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General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

Updated card:

WWE title c. Cena vs HHH
After there Royal Rumble showdown it really looked like this could be a lock, would be a great match none the less.

WHC c. Edge vs Undertaker
Its a lock. But I hope they add something to this, maybe make it a casket match or something.

Orton vs Batista
Dunno why, but I got this match as a lock. I have no clue how the storyline would work, but it seems as the best possible match for both, unless one of the title matches is in a 3way, then one of these 2 could be in the MITB.

Street fight Finlay vs Vince: Rights to Hornswoggle
This is one I'd like to see, its been building so long, I know something will happen between these 3 at Wm24. Also Hornswoggle could be the possible ref for this match.

US title c. MVP vs Matt Hardy
Another lock, Hardy will win and have a long run as champ, MVP will move on to bigger fish (WHC).

Retirement match Flair vs HBK
Match should be able to steal the show, I figure these 2 legends will be in th best shape they've been in in a long time for this one, should be a classic.

MITB Jeff Hardy vs Mysterio vs Y2J vs Umaga vs Kennedy vs Khali vs Kane vs Shelton
I know for a fact Hardy has to be in this one, he said he wants in a ladder match at Wm24, and would love a match with Rey, I think the fav to win this would be Hardy. The others are just in this to bring some names to the match, which I think will hurt this match and slow it down, but thats the group I see in this. Wild cards to get in this match: Cody, Morrison, Harris, The Truth Ron Killings & Miz. Who knows maybe they make this a 10 man MITB.

Big Show vs JBL
Big Show returns in great shape, I think it would make this a great match, only thing these 2 would be fighting for storyline wise would be a top contenders spot for the WWE title.

Women's title c. Beth vs 5 other Divas

Something like a 6 way match for the Womens title.

And maybe they add some kind of Battle Royal match, or Tag Team turmoil match, I don't know would be in it or if it would even be on PPV. Kind of like the last 2 WMs having a big match featuring alot of wrestlers.
Here is the Wrestlemania card that i feel will appear, not necessarily the card i would like to appear.

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs. The Undertaker

i think this match has been on the cards for a long time now, that's why everytime Edge has screwed Taker, Taker has taken his anger out on Mark Henry or Big Daddy V rather than Edge himself. i would expect Undertaker to win the Elimination Chamber (taker and Batista the final two) and then the title at Wrestlemania. Streak against Streak...Kinda. With the title at the end of it.

WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H

Now for a long time iv'e always been a fan of pitting John Cena against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania. These two superstars entered the scene roundabout the same time and echoed eachothers careers to a certain extent on there respective brands. Both men are in the prime of there career's and draw a good audience. When Cena returned at the rumble, i felt that this would be the ideal Wrestlemania Main Event scenario.
As i remember John Cena and Orton were engaged in a bitter ,intese rivlary a few months back that ended prematurely. Cena is forced to sit on the sidelines and surrender his crown to Randy Orton of all enemies, who in response steamrolls his way through all competition on Raw, possibly the greatest champion raw has seen in many years. cue Royal Rumble- Cena (eager to avenge previous events) returns and wins to everyones suprise. All the rage and emotion boiling from Cena, and the despair of Randy Orton (facing the fact that he has to face the only one superstar he hasnt defeated) sets up not only a lengthy amount of time to further explore a rivalry that already holds an enormous amount of History but an epic Wrestlemania main event. Enter Triple H.
Now it's common Knowledge that Triple H and his Mrs have the power (and use it willingly) to pull a few strings backstage in relation of the creative side of things. No doubt the only reason Orton and Cena are bringing forward there Wrestlemania match is becasue it opens a sidedoor for Triple H to throw himself into contention- just like the Rey Mysterio v Orton match that occured at NWO a couple of years ago. Triple H will win the chamber, Cena the Championship and Orton will request a rematch. You know, Triple H draws a great crowd and is one of the top guys, but i personally think he should take a back seat for this one- for once. Besides, considering Regal and Mcmahon can't stand Triple H, they certainly give him the chances- you know, a renewed rumble spot, an instant place in the chamber. Tough Love eh! Id expect Cena to win here, but would love to see an ultimate twist which i'll explain shortly.

Career Threatening Match
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

Now Michaels could win, but i reckon that Flair will confirm at an earlier stage(tv) that this will be his final match period and will delve into all that crap about it being an honour to end his career against Michaels- mutral agreement sort of match. Nothing to loose or win. i kinda hope they go this way for two reasons. reason one being that beating flair at this point of HBK's career isn't really a notch on his belt, much rather Flair lost to someone who can get a foot up from this sort of win. And secondly because if it was my so called friend getting fired from the very thing they love the most in the whole world if i beat them, i'd just lie down there and then and let them win, screw the "pride", thats what friends are for, Surley? I'm sure that's what Triple H would do?

JBL vs. Chris Jericho

The anti-climactic ending at the Rumble and with both superstars engaged in the Elimination Chamber, i would expect this match to be the climax to the rivalry. Due to the nature of the confrontations between the two, i would expect to see a stipulation placed upon this match- bull rope has been suggested a few times in this discussion. expect it to be a no disqualification match. I personally agree with a previous comment that Kennedy vs. jericho would be an excellent match. Trash talker vs. Trash Talker, in an I quit match. Oooh the irony. This would open up a space in the Money in the Bank match for JBL, who would win and begin a new Million Dollar Corporation type faction with the WWE championship in hand. This faction would dominate Raw in terms of Championships, Financially (JBL agreeing a payoff with Mcmahon to own the brand for a certain time and all of it's superstars excpet a few renegades- Cena, DX Jericho) and creativley- like a Commissioner. But thats for a later date- Jericho to beat JBL in a bloody affair.

United States Championship
Matt Hardy vs. Montel Vontavious Porter

This match would be a cummilation of things. Hardy could return at No Way Out and assult MVP, in doing so, claiming his Chamber place- like when MVP took Hardy out of the Survivor Series Match. This match could go either way, they could give the belt to Hardy so that MVP can begin feuds on a higher level, but i just feel that this rivalry could continue untill after Wrestlemania with a stipulation match at Backlash- possibly continuing to Judgement Day- But creative these days dont stick around with story lines too long, in my oppinion removing the genuity.

Womans Championship
Beth Pheonix vs. Ashley vs. Mickie James vs. Maria (vs. Melina vs. Candice)

Most people tend to believe that Pheonix will face off against Maria. There are a number of reasons as to why i dont think it will just be a singles match. The first being that Pheonix has faced Maria before and squashed her. There is absolutley no reason why appearing in Playboy will provide Maria with super strength to combat the glamazon. Having said that however, i do belive that Maria could end up with the Womans championship around her wasit at the end of the night after wrestling in a fatal fourway match- or even more. this links in nicley with my second thought- being that they seem to be doing something with Mickie James- and it's either a push or a heel turn, likly the later. With James involved with Pheonix and Ashley heavily involved with Maria i feel it could be a fatal fourway. Also, dont forget about the returning Candice Michelle and even the inclusion of Melina. i wouldnt put it past seeing our fair share of female variety at Wrestlemania. If it is a singles match which i feel it could be, Candice will either be in Maria's corner or will interfere to Maria's aid. I expect Santino won't be around Maria by this time.

Kane & The Big Show vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry

One day The Undertaker will defend his unbeaten record with Kane at his side, Or will have his record destroyed by the Big red machine. You may laugh! Well, it's more believable than the WWE giving Kane the title. As you can probably detect i'm a big Kane fan. i find it hard putting him into realistic Wrestlemania matches that would provide entertainment. I love kane, But the days are passing, the belly is growing and speed is stalling. Kane really needs a few months off (Like the Big Show) to loose the weight, gain some speed, and when he returns, be sporting that crimson & Black mask that we all loved and that made Kane, the bald, eyebrowless jobber we know now- Kane. But back to the match.
When Wrestlemania comes around the WWE has a tendancy to forget that all year round Kane has been used as a 7ft footstool to other superstars. Last year alone we've see Big Daddy V, Khali, Mark Henry, Finlay, Shelton Benjamin and Batista. The Year before- Umaga, MVP, Kennedy- The list goes on and on and on. But at Wrestlemania were still meant to believe that this is the same guy who took three tombstones three years ago- the big monster that takes no prisoners. The contender. So he has his match. When i found out that Big Show was returning i tryed to fit him into some sort of Wrestlemania rivalry. Besides a few unrealistic matches(non of these superstars would really fit into the MITB match), i thought that the continuous rivalry between Kane and Big Daddy V & Mark Henry could do with a support figure for Kane-and with Taker pre- occupied, how about an old Tag Team partner. Another reason this match features is because people like to see a mix of contempaory and traditional type matches, sure it's not the most athletic range of superstars, but four giants. And WWE like the giants.

Vince vs. Finlay -Street Fight- Hornswoggle Special Referee

Im still not convinced with this inclusion. Im certain that there will be some sort of match that cumilates this story line. The thinking behind this match is that the agreement made between Finlay and Mcmahon contains something that betrays the friendship between Hornswoggle and Finlay. This provokes a rivalry between Mcmahon and Finaly. The match itself comes down to referee Hornswoggle. The inclusion of mick Foley and Shane Mcmahon could also occur in a tag team type contest.

Rey Mysterio vs. The Great Khali

The ultimate David vs. Goliath contest. The smallest Superstar vs. the tallest. This is'nt necessarily a contest that i have much faith in, mainly due to the lack of entertainment and wrestling skills of Khali. The guy can't sell a move nevermind deliver one. It's come to my attention recently that Rey mysterio also has a tendancy to botch moves and with heavy reliance placed upon Khali selling the move, this contest could be a disaster. Therefore, i don't think it will likley appear at Wrestlemania.

ECW Championship Match
CM Punk vs. Chavo Guerrero

This is another match that i would rather didnt occur. CM Punk has great ability but from the sound of it is rather big headed and dismissive of advice, thus causing his downfall creativly. After watching Chavo Guerrero and CM Punk wrestle what feels like twenty five times within the space of three weeks, we've surley seen all of this rivalry in terms of wrestling ability that were going to see and a Wrestlemania contest seems insignificant and dull. There is a good chance that Punk will regain the title and begin a feud with Shelton Benjamin- a quality natural athelete who we have already been impressed with when watching small glimpses of him at the main event level.

The WWE could go with those types of matches, but if they really wanted to provide us with top notch entertainment, then they should go this way with the Money in the bank ladder match.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Batista vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk vs. Mysterio

If you said that Chavo and the Great Khali were not wresling this years mania, sure it would be a huge loss to the event and may even take a day or two to actually get over:blink: but it would soon be forgotton with the announcement of the MITB ladder match. we here have six top quality superstars- all of which have had Championship Matches at PPV's. This gives the match a more beliveable take. For example, in previous money in the bank matches we've seen superstars wrestling that, to be fair, where never going to win the match in a million years ie. Finlay, Matt Hardy,Benjamin. Here we have genuine contenders. The only problem i have is i would like to see Shelton Benjamin incorporated in this contest. ideally, it could be an eight man match, like it was last year. If it were eight men, i would vouch for the inclusion of John Morrison over Chavo, Khali or Burke.
Here's the ultimate bombshell. How cool would it be if the winner of Money in the Bank cashed it in after the main event of that Wrestlemania. I think Kennedy should win the Money in the bank, and defeat John Cena just after he's been crowned champion. That way, Kennedy's promise of featuring in the main event of next years Wrestlemania which he made last year would come true. This would be so unpresidented and a huge shock!
WWE Title Triple Threat Match
Orton (C) v Cena v Triple H

I cant see any other way of doing this match this way, I think how you set it up by having Cena win at NWO by DQ with HHH interfering and costing the Orton the win which still makes Cena #1 contender but also HHH after winning the Chamber. Why would they make Cena a transition champ anyways.

World HWC Streak v Championship
Edge v Undertaker

This is one of the matches that need to happen to make this ppv worth anything, If Edge is going to end the streak then it better be clean just out of respect to Takers career. If the Undertaker wins then i expect him to hold the title until atleast the summer sometime.

Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, Punk, Batista, Either Kane or Mysterio

Jeff Hardy should be the one to win this which I think would set up a Title run late in the year but on SD! and not Raw as the WHC challeges Edge at SSlam or SSeries. 2nd Choice would be Kennedy 3rd would be Punk, I think Batista is in just for star power but he would be drafted to Raw after WM to feud with HHH/Cena/Orton

Career Match
Ric Flair v HBK

Who better to put an end to Flair's HoF career then the show stopper, these two are friends and it will tell me Flair might atleast had say who got to end it.

Bullrope Match or NO DQ

this feud should end at WM in sometype of gimmick match, no matter what it will be bloody and a whole lot damage being done.

Women's Title
Beth Phoenix vs I really dont care who it is

This match will be a waste of 15 mins of the show, and when it comes down to it either Phoenix will retain or someone with reason to win it will. Front runner is either Maria or Mickie

Rights to Horny
Foley & Finley v McMahon's (and maybe Giant K.)

One way or another Finley/McMahon will be in a match against each other whether the others are added are still tbd but they should be to make it worth anything.

Other Possible Matches:
ECW Title
Chavo v Mysterio

I think seems more likely then Punk as some how Chavo will cost Rey at NWO. Punk gets put on the back burner for the time being.
mania this year is gonna be off the hook so many good matches they have every year are good the best is gonna be the very last match which should be taker vs edge

here my prediction


edeg beats rey at nwo and taker wins the elimination chamber match but the winner of this is the undertaker keepin the streak alive improving to 16 -0

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP:john cena vs triple h or cena vs hhh vs orton

i think if its hhh vs cena my pick would be john cena not that i like him or anything its just who wins the title and only keeps it for a few week if there gonna do that the just have orton retain at nwo but if its a triple threat i would pick HHH

MITB ladder match:jeff hardy vs umaga vs rey mysterio vs shelton benjamin vs kofi kinston vs kane vs mr kennedy vs john morrison

my winner obviously jeff hardy to keep the wwe title storyline goin for him

U.S. CHAMPIONSHIP:MVP vs matt hardy

i would pick matt hardy since he really hasnt had any singles title since 2003 plus this would be great to see what this could do for matt hardy winning the belt at mania

INTERPROMOTIONAL MATCH:batista vs randy orton *maybe if no triple threat match*

i pick batista because orton has been gettin horrible since his whole kick in the head ppl get concussions gimmick its so ******ed batista the animal would destroy him

CAREER THREATNING MATCH:ric flair vs shawn micheals

this would be a show stealer two ledgends and on top of that expect flair to be inducted into the HOF the night before mania but winner is Shawn micheals

ECW CHAMPIONSHIP:chavo guerrero vs cm punk vs the miz

the winner and new ecw champion the miz hes a great in ring competitor plus punk has been messing up really bad on his moves since he lost the belt to chavito

WOMENS CHAMPIOPNSHIP:beth phenoiex vs candice michelle

i definatley see candice winning the belt back from beth phenoiex after wat she did to her back in october this would be a pretty good match

STREET FIGHT MATCH:vince mcmahon w/shane o mac vs finlay w/hornswoggle with mick foley as the special guest referee

i will go with the luck of the irish vince has pused hornswoggle to far by time mania comes around finlay starts beating up on shane o mac which makes vince mad and makes this a street fight the winner finlay
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My Wrestlemania 24 matches are:
1. Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Jeff Hardy vs Johnny Nitro vs Kenny Dykstra vs Elijah Burke vs Carlito vs Shelton Benjamine vs Val Venis vs Finlay I made this match beacuase i think all these Superstars desvere a push in the WWE and whoever wins this match has a World Title shot in the near future.

2. Chris Jericho vs JBL in a No Holds Barred Match
Ever since Chris Jericho's title shot at Armagedon and JBL causing him to loose his match there rivarly has just got bigger and bigger So there is one way to end this feud in a No Holds Barred Match.

3. Ric Flair vs Kane in a Ric Flair retirment match.
Kane has really never got a huge push in the WWE and if he retires Ric Flair that could be the start of a couple of title shots.

4. MVP vs Matt Hardy for the United States Championship
You all know this rivarly and when Matt comes back there will be 2 things he would be after MVP and his United States Championship.

5. Hornswoggle vs Vince McMahon in a Street Fight
Vince McMahon says no body can beat him at a Street Fight but he cant win in one and Vince always gets embarssed at Wrestlemania and Hornswoggle pinning Vince is just the embarssing thing you can.

6. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry vs Batista and Rey Mysterio in a NO DQ Match
I reckon that the only way Big Daddy V and Mark Henry can be stoped his by Batista and Rey Mysterio and making the Match No DQ is just what Batista and Rey Mysterio would want. By the end of the night the Team of Big Daddy V and Mark Henry would be crushed even though Rey Mysterio is small

7. Chavo Guerrero vs CM Punk for the ECW World Championship
You all know this rivarly this rivarly has been there ever since Chavo came back from injury and CM Punk tryed so hard to keep his title but the so called Famila with Edge Chavo and Vickie he just couldnt keep it and on the grandest stage of them all what a way to end there rivarly

8. Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James vs Candice Michelle for the Womens Championship
Mickie James finds it really hard to beat Beth Phoenix she trys so hard though. Candice Michelle got injured by Beth Phoenix by breaking her collarbone and there is only for Beth Phoenix to loose her title is in a triple Thret and Mickie James and Candice Michelle both really hate her

9. The Miz and John Morrison vs Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore for the WWE Tag Team Championship
Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore seam to have the champs number and they had a few title shots but didnt win and on the greatest stage of them all winning the tag team titles and taking them back to smackdown would be the best night of both there lives

10. Edge vs Undertaker for the World Heavieweight Championship
We all know this rivarly of Edge and Undertaker Edge taking the World Title from him last year in May after Undertaker was in a steel cage and after a got attacked by Mark Henry he stole the title from him. He also costed Undertaker World Title shot at Surviour Series 2007 by hitting Undertaker over the head with a Camera and allowing Batista to win the World Championship so it would be a Title vs the Wrestlemania Streak

10. John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Triple H vs Shawn Micheals for the WWE Championship.
John Cena has faced both Triple H and Shawn Micheals at Wrestlemania and made them both tap out to the STFU. Randy Orton has injured Cena,HHH and Micheals and putting them out for a while. and Triple H and Shawn Micheals both members if D-X would love to be hold a Champion again and would even turn on each other to win
Seems every single year the price goes up for Wrestlemania, I use to think $40 was to much, then it goes up to $50 and they even raised standard to $55. Terrible direction for WWE to go! No way in hell HD should cost $15 bucks more then standard.

"The Wrestlemania 24 PPV in standard definition is listed at $54.95 on iNDemand.com. The HD broadcast is listed at $69.95." Quoted from wrestlezone.com

Worst part as I said the price only goes up for Wrestlemania, so who's to say WM25 don't cost $80 or more in HD. lol let alone what HD tv sets cost, and the price to upgrade on satellite or cable. Lucky me I already have everything to watch it in HD, but I dunno now $70 is a little to much.

But hell I get basic FREE TV in full 1080i HD, so what makes WWE so much better to make so much more money, isn't like the NFL charges you a boat load to watch games in HD, or like the free Superbowl in HD. Always like WWE to shaft its fans.
I don't think anybody has mentioned this possibility and I think it's an outside chance it would ever happen. What if Jeff Hardy wins the Elimination Chamber at NWO and Cena defeats Orton for the WWE Championship as well. Orton has his rematch clause the next night on Raw and loses because of some interference by Triple H, setting up a Wrestlemania match between Trips and Orton. Cena then goes on to defend the WWE Championship against Jeff Hardy with Hardy winning the belt at Wrestlemania 24.

Now I know that the internet community would take a big dump on this idea, however, it is pretty easy to see that Cena and Hardy get the 2 biggest reactions on Raw right now by far. Having Hardy defeat Cena in a face vs. face matchup at Wrestlemania could forever propel him into the main event picture. Plus the average fan loves both of these wrestlers, which would increase interest and buyrates for the PPV.

I'm not advocating that this is what I would like to see personally, but I would argue that if done right this could possible put Hardy over the top in terms of popularity. Thoughts?
In my opinion that's not a right way to move. I don't have an HDTV, but for those who have one, I think it's unfare to pay $75 for a PPV. WWE is trying to fix the PPV buyrate, so instead of lowering the price they make it go up almost $20 more. I still buy 'Mania, but shelling out over 50 bucks for an event that lasts three hours is not gonna be fun. You might as well just buy the DVD for like $30. WWE is doing this because they feel challenged by UFC's PPV price increase. But I don't think that means WWE should follow. The one thing that I cannot understand is the fact that WWE knows they're buyrates aren't that great, but yet still raise the price, where is the logic?!
I don't think anybody has mentioned this possibility and I think it's an outside chance it would ever happen. What if Jeff Hardy wins the Elimination Chamber at NWO and Cena defeats Orton for the WWE Championship as well. Orton has his rematch clause the next night on Raw and loses because of some interference by Triple H, setting up a Wrestlemania match between Trips and Orton. Cena then goes on to defend the WWE Championship against Jeff Hardy with Hardy winning the belt at Wrestlemania 24.

Now I know that the internet community would take a big dump on this idea, however, it is pretty easy to see that Cena and Hardy get the 2 biggest reactions on Raw right now by far. Having Hardy defeat Cena in a face vs. face matchup at Wrestlemania could forever propel him into the main event picture. Plus the average fan loves both of these wrestlers, which would increase interest and buyrates for the PPV.

I'm not advocating that this is what I would like to see personally, but I would argue that if done right this could possible put Hardy over the top in terms of popularity. Thoughts?

Even though I don't think they'd do this particular idea, and I think mostly everyone (including myself) is expecting HHH to win the chamber, who knows, they might suddenly switch things up on us and have Hardy win. He's the only one that would win outside of Triple H, though, I think we can all agree that HBK/Jericho/Umaga/JBL have literally zero chance.
Yeah WWE will always sell a "big" buyrate for Wrestlemania, but they will never sell over the norm with prices going well over $50, if any less will watch Wrestlemania.

Problem is, its not like Wrestlemania will be the only thing in HD, you get RAW, Smackdown, ECW, basic network tv, all the other sports all in HD. So it doesn't really make Wrestlemania the big HD sell. Be different if HD was so hard to come by on TV or in wrestling, but it's everywhere. Put the price back to $30 or less, and WWE could have a monster buyrate at least twice maybe triple the size of last years. But only time will tell.
actually agrex, lately WMs have been going 4ish hours. at least the last like 5 years.

But I agree with you both that 75$ is absolutely out of control, for ANYTHING you are WATCHING on tv, no matter what it may be. I highly doubt it actually will be though, it was said on that same site that Royal Rumble was gonna be 10$ more for HD, and in at least my area, it wasnt. So im not really concerned.

And even if it IS 75$, ill still get it. Ive got the 50 inch high def tv, I pay for the HD access, bought the fuckin hundred dollar HD cable, so itd be silly for me to not get MY superbowl in HD if it is made available to me. so ill still be getting it, no matter how fucked up of an ass rape price it is.
Yeah UFC ppvs are all $10 more in HD, and last I heard WWE PPVs were $10 more in HD, but going $15 higher is bull, let alone its almost $35 higher then a standard WWE PPV.

actually agrex, lately WMs have been going 4ish hours. at least the last like 5 years.

But I agree with you both that 75$ is absolutely out of control, for ANYTHING you are WATCHING on tv, no matter what it may be. I highly doubt it actually will be though, it was said on that same site that Royal Rumble was gonna be 10$ more for HD, and in at least my area, it wasnt. So im not really concerned.

And even if it IS 75$, ill still get it. Ive got the 50 inch high def tv, I pay for the HD access, bought the fuckin hundred dollar HD cable, so itd be silly for me to not get MY superbowl in HD if it is made available to me. so ill still be getting it, no matter how fucked up of an ass rape price it is.
I, for one, will not be ordering WrestleMania at a ridiculous price like that. I also don't see how this is in any way shape or form going to boost the buyrates for WrestleMania. I can tell you already that friends of mine who usually order it won't be doing so this year, unless we all chip in some money together.

If the WWE are going to increase PPV prices like this, then in the interest of fairness, I think that the people who order the PPV should get some form of discount on the DVD once it's released. It's a bit much when die hard fans are paying something in the vicinity of $90+ to order the PPV as well as purchasing the DVD once it's released.
God damn. For that much money, you should get the DVD mailed to your house for free!

No, I mean it. For 70 bucks? That's insane. For a 4 hour program you watch once? I paid 70 bucks for my last RAW life show TICKET. Why should you pay the same price for the home version as well?

HD price should = a free DVD.

Oh, and some lubricant for the taking it in the ass you recieved.
This is gonna sound really nerdy and what not but what you guys don't understand is that the WWE is going to be conducting a little experiment in Economics. They are gonna move the prices up some to see how the increase in price will effect the buyrate of the pay per view. It's called elasticity and if there isn't a huge downturn in buyrates (which I don't actually think will happen) they will turn larger revenues, you guys have to understand that it is all about the money for the WWE, they know their fanbase and are doing a little test to see how much cash they can get out of it.
It shouldn't be so much because of their tv shows. Raw is just 55 minutes less than a regular ppv and the tv show could be better than the ppv. If they want us to pay so much for ppv, why don't they make us pay for Raw, SmackDown, and ECW?
I would have to agree with you in that I believe firmly that Triple H will be winning this Elimination Chamber, however WWE has gone with somebody who the fans were hot with before and ran with it. Perhaps there is an outside chance that they will do that with Hardy. But I'm not holding my breath on it.
I would have to agree with you in that I believe firmly that Triple H will be winning this Elimination Chamber, however WWE has gone with somebody who the fans were hot with before and ran with it. Perhaps there is an outside chance that they will do that with Hardy. But I'm not holding my breath on it.

Personally, I'd rather see Hardy win, but it seems like there's still enough of the "family tug and push" in HHH's corner. At least there are those rumors that Hardy will win the MITB match, though. That's resulted in a new champion 3/3 times so far.
United States Championship
Montel Vontavious Porter(c) vs. Matt Hardy

This match is basically a lock, they have fueded for 6 months and it will culminate at WrestleMania, with Matt Hardy winning the Championship and Mvp moving onto bigger and better things.

Money in the Bank
Jeff Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Mr.Kennedy vs. Kane vs. Umaga vs. Batista vs. Carlito vs. Chavo Guerrero

Basically, ive thrown in people who wont have anything to do. I see Jeff Hardy taking this win and getting the WWE Championship towards the end of 2008.

Ecw World Championship
Cm Punk(c) vs. Shelton Benjamin

Imo this would be a great match, i see Cm Punk regaining the Ecw Championship, and too me it seems like they are pushing Shelton Benjamin for the Ecw World Championship. Cm Punk will win, and continuing the fued.

Texas Bullrope Match
Chris Jericho vs. John BradShaw Layfield

I think that these 2 will definatly be involved in a gimmick match against each other. After watching the Royal Rumble, and now that they are in the Elimination Chamber, i think they are saving the gimmick match for Mania. I see Jericho getting the win here.

Womens Championship
Beth Phoenix(c) vs. Candice Michelle

Candice will be back and wanting too get her title back. Candice Michelle regains the title here.

Hardcore Match
Vince McMahon w/ Shane McMahon vs. Finlay w/ Hornswoggle

I think that this will be the end of this Hornswoggle/ Finlay and Vince angle. Finlay takes the win here and hopefully gets pushed as a Smackdown Main Eventer.

Career Threatening Match
"HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

A show stealer, Shawn Michaels gets the win, thus retirering Ric Flair.

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge(c) vs. The Undertaker

Locked, been locked for months. Taker goes 16-0 and contuines the fued with Edge.

WWE Championship
Triple Threat Match
Randy Orton(c) vs. Triple H vs. John Cena

If Cena wins Championship at No Way Out, then he retains at WrestleMania, but if Orton retains title then Triple H will walk out of Mania with the Championship, then he and Cena will start to fued for Championship, with Triple H tuning heel in the process.
If people didn't pay for the shows then the pices would go down, not up. So instead of paying for the show steal it. You have the internet, and you don't owe WWE anything so type Wrestle Mania Steams into Google. I'm pretty sure you will be able to steal the show from somewhere.

But it really is simple. So long as people pay what they are told then the prices will continue to go up. I gave up on Sky Box Office ages ago. If I'm getting up at 1am then I don't want to pay extra for the privilege. The DVD's cost the same amount as the shows these days anyway.
If you pay 70 bucks or hell, even 55 bucks, you're ******ed and simply feeding the greedy WWE monster. How anyone can justify spending that kind of money on a pay per view that last year proved to be a stinker and is looking to be the same this year. If you are willing to spend that kind of money on Triple H vs. Cena II, and then bitch about it after the match sucks ass like the first one, you should be banned on the spot for ignorance.
If you pay 70 bucks or hell, even 55 bucks, you're ******ed and simply feeding the greedy WWE monster. How anyone can justify spending that kind of money on a pay per view that last year proved to be a stinker and is looking to be the same this year. If you are willing to spend that kind of money on Triple H vs. Cena II, and then bitch about it after the match sucks ass like the first one, you should be banned on the spot for ignorance.

I don't entirely agree with this. Simply because "I'M" willing to spend unearthly amounts of money like this, on shit ass events just because of the open-ended opportunity that it could turn out to be amazing. And its the experience of seeing it live, even if its from my comfy chair in front of my television.

However, to say I wouldn't have the right to bitch about the Pay Per View, is kinda naive. I mean, if I paid for it, I could at least bitch about how shit it was for the price. (Unless you were saying, I wouldn't have the right to bitch about paying that price, which yeah, I agree with that.)

I'm merely saying, I don't think I have, or ever would complain about paying such an outrageous price.. because "I" personally would. Hell, I felt ripped off for the Canadian Stampede p.p.v. because it only had 4 matches on a two hour p.p.v.. The first was a DQ/countout finish, the second wasn't even advertised and showcased two talented guys, but at that point in time, wasn't the place for it in W.W.F. The third was Taker/Vader, classic, but nothing worth not adding more matches.. and the Main Event 10 man Tag with the Hart Foundation predictably winning, was hardly worth it all. However I didn't feel ripped off due to the price, I felt ripped off due to the poor booking.

Which is how I'd feel this year, if I shelled out anywhere from $50.00-80.00 for this event. I wouldn't get pissed if I was dull enough to spend that outrageous amount, but I would seemingly have the right to bitch about if I'm gonna spend that much, I should at least get a better put together show. (Hmm, I think I'm blurring things together too)
Given the WWE's recent streak with pay per views not living up to potential, the thought of spending that kind of dough is ridiculous. However, if you think that the WWE has been good and has delivered, then you have every right to by this pay per view. If you are going in, like I would be, questioning the quality of the pay per view, yet still dish the money out, then come on here and bitch when it sucked, then I would be an idiot. I knew what i was buying before hand. This is just me personally. I have almost zero expectations for WWE pay per views any more, so I won't be buying unless the build up is compelling enough, but even then Trips vs. Cena II and Jeff Hardy in all likely hood winning MITB is enough to get me to not buy the pay per view.
I agree with Shocky, 70 fucking dollars is ridiculous for a WWE PPV. Every time we get a somewhat decent looking card, it never lives up too potential. Plus if Wrestlemania is anything like that god awful one last year, that's just wasting alot of cash.

Shit the only good thing about the card so far is Edge/Taker and honestly I wouldnt doubt WWE pisses that away and gives it to Batista. But seriously if your like me and bitch throughout the show and afterwards, dont buy. I'm not, I've learned that it's nothing more than a waste now after all Triple H vs Cena is likely the fucking main event, Why spend money on that shit? Not even Orton can save that match. Plusm there are streams and it will air on the internet the day afterwards for free.

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