ECW Champion Discussion Thread

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
This thread is to discuss the current ECW World Heavyweight Champion. Give your opinions on him as a champion, who you think will be future title contenders, who will defeat him for the championship etc.


John Morrison​

John Morrison shocked ECW and the rest of the sports-entertainment world when he defeated CM Punk for the vacated ECW World Title at Vengeance: Night of Champions. ECW has now gone A-list!


John Morrison​

John Morrison shocked ECW and the rest of the sports-entertainment world when he defeated CM Punk for the vacated ECW World Title at Vengeance: Night of Champions. ECW has now gone A-list!

It was a noble experiment but it just hasn't worked. WWE need to get the title off him and on Punk as soon as possible. Hell even Cor Von or Burke. At least they posess the charisma to make people care about them, all they need is the oppertunity. I dont mind Morrison as a mid carder. He can work his way up. But as a champ he's just too bland.
For a guy who got the belt just because of the Benoit thing, I don't feel the WWE have gone about this right. They clearly decided there would be a Benoit and Punk feud and have just replaced Morrison in that equation.

ECW needs a champ like Punk/Burke/Von Cor who people genuinely admire as wrestlers. It's sad that this is the only belt in ECW but that's a whole other thread.
What's wrong with John Morrison? He is an amazing wrestler, and has really good moves. I think his reign as champion should end soon, but not to someone like CM Punk, who has lost to him in the last three PPV matches against him. If anyone should be the contender for the title, they should be someone more like Gene Snitsky, or Big Daddy V. Well, I don't like either of them much, but they fit the title better than CM Punk.


John Morrison​

John Morrison shocked ECW and the rest of the sports-entertainment world when he defeated CM Punk for the vacated ECW World Title at Vengeance: Night of Champions. ECW has now gone A-list!

I think Morrison is a pretty good champ. The Punk/Morrison feud has been alright. One fo the better feuds in WWE today. He's improving weekly on his promos and in ring ability. Though at times he gets quite botchy at both. I think Punk should have won the belt at Vengeance. Morrison was rushed a little too early IMO. Morrison could have a good future ahead of him if he moves over to SD! within the next year and improves a little more on his promos and limits the botches.

It's time to let Punk run with the ball after Unforgiven even though it should have already been done at SS.
well... i dont have anything against john morrison, hes very talented in ring but he needs to improve a lot on mic skills and emotion, stuff like that,and he wasnt ready to be champ, was rushed way too fast, it doesnt feel like he really should be champ since he was rushed so much, and he really does need to stop botching all the time, anyway no doubt cm punk should be the one holding the title...

at first WWE was giving him a great push, slow but solid, now they are just taking way too long to give him the belt and the slow solid push just became slow =/, cm punk needs to win at unforgiven and start being the ECW champ since hes by far the most talented guy there not only in wrestling but promos and mic skills, next in line is burke, i dont get why hes being put aside for boogeyman and big daddy V o_O...
well i like him as champ im getting sick of the morrison/punk fued i stoped watching it since this tuesday cause punk said if he lost he`ll never get a shot at the title as long as morrison is champ and somehow he got a shot again so yeah i quit ecw for the 2nd time at least till the get a new champ or a new storyline with the title cm punk vs. john morrison is getting really old.
I will say this, while Morrison doesn't blow me away, he's easily more tolerable then Johnny Nitro ever was. Morrison just doesn't have the intangible "it" yet. I agree, that belt needs to come off of him now. It was a hotshot angle that ended up turning into a three month title reign, that really hasn't produced any good matches, despite the quality of opponent he faces with CM Punk.

I would imagine if the Benoit situation never happened, Punk would have won that title at Summerslam. I don't see the point in keeping the belt on Morrison. Personally, I would love to see an Elijah Burke or Cor Von win that thing right now. But Cor Von is MIA, and Burke, well, I don't know if the WWE wants a heel to beat a heel for the belt. My perfect Scenario would be for a disgruntled Samoe Joe to come in, take that belt, and have a huge match against Punk at WM 24, that would be worth the price of admission.
This guy is without a doubt the future of the wwe. He has excellent wrestling skills and he is good on the mic, and he is improving both. Thank god he had a chance, even if it is in ECW. John Morrison is the future!
contenders: Punk, Burke, Cor Von
I agree that Morrison is good. He definitely has the mike skills and I feel is better than some who get by mostly on those skills like Cena and Carlito. He has a good look that i admit was suprised that steroids contributed to. Sure he isnt at a HBK, Taker or Edge level yet but ECW is meant to be a developmental territory anyway. The main problem is lack of challenge. If Punkw as champ he has many top heels but who does Morrison have. Lets see
Nunzio- is he still on the roster Im not sure
Stevie- a pure jobber until a couple of weeks ago then won for no reason
Balls - glorified jobber and never was anything but that in ECW either
Sandman sent to Raw
Boogeyman -jobber/freak no appeal and wokr make a better villain
Dreamer about the only one but he is the one who loses to Morriosn on the regular show.
The rest are all heels (although i think they could bring back Cor Von if he i ready as a face).
ECW just needs a lkittle more depth I think Maybe Burchill and Finlay would be good
I agree that Morrison is good. He definitely has the mike skills and I feel is better than some who get by mostly on those skills like Cena and Carlito. He has a good look that i admit was suprised that steroids contributed to. Sure he isnt at a HBK, Taker or Edge level yet but ECW is meant to be a developmental territory anyway. The main problem is lack of challenge. If Punkw as champ he has many top heels but who does Morrison have. Lets see
Nunzio- is he still on the roster Im not sure
Stevie- a pure jobber until a couple of weeks ago then won for no reason
Balls - glorified jobber and never was anything but that in ECW either
Sandman sent to Raw
Boogeyman -jobber/freak no appeal and wokr make a better villain
Dreamer about the only one but he is the one who loses to Morriosn on the regular show.
The rest are all heels (although i think they could bring back Cor Von if he i ready as a face).
ECW just needs a lkittle more depth I think Maybe Burchill and Finlay would be good

Turning Cor Von face isn't a bad idea. Does he remind anyone else of the Rock meets Goldberg? They could have Burke badmouth Cor Von while he's away, then have Cor Von battle Burke at a few PPV's, with Marcus coming out on top in the fued, then beat Morrison for the title. As much as I would love to see Punk win the title, he's blown too many shots. They need another contender, and I think Cor Von would be a much better champ than Morrison.
thats what disappointed me with WWE, they are taking too long to give punk the title thinking morrison is a better star, now punk just looks weak, dont get me wrong morrison is great but the next real deal from ECW should be punk, this guy is the total package.. well maybe except for the look, im guessing not many ppl saw him in the indy scene, but hes still good in WWE, much better then any1 else on ECW anyway

i think WWE needs to put the belt on punk and have him start feuding with burke, i havent seen one bad match from these 2, they put on great matches, for some reason even though morrison and punk are great in ring they cant pull off a good match o_O.. they can pull off a decent match at best, i guess is because of all the botching, morrison needs to stop botching at PPVs, their 15 min match at ECW was really good, but every PPV match was average at best...

after a punk/burke feud they should start a punk/cor von feud, have cor von win the title and some way still make punk look better and send him to SD! to see what he could do for the B show, god knows they need some talent there anyway, especially faces....
My personal opinion, regarding the E.C.W. Champion: John Morrison, is as follows.

I've liked this guy ever since the Tough Enough days. He pulled off a standing, shooting star press & never before him, did I see anything like that. He gained my respect because he showed he had talent & deserved a spot. Then, after winning, they really did nothing with him for so long.. obviously, so he could go to O.V.W. to train & become even greater.

Now, he returned with Joey Mercury, & formed M.N.M. one of the best Tag Teams of the next Generation. In my personal opinion, once again, to me.. M.N.M. could be considered & compared to the Hardyz or Edge/Christian from the last Generation. I loved the Hardyz & Edge/Chrisitian.. & M.N.M. was the greatest thing to hit W.W.E.'s Tag Team division in a long time, since the demise of those other teams. Sadly, M.N.M. was truly only a team for a little over a year & then I think Mercury screwed up. So that brings me, to the topic.. Johhny Nitro.. now.. John Morrison.

He was thrown in as a last minute replacement for Chris Benoit. (may he rest in piece) I doubt anyone truly thought Morrison could've beat Punk, considering he wasn't even involved with the storyline. Even "I" was shocked when Morrison won the Championship at Vengeance. I was even more shocked when he continued to retain it against Punk for the following two p.p.v.'s.

In my final thoughts on this matter.. C.M. Punk may rival the talent of John Morrison, but in no way does he compare on the mic. to him.

Morrison's "Door's" gimmick might be corny.. but he pulls it off. Punk's gimmick is that he's straight edge & doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. You know what, neither do I.. but W.W.E. isn't banging down my door to hand me 4 Championshp P.P.V. spots in a row. So KEEP the Championship ON Morrison.. he'd carry the company better than Punk would.

And one final note. In my opinion, of course, WHEN Punk wins the Championship, assumeably within the next week or so.. he'll be remembered similar to John Morrison, in the thought that he was only handed the Championship, because the guy who has it/was suppose to keep it.. messed up. (Benoit passed away - Morrison gained from it ---- Morrison is on that steroids list - Punk will most likely gain from it) And yeah, I realize sooner or later Punk may of gotten the Championship.. but until its a solid storyline, without the crap filtered in (like the steroids issue) then you can't tell me he rightfully deserves it.
I like John Morrison, once he won the belt I started watching ECW as much as possible. He is extremely talented in the ring and fun to watch. I know his mic skills suck but you can't tell everyone Morrison's sucks because of his mic skills and then talk up CM Punk like he's the Rock.

I wouldn't mind seeing him drop the belt to Punk at Unforgiven, but the best scenerio is he beats Punk and then drops the belt the next night to a returning Marcus Cor Von. Then Cor Von can have a nice lengthy title reign feuding with Morrison and Elijah Burke while Big Daddy V stays far away from the title.
I actually left for the summer, and when i came back about August 10th, I see a John Morrison. Recently, so many storylines lead one man to one title, and then it twists. Like how edge was all ready to cash in on the WWE Title, and then goes to smackdown, and wins the World heavyweight Title. Of any man to replace Chris Benoit, its Johnny Nitro. Stupid. But next Title Match around, it'l be a triple threat or a fatal fourway involving morrison, punk and two other men who actually deserve a title shot.


CM Punk​

CM Punk defeated John Morrison at an ECW television taping in Cincinnati to become the ECW Champion.
Punk should have been given the title at Vengance. It's about time he gets his shot at a title reign. However, it's a shame that it was thrown together simply as a result of the current steriod scandal. Regardless, Nitro (I still refuse to call him Morrison) was given the belt as a last minute stand in and now Punk is in the same situation. I have much more faith that Punk will make a good champion.
I think that this adds some credibility into the belt. You have somebody holding the belt that fans will accept as a champion and that the fans are behind. Let's face facts, the crowd is behind CM Punk in the ECW brand. They like the guy and he's probably the most popular in it or at least gets the biggest pop of any of wrestlers in that brand. And though I agree, Punk should have won it a lot sooner than now, at least he did and at least it means a break from the Punk/Morrison rivalry
Ok now Punk is the champ and Morrison is outed as a druggie does anyone see WWE doing a drug storyline between these two or not since Punk is 'straightedge'?

Ok that is a long shot since Morrison will be off tv for a while but now who has Punk got to feud with? He's already feuded with Morrison, Burke, Cor Von, Striker, Thorn, Richards, Knox. The only heels left are Big Daddy V and The Miz unless they have him feud with Dreamer or Boogeyman. WWE needs to put more/new talent on ECW to make it fresher.
Okay I'm gonna come out and say that I'm a big CM Punk mark. But I was hoping this storyline of Punk chasing Morrison would play out to the end of the year. I was hoping they'd do different types of matches and then finally Punk would win the title. I think we'll see Punk defend the title against Big Daddy V now, just because Elijah Burke doesn't seemed to be getting pushed and Marcus Cor Von is away at the moment. Who knows though?
Punk to me is average. I would rather see another heel most likely Big Daddy V get the belt. I think V along with striker could really do something to help ECW. I can only hop e a Punk Vs. V feud is coming. I can also see someon like Thorne being thrown into the mix. Boogeyman is also a great wrestler and entertainer who would make a excellent champ. And finally the guy who I think is the future of not only ecw but all of wwe is The Miz. He has so much ability and charisma both Burke and cor von have nothing on that guy.
Hopefully we'll finally see the Punk v Burke feud, I've been waiting for them to have a proper feud since the new breed/originals storyline. I was getting bored of morisson and he would have never have got the belt if it wasn't for Benoit. Hopefully this signals a new direction for ECW


CM Punk​

CM Punk defeated John Morrison at an ECW television taping in Cincinnati to become the ECW Champion.

haha Jake I did that earlier haha

But back on topic I feel this is a good move and is about time as Punk should have won the gold at Summerslam. Now hopefully we can see some good feud from this as the Punk/ Morrison feud was getting boring. I can see Burke getting a shot first and then maybe Miz down the line. But all i can say it is about time and cant wait to see Punk shine as the champ

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