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General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

It definately seems like wwe is moving away from edge vs. taker. The way it seems now is that c.m. punk is going to go after edge. punk vs edge at mania would be an excellant match. plus it seems like they took the title off of punk for something big.
I think they're doing CM Punk vs Edge as the storyline to use for their match at No Way Out, as they can't have Edge defend the title once the Undertaker challenges him. Last year, they had both champions in a tag team match, so the titles weren't on the line. A match between Punk/Edge at NWO will finish that storyline, all the while the Undertaker will still be in the spotlight. As far as why Punk lost the title? It gives Edge more heat. And really, do you guys think Chavo is going to keep that title long? That's going to be Shelton's soon once he defeats whatever face defeats Chavo.
I'm going to go for Punk vs. Mysterio. I just see a heel turn for Punk. An alliance with Edge would do him a world of good. He's gold at the moment and it just ain't gonna happen with The Majors. I see Punk accidently cost Mysterio the title at the Rumble, then a full heel turn in the rematch at No Way Out or on Smackdown.

I actually think that Punk & Mysterio would be a good Mania match. In this day there aren't many big matches. So I don't see why WWE doesn't try to promote matches that are going to be great.
Love the idea of a CM Punk/Mysterio match. There styles seem as though their styles would mesh quite well. And a heel turn for Punk could really put him over. These two could have the potential to put on a great match. Also interested in what they will do with Flair, Michaels, Umaga, and several other superstars.
It’s that time of year again when the pre-Rumble buzz begins speculating about the main event at Wrestlemania. Usually by this time a reasonable assumption can be made based on the participants and current feuds that are present on both brands. This year is no different, given that a Smackdown superstar has won for the past two years it seems as if a RAW victory is secured. And what certain RAW superstar that is married to the boss’s daughter also happens to be involved in the Rumble match itself? Yes kiddies, the delayed-speech stiff-worker Triple H is no doubt everyone’s pick to survive the onslaught of 29 other superstars that, combined, have 29 times more talent than The Game. But let’s just back up a moment and assume that Hopeless Hearst Helmsley actually does the right thing and decides to keep himself out of the Wrestlemania main event. Who could fill those over-inflated and brown-nosing shoes? Let us also assume that WWE has enough sense to ride the wave of Jeff Hardy’s recent surge in popularity to capitalize on it and put the strap on him. What Royal Rumble participant could draw numbers large enough for Wrestlemania and push Jeff Hardy to his limit?

The answer to these questions should be plainly obvious: the Showstopper, the Headliner, the Main Event, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels. No other wrestler on WWE’s roster can perform like Michaels and no one else needs such a drastic push as HBK. Now, I can anticipate the criticism of an HBK “push” that will most likely take the form of “HBK doesn’t need a push; he should be building younger talent and establishing talent that is already there.” Au contraire. Michaels has been putting over younger talent since his return in 2002 and even putting over older talent (*cough* Ric Flair *cough*). His feud with Kennedy has been decent, but the downside to it is that it has not elevated him as much as it has dropped HBK. Now that 2008 is here, it’s time for WWE to take a fresh look at where this business could and should be headed; that future is an HBK-Hardy main event for the title at Mania. Add that to Michaels track record in big matches (who else could get a four-star match out of Hulk Hogan?) and the drama that these two have very similar career paths; I would be honestly surprised if this was not the definitive match of the year.

But why stop there? Sure, the gods may be smiling on the wrestling community to even give us an opportunity to watch this match and we may incur their wrath for demanding more. So let’s do it anyway. Let’s add a special match type to the main event, something both are noted for, something shocking with lots of high spots; maybe . . . a ladder match? Any true wrestling fan would literally salivate at such a prospect and I believe everyone would agree it might just be the best match in Mania history.
As for who should win it, I’m naturally partial to Michaels. But no matter who loses, the fans win.
I don't think HHH will be in the main event at mania. I think he will actually be the one to beat ric flair. I think with the whole familla angle on smackdown that punk will win the rumble and challenge orton for the wwe title. Undertaker will win the chamber match and face edge for the whc at mania. tommy dreamer will most likely defend the ecw title against shelton benjamin after dreamer wins it at no way out. The mitb ladder match will happen again this year. i predict that it will be: rey mysterio,hbk,kennedy,jeff hardy,matt hardy,finlay,elijah burke,chavo.
Surely I'm not the only one who doesn't want to see Randy Orton vs. Batista/Triple H in the WrestleMania main event? Orton/HHH has been done to death, with both being pretty dull wrestlers. I'm not going to say Batista is overrated because everyone already knows he sucks.

And nobody say ''Well Undertaker vs. Batista was frikking awesome last year!'' because that match was average and was taken way out of proportion. People make a big deal out of it because Batista actually managad to put on a decent match.

Anyways, here's how I see it going down. The final two in the Rumble are Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Two friends going at it for a chance to go to Wrestlemania. They give it all they've got, and after 5 minutes of signature mopves and finishers, HBK heads towards the corner and tunes up the band. Hunter gets up, he turns....and bundles an onrushing HBK over the top rope! Triple H wins. Woo hoo! For 2 minutes, before you realise he'll headline another WrestleMania.

My predicted card for WM24:

WWE Championship
Randy Orton © vs. Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge © vs. The Undertaker

Ric Flair vs. Vince McMahon

Money In The Bank Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. John Morrison vs. Finlay vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Kane vs. Carlito
Ladder Match

Big Show vs. Batista

Chris Jericho vs. JBL
Street Fight

WWE United States Championship
MVP © vs. Matt Hardy

They'll add Mr. Kennedy and probably Khali in there somewhere but at the moment I can't think of who they'd face.
So Its Been Awhile.

Wwe Title: Randy Orton Vs Triple H Vs Batista- Enforcer: John Cena- So I Think Batista Wins Rumble But Somehow Hunter Gets Involved. I Think Having Cena Involved Too, And You Have A Ton Of Star Power. And Orton, Triple H And Batista Have Proven They Can Step It Up In A Big Match. I Like This More Than Just Orton Vs Triple H Plus I Really Just Dont Know What To Do With Batista Because I Dont Think A Batista Vs Flair Match Really Makes Much Sense Or Would Be God At All.

Whc Title: Edge Vs The Undertaker- I Really Think This Will Be Amazing. I Expect A Five Star Match, Much Like The Angle Vs Taker Match A Couple Years Ago At Nwo.

Dream Match: Hbk Vs Jeff Hardy- I Think This Is A Dream Match In My Opinion.

Flairs Last Match- Ric Flair Vs Mr Kennedy- I Think This Can Work. Promos Would Be Great And Plus I Think It Makes Sense For Flairs Last Match To Put Someone Over. And I Like The Idea Or Flair's Last Match Going Against A Young Classic Heel Like Kennedy.

U.s Title Match- Mvp Vs Matt Hardy- Should Be Great I Just Hope That It Is Still Fresh Come Wrestlemania.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match- Y2j Vs Jbl Vs Umaga Vs Punk Vs Rey Vs Foley (yes Foley) Vs Benjamin Vs Kane- I Think Jericho Or Punk Should Win.

Grudge Match- Vince Mcmahon Vs Finlay- Eh, I Think It Makes Sense. Could Be Fun.

Ecw Title Match- The Big Show Vs Chavo Guererro- Would Not Be A Good Match But It Could Be A Good Story.

Women's Title Match- Beth Phoenix Vs Candice Michelle- Whatever It Is Bound To Happen

Sorry Bout The Caps. Let Me Know What You Guys Think.
Well, after watching the Royal Rumble I as a wrestling fan am going to boycott Wrestlemania, unless Cena gets hurt or loses his #1 contendership. I can already tell you the main event John Cena defeats Randy Orton for the WWE championship. Why did HHH as a writer allow this shit to happen? Why couldn't it have been the Big Show, or Chris Benoit? Yeah, I would rather have a dead murderer win the Royal Rumble. So, to WWE and all Cena fans: jump off a god damn cliff. Bye.
Well before the rumble i was 99% sure it would be an evolution main event, and even though i really like Cena i hope somehow he loses the number 1 contendership and then feuds with someone else. Perhaps having it Orton V Flair V Triple H in main event, then Batista V Cena in feud match. For the love of god though if they make Cena V Edge instead of Edge V Undertaker i will cry lol.

It'll probs end up like this though
WWE Title: Randy Orton V Triple H V Cena- The three top stars on Raw, i hope Cena dont win (despite me being a fan of his).

World Title: Edge Vs The Undertaker- This has to happen. And its one of the first times that Undertaker may lose at WM.

Grudge Match- Batista V HBK- This is a match im not sure about, but their too big to be in the MITB, but wont be in the title matches. It might stem from the Chamber at nwo.

Career Threatening Match- Ric Flair Vs Mr Kennedy- After what happend at Rumble, and the fact Cena's back this will probably be the way Flair goes out. It'll also give Kennedy a HUGE push, perhaps ending in a WWE title run.

ECW Title- Chavo V Shelton V Punk- This will be a good match, mainly because of Shelton and Punk. I dont really care about Chavo tbh, i'd rather it just be Punk and Shelton.

U.S Title- MVP V Matt Hardy- Apart from MITB match this is the most obvious match that'll happen. Matt Hardy should win.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match- Umaga V Jeff Hardy V Mysterio V Jericho V JBL V Kane V Finlay- should be a good match, id have put Hardy in another match, but he said that he wants to be in this. If he's in any other match it'll be him V Mysterio for inter title in a dream match.

Some Diva Match, probs Maria/ Phoenix/ Candice/ Ashley or whatever- dont mind really.
New predictions:

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Randy Orton vs John Cena [(vs Triple H) (vs Jeff Hardy?)]
--Cena won't challenge Edge, nor will he challenge Chavo. So that leaves Orton vs Cena. However, I'm hoping they include Hardy out of respect for him doing so well lately. Triple H would put himself in there, naturally. If its a four-way, then I can definitely see Triple H cheating to win it and turning heel like he wanted to, then feuding with Cena.

--If they don't do this, I'll be so pissed. I'm a little worried about it now, as they haven't been focusing on it lately. Hopefully they're smart enough to keep it, though.

--They haven't done Michaels/Flair yet. They already did HHH/Flair. The first person to talk to Flair about his retirement was HBK. Michaels will probably end his feud with Kennedy real soon. There's four reasons that they'll have this match, though its obviously not set in stone.

--This is only if it doesn't happen at No Way Out, which I'm hoping is the case, as they'd be dragging it out too long if they waited till Wrestlemania.

ECW CHAMPIONSHIP: CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin
--I don't think Chavo will retain the title too long. He'll lose by No Way Out.

UNKNOWN: Batista, Umaga, JBL

MONEY IN THE BANK POTENTIAL CANDIDATES: Carlito, Jeff Hardy, Jericho, Kennedy, Finlay, Kane, Mysterio, Elijah Burke, John Morrison
--The only people I can see being contenders. Naturally, not all of them can be in the match, as that's far too many that I'm naming. The trick to the Money in the Bank concept is that the winners can't be those that are already firm in the main event. Thusly, Kane, Mysterio, and Jericho wouldn't win, neither would someone like HBK or Batista, as they could legitimately just challenge for a title and everyone would accept it. MITB goes to the guys that need to use it as a stepping stone. Thusly, I think the only candidates would be MVP (if he was in it, and not in the US match), Jeff Hardy, Kennedy, or Morrison (but he's the least likely out of those 4).
sorry to do another card.









I disagree with what everyone is suggesting!

With Cena vs Orton at No Way out, it means almost certainly that these two will not square off at wrestlemania imo. The winner of the elimination chamber will face probly Orton because I cannnot see them having the winner jump to smackdown. So I think it will be Orton vs Hardy, with Hardy finally getting the chance to win the big one on the grandest stage of them all, I really hope it is not HHH, but that is also possible with his clout.

So that leaves the question of the smackdown mainevent. I think it will be one of Cena vs Edge, or Cena vs Edge vs Taker, or Edge vs Taker.

The whole point of the Royal Rumble is the winner gets a title shot at wrestlemania, it seems stupid to change the rules this year. SoI think Cena will lose at NWO, but he will say because he won at the rumble, and he was screwed at NWO that he wants another shot but against Edge. This is just a hunch though and we probably won't find out until No way Out what WWE are exactly up to.
So after watching raw... ive come to my conclusions on what i think the mania card is going to shape up to be.

John Cena (c) Vs Randy Orton Vs HHH
So Cena will win at NWO because he's cena unfortunately, i think HHH is a shoe in to win the chamber so he becomes #1 contender. Orton then revokes his rematch clause and makes it a triple threat as he cant stand to miss out on the main event. Winner : HHH

Undertaker Vs Edge (c)
Streak vs streak has to happen, edge is so hot right now with the crowd as seen at the rumble and this match should (but wont) be the last match on the night. My only issue is that now that raw has the chamber, how this will be set up... i guess we will find out asap.

ECW championship:
Chavo (c) vs Punk vs Shelton

Career Threatening Match
Flair Vs Batista
I think the way this could happen is for Batista to be cheated out of a WHC shot, and vince says to him.. enough is enough, flair must lose... therefore Vince says that if Batista can retire flair, he will become #1 contender.

Last Man Standing Match:
Jericho Vs JBL
This fued will continue after the chamber

Money in the bank ladder match
Jeff Hardy Vs Kane Vs Umaga Vs Rey Mysterio Vs Kennedy Vs Big Show
The people with nothing to do... I think Jeff will win this however i would like to see Kennedy take the win 2 years in a row... but this time (as he knows last time he was injured because he took his time) he will cash it in at the end of the night.... Defeating HHH for the title to end the show. This would catipult Kennedy into the limelight straight away.

Finley/Horny Vs Mr.Mcmahon/Shane McMahon

MVP Vs Matt Hardy

Shawn Michaels vs ?????????????
I dont know where shawn is goin to go after the chamber to be honest... maybe a match with big show?
So with Cena winning the Rumble and the EC being a Raw thing I've changed my miond on what I want to happen at Mania.

If Taker isn't getting a WHC shot through the Elimination Chamber then I don't want him to face Edge. I'd much prefer it if he faced Umaga. It's more of your typical 'Taker Mania match anyway. AndI lost most of my enthusiasm for the Edge match when they faced each other at Armageddon.

Edge in my opinion would be much better off with Jericho as his Mania opponent. It'll be a quality match and the mic work would be stellar. Let's face it with Cena back, and HHH on one of his rolls. Edge wouldn't stand a chance at main eventing anyway. And no having the 4th match on the card is not main eventing. There is only one main event and that is the last match. So anyway they should just put Edge in a match that will deliver in the ring. And Y2J is probably the best option. Or even Jeff Hardy. There is enough history between the two to attract intrest.
I posted one a few months back but now that things are more in perspective:

WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. HHH
Triple Threat Match for the vacated title

Here's what I think will happen: Cena and Orton somehow pin each other, or maybe Orton submits but has Cena rolled over and pinned for 1-2-3. Regal strips the title off of both men, then puts Elimination Chamber winner HHH in the match. Cena wins the vacated title.

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge (c) vs. The Undertaker

I don't think the WWE has given up on this one. Along with the Elimination Chamber, I could see Undertaker facing either Batista, Rey Mysterio, and\or MVP for the title shot at No Way Out and winning. Undertaker can easily overcome Vickie and the Edgeheads to go to 16-0 and once again win the World Heavyweight Title.

Bullrope Match
Chris Jericho vs. J.B.L.

They settle their differences after they eliminate each other in the Elimination Chamber (Jericho pins JBL but JBL clotheslines him leaving him prone). Jericho gets the bloody and hard-fought win.

Career Threatening Match
Ric Flair vs. Mr. Kennedy

One of the matches I accurately called the first time. I'm betting that Flair wins at No Way Out but Kennedy wants a rematch and revenge, and like he always does, he gets the 2nd win, sending Flair off and passing the cocky torch to Kennedy.

United States Championship
M.V.P. (c) vs. Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy comes back soon and gets the long awaited match against the cocky champion. Hardy wins the U.S. strap in what could steal the show.

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels

The WWE prepares Hardy for the big time by putting him in a high-profile legend vs. soon-to-be legend. I could see some respect rivalry started in the chamber, leading to either Michaels turning heel, or simply wanting to see what Hardy has got. I could Hardy continuing his good match streak with a huge win over Michaels.

Tag Team Grudge Match
Finlay and Hornswaggle vs. Vince and Shane McMahon

Why not? You know Vince wants to wrestle some more, so why not get in there with a midget? The storyline points that direction. I say Vince and Shane win.

Women's Championship
Beth Phoenix vs. Maria

A great female wrestler vs. a Playboy bunny. Great. Santino makes an appearance, does something stupid and Phoenix wins easily but Maria still looks good and finally dumps him for good.

Money in the Bank match
Cody Rhodes vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Kane vs. Umaga vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz vs. Shelton Benjamin

Good match as usual with Benjamin getting the upset win, which leads to...

ECW Championship
Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. C.M. Punk

I think the WWE had this in mind with John Morrison and with Chris Benoit. Have C.M. Punk finally win the ECW title on the biggest stage. This time he'll get his second title reign BUT...Benjamin cashes in Money in the Bank immediately and wins the ECW title by hitting his finisher and pinning Punk after his match (ala Edge). Crazy? Think the WWE is above doing it?

Batista and The Big Show vs. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry

This is assuming that the Big Show is face, and that Batista has nothing better to do. I guess Batista wins, but I really don't expect this match to happen. I just had nowhere to put Batista that made sense.
WWE Championship- John Cena(C) vs. Triple H- I am willing to bet anything that cena wins the belt at NWO and Tripls wins the chamber, what makes it evan more obvious is the way they ran it at the Rumble with Cena and Trips as the final 2, I have NO clue who would win this match, but i'll go with Trips, just because he hasn't had a title reign in quite some time.

World Heavyweight Championship- Edge(C) (w/Edgeheads and Viki) vs. CM Punk (w/ Rey Rey and Teddy Long)- Okay, call me crazy, but Takers series of injuries and age, I dont think that the WWE is going to give him another title reign, Punk and Edge have been feuding lately along with Rey and Chavo, so I think that this match is a possibility. This has the potential to be an EXCELLENT match with wo of the most talented pure wrestlers in the game today.

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker- I see this being alot like the whole HBK/Angle angle(sorry) a few years back, with HBK being the heel. He will show up on Smackdown and superkick the hell out of Taker creating this match.

Randy Orton vs. Batista- I can see either Orton going to Smackdown or Batista comming to RAW to start this feud between the two former evolution teammates, we have yet to see these two go at it on the big stage as of yet.

Career Match- Ric Flair vs. Mr. Kennedy- This will be a rematch from NWO, after Flair wins, Kennedy will end his career and get the torch passed onto him from THE NATUREBOY

TLC for US Title- Matt Hardy vs. MVP- This has been brewing for months and months, and god damn I cant wait to see it, TLC would put it over the top in my opinion.

Womens Title- Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James- Gotta have the womens match, so they dont bitch about it.

MITB- Rey Mysterio vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho vs. JBL vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Finlay vs. Umaga- Jericho will win and get the title shot
I mean, in my opinion it looks pretty obvious but nobody seems to think it will happen. I think that WWE was caught off guard with Cena being cleared to wrestle. Now that he is they are stuck in a bad spot. They, of course, want him to headline Mania, but I'm sure they want HHH in their as well. There also probably going to get stuck with Smackdown having a triple threat for the title and I don't think they want Mania being headlined by two triple threat matches. So now that Orton is probably going to lose the belt at No Way Out and Kennedy is now going to face Flair at NWO isn't it clear that Flair will go down at Mania to "The Legend Killer" I think it looks pretty obvious as they have put Orton over pretty much ever "legend" he has faced.
WWE Championship- John Cena(C) vs. Triple H- I am willing to bet anything that cena wins the belt at NWO and Tripls wins the chamber, what makes it evan more obvious is the way they ran it at the Rumble with Cena and Trips as the final 2, I have NO clue who would win this match, but i'll go with Trips, just because he hasn't had a title reign in quite some time.

World Heavyweight Championship- Edge(C) (w/Edgeheads and Viki) vs. CM Punk (w/ Rey Rey and Teddy Long)- Okay, call me crazy, but Takers series of injuries and age, I dont think that the WWE is going to give him another title reign, Punk and Edge have been feuding lately along with Rey and Chavo, so I think that this match is a possibility. This has the potential to be an EXCELLENT match with wo of the most talented pure wrestlers in the game today.

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker- I see this being alot like the whole HBK/Angle angle(sorry) a few years back, with HBK being the heel. He will show up on Smackdown and superkick the hell out of Taker creating this match.

Randy Orton vs. Batista- I can see either Orton going to Smackdown or Batista comming to RAW to start this feud between the two former evolution teammates, we have yet to see these two go at it on the big stage as of yet.

Career Match- Ric Flair vs. Mr. Kennedy- This will be a rematch from NWO, after Flair wins, Kennedy will end his career and get the torch passed onto him from THE NATUREBOY

TLC for US Title- Matt Hardy vs. MVP- This has been brewing for months and months, and god damn I cant wait to see it, TLC would put it over the top in my opinion.

Womens Title- Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James- Gotta have the womens match, so they dont bitch about it.

MITB- Rey Mysterio vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho vs. JBL vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Finlay vs. Umaga- Jericho will win and get the title shot

First off WHC... I beleive, actually i know that they wouldnt do that match for a few reasons, Punk is not well enough known Character and not ready to be in a main event title match at Mania. HBK vs. Taker, possible, but you referred to HBK vs Angle and said that HBK was the heel. What? No he wasnt Angle was. Perhaps you recall Angle putting the ancle lock on Sherri Martel? Cena vs. HHH, and Orton vs. Batista are possibility's however im seeing a triple threat with Cena Oton and HHH at Mania. U.S. title is a good prediction, although im not sure when Matt is scheduled to return. Beth vs. Mickie could happen, probably will. And the MITB not sure who will be in it, but im pretty positive Jericho and JBL will be having their own match. I would say Morrison and/or Miz in that match.
I think I remember reading the Observer a while back that Cena vs Batista was a possibility before he got injured in October. They could still go with that and have Orton retain and HHH win the chamber at NWO. With that said, I hope they don't take that route and I doubt they will.

I'm hoping for a Cena vs HHH main event. I hope to God its not a three-way involving Orton.
Now that everything for NWO is pretty clear here is my updated WrestleMania predictions.

WWE Championship
Cena(c) vs HHH vs Orton - Triple threat match
This is getting pretty clear. Cena wins the belt at NWO, HHH wins the chamber, Orton demands a rematch. HHH gets the win in my opinion.

World Heavyweight Title
Edge(c) vs Undertaker
I would like to see Edge vs Punk, but wont be possible since Punk is not in the Elimination chamber. Streak vs Streak will be a great match, maybe a buried alive match, that would be interesting, but that means Undertaker would win the title, which I dont see I see Edge retaining.

Career Threatening Match
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs HBK - I think they will go this route, Kennedy gets his shot at NWO, I just see Flair wanting to lose to a good friend.

Money In the Bank
Mysterio vs Kennedy vs Shelton Benjamin vs Jeff Hardy vs Umaga vs Kane vs Elijah Burke vs Batista (if he isnt involved in any other match, but why not throw another big name into this match)
Kennedy or Hardy come out on top of this one

United States Title
MVP(c) vs Matt Hardy
Like everyone earlier has stated, Matt wins pushing MVP towards main event status

Y2J vs JBL
Maybe a gimmick match, Ironman, Bull Rope should be an entertaining match

ECW Title
CM Punk vs Chavo(c)
I think they will continue this feud all the way to WM, No DQ match with CM Punk winning.

Women's Title
Beth Phoenix(c) vs Maria
No way they put the belt on Maria, but they give her the match to promote the Playboy cover girl.

Other possible matches include:
Shane O Mac and Vince vs Finlay and Hornswaggle
Hogan or Big Show vs Khali - Get that no talent Khali out of the WWE

I think they should do a Tag Title Unification match
Holly/Rhodes vs Miz/Morrison
Tag Titles can be on all brands (hopefully but not likely)
if orton loses at nwo i gonna be pissed that would be sticking orton with
the shaft big time i think the bst route is a three way between
orton cena and hhh i would rather have jeff hardy than john cena but
i dont see that happening since cena always gets title matches
No Way Out has a full card already, almost, so some things have become very, very clear. Here are my new predictions:

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena
--I'm sticking with what I originally said. Either Cena wins the title and Orton asks for his rematch clause, or Orton loses by DQ so Cena remains the #1 contender along with Triple H winning the Elimination Chamber. If Triple H is planning on turning heel and/or feuding with Cena, he'll win the title here.

--No need to explain.

--Flair will beat Kennedy at No Way Out, and since Kennedy feuded with Michaels (along with Michaels being worthy to end Flair's career, AND using the figure four lately, AND being the first person to talk to Flair after the retirement angle started), HBK will win.

--Matt wins. No need to elaborate, as everyone else has said all we need to say.

ECW CHAMPIONSHIP: CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin (or Chavo)
--I don't think Chavo will retain the title too long. He'll lose by No Way Out. If that's the case, Shelton will challenge, but if it isn't, then Punk will win the belt from Chavo at Wrestlemania. The former seems more likely, though.

MONEY IN THE BANK: Carlito, Jeff Hardy, Jericho, Kennedy, Kane, Mysterio, Elijah Burke, John Morrison
--They did six people the first two times, and eight last year, but two were taken out on stretchers. So either this will be eight again, or six. If its only six, then Carlito, Burke, and Morrison would probably have to step down. But, then there is the possibility that Kane and/or Jericho might have separate matches, so Carlito/Burke/Morrison might have a shot anyway. No matter what, either Hardy or Kennedy will win.

WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Beth Phoenix vs Maria
--Seems like they want to do this. The only way it won't happen, then, is if they push Ashley or they continue to push Mickie (which I'd rather see, as Mickie is the best wrestler the Divas have). If its Phoenix/Maria, Phoenix will retain.

HORNSWOGGLE STUFF: Finlay and Foley vs Vince and Shane
--Report on Wrestlezone today said its an option amongst a few others, and I see this being the most likely one they'd choose.

UNKNOWN: Batista, Umaga, JBL
What I'm really wondering is : How in the hell are they going to have a MITB with no roof to hang the case from...

As for the matches. I'm going to be at WM. So I'm hoping for a "dream come true " Mania even though I doubt my luck will turn that way. NWO is looking pretty huge. Like it or not. 2 Elimination Chambers is something. Plus Cena's return match against Orton etc. So the big question is WrestleMania XXIV going to live up to NWO ? I know it's almost impossible it doesn't but still...

Here are the matches I predict happening

I would love to see HBK .vs. Taker or HBK .vs. Flair

Against Taker, Shawn would probably lose to keep the Mania Streak intact, but the fact the a 15-0 DVD was released could be a hint that Taker might lose...who knows

I think for Flair's final match, HBK would be a great opponent. The match would just be a little slower , but still a great moment to witness.

WWE Championship : Cena .vs. Orton .vs. HHH

I think we can all agree that no matter what happens at NWO this is going to be the RAW main event (99% of chances). I see HHH coming out champion and then feuding with Cena (that is, if he doesn't leave) with HHH losing the title at the second or third match. Then Cena would fued with Y2J .

Y2J .vs. JBL Bullrope match
A good ol' bloody Bullrope match. I mean with the camera cords chocking thing,it's pretty obvious where their headed here...

If WWE actually has a MITB (I hope so) Jeff is for sure included in it.Along with Mr.Kennedy and Umaga. For the others I'll just let the WWE "suprise me"

WWE Women's Championship : Beth .vs. Maria
I don't want to see it and I'm sick of seeing the women's division go down the drain. It sucks. When Trish and Lita were there (when Lita was not licking Edge's face and was WRESTLING) the division was awesome. They inspired me! Now , if I do become a wrestler, I rather just wrestle the guys like Chyna (without the man streoid-man figure ;) )
So this will just be an other short lived Women's title match with Maria showing "some moves" and getting flatten by The "Glamazon".
Otherwise it will be Beth.vs.Mickie with Mickie getting her revenge (much better alternative since they are alomost the only 2 who know how to wrestle rite now) and Ashley.vs.Maria in a Playboy match (similar to WM XX again) with the man fan base coming out as the winners ;)
WrestleMania 24 has the potential to be the best WM ever... if WWE gets it right.

Here's my predictions:

Money In The Bank:
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr Kennedy vs. Umaga vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kenny Dykstra vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. John Morrison

I see Shelton winning this one and going on to win the ECW Title later in the year or even later that night.

United States Championship:
Matt Hardy vs. MVP

I think Matt will win this one and have the lengthy run as United States Champion that he has deserved for a long time.

Texas Bullrope Match:
Chris Jericho vs. JBL

This one will be very brutal. I see these two doing things to each other that have never been seen before, and it should be a very good match with Y2J coming out on top.

Inter-Promotional Match:
Batista vs. Randy Orton

I think Batista will cost Randy the title at NWO after losing his own Elimination Chamber to Taker, which will start a fued leading to WM.
I see Orton winning this one cleanly with the RKO.

Womens Championship:
Maria vs. Beth Phoenix

They will have the usual Champion vs. Playboy Cover Girl match with Beth easily defending in what could be a funny match if Santino gets involved.

Finlay & Hornswoggle vs. Vince & Shane McMahon:

This should be a funny and entertaining match with Finlay & Horny picking up the win via use of the shillelagh.

World Heavyweight Championship:
Undertaker vs. Edge

No doubt that Taker will win this one and go to 16-0. But I don't think he will have a very long run as champ, maybe losing it around SummerSlam.

Career Threatening Match:
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

I think Ric will bring everything to the dance and have one hell of a match with HBK, it could even steal the show... I wouldn't doubt it with HBK involved. I see Shawn definantly winning and ending Flair's career on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

WWE Championship:
Triple H vs. John Cena

The re-match from WM22 but I see this one being a lot better as Cena has improved heaps since 2006. This should be a great match with Triple H winning the title and having one last long title run before he hangs up the boots.

Those are my predictions for WrestleMania 24. So let me know what you think.

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