondly on the Battle Zone Tournaments and I really think our second one kicked the most ass. It also had the most interesting selection of characters for my money. Achilles, King Arthur, the like. Good times.

I'd say I think about the BattleZone tournament about once a week, often because I'm playing a video game and thinking about how the protagonist would make an interesting entrant (Isaac from Binding of Isaac maybe?), or because I'm thinking about how anyone would beat Batman.

It needs to happen again. Maybe when this WrestleZone Tournament wraps up.
I'd say I think about the BattleZone tournament about once a week, often because I'm playing a video game and thinking about how the protagonist would make an interesting entrant (Isaac from Binding of Isaac maybe?), or because I'm thinking about how anyone would beat Batman.

It needs to happen again. Maybe when this WrestleZone Tournament wraps up.

"White Wolf....Wiiiisseee Wolf"
I want to change my avatar to Nas... but I just can't bring myself to do it. Partially because I don't really like the Nas avatar we have on file here, but partially because I've been rocking this Edge avatar for years.

This is a whole new kind of first world problem.
What's the deal with 2nd world problems? I mean, you hear about the first and third, but never the guys in the middle? Where are those people? Are they doing just fine?

Seinfeld rant over.
I would only accept an avatar change if it's to a custom avatar. The solution is clearly to bug an admin to add a custom Nas avatar only you can use.
I think I spent the goodwill I've stashed away on a new BZT, so I might wait a while before I request a custom avatar.

But let's face it, BZT is way better than a custom avatar. It's like a month long Christmas.
The BZTs are all among some of my favorite memories on the forum. I'm pretty sure you made the right call on what to spend your goodwill on. I'm already getting goosebumps thinking about all the matchups and arguments. I hope FitFinlay4Life is still around to participate.
I would only accept an avatar change if it's to a custom avatar. The solution is clearly to bug an admin to add a custom Nas avatar only you can use.

I asked for custom one last year. Didn't receive it. I suppose I will have to keep building up those goodwill points.
So I'm thinking about going to my first music festival. I've never been to one before, because quite frankly, it sounds really unappealing. Living outside with a bunch of other smelly, sweaty people for 3 days to listen to some music that will probably be drowned out by a bunch of assholes?

No thanks.

But the lineup for this show is practically designed for me. Bad Religion, NOFX, the ORIGINAL Mistfits, Social Distortion... four of my all time favorite punk bands!

But that's not all, they also have Nas, Method and Red, People Under the Stairs, and GZA.

And then some lesser known bands that I have actually heard of and really like. I have extremely narrow musical interests, but Fitz and the Tantrums, Swinggin' Udders, Big D and the Kids Table, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, and and Decedents are all bands that I'd love to see.

Looking at that lineup is enough to overcome my complete disinterest for musical festivals.

The other thing that this made me think of is how many drugs people do at these festivals. I'll admit to a polite curiosity in how those drugs feel and enhance your experience... but I'll never know. I know for a fact I 100% have no interest in those drugs. When I worked at the psych hospital, we'd get people who had done club drugs a hundred times, twenty times, two times... for the first time, and it can do scary shit to you, shit I never want to experience. Not worth the risk.

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