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General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

That price is steep way too much. I also have been bitching too much at the papy per views and was lviid when Cena came back because I instantly knew the result of Wrestlemania. I don't have to pay though because we have a streaming service on the satelite. I don't owe WWE anything that's what I say. TOTAL PACKAGE is right. the only thing I want to see is Taker-Edge but thats pretty much it. The WWE goes for predictability too much lately and it drives fans away in droves. Anyways, I have tickets to a hockey game on March 30th so Im probably not even going to watch Wrestlemania anyways.
Way too much for something u can get for about $30 when it comes out on dvd. Once the price went up to $50 for WM, I waited untill the dvd came out lol.

Also, if the wwe doesn't change there ratio size for ppl who don't wanna pay for the HD version, it's gonna look really bad. But I think there gonna change that before No Way Out.
That price is really ridiculous. You'd think WWE would lower the prices, seeing as the buyrates have been very low. However I'm not a marketing strategist, and I'm not going to put the WWE management down. But I feel for the WWE fans who have to shell out such money.

Saying that, it does feel good living in a country that has every WWE PPV for $20. Not American $$$ either. :)
I agree with Shocky, 70 fucking dollars is ridiculous for a WWE PPV. Every time we get a somewhat decent looking card, it never lives up too potential. Plus if Wrestlemania is anything like that god awful one last year, that's just wasting alot of cash.

See, I'm definately in agreement to $50.00-80.00 being just way too much, and absolutely ridiculous for the price. I remember a time when they were $19.95, with Wrestlemania being $29.95. I miss those days completely. I also remember laughing, and complaining because Boxing p.p.v.'s would be like $40.00-50.00 per wack, and thinking.. "I'm glad Wrestling hasn't become stupid like that."

Now I feel like a complete moron for thinking so naive about it, when the truth is.. Boxing has always had a bigger following due to gambling, so of course their events are going to be more expensive. But is Wrestling even capable of gambling on, since its a scripted event? I don't think you can go to Vegas and place any amount of money on a Wrestling match.. since there is a likely chance if its a huge amount, you could easily be working for the company and KNOW the outcome.

Shit the only good thing about the card so far is Edge/Taker and honestly I wouldnt doubt WWE pisses that away and gives it to Batista. But seriously if your like me and bitch throughout the show and afterwards, dont buy. I'm not, I've learned that it's nothing more than a waste now after all Triple H vs Cena is likely the fucking main event, Why spend money on that shit? Not even Orton can save that match.

See, I'm "stupid" enough to pay the outrageous amounts because I'm just an overall fan of Professional Wrestling. I shell out $30.00 a month for T.N.A. p.p.v.'s, and $40.00 a month for your average W.W.E. p.p.v. They used to run a program in which I could spend $90.00 for New Year's Revolution, Royal Rumble and No Way Out.. saving like $30.00, but thanks to W.W.E. doing away with that p.p.v., it only saves me $10.00 because its no longer optional to buy.

As far as this year's Wrestlemania is concerned. I like the fact its going to be out-doors. I love the unique surroundings that that type of thing could bring. Especially if its windy, because I can only imagine the wind would rip through all the mics. around the ringside area, completely screwing with commentary. :lmao:

And since there are very few things in life that I hold with such enjoyment, even when they absolutely suck.. I just never want to give up being a true, natural fan of the sport. (entertainment) Thats why I'll spend whatever ridiculous amount they put in front of me.. as long as I have it to spend. But on that note, I'd still considerably feel I had the right to get online, or even in real life, and complain about how they're moronic with price, when they produce such a shit event in the end.

I feel I'd have that right, because I paid for it.. so I should be allowed to bad mouth it. lol

Plusm there are streams and it will air on the internet the day afterwards for free.

Shhhhh, ex-nah on the free-streaming-ahe.. lol
No wonder people dont pay for these PPV's they are ludicrious. Then again they wouldnt have set the price that high if they didnt think there are people stupid enough to pay that price for it. Then again I guess that they figured that anyone with a HD TV must have too much money because they arent really worth it from what I have seen, so why not hike the price for them?!

On a more general note has anyone noticed how inconsistant WWE are with PPV prices across different countries?!

For Example Wrestlemania costs (non HD)

In the UK it costs £14.95/€21.95/$29.00

In the USA its £21/€27.50/$39.95

And in Germany £11/€15/$21.50
WWE Championship- John Cena(C) vs. Triple H- Trips is a dead lock to win the Elimination Chamber. I don't think there's any way Y2J or JBL would let the other one win it, Umaga has already been beaten by both men. Jeff isnt' meant for the main event spot at WM this year, ESPECIALLY with Cena's surprise return

World Heavyweight Championship- Edge(C) vs. The Undertaker. This has been in the works for YEARS hasn't it? This'll be the big payoff and either way it goes I think it'll be an awesome match, emotionally charged with something the smarks came up with first, and an awesome story told all year long for the regular fans. As far is Edge ending the streak? I think in Taker's age and considering how long he's probably got left...its either Edge, Kennedy, or a HEEL CM Punk (thats a real long shot).

Randy Orton vs. Batista- I agree with this 100%. I can see Orton losing his championship to John Cena at NWO and sometime during the night have interraction with Batista and costing Batista his championship shot. This'll be a great Wrestlemania match I've wanted for years and would love to see Randy come away with the win. I knew once Cena drew number 30 he'd get shafted. But give the guy some credit and prep him for a feud with HHH this year.

Career Match- Ric Flair vs. Shawn Micheals- I don't think Kennedy should end Ric's career. I think from now until Wrestlemania he should TRY to, but never get to do it. I think Shawn should end Ric's career and then when its time for Shawn Micheals to retire, Kennedy will be the one to retire him. Ric is to Shawn's generation what Shawn is to Ken's.

US Title- Matt Hardy vs. MVP- Naturally been building for the better part of the year. As long as they milk it for all its worth and make it a gimmick match in order to save Hardy's face because of ring rust, it should be great.

Womens Title- Beth Phoenix vs. Maria- Sleeper hold on Florida...but hyped cuz of Playboy. Why not. Maria loses cause of Santino.

Finlay vs. McMahon - Naturally. Fighting over Hornswaggle.

MITB- Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Ken Kennedy, Kane, Shelton, SURPRISE BIG SHOW, Umaga, Carlito?

Have the story of the night involve a HUGE spot between Jeff Hardy getting one over on the Big Show, and Hardy wins.

ECW Championship - CM Punk vs. RVD - Here's my idea. RVD made a one shot deal at the Raw Anniversary right? He said guys backstage have told him "see you at Wrestlemania" and he said "we'll see". It'd be perfect. Have CM Punk win the Championship back at No Way Out and then cut a promo about being the New School and Champion and such, and that he's had enough of seeing men who know nothing about the culture of ECW try and wave its flag. He IS ECW...then have RVDs music hit and have him challenge CM Punk for Wrestlemania. ECWs belt isnt' considered important so its not like he's cutting anyone in line, it adds credibility to the belt and gives fans an AWESOME match that in all honesty could steal the show. Have RVD defeat Punk and give him respect. This also gives time to map out how the draft can be adjusted. And when it comes time for it to happen, leave ECW out of it, and give them new stars instead of importing people into ECW. There is nothing...NOTHING you can do with what...5 mid-level heels and 1 top face. Let RVD Save.Us.

The only thing wrong with the card is that I keep feeling like Kennedy should be getting a big match this year. No one is left to give him that huge match (unless you wanna pull Mick Foley back out, and if that were the case it'd be on tv by now). I left Mark Henry and V out on purpose cuz...yea, just cause theres nothing to do with them
This is the card that I wish would happen but I know it probaly won't.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match
-Jeff Hardy Vs. Carlito Vs. Rey Mysterio Vs. Chavo Guerrero Vs. The Miz Vs. John Morrison
- I like Hardy in this one...they have been pushing him a lot lately...and I think it will come down to Jeff and HHH in the chamber. I think Jeff will win, continue his push, and cash in his title shot randomly on Raw on after a long fued between HHH and John Cena.

-WWE United States Championship
-MVP Vs. Matt Hardy
-I think this is once again a Hardy going over. This has been one of the better fueds of 2007 and I think this would be a damn good match. Hardy would look good by going over and MVP could start fueding with the big dogs on Smackdown.

-Texas Bullrope Match
-JBL Vs. Chris Jericho
-It's hard to say who would win this one. But I think Jericho should win. He could then have a great fued with Randy Orton...I feel like that fued was stopped too early. I'm a Y2J fan and I don't like JBL so maybe I'm a little biased. I also think the Y2J/JBL fued could be way better than it has been going. But the Bullrope match makes the most sense after all the cords and stuff they have been using.

-Hardcore Match
-Mick Foley Vs. Umaga
-I know this probaly won't happen but I would absolutely love it. I think Umaga is great and Foley always delivers. This match would not disappoint.

-Custody Match
-Vince McMahon Vs. Finlay (With Hornswoggle as the Special Guest Referee)
-I think that Hornswoggle will be torn between Finlay and McMahon and this will get set up by William Regal. Could be a decent match...Finlay could make McMahon look good. Would be better if it was No Disqualification but with a Hardcore match on the same card would be a little much. But that Hardcore match isn't likely so No DQ will probaly happen.

-WWE Women's Championship Match
-Beth Phoenix Vs. Candice Michelle
-This one makes the most sense storyline wise. I see Candice Michelle going over and the two of them having a lengthy fued.

-The Big Show Vs. Mr. Kennedy
-I think these two could put on a decent match. I think Show comes out during Flair/Kennedy rematch on Raw and helps Flair win. I see Kennedy coming out on top after two Mic Checks.

-Batista Vs. Kane
-I'm not going to lie I just don't have anywhere else to put these two. I really don't like Batista, but Kane is great. If it was WWE's decision Batista would go over, otherwise I would pick Kane.

-ECW World Championship
-CM Punk Vs. Shelton Benjamin
-I think Punk will regain that belt at No Way Out and start a fued with Shelton. This would be a great match and I see Shelton Benjamin going over and starting a lengthy fued between the two, that I would love to watch.

-Retirement Match
-Shawn Michaels Vs. Ric Flair
-What a great match this would be. I think Flair would do his absolute best in his last match and Shawn Michaels always puts on great matches when it matters. Michaels wins and hugs and handshakes afterwards.

-World Heavyweight Championship
-Edge Vs. The Undertaker
-Everyone knows this is coming and I think it is the best possible option. They could fued like Batista and 'Taker did last year with Last Man Standing, Hell In A Cell matches and the like happening. 'Taker wins after a long and great contest.

-WWE Championship
-Randy Orton Vs. HHH Vs. John Cena
-This is simple...Cena and HHH win at No Way Out, Orton demands a rematch and Regal sets this up. I think HHH will go over and turn heel sometime during the next 2 months. He will then fued with John Cena.

-I did my best to include everyone and I think that this would be a great Wrestlemania if it did happen and I think the majority of them will happen.
For Example Wrestlemania costs (non HD)

In the UK it costs £14.95/€21.95/$29.00

In the USA its £21/€27.50/$39.95 Your wrong, it's over $50

And in Germany £11/€15/$21.50

As for high prices, The last WWE ppv I got was like One Night Stand (with all the gimmicks) that ppv bombed, and I haven't ordered a WWE one since, no way its worth it costing over $40. And hell the only PPV I got before that was One Night Stand (RVD vs Cena), didn't have to order WM23 coause I went to that. But man I use to order at least 10 out of 12 WWE ppv's per year. Outside of a bad show here or there its the price, heck $40 for a Wrestlemania is way to high! BUT I did order about 5 TNA ppv's in 07' and why? Well the wrestling is good, but IT'S CHEAPER!

Hell I can remember the "good old days" when for under $50 you could order a near 15hr long Wrestlemania show "Wrestlemania All Day" then after that you get the 3+ hour Wrestlemania (it was the Wm16 all day thing).

And about boxing, lets not forget a few years ago boxing had a major ppv I think it was called "Tyson vs Lewis" (highest grossing ppv in history when it happened) the ppv cost $100. And there is no one more greedy then Vince Mcmahon!

No wonder people dont pay for these PPV's they are ludicrious. Then again they wouldnt have set the price that high if they didnt think there are people stupid enough to pay that price for it. Then again I guess that they figured that anyone with a HD TV must have too much money because they arent really worth it from what I have seen, so why not hike the price for them?!

On a more general note has anyone noticed how inconsistant WWE are with PPV prices across different countries?!

For Example Wrestlemania costs (non HD)

In the UK it costs £14.95/€21.95/$29.00

In the USA its £21/€27.50/$39.95

And in Germany £11/€15/$21.50
Thats a great card, didn't think of putting Big Show in MITB, but I guess since he lost weight he'd fit in it pretty well with the other big guys. And the ECW title match would be perfect! I think thats the only match they could book for the ECW title, Chavo vs Punk doesn't sell, no way you can put Shelton in the mix he just isn't built up enough. I'd pay to see a RVD Punk match thought. Sad part is if it happens you know Vince isn't letting em steal the show.

WWE Championship- John Cena(C) vs. Triple H- Trips is a dead lock to win the Elimination Chamber. I don't think there's any way Y2J or JBL would let the other one win it, Umaga has already been beaten by both men. Jeff isnt' meant for the main event spot at WM this year, ESPECIALLY with Cena's surprise return

World Heavyweight Championship- Edge(C) vs. The Undertaker. This has been in the works for YEARS hasn't it? This'll be the big payoff and either way it goes I think it'll be an awesome match, emotionally charged with something the smarks came up with first, and an awesome story told all year long for the regular fans. As far is Edge ending the streak? I think in Taker's age and considering how long he's probably got left...its either Edge, Kennedy, or a HEEL CM Punk (thats a real long shot).

Randy Orton vs. Batista- I agree with this 100%. I can see Orton losing his championship to John Cena at NWO and sometime during the night have interraction with Batista and costing Batista his championship shot. This'll be a great Wrestlemania match I've wanted for years and would love to see Randy come away with the win. I knew once Cena drew number 30 he'd get shafted. But give the guy some credit and prep him for a feud with HHH this year.

Career Match- Ric Flair vs. Shawn Micheals- I don't think Kennedy should end Ric's career. I think from now until Wrestlemania he should TRY to, but never get to do it. I think Shawn should end Ric's career and then when its time for Shawn Micheals to retire, Kennedy will be the one to retire him. Ric is to Shawn's generation what Shawn is to Ken's.

US Title- Matt Hardy vs. MVP- Naturally been building for the better part of the year. As long as they milk it for all its worth and make it a gimmick match in order to save Hardy's face because of ring rust, it should be great.

Womens Title- Beth Phoenix vs. Maria- Sleeper hold on Florida...but hyped cuz of Playboy. Why not. Maria loses cause of Santino.

Finlay vs. McMahon - Naturally. Fighting over Hornswaggle.

MITB- Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Ken Kennedy, Kane, Shelton, SURPRISE BIG SHOW, Umaga, Carlito?

Have the story of the night involve a HUGE spot between Jeff Hardy getting one over on the Big Show, and Hardy wins.

ECW Championship - CM Punk vs. RVD - Here's my idea. RVD made a one shot deal at the Raw Anniversary right? He said guys backstage have told him "see you at Wrestlemania" and he said "we'll see". It'd be perfect. Have CM Punk win the Championship back at No Way Out and then cut a promo about being the New School and Champion and such, and that he's had enough of seeing men who know nothing about the culture of ECW try and wave its flag. He IS ECW...then have RVDs music hit and have him challenge CM Punk for Wrestlemania. ECWs belt isnt' considered important so its not like he's cutting anyone in line, it adds credibility to the belt and gives fans an AWESOME match that in all honesty could steal the show. Have RVD defeat Punk and give him respect. This also gives time to map out how the draft can be adjusted. And when it comes time for it to happen, leave ECW out of it, and give them new stars instead of importing people into ECW. There is nothing...NOTHING you can do with what...5 mid-level heels and 1 top face. Let RVD Save.Us.

The only thing wrong with the card is that I keep feeling like Kennedy should be getting a big match this year. No one is left to give him that huge match (unless you wanna pull Mick Foley back out, and if that were the case it'd be on tv by now). I left Mark Henry and V out on purpose cuz...yea, just cause theres nothing to do with them
Prices like that tell me that I am going to my local sports bar to watch Wrestlemania, where it will cost me about 12 bucks for food and a coke, rather than fork over the money. Honestly, I think the SD version is overpriced at 55 bucks, there is no way I am going to fork over 70 bucks to see it in HD. NO WAY, NO HOW.
You guys need to let WWE know that you're not going to accept the PPV price increases by sending in your feedback at this link.

Maybe if they get enough complaints they'll get the message and stop with the ridiculous PPV increases every year.
Very good link masterchief, I myself didn't know that existed...

I myself have an HD TV and can upgrade my cable service to HD for $5 extra a month, but the only reason I would really do it would be for WWE programming. Time Warner Cable (bastards) doesn't have USA, Sci-Fi, or CW HD channels yet, so to me, it's pretty much pointless...and with the way the product has been going for a while, I barely watch every minute of every show anyway (that's a whole 'nother thread)...

Anyway, I'll still fork out the enormous price for 'Mania, because I've already made up my mind to order it. I still don't know whether I'm getting the SD or HD version yet, for I believe InDemand is HD (I may be mistaken)...

$75 is more than my monthly cable bill, so yes it is steep regardless....I am just intrigued to see what the graphics, pyros, and the whole experience will be like in HD. Iwondered to myself at last 'Mania what it might look like in HD with its top-notch graphics and kick-ass opening pyro...If you're a visual junkie like me, a little extra money sometimes is worth it...

Perhaps what we need is some testimonials from those who currently watch WWE programs in HD or ordered the Rumble in HD, and hear their opinions on it...it's not for everyone, but sometimes the visual and audio experience only adds to the spectacle of Wrestlemania...

Another thing that interests me, and another way to bypass the whole matter, is wait and see whether or not WWE will release its DVDs in HD or Blu-Ray format....that way, those who order the SD version of 'Mania can experience the HD version later, over and over again, not just once...
Tag Team Match
Kane, Big Show, Batista vs. Mark Henry, Umaga, and Big Titty Daddy...oops I mean Big Daddy V =P
Honestly, Idk where else to put any of them (especially Batista) and I would put it past Vinnie Mac to have some sort of monster gimmick match like this with all except Khali in it (maybe he even making an appearance).
Hell, let's even get Rikishi to come back for a night and deliver a stink face to V where there is actually ass rubbing all over tits, haha it would be HiSTERICAL!!!

WWE United States Championship
MVP (c) vs. Matt Hardy
Hardy goes over and FINALLY wins a midcard singles title, also ending what I think was easily top 3 in 2007 feuds of the year. MVP goes on to the world titles.

Women's Championship
Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Mickie James vs. Candice Michelle vs. Maria
This one I'd say Maria doesn't actually win, but somehow ends up helping Candice or Mickie to win and just celebrates with them at the end.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Ron Killings vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. Elijah Burke vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!
So the originator of the ladder match (Michaels) vs. the master of it (Hardy) with huge spots from all. I say good chance of Hardy winning, and late in year having run as champ. But more likely is Kennedy repeating (see below).

Texas Bullrope Match
Chris Jericho vs. JBL
Obviously, signs of this may have been dropped in the past several weeks. I would expect this to be very bloody and the culmination of the feud. Jericho goes over.

Custody Match
Finlay vs. Mr. Mcmahon
Something is revealed about the "deal" between the two and to save their friendship Finlay does this and gets the win, ending the whole Hornswoggle/Finlay/Mcmahon angle.

Career Threatening Match
Randy Orton vs. Ric Flair.
Now think about this..who better to end the career of arguably the greatest wrestler to ever lace em up than the Legend Killer himself?? I could def. see Orton losing at NWO and in a rematch, then taking his frustrations out on Flair by ending his career.

ECW Championship
CM Punk (c) vs. Shelton Benjamin
I say Punk wins title back from Chavo at NWO and this feud starts. With these two young, up-and-comers this match COULD def. be great and steal the show if done right....but probably won't be done right.

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge (c) vs. Undertaker
I think everyone knows this has been building for years now..ever since Edge became legit and his streak was kept alive. I say Taker wins Elimination Chamber (he and Batista last two) and goes on to Mania to win the title and finally have his long reign that has been in the works, but cut short due to injury.

WWE Championship
John Cena (c) vs. Triple H
I say HHH wins the Chamber and begins this feud again as we saw seeds at the Rumble. I think Cena would win (maybe controversially so as to not have HHH lose to him twice at Mania, cuz I don't think Hunter would allow it) only to set up the following:
Immediately after a long and hard fought match, Kennedy (who won MITB earlier in the night) comes down, and in the ultimate swerve cashes in and win the title to fulfill his promise from last year. Yea I see people saying this on here, but I don't think too many people have thought of this possibility and I seriously doubt many think it will happen, so if it really did I would be shocked.
Is that around £35? I think just to have it in HD that is a lot of money. I don't think I would pay that much. I love wrestling, and Wrestlemania is supposed to be the top of everything. But it is a bit steep, and in recent years Wrestlemania hasn't exactly been awesome. I'd pay it if it was the only way for me to see Wrestlemania, but I don't really see the huge fuss over HD. I don't think anyone complained when we didn't have HD, so why is everyone acting as if it is the best thing since sliced bread?

I could pay to go see it live for a little more than this. And I think I'd rather do tha as I love WWE live. The atmosphere makes everything seem ever better. But all in all, I think this is way too much just for one PPV.
The only thing I can think of to make the HD version a little more cost friendly would be to find a bunch of friends to watch it with, and pool the cost between us...70 bucks is a lot, but 10 bucks each between 7 people is a lot easier to stomach.
$70 dollars is a little to much but i think its worth it if u ave alot of friends to watch it with but really? 70$ comon i think the standered version will docause u can use it to order majority if not all of the next ppv
It cost WWE 20Mil to go to the HD format. With all that in mind I think $70 is completely reasonable. Wrestlemania is their most expensive PPV in the first place and of course if it's in HD that's gonna jack the price more. If I was gonna order it I wouldn't mind paying $70
I think WWE is banking on friends grouping together at one house and spliting the PPV. That way, if one out of the group has an HD TV, they are more than likely gonna watch there in which case they'll order the HD Wrestlemania. Honestly, if someone has a HD screen, reciever, and is already gonna order Wrestlemania, why would they not order it in HD.

Most wrestling fans make a specticle out of Wrestlemania. Remember Wrestlemania All Day Long in 2000. That was $70.00, but my friends and I all threw down less than $10.00 each, made a bunch of food and spent our Sunday watching Wrestlemania moments. This price is steep, but it will sell.
hmmm good thing im gonna steal wm.. just like i do with every other ppv, the only downside is i have to wait 1 day after to download it, but the quality is the same as on tv... and hey, its free XD

if any1 wants to download the ppv i could pass out the link.. u gotta have a good internet thought.. especially for WM wich is like 4GB...

cuz anyway on to the subject 70 bucks for a ppv is bullshit, just cuz its in HD? sure in HD i admit the quality is much better.. but not 70 bucks better, but WWE is just testing they wanna see if ppl will buy WM no matter what price it is, and if the ppv buyrates are good, next years WM will be 80, and the year after that 90.. i wouldnt be suprised if the day comes where ppl are buying WM for 100 lol... WWE just wants to make the most money possible, they dont care about the fans, but honestly.. can u blame them??

if it was my buisness i would do the same... though i wouldnt let my shit leak on the internet for free....
ECW Title:
CM Punk(c) vs. Shelton Benjamin
They've been building Shelton up for weeks. Give him a legit win over Kane and put him in the title picture. Punk wins in a great match.

US Championship:
MVP(c) vs Matt Hardy)
Obvious. Hardy wins.

Jeff Hardy vs. Kennedy vs. Kane vs. Helms vs. Kofi vs. Elijah Burke
I see Hardy winning this and going on to cash in on his contract to win. Helms makes a huge comeback and Kofi entertains the crowd with some crazy moves. Huge spot goes to Hardy.

Some kind of Tag Team Title Match.

Texas Bullrope Match:
JBL vs. Y2J
This would be a great match. Jericho wins to end the feud.

Hornswoggle w/ Finlay vs. Vince w/ Shane
Finlay hits Vince and Shane with the shilelagh to set up Horny for the Tadpole splash.

Career Threatening Match:
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
This is kind of obvious. Shawn's the only one that will end Flair's career.

WWE Championship:
Cena(c) vs. Orton vs. HHH
HHH and Cena both win at NWO. Orton demands a rematch. Here it is. HHH goes over Cena.

Edge(c) vs. Undertaker
This has been brewing since Survivor Series. Undertaker keeps the streak alive. Holds the title for a good lengthly run. Feuds with Edge.
What i think will be The WrestleMania Card:

WWE Championship:

Randy Orton (C) Vs John Cena Vs HHH

Basically, i think this match could be made 2 ways. 1, Orton will get DQ in his match at No Way Out against Cena while HHH wins The Chamber and Cena ask for a rematch since he didnt lose. 2, HHH wins the chamber and then interfears and and takes both Orton and Cena out causing a no contest. The next night HHH will say he did that cause Orton stole the title from his at No Mercy and Cena cause Cena got lucky throwing him out at the Royal Rumble. Either way it will be a triple Threat and i think Cena might pin Orton to win the title and then HHH and Cena will go on to feud after this.

World Title:

Edge (C) Vs The Undertaker - Streak Vs Streak

This has been building for months and is sure to take place. Should be a great match with Taker coming out on top and going 16-0

US Title

MVP(C) Vs Matt Hardy

This also has been bulding for a long time and Matt should return soon and take the title from MVP finally and get his revenge.

Retirement Match
HBK Vs Flair

This should be Flairs Farewell Match with HBK winning but no hatred coming out of it but pure respect.

Money In The Bank

Jeff Vs Benjamin Vs Keneddy Vs Kane Vs Rey (If medically cleared) Vs Y2J Vs JBL Vs Umaga

This match should be good with Benjamin and Jeff in it, Jeff should win as he is receiving a big push atm. The rest are just in there cause they have nothing to do and Y2J and JBL can continue their rivalry in this as i doubt they will have a singles match at WM as they had one on raw. They should put 6 people in this match as it gets too crowded, but they probably wont happen.

Big Show Vs Batista

i think Batista might be in a money in the bank qualifiying match on Smackdown and someone comes out and costs him the match. finally it is revealed that it was the big show and his back and his coming to take out the trash. I see Big show winning here to make his suprise return complete.

ECW Championship:

Chavo (C) Vs Punk (Ladder or Extreme Rulz Match)

I Dont see Chavo losing the title At No Way Out and i dont see benjamin getting a title shot so i see another rematch for the title between these two at WM but this time i think it might a ladder or extreme rulz match to make it interesting. Punk should win it back here.

WWE Tag Titles

Miz and Morrision (C) Vs Moore And Yang Vs Jesse And Festus Vs The Edge Heads

I see WWE going with a fatal 4 way for the tag titles here and i see Jesse and Festus winning the titles thanks to the rage of Festus.


Holly And Rhodes (C) Vs Carlito and Santino

i see this being at Wrestlemania but i see Holly and Rhodes retaining with Maria costing Santino the match.

Womens Title

Candice Vs Mickie Vs Phoneix (C)

I see Candice making here return and coming for revenge and the title. i also see Mickie being involved and turning a bit heel and crazy in the process after not being able to beat phoneix. Candice wins by pinning Phoniex.

Winner Gets To Keep Hornsowoggle.

Vince Vs Finlay W/ Hornswoggle: Special Ref Mick Foley

this seems fairly obvious with the way things are going and i see foley being the ref as they usually have a speical ref at Wrestlemania. i see Vince getting angry with foley for counting too slow and Shane gets involved and takes out foley. Foley eventually recovers and takes out shane and puts the socko on vince. Hornswoggle then climbs up and hits the splash and finaly gets the pin to get custody of Hornswoggle.

Overall should be a fairly Good Wrestlemania, Defiently better than last years!
WWE Championship:

orton vs cena vs triple h i see orton getting dq'd and setting up a triple threat at mania with triple h and cena. i see triple h walking out the champ after an FU to orton and with the ref knocked out hitting cena with the title.

World Championship

Edge vs Undertaker i see taker winning the chamber at no way out setting up this match. this should be the actual main event since there is so much to this match. 15-0 against 6-0(i may be wrong) with the championship on the line. this will be a great match and i see taker walking out the champ for the second year in a row after a hard fought match between both of them.

Vince vs Finlay This is for the custody of Hornswoggle. This could be a decent match if done right. But i see shane and foley somehow getting involved and finlay winning the match ending the bastard son angle.

HBK vs Jeff Hardy (ladder match for to determine #1 contender) afte the match these 2 had on raw last week, i could definately see them in another match at mania. hardy can pin hbk in the chamber and then hbk hit sweet chin music giving triple h the win and setting up this match for mania with hardy being screwed out of a title match, regal can make it a ladder match for the #1 contender spot instead of money in the bank this year.

Y2J vs JBL (bullrope match) This should be the end of this feud and could be a decent match with these 2 in a bullrope match. the way it has gone lately, they need to end it in a match like this and let them move on to other feuds. either one could win the match, but i think it will go to JBL after interference from Kennedy.

MVP vs Matt Hardy for the US championship After months of this feud and Matt being "injured" by MVP i can see this starting again when matt comes back. and i can possibly see a title reign for matt hardy after this match. and this could be another show stealer.

not sure about the rest of the card. i'll edit later with more when i think of it.
On the main Wrestlezone page they're predicting Flair Vs Batista. That could quite possibly be one of the worst matches in WM history and i hope to god they find someone better for Flair to bow out against. Michaels seems like the obvious choice. If he can get a decent match out of Hardy, Flair should be easy.
I doubt they'll do Flair/Batista and Hardy/HBK, and I sincerely hope not.

Think about it.

Flair wants to lose to someone credible, right? Now, he and Dave Bautista might be friends, but Batista's career can't hold a candle to Shawn's. If Flair did agree to lose to Batista, he must be going senile as well.

As far as HBK/Hardy, why? Are you going to turn one of your top babyfaces a heel just for a sequel match of a really good Raw match? Don't get me wrong, it'd be a good match, but why take Hardy out of the MITB and put him in a feud where your fans will have to choose whether or not to boo two of their favorite faces?

That just doesn't add up. Plus, before, we've been hearing HBK/Flair and Hardy/MITB.
Taker from the spoilers on the main site. If it happens then this can be the official thread and can be moved to the WWE PPV section, if not it can stay here.

This match happened at the Rumble, it's happened in various tag matches, it happened on Raw. And tonight they're in the EC together. Isn't that enough? I don't think anybody cares about this feud. It's certainly not a Mania match. On Raw Umaga came to JBL's aid. So I can hope for some sort of tag match instead. JBL & Umaga vs. Jericho and somebody else.

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