Easiest poster to troll

Poor Coco?.. Poor Sully!!

We have him off women and thinking Stormtrooper is a butt-bandit!
I'm nice to people in a sincere fashion. Guess I've been doing it wrong.

I'd tell you who's the easiest person to troll but then you'd say that I was trolling. No, that's not a bad joke. You probably would.
Sorry, but I'm done with crushes, women, and dating. (And that doesn't mean I'm gay either Stormtrooper). Fuck em all. I'll worry about my self, my family, and my future. I'm done with the whole life lesson, Confucius bullshit now, so you all can relax.

In a thread awhile back, I mentioned how I don't have any interest in dating, or having sex until I'm at least in college. He assumed I was homosexual. Not sure if he was kidding or not though.
lol. Sully never grasped the concept. Twas a gag from a movie that I adapted into this here internet forum. I don't give a fuck if you gay, straight, bi, or into beastiality. What you do in your life is your own business.

For reference here's the clip I was referencing. Tis from the movie "The 40 Year Old Virgin."

Sorry, but I'm done with crushes, women, and dating. (And that doesn't mean I'm gay either Stormtrooper). Fuck em all. I'll worry about my self, my family, and my future. I'm done with the whole life lesson, Confucius bullshit now, so you all can relax.

You won't be. You'll be sitting around not fucking them all. Although fucking them all might be a bit bad, since one or 2 of them might have diseases which you don't want to get, or might be totally fucking crazy.
Woah Stormtrooper! Take it easy will ya. Let's not gang bang Sully with no regard now.

And by the way, do you troll Coco, or does he troll you?
1. He implied you're gay
2. No to what?
3. When Jesus turned water into wine and wine into Winehouse
I'm starting to like Paper Ghost. He has the same kind of aloof humor as guys like Rox and Uncle Sam, and I dig that.
And by the way, do you troll Coco, or does he troll you?
He trolled me incessantly.

1. He implied you're gay
I never saw that. He implied that I said he was gay, when all I did was make a joke from a movie.
2. No to what?
Honestly, I don't even remember anymore. I was typing 2 threads at once, and don't recall what I was saying.
3. When Jesus turned water into wine and wine into Winehouse
Coco is a genius. I still cannot find out if he's trolling or not. After the whole ban storyline, I figured maybe he wasn't as good as I thought, as a good troll doesn't give himself away, but I still cannot find out if you really are trolling or not.

Love the help Coco if you aren't, but I really don't need it. I really don't give a fuck. Women will come to me, why should I got to them. Right? ;)
From everything I've heard about you, I really doubt the women are coming. Sorry, bud.
Fury05 or whatever his name is was one of the funniest as he got trolled once and threw a bitchfit which resulted in banning
To be fair I don't troll anyone, I just point out when people are fucking stupid. If people think I'm trolling it's because they're fucking stupid more often than not.
From everything I've heard about you, I really doubt the women are coming. Sorry, bud.

I still think you're Trollin. It was also a joke, no women aren't coming my way, nor do I care. I'm much more satisfied by myself, and will hopefully live in solitude.
I still think you're Trollin. It was also a joke, no women aren't coming my way, nor do I care. I'm much more satisfied by myself, and will hopefully live in solitude.

Dude, aren't you like, 15? You're way too young to be that depressed over women. Most guys don't get this fucking messed up over chicks until they're like, 45 with two divorces.

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