Easiest poster to troll

Pay Per Ghost

What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
..you know the one that WILL get pissy from the get-go and you get a right kick outta it.

Sully. God, contradictions get his tampons in a bunch!
Almost everyone on here, because unless you're screaming about shitting dick nipples they don't even realize you're doing it
On a related topic... I have to ask, do you know that you're only half evil?

I developed early.

And Mintberry you're another delight to troll. Here's how:

Steps to Troll to Mintberry Crunch-

1. Go to Spam, bound to find a quirky post from him/her.


3. Run like hell
Shut the fuck up Norman! You fat fuck! If I didn't love you, I'd marry you!
I was going to say myself anyways, but I found it you've done it for me. What got you inspired to make this topic? Where was I trolled this time -.-
Coco's been trolling the shit outta me for a year now, but at least he's nice. I'd rather him be nice and troll me, rather then be a complete asshole like most of the people do. :shrug:

Plus, he's been giving me a good bit of green rep from here and there. When I said I was gonna lay low, and drop outta the cage for awhile, he told me to stay. Maybe he just wanted the satisfaction of more trolling, but the guy gives me green rep, and acts nice to me, so hell..why the fuck not?
If Coco is taking the time to really pull that off, over this last year, I gotta give him credit. Repping me, being nice. And yet, no positive outcome in his case, well other then the fact of the joy in satisfaction he has for successfully getting the troll. Hell, let him bait. I like the rep.
Pretty accurate projection Mintberry, but I hate to tell him, that won't happen. I'm done. I've noticed he tried to get some interesting stories going back in November (With the Adventures of the 6th grade, and I can't remember the name of the other one.) with I idiotically supplied.

I asked him awhile back why KB kept closing his threads ('Round the time of the Coco ban conspiracy.) He suggested I make a thread and ask him. He didn't do a good job at trolling me there, all he wanted me to do was call myself out.

Sorry, but I'm done with crushes, women, and dating. (And that doesn't mean I'm gay either Stormtrooper). Fuck em all. I'll worry about my self, my family, and my future. I'm done with the whole life lesson, Confucius bullshit now, so you all can relax.
Pretty accurate projection Mintberry, but I hate to tell him, that won't happen. I'm done. I've noticed he tried to get some interesting stories going back in November (With the Adventures of the 6th grade, and I can't remember the name of the other one.) with I idiotically supplied.

I asked him awhile back why KB kept closing his threads ('Round the time of the Coco ban conspiracy.) He suggested I make a thread and ask him. He didn't do a good job at trolling me there, all he wanted me to do was call myself out.

Sorry, but I'm done with crushes, women, and dating. (And that doesn't mean I'm gay either Stormtrooper). Fuck em all. I'll worry about my self, my family, and my future. I'm done with the whole life lesson, Confucius bullshit now, so you all can relax.

Wait why are you letting ST know that
In a thread awhile back, I mentioned how I don't have any interest in dating, or having sex until I'm at least in college. He assumed I was homosexual. Not sure if he was kidding or not though.
First of all, fuck you all. Just because I want to be nice to someone it means I'm trolling? Are you people really that brain dead? Each of you should do yourself a favor and try having a fucking conversation outside your head once in a while. Maybe then you'll realize that not everybody has an ulterior motive or is out to get someone.

Second of all, Sully, I really like you and want to help you out around here but if you want to shit all over someone who wants to be nice to you then I have nothing left to say. I'd like to help you with your women issues as I think you've taken the wrong outlook, but if you're going to cut me deep like that then why should I bother?

You hurt me, Ellis Sullenberger. You hurt me bad.


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