General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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I agree with you. I wouldn't tune in every week to watch shit TV.

I think everyone says it needs to be fixed because that's what these places are for. It's armchair booking at it's finest. I mean, there are holes in the shows sometimes. Not everything is a hit. People jsut like to bitch and moan because it wasn't their idea.

I think that if everyone stepped back and took in the product as a whole, they would enjoy it more. Unfortunately, a smarky crowd will get pissed and tune everything out if CM Punk doesn't look unbeatable. If John Cena wins, everyone will block out everything they like and say "WWE sux b/c John Czena wins 2 much."

It's unfortunate really. I enjoy the shows. I think that Morrison and Punk put on an amazing match. I think Swagger and Christian mix really well. I am excited for Miz and Cena. I really want Jeff Hardy to win. There is so much to be excited about. You just can't let the smarks get you down.
I agree. WWE has so much to be excited about. There's Vince back as a heel, THE best character from the Attitude Era. What is he going to do?

There's the CM Punk angle which is a brilliant one. Is he a heel even though he's done nothing against the rules? (the Morrison attack aside of course, but what does the remorse he showed mean?).

The Miz and John Cena have had an entertaining mic feud. Can they pull it off in the ring?

What will happen with John Morrison? Will he make it as the next big thing?

What can Edge do to get back into the main event without Vickie?

Jericho and Rey are having one of the best feuds in recent times. Will Rey actually lose his mask?

When is 'Taker, HBK and Batista returning? What will they do?

There's all that and I haven't even got onto ECW yet. There is so much going on, making you tune in week after week. Instead of focusing on these great events people are too busy on criticising the thirty second segments involving Hornswoggle. Thirty seconds out of at least six hours of programming a week?

The WWE is doing just fine.
We live in a capitalist society governed by relatively free markets. The only time a product needs fixing is when demand for it is diminishing and seeing as that Raw is the highest rated cable tv show in the country, nothing NEEDS to be fixed.
I don't think the WWE needs to be fixed. To say something needs to be fixed implies that it's really broken. The WWE isn't broken. But it could use a tune up. To continue the car analogy let's say that RAW, SD, ECW and pay-per-views are the four tires of the car. Right now, there's a slow leak in the RAW tire. The WWE will continue to drive fine but it's not in perfect condition.

SD provides great in ring action every single week. ECW has young stars and good wrestling in its own right. Even the PPVs have many more good matches than they do bad ones. But RAW just seems to be a step below. Just look at the PPVs. The bad matches I just mentioned usually come from RAW. The feuds in general just feel uninspired. The talent is there but it just feels like the wrong people are plugged into the top spots. It's a problem that can be fixed. Give MVP, Matt Hardy and Kofi a sniff at the main event. Have Miz look good coming out of his mini-feud with Cena. Continue to make Regal relevant to the U.S. title picture. Make the Legacy members who aren't Randy Orton look important. Etc.

As far as last week's RAW rating goes it might have just been a small boost of air in the already mentioned leaking tire. It helps but it isn't a full on patch job. RAW is very much watchable and there's usually one or two good matches each week but compared to the other shows the WWE puts on it's just not quite as good.
Yeah agreed. The fact of the matter is that WWE could slip for the next year or so and it would still be so far ahead of all other wrestling companies in the world that it's not even funny. It's the big dog and that's what it's going to be for a long, long time. There's a reason that Vince has been around for so long: he knows what he's doing better than anyone else. Despite what someone might want to tell you, WWE is in good shape right now. Raw might not be the best, but Smackdown and ECW are solid, and the young kids are coming up quickly. It's a great company right now that's very solid. It's not as great as it was, but there was no way it could maintain itself for that long anyway. The company is in great shape. The fixing that people talk about is cosmetic and nothing more.
I don't think the WWE needs fixing all that much. Really, the ones that you'll hear pissing and moaning about the WWE are hardcore members of the IWC. You know, the fans that think Shane Douglas is a god.

For those of us that were in their late teens during the beginning of the Attitude Era, like me, it was exciting and different. I lived in such a friggin' conservative small town, that the sight of anything that was deemed "inappropriate" got my attention. As of now, WWE has changed with the times, like it's had to always do in order to survive. The days of DX crotch chopping, Austin flipping the bird, Taker sacrificing someone in an occult ritual are gone because, as a society as a whole, we're much more conservative now than we were 10 and 12 years ago.

If anything needs to be "fixed", I think it's just time to be done with old feuds like the Orton/Triple H angle. I was hoping that, given what's happened with the McMahon's involvement, that something would play out with Stephanie eventually turning on Triple H, leave him for Orton and maybe even hint that Orton's the father of the kids. But, it doesn't look like it's going to happen so it's time to put it to bed.

WWE scored big last Monday, I just don't know if they can sustain those types of numbers now.
Raw pulled a 4.5 or w.e it was but that doesn't mean the product is good. People tuned in for the whole Trump storyline, but as usual was very disappointing and very bland. Raw needs to be tweaked, but Smackdown is fine as is, a very quality show week after week with great wrestling and as usual Edge is amazing. =] every other thread created is about how to fix WWE. Why? The product has vastly improved since Mania, Raw pulled a 4.8 last week, and Smackdown is stacked and consistently provides quality entertainment week after week. Extreme Rules, despite having a treacherous name, was a pretty solid PPV with the exception of Cena/Show.

Why why why does it need fixing? It's pretty entertaining right now, in my opinion.

I'm with you in that it's entertaining.

But it needs fixing in the sense that some people don't enjoy it. And yeah in typical fashion one might say "Well don't fuggin watch it", but then you wouldn't have that 4.8 rating to bounce back on if they did stop watching, lots of casual fans must be disillusioned with the current product since 4.8s aren't coming in every week, and those fans are there to be won over if it's good enough.

I've never really disliked wrestling, in fact, I probably enjoy it more now than I did when I started watching because I'm starting to be at an age where my favorite superstars are the ones who are most like me or the person I would be rather than just watching it because it's people fighting and the Rock being funny. But the fact there are complaints does show a problem, one which I can't see, but does exist.

So while I can see your point about liking it and such, and one I totally agree with, if people see something as being able to be improved, then there is room to fix it, and that's the case for me.
I believe it's just hard for people like the old school hardcore addicts like me to get into the product. I was a fan of the Old WWF back in the 80's and wasn't really into any other product till the late 90's. I hated WCW even though they had tremendous talent. I liked ECW but they didn't have the glitz and glam of a main event calibur show like WWE. It just sucks to go from the Attitude/ Invasion era where every week Raw was unpredictable and crazy. To now going to John Cena vs. The Miz. Talented sure, but lame when compared to SCSA, Rock, DX, Evolution, Hart Foundation, Brock Lesnar, Bischoff as GM, WWE vs. the Alliance, and The Corporation. TNA isn't great but a healthy alternative to same feuds over and over again. Everytime WWE pushes a new young talent, they are buried in weeks.
I followed wrestling along time. I watched it since there was a Hart Foundation. Heck, I like the tag team division. When the Brands split it wiped out the tag division and let it die a slow death. And now they are making one belt being defended on all shows. I like the PG and now that they are putting it more to the family again and no Divas are posing for Playboy anymore (boo!) I hate it. The storylines are getting so stupid.
So what I'm talking about is the fact that WWE has centered there attention on the kiddies. And you got all these wrestlers especially babyfaces sending all these great messages to them for example:

John Cena: I hate his guts, but the kiddies love him! He's a true idol for them. He talks about Loyalty and Respect and why it is important to have Loyalty and Respect!

CM Punk: Heel, baby face, or tweener, CM Punk has sent some pretty possitive messages like to not care about what people think. And not do things just to be popular. And you can achieve greatness with will power and persevereence.

Jeff Hardy: A great role model right here. He shows people it is important to be who you are and accept yourself! The dude also shows the whole follow your dreams thing.

But now here is where the problem kicks in. WWE's golden boy Triple H. Tell me what kind of a top baby face barges into some ones house destroys it, scares the fuck out off peoples family, gets sent to jail, goes around hitting people with sledge hammers, and says he was NEVER A GOOD PERSON! That's not something you want the kiddies to think of you. Whats the logic in all of this?!?!?! Thoughts please.
So what I'm talking about is the fact that WWE has centered there attention on the kiddies. And you got all these wrestlers especially babyfaces sending all these great messages to them for example:

John Cena: I hate his guts, but the kiddies love him! He's a true idol for them. He talks about Loyalty and Respect and why it is important to have Loyalty and Respect!

CM Punk: Heel, baby face, or tweener, CM Punk has sent some pretty possitive messages like to not care about what people think. And not do things just to be popular. And you can achieve greatness with will power and persevereence.

Jeff Hardy: A great role model right here. He shows people it is important to be who you are and accept yourself! The dude also shows the whole follow your dreams thing.

But now here is where the problem kicks in. WWE's golden boy Triple H. Tell me what kind of a top baby face barges into some ones house destroys it, scares the fuck out off peoples family, gets sent to jail, goes around hitting people with sledge hammers, and says he was NEVER A GOOD PERSON! That's not something you want the kiddies to think of you. Whats the logic in all of this?!?!?! Thoughts please.

Ok Jeff Hardy a great role model? Really? The guy who got busted for drugs( for 5th or 6th time)? during a huge push and then lied about it on his website? The guy who no showed events in TNA? What sort of role model is that?

Your point about Triple H is a good one.Maybe this is why the Orton fued has gone on so long. He needs someone that over as a heel, to let people know he's a face. Nothing he does seems face like to me(aside from overcoming "impossible" odds, to remind us he's "that damn good"). Mind you alot of what WWE or doing now doesn't really seem to fit in with the PG rating aside from "family friendly" wrestlers getting pushed. Alot of WWE's logic is beyond me these days.
Jeff Hardy: It's okay to do meth and heroine, so long as you only do it twice! You get three chances in life, kids! And it's also okay to paint yourself with fingerpaint and slam your body like you're headbanging with your whole torso. No brain damage potential with that, no sireemadamy!

CM Punk: He's seriously the only real solid child idol I see and believe in that McMahon utterly fucked. Doesn't matter if he's face or heel, but considering how atrociously crappy his ECW and World Heavyweight title runs were (ie, him getting dominated constantly by the likes of Mark Henry and Big Daddy V and JBL and such), I doubt kids would see him as much more than "YAY we love him----OMFG JOHN CENA WEEEEEWWWT!"

John Cena: Maybe he's a role model for kids out of the ring, but in the ring.... I don't think he's a good encouragement to kids. In almost every high profile match I've seen him in, he was the Mikey Whipwreck---being beaten on and utterly obliterated by his opponent for 90% of the match, only to randomly win out of nowhere. Now kids will think they can win fights by getting the other guy to "exhaust" themself in kicking the shit out of them?

Triple H: Clearly he's the ideal role model for kids! He buries all the nerds and shrimpy young, smaller guys not as big as him. He takes on the bigger guys and beats them down with weapons. He stalks his enemies and destroys their houses. He doesn't even take black wrestlers seriously enough to maintain kayfabe, shooting on their asses when they talk about being competitors for his title.

He's the jock. The prep. He's the American, non-blue-blood version of his "Hunter Hearst Helmsley" gimmick.

Randy Orton: Kids shouldn't wish to have Intermittent Explosive Diarrhea. It's really messy for work.
I Honestly think WWE is tryin to go back to the Heyday of when it was The WWF back in the 80's it worked back then but not now everything has changed in Pro Wrestling with the whole Jeff Hardy thing I Like him and all but when i have kids and if they watch wrestling i dont want them to see a guy who dose drugs and be like '' Hey iam a babyface but i also like to do drugs in real life '' you know it just makes me sick now that WWE is tryin to create the old WWF days but then again for 12 years they had the atitiude era and now they wanna make it '' Family Freindly'' I thought Vince didnt wanna go back to the old days but he basically is now i'll still watch WWE but to me its not the same and will never be the same and his logic his logic is like this '' hummmmmmmmmmmm we did this before back in the late 80's early 90's but the kids now a days wont remember so lets do it again its not gunna work Vinny Mac needs to fire every damn writter minus Micheal Hayes and Stephanie and start all over again with new ideas its strating to reminded me of when Vince Russo was back in the WWF its bullshit
Interesting post...I as an adult fan can see what some of you are saying about kids now VS kids then....When I was a kid...I only knew wrestlers as wrestlers...Everything is so saturated now because of the internet and the media that kids see and hear about what these guys ACTUALLY do outside of work....

Hulk Hogan told us all to train, say our prayers and take our vitamins...But during that same era...He cheated on his wife, snorted cocaine, and took steroids. And he was easily the BIGGEST influence on young wrestling fans for well over a decade!!! The difference is, we didn't hear about it because we didn't have the internet or TMZ!

As for "Role Models" on the scene now? I'd say CM Punk gives a positive message, as does Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, and Kofi Kingston. ON SCREEN...What they do in their personal lives is just that PERSONAL...I'm a good, honest, hard working person...I have the occasional drink, but I'm not an alcoholic...I take the occasional puff, but I'm not a pot-head.

I just don't think that we should have such easy access to info on their personal lives...they're still PEOPLE above all else...

Oh...and I think The Undertaker sends the most positive messages...Listen up kiddies...If you intimidate the shit out of everyone for close to 20 years, take souls, bury people alive, throw them off of enourmous cages, etc. etc. you'll all grow up to be well adjusted and respected adults!!!
Jeff Hardy: It's okay to do meth and heroine, so long as you only do it twice! You get three chances in life, kids! And it's also okay to paint yourself with fingerpaint and slam your body like you're headbanging with your whole torso. No brain damage potential with that, no sireemadamy!

CM Punk: He's seriously the only real solid child idol I see and believe in that McMahon utterly fucked. Doesn't matter if he's face or heel, but considering how atrociously crappy his ECW and World Heavyweight title runs were (ie, him getting dominated constantly by the likes of Mark Henry and Big Daddy V and JBL and such), I doubt kids would see him as much more than "YAY we love him----OMFG JOHN CENA WEEEEEWWWT!"

John Cena: Maybe he's a role model for kids out of the ring, but in the ring.... I don't think he's a good encouragement to kids. In almost every high profile match I've seen him in, he was the Mikey Whipwreck---being beaten on and utterly obliterated by his opponent for 90% of the match, only to randomly win out of nowhere. Now kids will think they can win fights by getting the other guy to "exhaust" themself in kicking the shit out of them?

Triple H: Clearly he's the ideal role model for kids! He buries all the nerds and shrimpy young, smaller guys not as big as him. He takes on the bigger guys and beats them down with weapons. He stalks his enemies and destroys their houses. He doesn't even take black wrestlers seriously enough to maintain kayfabe, shooting on their asses when they talk about being competitors for his title.

He's the jock. The prep. He's the American, non-blue-blood version of his "Hunter Hearst Helmsley" gimmick.

Randy Orton: Kids shouldn't wish to have Intermittent Explosive Diarrhea. It's really messy for work.

Is that what Jeff got busted for? Crystal Meth and Heroin? I didn't follow the terms of the busts.

Anyway, I seriously doubt those little kids surf the net looking for the big drugs busts on their fave wrestlers. But yeah, the way Jeff paints his face up like a clown is totally stupid, and soon mothers everywhere are sure to run out of make up. And the way Jeff beats his body around, kids will soon imitate him by jumping off rooftops and ladders through tables on their best friends. Not really the person we should model after.

C.M. Punk, he is the straight edge superstar. Doesn't do drugs, doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't smoke cigs. He is himself and could care less about others opinions on him. He is a champion, and he got there by working hard in the ring and gaining respect. he is the best role model WWE has.

John Cena, teaches us to hustle, to be loyal, to show respect, which is all fi8ne and dandy, and out of the ring, just like you said, he is a good role model. But yet, what about when he fights other superstars? Like Halo said, his matches are usually the same, he gets the holy *censored* beat out of him and then makes the superman comeback. So I'm a kid, a bully walks up to me, uh-oh, well I'll just lay down for 5-6 minutes get beat up, but then I'll be able to be superman, just like Johnny! Uh-huh, that's what we want to teach our kids. But otherwise, good role model.

Now for Triple H, haha, kids, remember, if you get mad a somebody, make sure you know where they live, so you can break into their house and beat the holy hell out of them, and always remeber to have trusty sledgy in you hand. And if you see someone who isn't as good as you, or isn't banging the superintendents daughter, you must put them down and let them advance no where. Haha, role model, yeah right. Way to teach our kids Paul, way to teach them.

Randy Orton? Are ya serious? Why even mention him, if my 8-9 year old cousin started punting his playmates in the head I'd personally make a trip south to find out what the heck was wrong with him.

Oh and you forgot one, The Undertaker. "May your soul slowly rot, hounds of hell, burning flesh, Rest In Peace." Perfect Mark, what a way to tell our kids what they think of others.

Some of these characters fit no where in with the PG rating, I forget the creator of this thread but you make a good point, Vince has absoloutely no logic anymore.
I just assume meth and heroine because he seems to fit the stereotypical profile. Plus it's funnier to say "meth" and to say that the fire that burned his house was likely started from a meth lab explosion. It's very cruel.

And the kids WOULDN'T have known if they hadn't drawn it out into the open! They didn't specify drugs, but it was pretty much centered around him fucking up TWICE and being on a thin line now.
The WWE has been "PG" ever since about 2007 in my opinion.

But the IWC has noted that TV rating as the cause and reason that the WWE sucks now. The WWE was PG before the Attitude Era and they're PG again. The "Attitude Era" was given that nickname (and acknowledged by the WWE) because of the heavy competition from WCW. It wasn't their normal "title"
John Cena: Maybe he's a role model for kids out of the ring, but in the ring.... I don't think he's a good encouragement to kids. In almost every high profile match I've seen him in, he was the Mikey Whipwreck---being beaten on and utterly obliterated by his opponent for 90% of the match, only to randomly win out of nowhere. Now kids will think they can win fights by getting the other guy to "exhaust" themself in kicking the shit out of them?

This is the old Hulk Hogan Syndrome. In all of Hogans big matches, during the WWF era, he would do the same thing. It makes him look like Superman when he eventually wins. I believe the lesson kids are supposed to get out of this is DONT GIVE UP. Not your ridiculous theory of let him break his hand on my face, then while he is howling in pain I will surprise him. Its unrealistic I know, but its pro wrestling, its supposed to be.
These people are not role models first of all. They are entertainers. Parents are responsible for teaching their kids how to behave. Jeez, some of you on these posts just have to bash HHH and Cena no matter what they do. Who exactly in the WWE or TNA for that matter would you really want your kids looking up to?
I feel like most of you are misunderstanding the PG rating. By definition from

Parental Guidance Suggested
This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children. Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The theme itself may call for parental guidance and/or the program may contain one or more of the following: some suggestive dialogue (D), infrequent coarse language (L), some sexual situations (S), or moderate violence (V).

The PG rating allows for a lot more than people seem to think. If i had to equate it with the movie ratings it would be more like PG-13. Everyone seems to equate it with PG, which isn't the case whatsoever.
I completely agree with you.

It's not the parental guidance that's the issue, it's much more than that.

WWE booking is poor. Wrestlers look weak, pushed back, and they have no original storylines anymore. We see the same people in the main event constantly and we see the same boring repetitive storylines over and over. WWE needs to create something different from what their usual routine. Many superstars up until this point have been treated like crap and we haven't seen any talented young superstars stepping up to carry the company.

The problem is how creative books the wrestlers. It's not PG, it's how unoriginal the writers are. Superstars don't get any creative freedom WWE tells them all the directions. WWE needs to realize that giving superstars some space is necessary to the success of the company and its usually the wrestlers that created great promos and matches not always the company.

Over the past 2 months, the WWE has slowly pushed miz and morrison into the light. Also, Steph has let the wrestlers give their own ideas on characters and such. The WWE is slowly headed in the right direction. All they need is the correct booking.
These people are not role models first of all. They are entertainers. Parents are responsible for teaching their kids how to behave. Jeez, some of you on these posts just have to bash HHH and Cena no matter what they do. Who exactly in the WWE or TNA for that matter would you really want your kids looking up to?

I agree with this. If kids see something on TV that there parents don't want to do then they should point out that it's wrong. In some cultures I believe this wacky concept is kown as "parenting". I think the point the original poster was trying to make that whilst a lot of faces are presented as "role model" types Triple H is basically a heel who fans cheer for.
Look at the mania 25 match. The stip was that if Triple H got DQed or counted out he would lose the title as well as the match. This sort of stipulation is normally reserved for heels. It didn't do Triple H any favours as it made it seem like he couldn't win without cheating(he couldn't) and Orton was almost forgotten as it became Triple H vs the rules as opposed to Triple H vs Orton. Like I say WWE's logic lately leaves me with a headache.
I have to say for everyone that said Cena being a poor role model because of the way he's booked in matches, well, that's the most idiotic thing I've ever read...EVER. You honestly believe that some kid is going to watch a Cena match and think, first I should get my tail whipped and then I need to come back from that? I'm not sure where or what decade you grew up in, but NO ONE thinks, I'm going to let this guy beat me down and then I'll make a come back to win. Just plain stupid logic.

Secondly, I have to agree that these men should not be looked at as role models. Parents should be the ones teaching morals to their children and using the actions they see on tv and movies as examples of right and wrong. This is the same argument that movies/tv/video games cause kids to kill/hurt people. No, that's bad parenting.
I will never understand what's so bad about today's WWE product, and why people are so quick to complain about it. Being marketed towards kids is not a bad thing at all. Attitude style programming is fun in doses, but eventually it got tiresome and they had to change their tune. There's nothing wrong with trying to appeal to a different audience, especially in times where kids are the ones making them the most money. You've got to know that adults aren't buying merchandise or getting every PPV they come out with. Well, some adults are. Those are the parents of the kids who endlessly beg them for it. Kids are innocent and they just want to enjoy their favorite TV shows as much as they can, so they'll be quick to accept everything that WWE gives them. It's very smart to market toward this audience as opposed to teenagers and young adults who have much more important things to worry about at those stages of their lives.

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