General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

First identify when you began watching / Rate your enthusiasm with today's product

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Hogan Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in New Generation Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in Post-Attitude Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am Very Satisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied with PG Era.

  • I began watching in PG Era. I am very Dissatisfied with PG Era.

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I think the Original poster is talking more about the main events on the weekly television shows. And if that is the fact I agree with him and the main event on the TV shows don't always have to have the World champ involved in it.

But yes the main events at the PPV should always include the Championships
I think if its an interesting feud that is build great and has a lot of steam going into the PPV, then yes, it should be the Main Event instead of the title. But how rarely does that happen?

It rarely happens that the top stars of the company are in the top feud and have the greatest momentum going into the PPV.
Oh, TV is totally different. Yes I agree then, on TV the Title should not be the Main focus week in and week out. I, for one, think that the World Title matches should be kept on PPVs as well.
Has anyone also noticed that every single PPV, at least ones that I can remember this year have almost all been one-on-one matches. No tag teams, no triple threats. I mean, where is the variety?

You know the Colons are supposedly to be on all three brands yet they seem to be stuck on Raw facing the only heel team left in Rhodes and DiBiase. Why not face Cryme Tyme on Smackdown or The Hart Dynasty on ECW? Spice it up. Get more tags, 6-mans on PPVs.

Main events need more. Much more. One-on-one and using the same people are getting quite boring.
I began watch WWE programming around 1985 when the Hogan Era was just starting. The product has gone through so many phases since that time, and for the most part, the WWE has done a decent job of changing with the times and updating the product.

Currently, I would say that overall is ok. I can't get SD!, so my opinion is based on RAW, ECW and Superstars. There are things about all the shows that I find highly entertaining and, on the other hand, there are some things that completely bore me to tears.

I have always been more drawn to wrestling based shows, so ECW and Superstars are usually the high points in WWE programming weekly for me. ECW has several interesting personalities that I find myself excited to watch. I have been a fan of Christian and Tommy Dreamer for nearly 15 years and newer faces such as Jack Swagger and Evan Bourne keep me coming back each week. I love the format for the Superstars show with a match from each brand. It keeps me in touch with the SD! talent.

Overall, I think the WWE does a decent job with it's main event talent. Guys like Cena, Batista, Orton, Edge, HBK and HHH are usually involved in decent storylines and fueds. I think the WWE has a wealth of upper mid card talent that could (or should) be moving into the main event scene in the near future, however, I don't think the WWE handles this portion of their talent very well. The WWE has had a difficult time introducing new faces to the main event scene. Hardy and Punk may be the only 2 that have broken into the main event scene over the past year (and many fans complain about that). The WWE cannot rely on the current main event talent forever.
I think the Original poster is talking more about the main events on the weekly television shows. And if that is the fact I agree with him and the main event on the TV shows don't always have to have the World champ involved in it.

But yes the main events at the PPV should always include the Championships

exctly what I meant. Whats the purpose of putting a diabiasse and rhodes squash match as the main event when they could further other fued an when they have a us title deffence on the show. On a ppv I deffntly think the main event needs to be a title match
I have 2 agree, there was a point in the WWE when the main event would sometimes consist of a title match with the tag titles or the IC belt up 4 grabs, meanwhile the WWE or World Heavyw8 champion would be involved in a mid card non title match which usually led up 2 the main event of an upcoming PPV.

as 4 the Unified Tag Team titles, I think they should be split up again, matter of fact, the WWE should book a triple threat tag team title match 2 outta 3 falls, that way the belts R split up.
the champ should be in the main event, however these squash matches with legacy is getting boring. Triple h and cena always carry the belt and if they are not then they are chasing it. I want to see something new, but raw's roster is looking a little weak. I think this is why smackdown has an edge, with the pushing of morrison and punk as the new champ.
i think the pg rating ruined it for me, no blood no bra and pannies and now no harsh violence. It doesn't seem real anymore, cage matches with no blood. Regular boring womens matches and no good extreme matches. Exreme rules was not extreme at all unless you count the last match.

Then i think it would be somewhat better, i am 20 yrs old and i want to see what i grew up watching, i feel like i am watching a wrestling show with no creativity. Orton's title reign was short and so have the last few. No prestige with the belts anymore. the inc and us titles are finally getting what they deserve. The tag titles are worthless and theres no tag division.

1) change back to the old tv14 rating.
2) get new faces in the main events.
3) get a tag division.
4) stop giving the title to cena... hhh all the time.
5) i want violence, babes and a anything goes attitude.
6) stop getting rid of good talent, thorn, umaga, kennedy.
7) wheres the awesome stables?
The main event problem in the WWE has little to do with the world titles. I agree they could get more creative with tag matches and other stipulations but that's not the main issue. The main problem is that they haven't created any new stars to compete in those matches.

I haven't regularly watched WWE since my time on here as a regular, but from reading the results, I haven't missed much. A few more Orton vs Batista/HHH doesn't qualify as must see for me. Having these guys run over the younger guys made sense at first, but having them continually destroy them helps no one.

Now currently I love watching kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger. These guys look amazing. However, how would anyone be into these guys if they weren't booked strongly?would anyone give a crap about swagger if HHH ran him over weekly or he jobbed to Batista in 3 mins? No. I highly doubt kofi and swagger are the only two superstars I would enjoy watching, but it's hard to give a crap about anyone else (like dibiase or Shelton) when they are continually kept down and the same guys are in the main event.

The reason I agree with the thread started in a way is because guys like Shelton could be booked in the main event teaming with a Jericho or orton could be given credibility and be showcase rather than having Orton vs HHH VII for the WWE title. However, this never happens because the WWE insists on having the main event of every ppv be for the title.
If the WWE/WHC titles are on the line those matches should always be the main event of a ppv. Look back with HBK/Flair at Mania. The WWE wanted that as the main event. Flair said no. Title matches are the main event. I agree with the Royal Rumble though. First off there are very few matches on the card besides the Rumble and the others are usually the title matches anyway. On weekly tv though yes I can agree with the pushing of others to be in the main event. How else are fans going to get used to these guys in the main scene when the big names are gone? We can look back to the 80's and 90's when the champ wasn't always on or heard of on tv week after week. It was huge when they were on. Now with a monthly ppv you can't have that but at the same time you can limit the useage and exposure and still build up the match.
First let me say that I'm honored to be able to share thoughts and discuss all things pro wrestling with you guys...
I've been a loyal die-hard WWF(E) fan since I was five years old(1988). I never truly grasped or understood wrestling until about 90 or 91. I have to start by cutting straight to the point; Today's product is absolute garbage.
By no means do I wanna sound like a bitter guy who thinks only the old school is cool (like the Hot Rod does). I just cant help it though, things were far more superior in the 80's/90's. It's scary how bad this stuff is now. I have watched every single era religiously and I am a very open minded person who tries to see the good in every episode of RAW/Smackdown/PPV/etc. I loved the attitude era for reasons many others may not have. I was never a big Austin fan or even The Rock. I loved all the DX stuff, and couldnt get enough of the great up and comers at the time (Christian, Edge, Hardyz, Val Venis, etc.) But my point is, I have seen promise in every single era up until now.
Up until now.
I think pro wrestling as we know it is in trouble.
Until someone, and I dont know who, realizes that TV writers are not supposed to write wrestling shows, among other major problems....its gonna be more of the same.
I hear many of you saying more actual wrestling is the answer. I love a great wrestling match more than anyone but I think where the WWE is struggling is in the creative department.
They couldn't be more unoriginal these days. Flat out lazy, thoughtless booking. If we can all sit here and say how cool a tournament would be for the vacant WWE Chamopionship, how the f*ck can't they realize it? Something, anything other than a lackluster fatal-four-way would suffice. SO BORING.
I have just a few suggestions and then I'll shut up.
Please...get rid of some of these titles. All we need is a WWE Champion (a new belt too please!), Tag Team Champions (one set of belts please!), an Intercontinental Champion, and maybe a Womens and Cruiserweight Champion. The oversaturation of title matches makes every one of them more and more meaningless.
Put the brands back together!
I know business and money wise its a great situation for them, but if I keep seeing the same matches/fueds, etc every week Im gonna drop dead. Another Orton/HHH or Cena/Edge feud and I might have to throw my TV out the window.
Open up the creative book! Put more thoughts into these angles rather than guys coming out saying their better than the other and bam...a fued is born. Whatever happened to genius sh*t like Jake Roberts planting a snake a Macho's wedding. Or Jake prepping The Warrior for his match with 'Taker just to lure him into the darkness...That stuff was gold.
Bring back managers. They are far more important than people think. Some of the best stuff I've ever seen was when managers/bodyguards got involved.
Take a lesson from your "C" show.
Whoever is booking ECW has got a great wrestling mind. The stuff on that show makes sense. Flat out. The booking is great and the talent is, in my mind, better than the talent on RAW. That show never disappoints me. Just drop the stupid ECW name though...
More stables. Don't over-saturate with b.s like the Truth Comssion, DOA, oddities, etc. But real solid meaningful stables really give the shows more intrigue. Not to mention, if done right can produce a break out star. Legacy is a poor excuse. Their leader is monotone and has 0 charisma. Not to mention Ted and Cody look more and more weak as each show passes. Now Im supposed to believe they are worthy to be tag champs when they lose handicap matches all the time?
More Vignettes! Whtever happened to a great vignette promoting a new superstar or returning guy? I don't know about you all but when they used to show packages for new guys like Razor Ramon, and more recently Edge and Val Venis....that got me super interested in their characters.
Now more than ever tag team wrestling appears to be on the verge of extinction. Just when you think it will get good, they decide to feature one tag match every few weeks and NEVER, EVER on PPV. It doesn't take much effort by creative, just go back in history and see how much tag teams meant to the overall product. Its a disgrace that its come to this.
Finally...FORMAT THE PPV's BETTER!.. What the f*ck was the Cena/Big Show match doing on AFTER the WWE Championship match? Besides that, it seems like every match on the show was main event worthy, therefor when we got to the main event, it felt worthless. Whatever happened to a nice solid opening match with maybe Evan Bourne vs Brian Kendrick and actually BUILDING towards the big main event? Its not that hard to figure out. Maybe have the brand only PPV's again?? I dont know but a nice tag title match in the middle of the PPV would be nice. Mix it up...Dont have every match just be a 1 on 1 for so and so's title. OVERKILL.
They're gonna kill me.

So sorry for the long rant, but this laundry list of things need to happen if WWE will ever be cool again in my eyes.
I doubt it though.
I agree with Slim, its not the titles, its the SAME people over and over. Cena, Orton, HHH, Batista, JBL, when he was there. Its been the same for about two or three years. Edge has been the best champion, they have mixed in Hardy and Punk Jericho and a couple others, but its just stale and repetitive. They need to stop being scared to pull the trigger. If you want them to get over, just strap them up. They will get more heat if you put the belt on the. If you just strap up Shelton, he will get more of a response. Also R-truth, look how over he has been lately. He gets great pops, and he can go in the ring. Just throw him into the main event mix and see what happens. Its better than seeing the same crap over and over.
I started watching late Post-Attitude era. I was more than happy, considering I came in knowing nothing of what was going on. I was just flipping through one day, found Raw, and remembered watching a few episodes a few years back when Rikishi was shoving his ass in people's faces. I remember probably the 5th episode I watched was a Fatal Four Way for Number One Contendership that had Jeff Hardy in it. I was all kinds of pulling for him, and remember worrying he wouldn't win it. He didn't. I was so bummed. And I was in like 10th grade, lulz.

Nowadays? Pretty much the same. I still mark out like a little girl when Hardy raises his shoulder a half second before he loses, I still cheer when Cena makes the save. The only difference is after the show I come on here and espouse my hatred for Orton and the waste of a main event space he is.

Honestly, I'm entertained by today's product. Which is what it's supposed to do. So I'm very pleased with the product. Minus, say Orton. and Flair.
If the WWE/WHC titles are on the line those matches should always be the main event of a ppv. Look back with HBK/Flair at Mania. The WWE wanted that as the main event. Flair said no. Title matches are the main event. I agree with the Royal Rumble though. First off there are very few matches on the card besides the Rumble and the others are usually the title matches anyway. On weekly tv though yes I can agree with the pushing of others to be in the main event. How else are fans going to get used to these guys in the main scene when the big names are gone? We can look back to the 80's and 90's when the champ wasn't always on or heard of on tv week after week. It was huge when they were on. Now with a monthly ppv you can't have that but at the same time you can limit the useage and exposure and still build up the match.

In the case of HBK Flair the variable is Wrestlemania. The title match should always be the ME at WM. I know this wasn't the case at WM VIII but that main event didn't feel WM esque to me(though I loved that event). Wrestlemania should have a special feel and by not having a repeat main event with a basic WWE title rematch, this can be accomplished.
I started watching during the Hogan era. I am niether satisfied nor dissatisfied with todays product.

I actually enjoy ECW quite a bit today. Christian and Swagger are well worth the hour. Smackdown is intrieging post draft so I catch it when I can. My schedule is hectic and I'm so bored with RAW that I haven't watched it in weeks. I just read the results and notice that I don't miss anything major. Cena is one of my favorites but I just can't watch the repetitiveness that is RAW. It's always Legacy is up to something to harm HHH or Batista. HHH or Batista are going to stop them. HHH or Batista go after Orton, Legacy attacks from behind, Legacy gets handled, Orton cheap shots and leaves. Occassionally the brilliant writers will throw a curve and Orton will get beat down.

Maybe it's just the fresh faces like Morrison and Swagger that keep me interested in ECW and SD or maybe it's just that I find HHH about as entertaining as taking a shit but if I were to score the brands on my overall satisfaction it would be-

This is the best thread you have ever made. I for one do not have a single complaint about the wrestling world at the moment. Its probably blind love for the company, but I don't really watch in a critical since as to what they could do better. When watching, I just watch the show. Allow myself to be entertained, no matter how stupid it is.

The only criticism I can really give to Raw, is theres not enough wrestling. The wrestlers are doing a great job in entertaining us when they actually have match time. But overall, Raw, isn't giving their competitors enough match time. Albeit, I believe this past mondays Raw was the best one I've ever personally seen. Raw overall in the past few months, is seriously lacking in the wrestling aspect of the game.

SmackDown, I haven't a single complaint about. This is a superb show, that can probably get better, but not much. A diffrent TV station would be nice. MyNetwork is treating SD like crap.

ECW, same as SmackDown. They could use some starpower, and possibly another hour, if they really want the show to draw. As well as a diffrent TV station would be nice.

I haven't really seen TNA enough to know. The only thing I really have ever had a problem when it comes to TNA is they are a bit gittery. The last time I watched, the Motor City Machine Guns//Letal//Creed spent an hour on trying to figure out who Suicide was. In the end, Suicide had a match with Amazing Red vs The British Invasion, the antagonizers didn't even show up. They showed up at Daniels match though, which made no since whatsoever. Only to say they thought he was Suicide. So, Why didn't they just have them go attack suicide while he was in the ring, trying to force Daniels out. Fortanately, they did that later on in the show. So I was just kinda like, well, that was pointless. >.> And that is my only problem I have ever had with TNA. The do a lot of pointless crap. Which WWE does too. So who gives a crap.
The easiest fix which we all know won't happen is to end the Smackdown! and RAW brand split. Keep ECW for up and coming guys but end the big 2 split, unify the world titles and have one HWC. Then you've got a wealth of talent to use between brands inc. Hardys, Punk, Shelton, MVP, Truth, Show, Jericho, etc. I wouldn't mind keeping the IC and US belts as stepping stones as well. Also, I never was a Mark Henry fan and know he can be injury prone but his been doing great as the monster heel on ECW lately. How about a Cena/Henry feud, or HHH/Henry feud seeing as DX/The Nation has history they could bring that up. I've also noticed Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) seems to have got back in shape and seems focused again in the ring. Goldust is a past contender from several HW feuds. Get him away from Horny and turn him heel again. Cena/Goldust feud would be fresh. Also HAVE CENA JOB CLEAN AT A FEW PPV'S. I know Vince wants another Hogan but I don't think there's a living soul older then 12 that believes Cena would take Show in a 'real fight'.

There is so much that can be done with only one WHC, if only Vince would listen. Instead we'll get more HHH/Orton with guys that could be great wasted in comic relief acts.
I began watching inthe new generation era (1994-1997) and I am dis-satisfied with todays product. The titles don't mean as much anymore! When people like Razor and Shawn held the IC title it meant something! It meant a lot! The world titles are being passed around like hot potatos! And the tag titles don't mean shit! The wrestling is a lot worse. People like Bret Hart, Benoit, Shawn Michaels, etc busted their ass'es making matches look good, today you don't see to many matches and main event matches always have interfereence or something to ruin them! People are so over-rated! Cena has been so over-tared and Edge has won SO many world titles! It's like people now a days don't think of world titles that much. 9 years ago it would be like "OMG Bret Hart is a 7 time world champion!", now its all "7 only!" Like wtf? World Titles are taken as jokes! And those are reasons wh yI'm not satisfied mostly 'coz of the lack of prestige in titles!
"Inc" I agree completely. Vince is wasting good talent in guys like Santion and Goldust for comic relief when they are legit mid-card guys that are clearly over with the fans. Why not give these guys a push?

It really does come down to the brand split. Back when WWE first split the roster in half, it was INITIALLY exciting because Vince split his big names on two brands, allowing fresh, young up-and-comers to become real main events on their respective brand (E.g., Batista, Orton, Cena, etc...) None of these guys would have gotten a push AS quick if it wasn't for the brand split. But before the split,it was still exciting because you never knew who would appear on TV or who was going to get a push. Nowadays you can predict the main event before turning on the TV. The problem is that wrestling has become predictable with the split. Fans have a good idea before RAW or Smackdown! even begins who is going to be in the main event and what storyline will be further developed. This isn't something that fans learn as they grow/age, because older fans back in the attitude era/ early 2000s were still tuning in for surprises before the split. Back then, there were stables, heel/face turns, different guys getting TV time each week, and the show was kept 'fresh'. With the current brand split, fans know that the title is going to be in the hands of either 1 of 3 superstars max. The best word I can think of to describe the current WWE 'entertainment' is 'stale'.

If the WWE really wants to make things exciting, they have to allow the main event wrestlers to cross over brands, or get rid of the roster split. It really does come down to that. Why not have a stable featuring 2 main event guys from each brand that want to wreck havoc on the WWE?

Another thing I notice is that there are hardly any 'cool stables'. Back in the day there tons of groups that were battling it out with each other. Ministry of Darkness, The Coorporation, Nation of Domination, Los Buriquas, DX, Disciples of Apocolypse, the Hart Foundation, etc... the list goes on. Right now the WWE has Legacy, and until they freshen it up its going to be old too.

Memo WWE: combine the rosters (at least let your rosters crossover to start new feuds to keep the fans tuning in), get some new stables, and change things up like make HHH a heel and Edge a face. Vince keeps thinking that making the title change hands is exciting, but if you keep switching it between 2 guys over and over again its going to get boring.
the title is supposed to be the centerpiece of the company. Just about everyone in WWE has said at some point "if you not tryin to be WWE champion, you dont need to be here"

Not having a world title match headline a ppv would be a true waste.
to call any promotion "the most horrible wrestling organization to work in" covers ALOT of ground.....from the way they organize the production of an event, to the level of access the wrestlers have to medical care.

any wrestling company that fits that description is one we've probably never heard of, and never will, unless a group of indy wrestlers get together and expose them
I've gotten sick of Orton in the Title picture. I agree with you about that. He's already faced everyone for the Title and it has gotten way out of hand. He should feud with someone he hasn't yet or hasn't for a very, very long time. He should turn face because he's gotten boring.
The WWE/World Title holder should be in the main event but not always because it eventually gets boring and repetitive with the same 2 going at it over and over and over. Way too much.
First off, I agree that the main fued and/or title picture doesn't have to Main Event every weekly program. You could instead feature them on the mid-card, still building the fued, and feature some up-and-coming mid-card talent in the main event, maybe an IC Title or U.S. Title match, or if the women's division gets good enough again, a women's title match in the main event (they pulled it off once on RAW with Lita and Trish), maybe under a stipulation.

On the PPV subject, I agree that title matches in the main event are the norm, but not always nessacary. If a personal fued is nasty and/or intense enough, it could main event the PPV in a stipulation match. It rarely does happen. Like at Armageddon 2005, Orton took on Undertaker in Hell in a Cell in the ME, and the champion at the time, Batista, was in a tag team match with Mysterio taking on Kane and The Big Show, and lost for that matter, which proves champions do not always have to win, sometimes they can lose clean. And if I remember, that PPV turned out very fine without a World Title match even on it, nevertheless the Main Event. i think the only time an exception should be made on that is at the three of the big four (Mania, Summerslam, Survivor Series), cuz we all know how the rumble works, and it shouldn't happen alot, rarely actually, just to freshen up the ME scene when things get stale.
I started watching just before Survivor Series 1993. I loved those days when the matches and workers meant something. The programming today, i.e. RAW is constantly repetative, the matches are garbage, they do stupid half-assed comedy routines, among other things. I like Smackdown, ECW is about the working of matches, and Time Warner Cable in my area doesn't carry WGN, which sucks. I watch it now out of optimism, hoping it will improve, or give me some shock factor but week after week I'm let down. I also primarily watch because of Shawn Michaels and the nostalgic feeling I get. I'm waiting for RAW to turnaround. I don't mind the PG rating so much, but each week is so repetative and boring, and Michael Cole makes me wanna shoot myself. They can make it interesting again with twisy turvy storylines and OMG moments, but it seems they lost touch of that.

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