Everyone is too nice around here

Well, as much as I'd love to stay around and see how this thing continues to play out, I'm afraid I'm about to pass out.

I'll check in on this in the morning.
Nah, I'll argue with anyone. Besides, I didn't argue with Norcal, I agreed with him.

You're just argumentative, just wondering though, do you get a thrill from riling people up Sly?

And what I think Sparky was trying to say that maybe you only take shit into consideration from certain people:headscratch:

Everyone should read this and understand that this is the kind of thing I'm talking about. It's brutally honest, no holds barred, and clears the air perfectly.

Great post NorCal. Rep coming.

You know Sly, you remind me of my cousin. He enjoys pushing people's buttons. He doesn't know when to let the little things go. He doesn't understand that not all opinions need to be voiced. He doesn't bother to avoid unneccesary confrontations. In fact, he goes out of his way to get into them. He argues every little thing. He takes the opposite side of every conversation. He talks and talks and talks circles around people until finally, they just don't want discuss it with him anyway. Sometimes it's because he's right, and they can't provide any more counterpoints. Most of the time it's because they just can't stand to hear the sound of his voice any longer.

He got his ass beat down good a few months ago. And he couldn't press charges. Know why? Cuz it was his fault. Twenty some-odd witnesses and all they say could say was the truth; "It was his own fault".

I honestly hope you're not like your online personality in your real life, Sly, I really do.
I don't know...seemed kind of forced really. I'm not really sure if you're doing that because you're being honest, or just wanting me to tell you that I think you did a good job.

Sell it more, and then we'll see.

I did it because you're seriously pissin me the fuck off. That's some hypocritical bullshit that you are on right about now. You're criticizing people for being too nice. But what group of people do things to you if you aren't nice. What group of people punish people for getting out of line? I mean seriously you've kissed up to enough of them to get the right to say that. But what about everybody else? Don't come now and say "break the fucking walls down" when you're one of the people that helped build them. Now being nice is one thing, but you banter back and forth all friendly like to the right people your damned self. So don't sit there and act all fuckin hollier than thou now.
You're just argumentative, just wondering though, do you get a thrill from riling people up Sly?
Do I get a thrill from it? Not really. It is more enjoyable to have heated debates, though.

But, c'mon. This place is atrocious. I mean, HBK-aholic has like 5 pictures of NorCal in her sig. Seriously.

It's like everyone wants to be "in" so they try to fit in with others by saying pretty things, when the fact is, it's well known that most people here will eventually leave the forum and never give a second thought to people around here.

And what I think Sparky was trying to say that maybe you only take shit into consideration from certain people:headscratch:
From posters I have some respect for, yes. Which is why it is hard for me to post in the wrestling forum these days, because they are all so new, I don't have any desire to respond to some of the things they say.
I dont know but this thread is starting to shit me. who cares if i like everyone on the forums (minus one or two). it dont mean shit this forum might be dead for your standerds Sly but not for everybody else..
Do I get a thrill from it? Not really. It is more enjoyable to have heated debates, though.

But, c'mon. This place is atrocious. I mean, HBK-aholic has like 5 pictures of NorCal in her sig. Seriously.

It's like everyone wants to be "in" so they try to fit in with others by saying pretty things, when the fact is, it's well known that most people here will eventually leave the forum and never give a second thought to people around here.

From posters I have some respect for, yes. Which is why it is hard for me to post in the wrestling forum these days, because they are all so new, I don't have any desire to respond to some of the things they say.

But still, even if Becca likes Norcal, she could have a thousand pictures of him in her sig or whatever, but does that really affect YOUR stay on the damn forum? It really is her own business what or who she puts in her sig, who she makes threads about whatever. If you don't freaking like it, ever heard of ignoring it?

And Yes, I do find that some people don't say how they feel, just to be in that crowd, but there are sometimes genuine reasons for that, persons do agree with each other Sly, it happens, and sometimes there just isn't room for disagreement in clear cut scenarios, is that really their fault? Unlike you, not everyone takes the opposite side JUST to get a reaction.
Do I get a thrill from it? Not really. It is more enjoyable to have heated debates, though.

But, c'mon. This place is atrocious. I mean, HBK-aholic has like 5 pictures of NorCal in her sig. Seriously.

It's like everyone wants to be "in" so they try to fit in with others by saying pretty things, when the fact is, it's well known that most people here will eventually leave the forum and never give a second thought to people around here.

From posters I have some respect for, yes. Which is why it is hard for me to post in the wrestling forum these days, because they are all so new, I don't have any desire to respond to some of the things they say.

Atrocious enought that you keep coming back though. If you want this place to be better, why not use some of your time to get out of the bar room and voice your opinion in the wrestling section with some inferior posters instead of just coasting on your reputation, which I'm sure will be added to by people claming you've "saved" WZ with this thread.

Now everyone join me as we watch Sly take credit for everyone saying all this in his thread and saying it was what he had planned the entire time. Let's say that's true, as it probably is. This brings up debate in the regular forums in what way? This will die off in a few days, like everythign else does.
I'd lean more towards he argues with non mods. Spawn and I are perfectly acceptable targets.
I've never argued with Spawn in my entire life.

On the other hand, I've had more go arounds with DIAR than I have anyone else here combined.

I think I'm better than you to be honest.
Probably ought to think again.

Probably the people with enough intelligence to see through your smoke and mirrors.
That doesn't even make sense to what I said.
You know Sly, you remind me of my cousin. He enjoys pushing people's buttons. He doesn't know when to let the little things go. He doesn't understand that not all opinions need to be voiced. He doesn't bother to avoid unneccesary confrontations. In fact, he goes out of his way to get into them. He argues every little thing. He takes the opposite side of every conversation. He talks and talks and talks circles around people until finally, they just don't want discuss it with him anyway. Sometimes it's because he's right, and they can't provide any more counterpoints. Most of the time it's because they just can't stand to hear the sound of his voice any longer.

He got his ass beat down good a few months ago. And he couldn't press charges. Know why? Cuz it was his fault. Twenty some-odd witnesses and all they say could say was the truth; "It was his own fault".

I honestly hope you're not like your online personality in your real life, Sly, I really do.

You know, I'm really not. I'm actually quite agreeable in real life. But, and I say this because I know it's coming, I don't post the way I do because I feel empowered by a computer. It's not that at all. I post the way I do, because none of you people matter to me. That's not an insult, it's just the truth. Just like I hope that I do'nt matter to any of you people.

Thus, if I piss someone off, then I see it more as their fault, for getting to personally involved in the Internet, and less my fault for them being pissed off.

Make sense?
I did it because you're seriously pissin me the fuck off. That's some hypocritical bullshit that you are on right about now. You're criticizing people for being too nice. But what group of people do things to you if you aren't nice. What group of people punish people for getting out of line? I mean seriously you've kissed up to enough of them to get the right to say that. But what about everybody else? Don't come now and say "break the fucking walls down" when you're one of the people that helped build them. Now being nice is one thing, but you banter back and forth all friendly like to the right people your damned self. So don't sit there and act all fuckin hollier than thou now.

I'm scratching my head, because I don't understand what you are saying. I've had WARS with DIAR, I just got done with a huge debate with IC25, I'm the only person (last time I checked) to say anything negative about Jake, and I constantly refused to kiss Jonny's ass, even in his goodbye thread. My battle with HBK-aholic is fairly well known, and I've had back and forths with Will several times. I've criticized the spam rule so many times even I've gotten sick of it, and I'm constantly pushing for changes that I think would better the forum, even when it goes against moderators desires.

You're saying that I kiss up to the mods, but I don't see it.

And, on a side note, I don't get treated any different from anyone. Hell, my infraction history is full of "WTFs!".
I dont know but this thread is starting to shit me. who cares if i like everyone on the forums (minus one or two). it dont mean shit this forum might be dead for your standerds Sly but not for everybody else..

Exactly. Sly's kissed the right asses on his own terms and now he dares to look down on people for being nice and have a good flow with what he would consider to be "lower tiered" mods? Oh please. That's just some elitest bullshit that he suddenly decided he wants to be on. But whatever. I'm not going to stress myself out with this anymore. It aint worth it.
Do I get a thrill from it? Not really. It is more enjoyable to have heated debates, though.

But this isn't a debate. It's an arguement.

But, c'mon. This place is atrocious. I mean, HBK-aholic has like 5 pictures of NorCal in her sig. Seriously
So she has a crush on another poster. Why should you even care?

It's like everyone wants to be "in" so they try to fit in with others by saying pretty things, when the fact is, it's well known that most people here will eventually leave the forum and never give a second thought to people around here.
I think you're making grandiose generalizations. Yes, there are those who purposely try to to agree with more experienced posters so as to be more easily accepted. But it's the same in any social function. If you're at a party and you don't really know a whole lot of people, you're probably gonna follow along with whatever the popular guys at the party are doin. When in Rome... chug a lot of alcohol.
From posters I have some respect for, yes. Which is why it is hard for me to post in the wrestling forum these days, because they are all so new, I don't have any desire to respond to some of the things they say.
It's true. There aren't very many good posters in the wrestling forums anymore. But does that mean you have to come into the Bar Room and stir up shit? The Bar Room is a place to just chat with people, have fun,or God Forbid, be friendly. There's nothing wrong with being who you are. but you're going out of the way to be as against the grain as possible. If you really don't like this forum, stop coming. It's not like you actually care about improving the quality of the site. If you did, you would accepted that mod spot.
You Think your so Good. Sly. bout a month ago you posted in a thread rambling shit about how you had more post counts then everybody else in that thread combined. and you said we was Noobs. Good for you Sly. I have been here for just as long as you. Just becouse for a while i choose not to fucking post dont mean im a noob. does it? You really need to settle down and get off that high horse of yours. post count means shit if you look at some posts they are good. debate with them. unless your afraid to lose.
But still, even if Becca likes Norcal, she could have a thousand pictures of him in her sig or whatever, but does that really affect YOUR stay on the damn forum? It really is her own business what or who she puts in her sig, who she makes threads about whatever. If you don't freaking like it, ever heard of ignoring it?
That's not the problem, it's just a symptom.

Like I said, when DIAR agrees with me, especially on something like this, you know there's a problem. Because I don't think I've ever found anyone to be as opposite to me as DIAR is.
Atrocious enought that you keep coming back though.
Because it doesn't have to be like this, and only got to be like this in the last couple of weeks.

If you want this place to be better, why not use some of your time to get out of the bar room and voice your opinion in the wrestling section with some inferior posters instead of just coasting on your reputation, which I'm sure will be added to by people claming you've "saved" WZ with this thread.
Because new posters who get banned all the time aren't going to change the forum.

But posting it where all the "regulars" stay, CAN change things.

Now everyone join me as we watch Sly take credit for everyone saying all this in his thread and saying it was what he had planned the entire time. Let's say that's true, as it probably is. This brings up debate in the regular forums in what way? This will die off in a few days, like everythign else does.
How does it help? Its people to realize that it's OK to disagree with others.

Klunder, I think this is the first time I've EVER seen you disagree with anyone. You came in, and I remember thinking of you as being the equivalent of a shy child, afraid to ruffle any feathers, and never trying to be disagreeable.

Why can't you be like you are now more often? You can't honestly tell me that there are not things on the forum you disagree with.
You know, I'm really not. I'm actually quite agreeable in real life. But, and I say this because I know it's coming, I don't post the way I do because I feel empowered by a computer. It's not that at all. I post the way I do, because none of you people matter to me. That's not an insult, it's just the truth. Just like I hope that I do'nt matter to any of you people.

Thus, if I piss someone off, then I see it more as their fault, for getting to personally involved in the Internet, and less my fault for them being pissed off.

Make sense?

TBH, I couldn't give two shits about you as a person, I respect you as a poster, but yeah I get what you mean. All I'm saying, for a set of people who don't matter to you, why the fuck do you rag on a 16 year old girl with a crush or whatever it is on another poster, why the HELL should that matter to you?
I'm scratching my head, because I don't understand what you are saying. I've had WARS with DIAR, I just got done with a huge debate with IC25, I'm the only person (last time I checked) to say anything negative about Jake, and I constantly refused to kiss Jonny's ass, even in his goodbye thread. My battle with HBK-aholic is fairly well known, and I've had back and forths with Will several times. I've criticized the spam rule so many times even I've gotten sick of it, and I'm constantly pushing for changes that I think would better the forum, even when it goes against moderators desires.

You're saying that I kiss up to the mods, but I don't see it.

And, on a side note, I don't get treated any different from anyone. Hell, my infraction history is full of "WTFs!".

Be in denial all you want. You didn't just start out being a bad ass who mouthed off how ever he pleased. You built up a report with many of the people you mentioned. Mainly Jake and Jonny. You built it in a way to where they think you jabbing at them is cute more than it being serious. It's no different than ribbing someone you know. You don't WANT to believe, but the path to that point includes ASS KISSING. But whatever dude. Believe what you like and wallow in your own denial. Believe that you are just some sort of miracle baby who was born unto this earth able to get away what everybody else gets kicked off the forum for. Believe that you are Jesus for all I care. Do whatever you like. This is pointless because you're just trying to piss people off. I'll rejoin when it's actually a conversation of progress than a pissing match.

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