The WWE Forum

Ok, so this thread has brought up some points I shoudl address since leaving to get Taco Bell.

for the threads all about basically the same thing...We have been trying out a method in which we allow them for a time, then merge them when discussion dies down. As long as discussion is thriving in them, let em be, is what has been the policy. I dont like it, but its what we have decided to do.

Gelgarin. I agree with you, but at the same time, the mount of discussion is what matters, not necessarily the intelligence level of it. We dont want to be seen as elitist, so we sorta gotta let the shit fly. ya know?

and for the people who gave thanks to us, thankYOU. 99% of what the staff hears is absolute negativity, bitching and complaining, and thats just in general conversation. Thats not counting the absolutly disrespectfull and down right ignorant PM arguments we have to have with people over fucking warnings and shit. No bullshit, I JUST got done having a 2 day long, roughly 20 PM argument with a noob over a spam WARNING that he got for simply posting a list, with no reasons.

So for you guys to say thankyou, is very much appreciated. thank YOU guys for your paitence with how crazy things are around here, and continuing to put forth the quality effort that you all do. it doesnt go unnoticed

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