General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.
I started watching 2004 when I flipped to Fox 8 (The channel that plays the wwe in Australia) and saw Kane in the ring. I was bored so i kept watching, Kane was rambling on about killing his brother then suddenly the lights went out and the ring started moving. I was like kick ass. A few weeks later twas Wrestlemania 20. I ordered it despite the fact I only knew who 4 wrestlers were on the card (Kane, Taker, Lesnar, Goldberg) and by then i already knew Lesnar and Goldberg were leaving after mania 20. What really got me into the product was Benoit winning and Eddie coming to the ring to congratulate him. I was like wow.

When I think about it, I've pretty much enjoyed every single year thought 2006 was kind of boring, 04 - 05 was got me into it, the new 07 - 09 current era is what's keeping me around. Mostly ECW (which I've loved since late 07) and Smackdown (Since the HHH went back to Raw). I'm satisfied with the B and C show. I'm dissatisfied with the A show though I enjoy the mid card they've got going at the moment. (We don't get that 4th show in Australia yet). Overall I guess I would be Satisfied.
Vince needs to step aside and let Shane and Steph take over, he has lost the plot and the WWE main event and fans are suffering for it. We want new main eventers and he's not giving it to us, I for one wasglad to hear Batista will be out for a while because it frees up 1 more spot for somebody new, JOMO is getting great reactions and his moves are amazing, Kofi Kingston is starting to get noticed as is R-truth, we need these guys pushed to the top and soon because there's not a lot of time left for Vincess golden boys and were going to have no one left that's a credible champ.
I agree, Orton needs a fresh change. Who else is sick of Legacy... RAW has just gotten boring. I'd like to see a couple of heel/face shuffles. Edge would be pretty popular as a face.

As for non-title matches as ME's, I'm for it. WMXXV earlier this year hosted a great 17-0 match. I think it was about twice the length of the main event, which was awesome.

As for WM XXVI, I'd like to see Undertaker v John Cena. He's the one main eventer 'Taker is yet to face at WM, and I think they could sell a good match.

Actually, scratch that. In Cena matches WWE tries too hard. Maybe 'Taker v Khali? Could possibly work... what do you think?
i think raw is failing simply because of whats being stated before, how does cody rhodes getting beeten in a steel cage match in 2 minutes against batista make him look good, how does a viewer take him srsly as a future main eventer????

look at smackdown they have so many rising stars even tho i HATE cm punk he is getting pushed thru the roof, look at morrison he's looking great atm, and even r-truth is entertaining as hell, and is over as f*ck because he teamed with jeff hardy (tho he does get a huge pop as it is) so on smackdown i can see people like morrison/r-truth/dolph ziggler being main eventers,

now lets look at raw, matt hardy has a huge fued with jeff were he beets him twice in a row then losses 1 match after that fued he is taken seriosly but then wwe have him loose to kofi kingston/MVP in like 3minutes?????????? how does any1 take matt hardy sersly after that, MVP is doing great but yet wwe is not evne letting him properly compete in the main event, in raw's main event in 6 months the whole year has consisted of 2 fueds batista/randy ortan and tripple h/randy ortan, now theres also a new rivalry with tripss and ortan/ + in 4 months there will be the rivalry of ortan and batista again and it will most likly be for the wwe title, so by the looks this whole year will consist of 2 real fueds........

fans dont wanna see the same old bllsht over and over again, how about giving MVP a shot at the title and have him vs randy ortan and then out a spin on it and have him vs the returning hbk? sometihng fans havnt seen before, there are so many possibilitys and yet wwe chooses to use about 2 of those possibilitys

it's not hard all that wwe have to do is push them up there they dont have to feed ortan to mvp or anything just put them in a solid one on one, were ortan wins but mvp looks solid,

because if it comes to a time were both tripps and ortan a screwed and cena and bigshow are sitll in a fued randomly putting a midcard guy at the top will look weird and fans wont buy it,
The problem could be solved if we only had one champion. Unify the the WWE and WHC and let that champ crossover on both shows. The brand split worked back when they had the undisputed champion, and it could work now. We'd see fresh main event title feuds and we could see big names go at each other with no title on the line. I like Orton HHH feuds. Actaully any feud HHH is in is good because he cares when he's involved and it makes good tv. The reason it's stale is because the feud is always over the title. A non title feud with big names similar to Cena/Big Show is something different. HBK feuds are with upper tier guys and don't have titles on the line and it works with him, why can't it with others?
The problem could be solved if we only had one champion. Unify the the WWE and WHC and let that champ crossover on both shows. The brand split worked back when they had the undisputed champion, and it could work now. We'd see fresh main event title feuds and we could see big names go at each other with no title on the line. I like Orton HHH feuds. Actaully any feud HHH is in is good because he cares when he's involved and it makes good tv. The reason it's stale is because the feud is always over the title. A non title feud with big names similar to Cena/Big Show is something different. HBK feuds are with upper tier guys and don't have titles on the line and it works with him, why can't it with others?

As much as I like HHH (I really do, his entrance is intense even though it's almost ten years old now) he really only cares to look good. Yeah, he lays down for some guys like Cena and Batista but other than Backlash when has HHH laid down clean for Orton? HHH is pretty much Hogan if Hogan was a bit more agile.

The HHH/Orton feuds need to fuckin stop. Let MVP, Kofi and for God's sakes give Matt Hardy a fuckin chance already! Yeah he blows on the mic and he plays it safe in the ring, but the dude really does bust his ass and gets shafted all the time in feuds. The Hardy feud could have been on par with the Bret and Owen Hart feud but it just fizzled out so fast by having Matt lose all the time.
Smackdown is giving guys a chance it seems, Raw is just plodding through with repeats it seems.
I know you guys out there want to see the younger talent get a shot at main event status. I apologize for my fourthcoming comments BUT seriously, they dont have the look/attitude.

Miz - great on the mic but looks like a clown. Very difficult to take him seriously

Kofi Kingston - just needs some attitude to him. He looks like hes being promoted as a version of John Cena in a sense where they advertise him to kids.

I personally think R-Truth is the only person RIGHT NOW that they could give a legtimate push to and make it work. First they would need to have him stop singing his entrance song, and also give him a more serious attitude.

People love Orton not so much for his in ring-skills, or his mic work...but just his arrogance, his cockyness, the fact he feels untouchable. (the sick song doesn't hurt either)

WWE needs a more edgy personality. Morrison with that song, his character and his get up just doesnt cut it either. I think they need to make over these wrestlers so real fans can start to take them seriously.
I think if its an interesting feud that is build great and has a lot of steam going into the PPV, then yes, it should be the Main Event instead of the title. But how rarely does that happen?

It rarely happens that the top stars of the company are in the top feud and have the greatest momentum going into the PPV.

I agree, take Undertaker vs HBK at Wrestlemania 25 for example. That match was main event quality, you got the two of the biggest stars in this business going at it on the biggest PPV of them all. And look what happened, it went down as possibly the greatest match in wrestlemania history, and wasn't the main event. I mean look at how they built that match up, HBK countlessly outsmarting and trying to get into The Undertakers head. In my mind, HBK vs Undertaker should have been switched with Orton vs HHH despite that it was for the title, because a match like HBK vs Taker comes around very rarely to me.
here is my opinion.

The reason Raw is the same is because its on a Monday night and no matter what he will have viewers on Smackdown its friday night and people go out, so he can do exciting stuff there because someone can screw up and not be as noticed as if it were monday night

also. I for one am digging the whole John Cena/Miz feud. Giving Cena some time off from the main event is only going to make him stronger again when he goes for it. Also this is selling the shit out of Miz.

I am tired of seeing Orton as well, I am done with Batista.

Shawn come back feud with MVP, Matt Hardy, William Regal, HHH, Big Show, somthing spice this up. I agree with one poster, Spice it up.

As for WM is concerned. Shawn Micheals = Greatest performer in my eyes of all time. Ric Flair, Undertaker, Bret Hart, Stone Cold (mike tyson) what more does the guy have to do. I would love him to be strapped 1 more tiime. I would love the Cena/Goldust Feud. Goldust/William Regal would be nothing but pure wrestling. Cena/Hardy would be interesting, I would love to see MVP run in and cost Orton and start a Huge 1-1 MVP/Orton feud. as for HHH, let him feud with Matt Hardy, Big Slow, Kofi, Turn on Shane, who do you give the world title to, hell let there be another gold rush.I love feuds, that are entertaining, someone said 2 feuds this year well hell that is what is was a few years ago on smackdown Edge, UT, Batista. Even though John Cena cant wrestle his mics skills are through the roof. Batista couldn't even talk to a kindergarden class about why you shouldn't eat your glue.

Legacydont care about them. I loved watching the Colons. I have always like Carlito he has that Swagger.

speaking of Swagger I am a huge fan of, as for Ziggler,

Vince is getting boring and he doesnt care.

what is his deal with Mickie James why wont he push her and give her the title again, is it because she refused to pose nude? or not sleep with Him?
Let's put this in perspective. A young wrestler wants to make it big and perform in front of as many people as possible. Well, where else can you go?

At this point, a wrestler can't make huge money in TNA or ROH, and certainly cannot get the fame. I don't think it's a matter of how hard the working conditions are, it is a matter of having no other choice.


I can't say how bad it is working for WWE, as I've never worked there before. I think a lot of ex-WWE talent that shoots on WWE is doing so because they're pissed they got fired. Let's face it. You don't publicly talk shit about your boss WHILE you're still working there. And jobless people tend to be bitter.

Mick Foley chewwed on the preverbial WWE dick in his first two books, and then started complaining in his third. I love Mick as a wrestler and author, but you can see how "Uncle Vince" went from Jesus when Mick was happy, to Satan when shit wasn't going his way.

And, look at all the old retired wrestlers Vince has on staff in some capacity. He doesn't have to do that.

I think, deep down, it's like this. If you do the right thing, try very, very hard, and stay loyal to the company, Vince will always back you. But, if you mess up, Vince will become your worst nightmare.

Vince built this empire from scratch, and I believe he suffered and worked his ass off in the beginning. Put yourself in his shoes. Yeah, he messes up a lot too. But, you can shit on your own carpet. Just don't let anyone else do it. :)
Any fan of wrestling, and even the wrestlers themselves know that if you want to make it big in Wrestling, the WWE is where its at. Yet we see things like:

Breaking News: WWE Releases Umaga
Breaking News: WWE Releases Mr. Kennedy

And so on...

So what?

That's it?

Actually, yes. The WWE is a company who employs private contractors. They can let the contractors go whenever, and wherever they want. and yes, before you say it, I'm sure they have it in the contracts that the WWE can terminate the contract when they feel need, and the wrestler can negotiate out of his contract if they want. Which is what I think Umaga did.

Just because of some random reason when somone is on the top of their game, fire them?

Actually, at the very most, only Umaga was at the top of his game. Kennedy was in no way at the top of his game. He'd been shelved for the last what, year? And in his return match he not only tweaked his wrist, he almost injured the WWE champion. You know, like when he tore Cena's pectoral muscle on that back body drop. Kennedy was an injury machine. He was not at the top of his game.

Is WWE trying to get people to hate him?
2 guys who were about to get a push, and now their gone.
It may not seem like much now, but wait till it hits the bigger names.
Like Kane, or Swagger, or even Rey Mysterio after he drops the mask.

Lulz. First of all, people aren't going to hate WWE because they fired a few wrestlers. And anyone who does needs to realize that the WWE is a company that has the right to fire who they please.

Secondly, Umaga wasn't getting a push. He was losing to Punk. That's not a push, that's being jobbed out. Kennedy was going to get a push, until he almost injured the WWE champion.

Third of all, the WWE isn't going to just cut the bigger names. Why? Because unlike Kennedy and Umaga, they get reactions from the crowd. Umaga got a bigger reaction than Kennedy.

Fourth, Swagger shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Mysterio and Kane. Swagger is good, but he's not on the same plane as two established main eventers. And besides that, those three aren't just getting cut. If Kane gets let go, it's because he asked for his release. Same for Mysterio. and Swagger.

True or False? The WWE is the most horrible wrestling organization to work in?

False. The WWE is a company that fires people for good reasons, and sometimes bad reasons. I can't comment on Umaga's release, I'd just be speculating because no one knows what happened. Kennedy? He was a injury machine and deserved his release. Come to me saying the WWE just cuts superstars when they cut Triple H or Cena for no reason. Then you'll have something.
until vince's death or retirement. WWE will NOT change for me,you or anyone on these boards. MY2Cents

"The Audience of One" strikes again. My opinion is that Vince can only get away with saying "the fans are wrong, not me" for so long. Once his profits start reaching a certain point, and when ratings start hitting an all-time low, then he will be forced to change.

I've maintained for a long time now, that the best thing he could possibly do is eliminate himself from all involvement in the Creative Team. Here, Raw is supposed to be geared towards people like me, who like storylines, characters, and what not ... and I still think the show absolutely sucks. Hence, why I don't watch it anymore. Smackdown bores me to tears, as I don't watch and never have watched wrestling, just for the wrestling.

And of course, I don't watch ECW or Superstars, either.

But in addressing the Main Event problem, I think he has a serious problem with future Main Eventers. When HBK, Taker, and even Batista retire, I just don't see CM Punk, Morrison, and MVP reaching their height of success. They just are no where in the same league as HBK and Taker, and I dare say they aren't even in the same league as John Cena. Cena, their marquee star, is the least over Main Star that WWE has ever had ... in comparing him with Hogan, Rock, and Austin.

WWE will still get by with Triple H, Cena, Orton, Jericho, Morrison, and MVP ... but I just see the interest in the overall product continuing to die, because they simply do not have that breakout star anymore, that can carry the promotion on his own.

EDIT: And I would just like to congratulate myself because as of this post, I am no longer a "Comedy Jobber For Life". I have just won the WWE Diva's Championship.
We hear a lot of complaints about the PG Rating, On-Air Talent, Vinces Ego, etc., but is the real problem over saturation of the product? There are 6 hours of WWE programming per week. A PPV basically every 3 weeks, which makes 2 in a month on some cases (June being one of them).

Is there a proper amount of time to develop storylines and have viewers connect with the characters for the Pay Per Views? Are there too many Pay Per Views? Are there too many hours of WWE programming on television?

I think the storylines haven't been as good as we have come to expect because they don't have enough time to draw out the stories. Also, wrestlers cannot stay healthy long enough because they work such intense schedules. They are unable to put on a great show week in and week out, for one simple reason....burnout.

We talk about the PG rating, Wrestling, Announcers, PPVs, and a slue of other things. Is the real problem over saturation? Scarcity increases value. Is there just TOO much wrestling out there for us to even care like we used to?
This is something ive been saying for far too long, there is just too much wwe programming on television right now.
Take this fortnight for example, sunday 7th to saturday 20th, by that saturday there will have been 16 hours of primary programming (PPV, Raw, ECW, Superstars, SD!) and that doesnt include the secondary programming you see floating around (Bottom line, Afterburn, Vintage Collection etc).

My point is this, when wrestling like any other programme is on once even twice a week people can make time for it, build they're day around it, but this isnt possible every night of the week, people have things to do, so they are forced to miss some programming, meaning they miss possibly crucial aspects of the storyline, and when people miss programming and story building they stop caring about those stories and thus are not interested in watching any of the programming.

WWE programming on every night of the week, as it apparently will be soon, is counter productive, more programming means less viewers.
I'll agree over-saturation could be thought of as a problem when talking of the products quality, but it's my belief that lack of solid competition is the KEY component to the products lack of quality
I think you're absolutely correct in the assessment that there is far too many hours of WWE programming. And the quality does not warrant it. Smackdown is just fine by me, I think it's a great show with solid storylines and talent. Hell, they're even putting over Dolph Ziggler who's got loads of talent and fire. Raw on the other hand is absolutely horrendous. They don't need the 2 hours anymore because about 45 minutes of the show is worth watching. ECW is ok, but still has a lot of garbage on it (Mark Henry/Atlas). I'd like to see just 2 shows a week (Raw and SD) and only 10 pay per views a year.
This is an interesting point... And it totally makes sense. Breaking up one of the brands (my pick is ECW) would increase the quality of wrestling on both shows, since the talent isn't spread out as thin. I would also move Superstars to a Saturday or Sunday night spot, maybe even a Saturday Morning slot for the grade-school crowd WWE seems to be marketing towards anyway.

I would also make purple a fruit.
For full disclosure, I love Randy Orton and I think HHH gets a little too much heat.
That being said...
Legacy is quite possibly the worst and least successful stable I've ever seen (even the bWo was more popular). WWE doesn't allow Rhodes/Dibase any ring time to beat the shit out of Primo/Carlito, Cryme Tyme, etc. Instead they have to just hold RANDOM_MAIN_EVENTER down for RKO.
It's sad and maybe somewhat paradoxical but the future looks dire for the WWE. While it's true they have some great younger talent (Kofi, Punk, Morrison, and even Miz), NONE OF THEM [besides maybe Miz because of the anti-cena stuff] connects with the crowd. I hate to sound like a broken record but the Rock, Austin, Hunter, HBK, Taker, nWo, Jeff Hardy, Edge all connected with the crowd. Remember the days when HBK would return post-WM14? The huge pop he'd receive. Compare that to someone like Kennedy or even Christian (who I like a lot) who returned and barely got a crowd response. That's partly because the newer fans probably don't remember Christian from the 5-second-pose days, but certainly Kennedy has been around more recently than Christian and he got a mild response when he returned. Its both the wrestlers' faults for not developing their own characters well and the WWE management/Vince who have no real interest in developing new stars because the top 3-4 faces make them a crap load of money and that's the bottom line.
And as much as I like the Jericho/Rey storyline... they already feuded back in WCW and Rey's already had the mask taken off.
If all the reports are true that Vince likes the campy, cheesey type of 'comedy' we see on Raw, then he needs to get the fuck out. No one laughs, not at home and not in the arena from what I can hear.
Santino is probably the exception as he is SO over with the crowd. Capitalize on this.. and not w/ merch. Make him into a legit wrestler. He knows MMA and he can actually get it done in the ring if you let him. He has true star power, but he's not being pushed to the moon -- even though you put the title on Batista who's f'n "injured" or suspended, no one really knows. And stop making Brian Kendrick look like a douche.. let him create his character and give him more mic time.
And if I had my way WWE would fire half the roster and 90% of the Divas.
We hear a lot of complaints about the PG Rating, On-Air Talent, Vinces Ego, etc., but is the real problem over saturation of the product? There are 6 hours of WWE programming per week. A PPV basically every 3 weeks, which makes 2 in a month on some cases (June being one of them).

Huh. Here I thought ECW got 2 hours. That must reflect on how long it's been since I've seen an episode. I should get on that.

Is there a proper amount of time to develop storylines and have viewers connect with the characters for the Pay Per Views? Are there too many Pay Per Views? Are there too many hours of WWE programming on television?

This gets into the PPV argument. I've always been a proponent of cutting the amount of PPVs down. We don't need 8 counting from The Bash to Armageddon in December. That 2 a month, basically. Way too many. But, you know, these PPVs make money. If they're making money, someone wants to see them I suppose. that means someone is connecting with the characters.

I think the storylines haven't been as good as we have come to expect because they don't have enough time to draw out the stories. Also, wrestlers cannot stay healthy long enough because they work such intense schedules. They are unable to put on a great show week in and week out, for one simple reason....burnout.

Well, there just isn't enough time to draw the feud for the ppv. However, that is no excuse for the feud being shit. Jericho pulled a great feud from Michaels even with this jankety ppv schedule. Cena routinely pulls out good to great feuds. I blame it more on the wrestlers not being able to pull the crowd in and keep them there. Take Miz for instance. He had the crowd booing him in his promo for a good 2-3 minutes. After that, he lost them.

The only wrestlers currently out on injuries are whom? Batista, HBK, Undertaker? Batista tore that muscle because he came back too soon, I'm sure of it. HBK has had those back problems forever, and Undertaker is simply too old. He had hip surgery because he's hella old and has been wrestling for 20 something years. I'm probably missing a few, but there aren't as many as you make out.

We talk about the PG rating, Wrestling, Announcers, PPVs, and a slue of other things. Is the real problem over saturation? Scarcity increases value. Is there just TOO much wrestling out there for us to even care like we used to?

I call the real problem as a lack of actual ability to draw reactions. The main-event players (excluding Orton) can do it. That's why they're main-event. I simply couldn't tell you why Orton is still there. He can't get that crowd to consistently boo him for the life of him.

But really. MVP is sort of picking up steam. Miz could if he'd just keep that crowd during a promo. Kofi has the "BOOM BOOM" pop, but he too often has to go to the jumps for a pop. Matt lost them, Regal is hit and miss.

Then there's Smackdown and ECW, who basically have the same problems. The mid-card can't keep the crowd, and everyone is getting tired of the main-event feuds that play and play and play and play.
I definetely feel that over saturation is not a good thing but I don't think it is the source of the problem. I feel everything is todays wrestling feels rushed, characters are pushed to the moon the second they step foot in a ring (Carlito won the US title in his 1st match, even your best superstar in the 80's wasn't pushed like that except for Hogan, but Hogan DID pay his dues just not in the WWE). The storylines don't get developed enough so you don't feel an emotional connection with the characters or the storyline (I swear I can't count how many aborted storylines I have seen in the last 5 years), also alot of the matches feel rushed (Kozlov Matches) or move too slowly (Orton matches).

I feel the biggest problem is it is much more difficult for people to connect with anything going on because they try to hit a homer right off the bat, things need time to develop and stew a bit before the audience gives a shit.

Over Saturation is definetely part of the problem, but I feel the issue is much bigger than simply over saturation (I remember living in canada in the 80's seeing 3 seperate WWE shows on saturday afternoon (WWF Superstars, Wrestling Challenge, and Maple Leaf Wrestling), PLUS Saturday Nights Main Event sometimes. That is over saturation at it finest).
Sunday night a friend and I went down to a local sports bar and watched WWE Extreme Rules. I haven't been watching wrestling now for a quite a while, and all this pay per view did for me was reassure me that was I've made a good decision to find new hobbies.

Honestly the first match and the last match were the only two on the entire show that I enjoyed at all... and to be completely truthful... the only reason that I enjoyed them was because everything else was so horrible.

I watched nearly all of wrestlemania and I have to say that seeing two men who are approximately 45 years old have the best match of the night was extremely disturbing to me. Especially since I've been watching these two guys wrestle since the freakin 80s.

What the hell is going on with the WWE? Why do Vince and the rest of these geniuses not understand that I (and clearly the other 60% of wrestling fans that have been driven away since the attitude era) have no desire to watch roided up bone heads, wannabe gangster/marine/whatever, and "straight-edge" cheap shots win matches?

First of all, how gay was it that Jeff Hardy and Edge had the best match of the night but yet CM *** comes out at the end and beat Jeff Hardy for the title? I get the money in the bank thing and I think that it's a cool concept but give me a break! Wrestling fans are not straight edge. Ever been to a wrestling match? It's impossible not to get a pint of beer spilt on your lap at least twice. Who thought it would be a good idea to get this "straight-edge" guy, who has no personality from what I can see, and give him the belt? The same belt that was worn by Hogan, Savage, Flair, Nash, etc.

John Cena and Batista have both been force fed down the throats of fans for long enough. What the hell is it that Batista even does? He shakes the ropes in a style that is somewhat mixed looking of the rope-shaking that Ultimate Warrior used to do and the little jumping and pointing thing that Razor Ramon used to do. I don't like it at all. At least Randy Orton has that arms spread thing...

Batista has matches that IMO are as bad as Goldberg or Ultimate Warrior. Batista and Randy Orton had the worst cage match that I have watched in my 20+ years of watching wrestling. Are you telling me that Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston would not put on a more entertaining match than Batista and Orton? Why the heck are guys with the ability of Carlito and Kofi Kingston not pushed when they are far greater wrestlers? I'd rather see the two of them either against each other or against Randy Orton any day of the week.

This is why WWE sucks now and is struggling to get 3.0s in the ratings. This is why they are not attracting twice that number like they did during the attitude era... not to mention WCW was pulling a number better than this 3.0 while the two of them were going at the same time... which means that roughly 65% of wrestling fans aren't watching anymore.

So that begs the question... why? Number 1 problem is that wrestling lacks the personalities. When John Cena, Big Show, Batista, Randy Orton, CM Punk and others with pretty much no gimmick are dominating the time of the pay per view it is bound to suck. Number 2 is, no reality. When Stone Cold Steve Austin was packing places it was because people wondered "what the hell is he going to do next?" There is no suspense on these shows anymore. When the NWO was "invading" Nitro, at least half of the fans thought that Hall and Nash were still working for WWF and really were invading the show (at least for a short period of time). Not to mention WCW complimented the time with great cruiserweight action, which is pretty much MIA in WWE.

WWE killed it's competition, sort of like we are seeing in America right now with all of the different companies being bought out by the government with these bailouts. WWE sucks because no one is pushing them to do better. They corner the market with their terrible shows and the only time anyone from the past eras from when wrestling was booming even seem to watch is if they catch a glimpse of someone like Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Ric Flair, etc. This sucks.

Chris Jericho and Edge are the only two wrestlers in the WWE (that are in the main spotlight) that have skills BOTH on the mic and in the ring (at least the only two that are being pushed regularly). Yet Edge is pretty much jobbed all the time unless he cheats to win. Think about it, if the heels were as boring as CM Punk would anyone still be watching?

The WWE drastically needs to do something and I can tell you (might lose some credibility here) but until I see Sycho Sid come back (which why the hell is he not back) and powerbomb the Cena, Punk, Batista, and all of these other lamo's right onto the concrete... I'm not watching another second of WWE programming.

The worst part is the only other alternative is TNA, which still no one is able to explain why the hell they have a "six-sided" ring. That is just stupid.


Bring back Sid, and tell Batista to stop shaking the ropes. Stop forcing John Cena and Triple H down my throat. It's scary to think that if the Brooklyn Brawler had married Stephanie McMahon that he too might be a 10+ time heavyweight champion... ugh.
I think the BIGGEST problem WWE, TNA and wrestling in general faces is living up to 1996 - (pick your date, mine is March 26, 2001 - when WWE bought WCW) I see it constantly on here, and hear it over and over from fans, well why can't it be like when Stone Cold wrestled, or The Rock, or when DX was around, or the NWO.

The NWO storyline, along with Stone Cold, The Rock and DX spoiled wrestling fans, particularly the ones who started watching during that time frame. As for me, I've come to terms with the fact that wrestling may never be as popular as it was in the late 90's, and I see an eerily similar resemblance between today's product, and the product of the late 80's early 90's (when I was watching as a kid).

Anyways, I don't think over saturation has anything to do with it. Even in the late 90's we had Raw, Smackdown, Nitro, Thunder, Saturday Night and 12 PPV's a year. Besides, IMO at least, the product was bad before ECW, Superstarts etc.
I completely agree.

WWE has become predictable and stale. They need to develop guys with better personas, and they keep shoving Cena, HHH, Orton, and Batista down our throats week-in, week-out.

You're right, Psycho Sid needs to come back and wreck havoc on these guys. Kane needs to come back with his mask and dominate. Goldust deserves to be given a shot at the IC belt and maybe even a main event or two (they are completely wasting his talent and personality by putting him with hornswaggle and taking away his dignity by making him appear stupid). Santino is another guy that had personality, and what do they do? Make him a female version of his character? It really is disgusting how stupid WWE has become.

Christian is great on the mic, and waht do they do, throw him on ECW. MVP is clearly over with the fans, yet what do they do? Not even throw him in the main event yet.

I can't believe how low WWE has become. What a waste of 2-hours.

I also think that the brand-split is hurting WWE. Having your roster cut in half really makes it predictable for the fans to predict what the main event is going to be even before they turn on the TV. There are no more surprises, no more cool stables, no character development, and the mid-carders are just 'thrown into matches' without developing a solid story for them. All Vince does is waste all his energy on Cena, HHH, Batista, and Orton and doesn't even develop his low/mid card.

There are so many things wrong with the WWE right now, I don't even think Vince can fix it given how stubborn he is.
So for a while, as you all may have noticed, there has been quite a backlash against the WWE and the way is it being run from top to bottom. By that I mean, a lot of people are unhappy with the direction that WWE as a comapny is heading in. An example of this is: having the same 4 dudes in the title matches for the last 4 years. This is unacceptable and I know some fans are getting pissed off basically.

Now as we know, WWE has moved into it's "PG era". So in this thread do not just say "WWE needs to back to the Attitude Era". My question is, in the current state that WWE is in, what needs to happen to rejuvinate the product as a whole?

For me, what WWE needs to do rapidly is get some better young talent. I realise that they are always trying to get new superstars in but are they doing enough. Dolph Ziggler was the last one and where is he? They need to allow some room for the personalities of some of the existing superstars to shine through also. MVP, Kingston, Bourne etc are the future of that company and in my opinion they just need a little more time in the spotlight to get the fans excited again, before it's too late probably.

So for you what is imperitive that the WWE accomplish in the near future to reinvigorate the 'dying' product?
I totally agree here...i mean back in the day i was like i wonder what crazy shit will stone cold do....or what will the rock say this week....i mean with the spilt u know the mainevents.....john cena and hhh/batcist in a tag match vs. orton/big show.....and god triple h ur from the hay day bring it back u use to have some good ones now its im the game the king of kings bow down....orton...i punted such and such in the im tall and fatt....cena no one believes i can beat hornswoggle but i will prove to every one i have fight and heart...edge and jericho the only enteraining guys now...oh and throw in the miz now....since he is pretty much saying wat everyone is thinking

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