Forum Quirks

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
The bar room was built for devastatingly dull threads like this. Don't you dare complain. Things I do:

- I don't use the 'new posts' thing. Never have. I just open about twenty new tabs.
- I sometimes post in closed threads just to show I can.
- I used to open and close threads in the bar room every thirty seconds in the hope that I'd create a divide between people who could post in it and people who couldn't. Jonny then stripped me of my Bar Room powers for unrelated reasons and I haven't done in since.
- I ban promising new posters when nobody's looking. D-Man's lucky he's IC's friend - all I'm saying.
I don't use the "New Posts" button either. I just go section to section, thread to thread.
I don't actually make my sigs any more, I just edit the previous one on photobucket.

I have never used the new posts button

I probably read about 2 posts per thread maximum

I only return to a thread if I've picked someone's post apart first.
* I search my name each time I log on, I'm usually left with lots of Y 2 Jane posts and not much else.

* I like the idea of reading other peoples posts, but I can't be bothered.

* I always go to New Posts, but I get three pages in and get bored, then I look at the final three pages of new posts, then I just look at the movies section.

* I'm not intrested in posting in a wrestling thread if I can't have one of the first 10 posts.
I always go through sections in the same order. Bar Room, Video Games, Movies, Music, Cigar Lounge, TNA PPV's, TNA, WWE PPV's, ECW, Smackdown, Raw, WWE, TNA VS WWE, Wrestlemania. I hit "new posts" in between each section to see if someone's answered any of mine.... now that's a quirk! lol Otherwise I never click "new posts" either.

I have a bigger quirk than that one.... but I haven't decided if I'm going to share it.
I always click new posts and open every thread that interests me in a new tab until I reach either the end or the last place I was before. Then I go through and read all of them and decide whether or not I'm going to post. Unless I haven't been on for a while, I usually don't go past the first page or 2
  • I send more PMs than pretty much anyone else on the forum.
  • I get more too.
  • I go to my inbox, the Board Room, Cigar lounge, Bar Room and WWE section, in that order, then use new posts.
  • Having more than one tab per website annoys me.
  • I skim over all posts in a thread to moderate it, yet take in nothing that is said from a majority of posters.
  • I search my name once a week. I always find something interesting.
- If I write a post with something like "I don't care" in it, I'll instantly stop what I'm writing and close the tab.
I don't really feel like I fit anywhere.

A lot of times I'll be in the middle of apost when I hit a block and either lamely wrap it up or close the tab.

I always check the ECW section. I consider it to be my show.

I never use the New Posts button.
  • A lot of things I don't use is because I don't know how or never knew we could. And I'm admin.
  • When I became an active member of the forums, I started thinking of things in my daily life in terms of thread potential.
  • The way I am on the forums is exactly the way I am in real life.
  • If / when I were to step down as admin, I'd ask whomever I left in charge to leave me on a "Moderator Emeritus" of the Non-Wrestling Sections.
  • My favorite people are the ones who prove my ideas can be successful. Perfect example - JMT may be my favorite mod because he made the MMA section work when other mods wanted it made into a sports sub-forum.
I will not post in a wrestling thread unless I can post on the first two pages. Unless, of course someone responds to something that I have said. Usually all that can be said in a wrestling thead has been said by the end of the second page.
I find myself speaking for anybody who reads my non-spam posts as though they're asking me questions, and I'm answering.

I have no idea why I seem to reside in the Bar Room, as I get a sense of pride after each non-spam post.
If / when I were to step down as admin, I'd ask whomever I left in charge to leave me on a "Moderator Emeritus" of the Non-Wrestling Sections.

Erm, can I do that?

My favorite people are the ones who prove my ideas can be successful. Perfect example - JMT may be my favorite mod because he made the MMA section work when other mods wanted it made into a sports sub-forum.

Hey, I helped with that.
1) I speak on here as I do in teh real lifez. Except I find myself cursing a bit more on here. And I don't flame anyone with even a 1/10th of the "oomph" I do here. I don't even yell at people much, if ever.

2) New Posts button? Where?

3) I usually try to be good about visiting threads I've posted in to see if someone has responded to me. Usually I forget about it, though. I'm sure Sid is pissed off that I've gone into at least 2 threads (that I can remember) of his, posted, then forgot to answer to his inevitable rebuttal. I'm sorry Sid. I forget. :(

4) I purposefully try to be funny and colloquial when I start threads in the Cigar Lounge. It's a new theory I'm testing to see if I can get more responses.
In long bar room threads, I just search "TM". Half bar room threads I dont open if I hover my moust over them and they sound shitty. I hate people that have TM in their sig, such as hiTMan, or whatever Razor has in his.

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