Elder Scrolls V Thread

That was the second skill I got to 100. I just kept chugging away with my two handed weapons, as they're pretty much all I used with my barbarian except for when I was picking people off with the bow.

It's all I'm doing, but it just doesn't wanna go. It was nice when I finally got Septimus Signus' book & went for "Path Of The Might" because it boosted up a bit then. That was cool.
So who's used the new mounted combat features? The archery is pretty sick, I might have to get a set of Mongol... err, Orcish armor just to feel like a legit horse archer. I haven't used any one handed weapons while riding yet, but I did use my two handed weapons, and it's pretty bugged. I'll do some damage, but every couple of strikes will send my opponent flying into the air, and they land fairly close after about 30 seconds, completely unharmed. It's quite preposterous.

Also, remember when I said shit about Daedra being part of Dawnguard? Well...

A plane of Oblivion known as Soul Cairn, an ethereal realm of trapped souls, is a new location that can be visited in Dawnguard. It can be accessed via a mysterious portal in Castle Volkihar.

Source: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/The_Elder_Scrolls_V:_Dawnguard#Soul_Cairn
I just realised that Christopher Plummer is the voice of Arngeir. That's awesome
Anybody have any idea when exactly Dawnguard comes out? Like, will it be released promptly at midnight EST, or will I have to check periodically throughout the day tomorrow?
New dragon bone weapons are awesome. I have a Great Sword with 279 damage, War Hammer with 298 damage, Bow with 221 damage, and axe wit 285 damage. All that comes with a 50% bonus perk at smithing. They look pretty great too.

I've yet to start any of the Dawnguard missions, but the quest is activated. The castle lies to the far east of Riften, way up in the mountains. I'll be going there after I pick up my stash of Soul Gems. Double enchantments are badass in battle, but they sure do require a lot of recharging! Hopefully killing Vampire Monsters has that added 5% recharge bonus.
Just played through a few Dawnguard missions. You get to choose which side you're on pretty early (Dawnguard or Vampire) after killing a handful of vampiric monsters, including Hell Hounds and Gargoyles (Hell Hounds are essentially wolves, and I had little trouble disposing of the Gargoyles, but they seem like they could be tougher foes as they have limited flight abilities). I chose Dawnguard, as I enjoy being a werewolf, and the Vampiric side is clearly the bad guy side. It's not like the Skyrim Civil War storyline where both sides have pros and cons: the Vampires are bad, the Dawnguard is good.

I haven't used the crossbow yet as it is MUCH weaker than my dragon bow. I might upgrade it so it has a respectable attack power and give it a try, but it seems unlikely.

What's coming next isn't exactly spoilers per se, but I'm going to put tags around them anyway in case you want to have a total blank slate going into this.

In terms of new characters, there's a tragic hero character named Serana, the daughter of the Vampire King you are at war with. She's kind of seductive in a way, which makes me not want to trust her, but her story is definitely an interesting one. She seems to like being a vampire, but she hates what it has done to her family, and doesn't seem to be happy with her life as a vampire. I think she likes the power Molag Bal has granted her, but she hates the price that she had to pay. That's what you get when you make a deal with a Daedric lord, eh?

The antagonist (at least if you choose the Dawnguard side) is a dude named Lord Harkon, and he's the king of the Vampire faction. He can transform into this half creepy, half funny looking Vampire creature, but I've only seen him do it once, and it was just for show. He's following some sort of prophecy to control the sun so Vampires can control the world.

On the other side is Isran, the leader of the Dawnguard. He has a grizzled veteran feeling about him, very much a, "I'm too old for this shit," type of guy. He's very cynical and doesn't trust, or even like many people or groups, but he's devoted to stopping the Vampires. So far he's been little more than an order giver, and he doesn't seem to have the same battle prowess that Legate Rikke or Galmar Stone-Fist display in your missions with them. That could change once we start taking the fight to the Vampires, but for now we're just trying to figure out what those blood suckers are up to.

I'm taking a break to nap and so that I don't overplay the game. If I'm going to be totally honest so far, though, I would only pay for the expansion if you really love Skyrim and want more original gameplay. If you're not a Skyrim buff or if you haven't gotten through most all of the original game play, it might not be worth the $20. For someone like me, someone who loves Skyrim and has cleared out every dungeon, cave, camp, fort, Daedric quest, and so and and so forth, you'll definitely want to pick this game up.
Apparently there's a huge movement in the Skyrim Dawnguard players to make Serana, your accomplice throughout just about all of the Dawnguard missions, able to be married. It's kind of funny, they make just about all of your dialogue options with her have a romantic undertone, if not flat out romantic, and then in the end you can't marry her. I would like my character to marry her as it makes a great story, but I have no problems sticking with Aela the Huntress. She's a good companion and she makes you dat 200 gold a day, which rocks.

Is anyone else playing this yet?
JGlass said:
I have no problems sticking with Aela the Huntress.

Me neither. I'm married to her too. She's an animal in the sack.

JGlass said:
she makes you dat 200 gold a day, which rocks

Ehhh? I only get 100 a day from her.

JGlass said:
Is anyone else playing this yet?

I'm one of the unfortunate souls who have to wait until next month for the PS3 version.

The Vampire Lord perks look much cooler than the new werewolf perks, so I'm thinking I'll join the bad guys. If you can actually blot out the sun in Skyrim by helping the vampires win, I'm all in!

I'm thinking that I'll start some new games and play as both sides, see which side has a more satisfying story, and then choose that side for my oldest, most powerful character. I can't wait for this!!
I think XBox has a 30-Day exclusive on the DLC, and most of the websites that I've checked are predicting the PC/PS3 release to be somewhere between July 26-31.
Me neither. I'm married to her too. She's an animal in the sack.

That pun gets that JGlass seal of approval.


Here's a spoiler that's not really a spoiler but I'm putting it in tags anyway.

After finishing the main Dawnguard quest, one of the Dawnguard members provides you with quests where people you have made friends with and such are kidnapped. In my first one, they kidnapped Aela, and the Dragonborn and Serana rushed to her aid. It really made me appreciate her and rethink our marriage. Dovahkiin and Aela are now going through marriage counseling at the Temple of Mara in Riften.

Ehhh? I only get 100 a day from her.

Maybe I only get 100 too. I collect so rarely that I lose track of how many days have passed.

I'm one of the unfortunate souls who have to wait until next month for the PS3 version.

The Vampire Lord perks look much cooler than the new werewolf perks, so I'm thinking I'll join the bad guys. If you can actually blot out the sun in Skyrim by helping the vampires win, I'm all in!

As a Werewolf who opened up the perk tree... yeah, it's really nothing special. The perks are basically to make your attacks more powerful and to add power to the Totems of Hiricine, if you collected them with Aela for the Companions. If you pray to the Totem of Brotherhood, you're able to summon wolves in your Werewolf form. Default is two regular wolves, but you can upgrade to two ice wolves, and after that you can summon an additional Werewolf!

Sadly, I found my beast form to be pretty useless during the main Dawnguard missions. Being a werewolf is especially useful when you're in a fort or cave where there are a few collections of enemies that are spread out over a distance. However, the Vampires seem to use mob tactics and pretty much swarm you. You barely have time to turn into a werewolf, and you'll be missing your enchanted armor and weapons with fire perks once you do.

I'm thinking that I'll start some new games and play as both sides, see which side has a more satisfying story, and then choose that side for my oldest, most powerful character. I can't wait for this!!

I'm probably going to start a new game in the near future (maybe even today), and focus on magic and turn into a Vampire. I've decided to make this character a bad guy, unlike my current character who is an anti-hero of sorts, but more in the vein of Wolverine or Batman anti-heroism, not Frank Castle anti-heroism. My next character will be pure evil, and I'm thinking I'll either make him an Altmer or Breton.

On a non-Dawnguard related note, I love when you shoot an arrow a really long distance and they do the animation that follows the arrow through the air until it pierces the enemy's skin. I shot one that must have been 200-300 yards away and it hit them right in the ribs for a one hit kill.
Reviving this because I don't know why it was dead in the first place.

What's the deal with the Dark Brotherhood? The Elder Scroll wiki has too many words to get a definitive desciption about them. My brother says that they're just a very, very evil group. Yeah, he's really helpful.
What's the deal with the Dark Brotherhood? The Elder Scroll wiki has too many words to get a definitive desciption about them. My brother says that they're just a very, very evil group. Yeah, he's really helpful.

Are you familiar with Hell Girl? That's the Dark Brotherhood in a nutshell.
Reviving this because I don't know why it was dead in the first place.

What's the deal with the Dark Brotherhood? The Elder Scroll wiki has too many words to get a definitive desciption about them. My brother says that they're just a very, very evil group. Yeah, he's really helpful.

They're actually a pretty interesting group of assassins. They provide you with various assassinations to carry out throughout Skyrim, and the main quest they provide you with...

Is to kill the Emperor of all of Tamriel.

They're painted to be this highly evil organization, and in a way I guess they are, but I kind of see them as a group attempting to bring order to chaos. People are always going to murder and kill, the Dark Brotherhood attempts to make sure the right people die and that it happens with little collateral damage.

If you're not into the role playing part of Skyrim, their quests are REALLY fun, especially the final quest. However, if you're doing some role playing than you might want to think about whether you want to join their ranks or not. Bronn elected to take out the Dark Brotherhood and killed them all.
They're actually a pretty interesting group of assassins. They provide you with various assassinations to carry out throughout Skyrim, and the main quest they provide you with...

Is to kill the Emperor of all of Tamriel.

They're painted to be this highly evil organization, and in a way I guess they are, but I kind of see them as a group attempting to bring order to chaos. People are always going to murder and kill, the Dark Brotherhood attempts to make sure the right people die and that it happens with little collateral damage.

If you're not into the role playing part of Skyrim, their quests are REALLY fun, especially the final quest. However, if you're doing some role playing than you might want to think about whether you want to join their ranks or not. Bronn elected to take out the Dark Brotherhood and killed them all.
That just sounds like oodles of fun. Both being apart of and killing everyone. What I really want to do though is turn in the Theives Guild. Or kill them. Either way I want them to go away.

What do you mean by "role playing part of Skyrim"? I know what RPing is of course.
That just sounds like oodles of fun. Both being apart of and killing everyone. What I really want to do though is turn in the Theives Guild. Or kill them. Either way I want them to go away.

The Thieves Guild is way cooler than The Dark Brotherhood, and their missions are probably even more fun. You get to sneak around AND kill everyone. Also, unlike most people in The Dark Brotherhood, the thieves in the guild are all pretty good people. There's a few cranky pants, but Delvin, Vex, and Brynjolff are all nice.

What do you mean by "role playing part of Skyrim"? I know what RPing is of course.

Like, building your character's personality and what role he/she plays in Skyrim. Bronn would never contribute to something as evil as The Dark Brotherhood, so he killed them all. He didn't have the mental depth or patience to examine the complexity of the existence of The Dark Brotherhood, so he wiped them out. Octano, on the other hand, is an evil bastard and he passed his initiation by killing all 3 kidnapped victims, even though there was only a hit on one of them. He joined the group to be paid to kill. He Fights Proudly is going to join the Brotherhood because it's in his Argonian blood to be an assassin, and he realizes that The Dark Brotherhood creates a balance in the world of murder.
Grune is a noble Nordic trouble-shooting adventurer. He fights for the Stormcloaks but is uncomfortable with the growing racism at the core of the cause and harbours growing suspicions regarding Ulfric and the outbreak of the revolt. As a result, he has distanced himself from the ongoing struggle in the Reach, but knows that he will eventually be forced to re-enter the fray.
I really should get this game out and play it again sometime. Oh well, I'm having too much fun with Mount and Blade: Warband right now.
Yeah I haven't played Skyrim in like...shit a month atleast. Just haven't had any time for video games lately outside of a few late night Madden sessions at friends. Didn't they just drop some new add-on or DLC for Skyrim too? May have to fire it back up and get back to work on my character. I think I was Level 40 something on the last character I was playing with. That's nothing.
The Thieves Guild is way cooler than The Dark Brotherhood, and their missions are probably even more fun. You get to sneak around AND kill everyone. Also, unlike most people in The Dark Brotherhood, the thieves in the guild are all pretty good people. There's a few cranky pants, but Delvin, Vex, and Brynjolff are all nice.
I don't like the Thieves Guild. Can't exactly explain why, I just don't. I'm part of the guild now only because the missions to get in were easy as fuck. I just want Visenya to become a semi-obedient lackey of the Jarls. Killing anyone who tries to oppose the Stormcloaks. Is that so wrong?

Like, building your character's personality and what role he/she plays in Skyrim. Bronn would never contribute to something as evil as The Dark Brotherhood, so he killed them all. He didn't have the mental depth or patience to examine the complexity of the existence of The Dark Brotherhood, so he wiped them out. Octano, on the other hand, is an evil bastard and he passed his initiation by killing all 3 kidnapped victims, even though there was only a hit on one of them. He joined the group to be paid to kill. He Fights Proudly is going to join the Brotherhood because it's in his Argonian blood to be an assassin, and he realizes that The Dark Brotherhood creates a balance in the world of murder.
Oh, I see.

Visenya knows the difference between right and wrong and while she chooses to do good she can't help that she likes bloodshed. She's loyal to the Stormcloaks because she feels that the Empire and the Thalmor have done more bad then good, and also because the worshiping of Talos should never have been banned. The Dark Brotherhood peaks her bloodlust but she's conflicted whether she should take the chance in joining them.

That's all I got so far. Maybe I'll add more later on.
Ummmm, Blados is a Altmer with a dark past he can never run away from. By night the slayer Elf wanders the roads of Skyrim, mercilessly killing people indiscriminately and cannibalizing on the fallen: Legionnaires, Stormcloaks, Redguards, Forsworn and Thalmor beware! (As a cat person he spares the Khajiit, despite being a lycanthrope. Mer races are his kin and are safe, too.) He secretly worships Talos, interpreting him as a symbol for annihilation, admiring his cult of personality; and Sithis, the end and the void.

By day he is the champion of the Imperial Legion and Skyrim. He bears no ill will towards the Stormcloaks and sympathizes with them, but feels that Ulfric's cause is misguided and unnecessary nationalism. He realizes the importance of a united Empire -- after all, Skyrim has always been part of the Empire. In spite of the fact he was born an Aldmeri Altmer, he considers Skyrim his true home. In battle he howls, "Victory or Sovngarde," a cryptic allusion to his paradise, the void.
With my bow, enchanting and smithing all at the top with my destruction damn near the top, i've become bored of Skyrim. I suppose i can just up the difficulty though.

Still though, on normal my breton character, Corvo, is way too strong.

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