Does CM Punk have The Right To Be Upset About The Rock Main-Eventing Wrestlemania?

i wonder how pissed off the wrestling world and wrestlers backstage were when MR.T was headlining wrestlemania or L.T or floyd mayweather loll

at the end of the day its ALL ABOUT MONEY ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!! Vince doesnt care about the hurt feelings of his circus performers getting mad cause they bust there ass and work so hard and cant headline the biggest ppv ,ALL ABOUT MONEY!!!!!! if vince listen to the IWC or the circus performers i mean superstars he'd go out of business in a few months..

Now on to CM PUNK his promo was a once ina life time type of promo, to me it was better than the birth of austin 3:16 and i think we are going to see a new era in wrestling n cm punk is going to be the next big thing, and he will be back in the wwe by wrestlemania and he will be headlining it, maybe a match with austin. The real passing of the torch match i think. I compare the john cena era of wrestling to the NEW GENERATION ERA(hbk):shit: of wrestling just boring and lame and the CM PUNK ERA will be the new era something like the attitude era!!! its punks time...
Maybe these points have been made already, maybe they haven't. We'll see what you think.

CM Punk does not deserve to be in the main event of Wrestlemania. He isn't a huge draw. But if you would have asked if he deserved it more than The Rock, I'd say yes.

The Rock left for Hollywood, and I've already read that people think CM isnt as big a draw as the Rock. So it should be pointed out that the Rock got over in an era where racey and controversial content were the usual. He was a third generation wrestler who also happened to be a national collegiate football champion.
During the Attitude Era, credentials got you your spot. Yes, the Rock was charismatic and athletic, but so were a hundred others. At some point, credentials and character aren't enough. At some point in the WWE, you have to start kissing McMahon butt. There is no promotion in existence without needless abusive politics.
The Rock got over by telling Vince how good his hairpiece looked and what a wonderful father/businessman he is. That's how performers in the 90's got their pushes.

CM Punk in ROH was a sight to be seen. His promo work was amazing and cutting edge. His in-ring was flawless. Then he came to a company that said "you can't use chairs, you can't swear, and you can't do too many top rope manuevers." Today's WWE Superstar is sorely held down by restrictions (thanks PTC, thanks Benoit), and can't ever achieve the level of stardom as an Attitude Era Superstar.
But notice at Wrestlemania who used chairs, and swore, and did risky spots? Triple H, Undertaker, the Rock. They are Attitude Era. They are the political leaders backstage. The Rock inserted himself into the main event at Wrestlemania two years in a row, during a period where the fulltime guys are already frustrated with the part-timers getting preferential treatment. Floyd Mayweather made three appearances I believe and garnered a $23 million paycheck.
Triple H is now a talent relations guy and will corun WWE when Vince is gone.
Undertaker cost Punk the world title legit by complaining that Punk wore a suit at a public event. Because Taker has the pull backstage that he does, CM Punk lost his title over nonsense.

How crazy that most people forgot these facts.

To comment on someone's original post, the Rock is divorced. He's not spending time with his wife. Be it because of movie shoots or no, he's not getting time to be a family man. He's living it up as a single movie star.

The fan complaints that he didn't want to be called Rocky isnt so much that he'd prefer to move forward, it's that he got genuinely angry when people called him that. The fans who made him a pop star, they were the ones he didnt want to shake hands with anymore. The business that booked his SNL appearances and got him his Scorpion King role? He said he wanted to move on from that. He was thankless and manipulated the WWF fans, and now when he has a movie coming out, because of the "success" of The Gameplan and The Toothfairy, he'll show his face, promise to stick around, and then leave till his next movie needs promoting.

People bash the IWC, the 10%ers, because of their insatiable hunger to have things done their way. Because they support the CM Punks and the Zack Ryders. Two things about that though:
1. If you post on here, you took the time to make a name and profile with graphics, you ARE the IWC. If you just made a profile to bash the IWC, the admins should do something about that.
2. The Cena/Rock feud is happening on Twitter. Not tv. Not the radio. Not in individual public events, but on the internet. The only ones who are keeping up with it are the IWC. The "casual" fan needs to have John Cena mention the Mania matchup every other week just to keep interested.

CM Punk is a legitimate top-tier performer who is being held down by the WWE's politics and media standards that are killing the legacy of their current stars. Standards that the Attitude Era doesnt have to follow when they make appearances. So they're needless, unimportant standards.

Punk's career will die in TNA if he ever goes there. Get jumped every other week. Win the World title his second month there, just to lose it to Hogan or Jarrett and never get a push the rest of his career.

He's the top man in their company and Vince will refuse to admit it because Triple H wasn't his friend (Seamus), and Heyman saw potential (RVD, Lesnar, any ECW wrestler) in him.

Again, does he deserve the main event? No. Not yet. Let Punk go unrestricted for six months, and he'll draw more than any Miami Gator could.
Do others deserve the shot? Yes.

But the alternate point is this: Rock vs. Hogan wasn't the Main event of WM, but it felt like it. These guys can, for one night, say screw Vince and these standards, and put on a show stealing performance.
i wonder how pissed off the wrestling world and wrestlers backstage were when MR.T was headlining wrestlemania or L.T or floyd mayweather loll

at the end of the day its ALL ABOUT MONEY ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!! Vince doesnt care about the hurt feelings of his circus performers getting mad cause they bust there ass and work so hard and cant headline the biggest ppv ,ALL ABOUT MONEY!!!!!! if vince listen to the IWC or the circus performers i mean superstars he'd go out of business in a few months..

Now on to CM PUNK his promo was a once ina life time type of promo, to me it was better than the birth of austin 3:16 and i think we are going to see a new era in wrestling n cm punk is going to be the next big thing, and he will be back in the wwe by wrestlemania and he will be headlining it, maybe a match with austin. The real passing of the torch match i think. I compare the john cena era of wrestling to the NEW GENERATION ERA(hbk):shit: of wrestling just boring and lame and the CM PUNK ERA will be the new era something like the attitude era!!! its punks time...

This is borderline idiotic. I'm sorry, people know how I post here, and I dont often attack people but come on this is a full on rant. If Vince listened to the Superstars or the IWC he would go out of business? Come on, there was a time when he did just that and it worked fine. Listening to diehard fans is what got us Eddie, Rey, DX, Austin, etc. Second of all Punk's promo isnt the beginning of a new era in WWE or in wrestling. It was just that, a promo, to sell a ppv and thats pretty much it. Nobody needs to pass the torch to Punk, hes pretty much made a name for himself and doesnt need another name attached to his legacy to further himself. Its not always about the money. And just because you're making a profit out of something doesnt make it entirely good or bad for your business. Vince has an agenda for Wrestlemania, hes been concerned over its ratings for a while now. Mania isnt the wrestling fan's ppv, its the media's ppv. Its the chance to bring in as many celebrities and garner as much attention that can be obtained in one night. Believe me Vince wouldnt be giving Rock this opportunity if he didnt know that fans were going to get behind him. The fans made the Rock. Its only been as of late that the oldtimers that we love have been exposed for the greedy people that they are. But I got to hand it to Rock, he was speaking of doing something with the WWE on a whole other route than the one he is now. His intentions arent purely evil but hes taking the opportunity away from someone who could use it at Mania. Believe me, CM Punk can headline mania right now, in fact he was probably going to do just that. Rock's involvement with Mania must've pissed off many people backstage seeing as how he destroyed the previous one. Ohh and as far as your Mr T and Maywether comments go, people werent angry because they were being involved with Mania. The company was extremely different when Mr. T headlined Mania and Maywether didnt even main event mania, he was just there and did his thing. People are hurt over Rock because of the way he left. The crowd at Mania X8 chanted "you sold out for a reason". They were WWF fans first and foremost. Today's fans have been procesed so much by WWE that they'll take anything different from the usual stale programing. The truth is that the Rock pushed himself and WWE as far away from eachother as they could and all the sudden he wants to come in and face Cena, no, not fight a younger more unestablished guy, fight Cena, a guy who doesnt need this match at all. Rock can come back whenever he wants but he has to stop acting as if everyone needs to be cool with it. He insulted the fans and was pretty obvious about it. The dumb fans are the ones who are falling for his act, not the ones who are seeing through the scam.
He absolutley has the right to be mad

The rock said him Vs. Cena would draw more money in 1 night than CM Punk could in his whole life , BUT this is at WRESTLEMANIA so if you ask me its drawing power is totally wasted

I say this because Undertakers streak is the 1 and only draw needed to bring even casual fans to ordering Wrestlemania every year , The Rock wrestling a match could not possibly draw in many people that Taker didn't already draw in

In fact if Rock wrestles at next WM I think I'll just not watch it in protest
This is borderline idiotic. I'm sorry, people know how I post here, and I dont often attack people but come on this is a full on rant. If Vince listened to the Superstars or the IWC he would go out of business? Come on, there was a time when he did just that and it worked fine. Listening to diehard fans is what got us Eddie, Rey, DX, Austin, etc. Second of all Punk's promo isnt the beginning of a new era in WWE or in wrestling. It was just that, a promo, to sell a ppv and thats pretty much it. Nobody needs to pass the torch to Punk, hes pretty much made a name for himself and doesnt need another name attached to his legacy to further himself. Its not always about the money. And just because you're making a profit out of something doesnt make it entirely good or bad for your business. Vince has an agenda for Wrestlemania, hes been concerned over its ratings for a while now. Mania isnt the wrestling fan's ppv, its the media's ppv. Its the chance to bring in as many celebrities and garner as much attention that can be obtained in one night. Believe me Vince wouldnt be giving Rock this opportunity if he didnt know that fans were going to get behind him. The fans made the Rock. Its only been as of late that the oldtimers that we love have been exposed for the greedy people that they are. But I got to hand it to Rock, he was speaking of doing something with the WWE on a whole other route than the one he is now. His intentions arent purely evil but hes taking the opportunity away from someone who could use it at Mania. Believe me, CM Punk can headline mania right now, in fact he was probably going to do just that. Rock's involvement with Mania must've pissed off many people backstage seeing as how he destroyed the previous one. Ohh and as far as your Mr T and Maywether comments go, people werent angry because they were being involved with Mania. The company was extremely different when Mr. T headlined Mania and Maywether didnt even main event mania, he was just there and did his thing. People are hurt over Rock because of the way he left. The crowd at Mania X8 chanted "you sold out for a reason". They were WWF fans first and foremost. Today's fans have been procesed so much by WWE that they'll take anything different from the usual stale programing. The truth is that the Rock pushed himself and WWE as far away from eachother as they could and all the sudden he wants to come in and face Cena, no, not fight a younger more unestablished guy, fight Cena, a guy who doesnt need this match at all. Rock can come back whenever he wants but he has to stop acting as if everyone needs to be cool with it. He insulted the fans and was pretty obvious about it. The dumb fans are the ones who are falling for his act, not the ones who are seeing through the scam.

Its all about money all the time!!!! The rock coming back is like that episode from southpark when those GOOBACKS came and took everybodys jobs do you know which one im talking about (they took our jobs) Let the wrestlers i mean superstars backstage be pissed off, its not the rocks fault they cant draw numbers. Ofcouse vince is concerned about ratings didnt you hear punk he went from a billionaire to a millionaire. the oldtimers you say are now been exposed for been greedy,so what!!! if your not in it for the money than why are you doing it?? like i said if vince listen to the IWC those morons would book wrestlemania main event bryan danielson vs john morrison vs randy orton :lmao: and at wrestlemania 18 they were not chaning "you sold out" he was a face at the time the most popular person, the crowd turned on him cause he was fighting hulk hogan who also headline wrestlemania 6 in the same skydome arena the crowd was showing hulk hogan love and respect simple as that!!!! i dont think the rock came back and said I WANT TO MAIN EVENT MANIA :lmao: im pretty sure vince made one of the smartest moves by grabbing the rock... wwe needs the rock the rock doesnt need the wwe hes doing just fine without them .. many of the IWC have made it clear and act like a girl who got her heart broken by her bf, thats how they act towards the rock for leaving for 7 years sooooooo emotional :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Absolutely and nothing is going to change my mind.

It's not just CM Punk that has the right to be upset, its the entire WWE locker room. The WWE is a business and in a business there are promotions, and there are bonuses. I see a spot at Wrestlemania as a huge bonus. And let me see somebody who left the business gets the top bonus the biggest promotion. If I were a worker in said company I would be absolutely upset over this. If I knew I worked my ass off every time I had to and somebody who use to work their ass off is ahead of me I would be down right pissed. From a morale side of it I would say absolutely Punk should be upset.
Anybody on the roster that deserves to be at the top has a right to be upset that Cena is the marquee character too when clearly he is not the most talented. and in the Hogan era there were people far more talented but they got held back. Cena vs The Rock however is a once in a lifetime thing, it's not going to happen again and it couldn't have happened when Rock was in his prime, so it's a big deal in that respect and deserves the main event or atleast the match b4. but look at Mania's past decade, the "Title match" is not generally the main event when there's is a big profile match on the same card, that match is the bigger draw since the titles mean jack shit most of the time and if you put on a title match after say a Hogan vs The Rock or in this case Cena vs Rock everyone is already all cheered/booed out.

Saying that, CM Punk has a beef for sure, that a person comes back after shunning the buisness for a long time immediately gets booked in the main event of Mania 1 year b4 it even happens. But he also doesn't have a right to complain too much, he was used in the main event scene for ages and is a steady character on TV, he didn't really come into himself until he went heel which is no doubt when he started to feel wrong done by and he deserves to be in the main event, but so did countless others in the past.

i can't say what went on behind the scenes as i'm not there but no doubt like anywhere in life, there's people that are assholes, there's nice people, there's politicking and brow nosing, that's in everyjob.

but the fact remains he still got a huge push to the title on a number of occasions, despite this supposed hatred of him as a person, and he complained about not being in the WWE montage, well neither is 98% of the people that have worked for WWE over the decades.

back to the question at hand, i say yes however The Rock is a huge draw to get the the non wrestling commmunity viewers to order Mania too see a big time actor going against a sports entertainer, both big names in there respective era.

It shits me too, The Rock has not lived up to the hype in his "return" and it was obvious it was just a short term thing to get some hype for his movies again. and i doubt we will see him b4 next year so much for i'm here to stay
Punk has a right to be upset, but it doesn't change the fact that the Rock is a bigger draw now than Punk has ever been. CM Punk is an excellent talent and I think everyone can agree on that. He's good in the ring and is arguably the best there is on the mic right now, but CM Punk didn't draw 1 million buys for WrestleMania. CM Punk has a right to be pissed that he's not in the main event of Mania because he works hard etc... but Vince is always going to pick "Dwayne" over him simply because of the financial implications.
Quite frankly people need to stop thinking Rock/Cena will be the second coming of Rock/Hogan because it's not. Cena isn't Hogan, never will be. The Rock was driven to beat the greatest draw ever and Hogan was driven to prove he could still be a main event player with the younger crowd. The Rock is now driven by the check Vince is writing him and Cena just isnt the polarizing star he thinks he is.

Quite frankly the main event may draw huge because The Rock is involved but the actual match wont be anything special. Hogan had the best match of his career at WM 18 and The Rock was putting on five star performances weekly.

Hogan had an amazing presence, you could feel the energy when he was around, same with the Rock. I watched Raw a couple weeks ago and every kid under 10 were on their feet, everyone over 12 were just watching and not really caring about the fact the top draw in the industry today just walked out through the curtain. Cena isn't polarizing, Cena doesn't have the mega drawing presence, he doesnt have the ability to make me believe he is the star WWE has made him into.

I know Vince wants a repeat of Hogan/Rock at the ten year anniversary of the match that captivated the world but it wont happen. The Rock has nothing to prove, he's done it all and then some and doesnt need to show that he can hang with Cena because he is still in his prime physically. Cena on the other hand compared to Hogan I would say he is Rick Rude. Cena is to Hogan from WM 18 what Rick Rude was to Hogan in the late 80's.

Cena/Rock just isn't that captivating. I don't see Cena getting that reception.
Its all about money all the time!!!! The rock coming back is like that episode from southpark when those GOOBACKS came and took everybodys jobs do you know which one im talking about (they took our jobs) Let the wrestlers i mean superstars backstage be pissed off, its not the rocks fault they cant draw numbers. Ofcouse vince is concerned about ratings didnt you hear punk he went from a billionaire to a millionaire. the oldtimers you say are now been exposed for been greedy,so what!!! if your not in it for the money than why are you doing it?? like i said if vince listen to the IWC those morons would book wrestlemania main event bryan danielson vs john morrison vs randy orton :lmao: and at wrestlemania 18 they were not chaning "you sold out" he was a face at the time the most popular person, the crowd turned on him cause he was fighting hulk hogan who also headline wrestlemania 6 in the same skydome arena the crowd was showing hulk hogan love and respect simple as that!!!! i dont think the rock came back and said I WANT TO MAIN EVENT MANIA :lmao: im pretty sure vince made one of the smartest moves by grabbing the rock... wwe needs the rock the rock doesnt need the wwe hes doing just fine without them .. many of the IWC have made it clear and act like a girl who got her heart broken by her bf, thats how they act towards the rock for leaving for 7 years sooooooo emotional :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

First of all stop using the phrase IWC to refer to others. Once you're online you're IWC, which includes you. Second of all of course the online fans are more upset about the Rock leaving. The casual fan doesnt have the passion of this business that we do. The guy left for seven years and wants a spot at Mania. Ok, he has the celebrity, the draw, the background to make it memorable. The fact is that Hogan, Austin, and the rest always found time for WWE. They always stopped by, they never denied their stage names or their past, but The Rock pushed WWE away. Without the WWE he would've been nothing and instead of embracing it he decided to dissasociate himself from it. As far as I remmeber his little call me Dwayne campaign wasnt far from when he returned to WWE. The wrestlers have the right to feel the way they feel over a guy who pushed the company that made him away when they needed him.
Absolutely and nothing is going to change my mind.

It's not just CM Punk that has the right to be upset, its the entire WWE locker room. The WWE is a business and in a business there are promotions, and there are bonuses. I see a spot at Wrestlemania as a huge bonus. And let me see somebody who left the business gets the top bonus the biggest promotion. If I were a worker in said company I would be absolutely upset over this. If I knew I worked my ass off every time I had to and somebody who use to work their ass off is ahead of me I would be down right pissed. From a morale side of it I would say absolutely Punk should be upset.


Ive said it before, the entire locker room is getting screwed by the Rock being on the card, and don't tell me its because of the buy rates. You would still purchase the PPV even if it didn't have the Rock on it because your'e real wrestling fans, or so you claim to be.

Ive said it before, the entire locker room is getting screwed by the Rock being on the card, and don't tell me its because of the buy rates. You would still purchase the PPV even if it didn't have the Rock on it because your'e real wrestling fans, or so you claim to be.
The IWC would probably still buy WM, but would the thousands or possibly millions of other fans purchase the PPV? No, they wouldn't. Should WWE cater to 100 fans or 1000? Would it be more beneficial for WWE to entertain a specific niche of the crowd, or a wide group? Some of you guys are looking at this very narrow-mindedly.
Punk has right to be upset. Here comes a former wrestler that was probably the biggest thing in wrestling. He comes after 7 year retirement does 2 promos and hes ganna headline WM not even wrestling a match and being on like 2 RAW's. Any wrestler would be mega pissed. A super wrestler like punk getting replaced with a guy in the main eveny and knowing the rock will leave after that match.

BUT the rock is buisness wise a better choice for the main event. He can draw 10x more than punk and gains more money for the company. The rock sells 10 tickets for every 1 ticket punk sells so of course there ganna but rock on top of punk. It dosent matter if your a super mega ultra wrestler, you will be put down if a bigger draw is avalible.
Punk has right to be upset. Here comes a former wrestler that was probably the biggest thing in wrestling. He comes after 7 year retirement does 2 promos and hes ganna headline WM not even wrestling a match and being on like 2 RAW's. Any wrestler would be mega pissed. A super wrestler like punk getting replaced with a guy in the main eveny and knowing the rock will leave after that match.

BUT the rock is buisness wise a better choice for the main event. He can draw 10x more than punk and gains more money for the company. The rock sells 10 tickets for every 1 ticket punk sells so of course there ganna but rock on top of punk. It dosent matter if your a super mega ultra wrestler, you will be put down if a bigger draw is avalible.

The "super mega ultra" wrestler is the guy who draws. Or is it the wrestler that can do twenty variations of the suplex that no one cares about?

Wrestling is about drawing, it is about making money for your respective employer. All the while, what draws is what the fans want to see. It's a win, win. Punk is just being selfish and ignorant if he thinks he deserved the spot over Rock.
First of all stop using the phrase IWC to refer to others. Once you're online you're IWC, which includes you. Second of all of course the online fans are more upset about the Rock leaving. The casual fan doesnt have the passion of this business that we do. The guy left for seven years and wants a spot at Mania. Ok, he has the celebrity, the draw, the background to make it memorable. The fact is that Hogan, Austin, and the rest always found time for WWE. They always stopped by, they never denied their stage names or their past, but The Rock pushed WWE away. Without the WWE he would've been nothing and instead of embracing it he decided to dissasociate himself from it. As far as I remmeber his little call me Dwayne campaign wasnt far from when he returned to WWE. The wrestlers have the right to feel the way they feel over a guy who pushed the company that made him away when they needed him.

So your saying dwayne should of just stayed with his stage name and called himself the rock in hollywood????? the reason he pushed himself away from his stage name and wrestling is the same reason brock lesnar pushed himself away from wrestling he didnt wanna be known as a one trick pony or the "wrestler".. And the reason why Austin and hogan always came back was cause they werent good enough to stay in hollywood full time you can call them B OR C list actor, they have to pay the bills somehow n those Blist movies aint gonna do that so ofcourse they came back. The last 7 years DWAYNE has consistently bin making movies ALIST movies!!!! At the end of the day dwayne or the rock whatever u wanna call him is better than the current roster and is a main eventer even if he shows up once a year...he will draw more in that 1 day than all those superstars combine together can.. If im vince i dont give a rats ass if you break you ass 365 days a year if your not bringing money and drawing and your mad cuz the rock is in the mainevent a mania than TNA is always an option!!!

how many times does the rock have to say he appreciates what the wwe did for him??????
how many times does the rock have to let us know the wwe is his family his blood hes a 3rd generation star???
how many times does the rock have to say thank you to the fans for all the support????????

cause ive heard him say this countless times... but the IWC keeps crying!!!!!! heart broken sad pathetic people!!!!
The IWC would probably still buy WM, but would the thousands or possibly millions of other fans purchase the PPV? No, they wouldn't. Should WWE cater to 100 fans or 1000? Would it be more beneficial for WWE to entertain a specific niche of the crowd, or a wide group? Some of you guys are looking at this very narrow-mindedly.

The point of the thread is not discussing PPV buys. The Point of this thread is to discuss whether Punk can morally feel upset. Yes this does increase PPV buys but when put into a wrestler's shoes they have to end up saying "Why the Hell am I not good enough to ME." Punk is a businessman he is somebody inside the business and therefore should be allowed to be upset over somebody who has left the business coming in and taking one of his spots to shine.
Punk has no right to be upset. Rock vs Cena is a bigger draw than Punk vs Cena will ever be, and Rock vs Cena is a once in a lifetime match that has been asked for since Cena started to become the face of the WWE. And I'd much rather see that then the Punk-Cena matchup we will have already seen by WM.
The point of the thread is not discussing PPV buys. The Point of this thread is to discuss whether Punk can morally feel upset. Yes this does increase PPV buys but when put into a wrestler's shoes they have to end up saying "Why the Hell am I not good enough to ME." Punk is a businessman he is somebody inside the business and therefore should be allowed to be upset over somebody who has left the business coming in and taking one of his spots to shine.
I know what the point of the thread is, and what I said was relevant to my point: Punk would be ignorant to think he deserves the spot more than the Rock. Can he be mad that he's not in it? Sure, he can feel whatever he wants. But, it's not justified.
So your saying dwayne should of just stayed with his stage name and called himself the rock in hollywood????? the reason he pushed himself away from his stage name and wrestling is the same reason brock lesnar pushed himself away from wrestling he didnt wanna be known as a one trick pony or the "wrestler".. And the reason why Austin and hogan always came back was cause they werent good enough to stay in hollywood full time you can call them B OR C list actor, they have to pay the bills somehow n those Blist movies aint gonna do that so ofcourse they came back. The last 7 years DWAYNE has consistently bin making movies ALIST movies!!!! At the end of the day dwayne or the rock whatever u wanna call him is better than the current roster and is a main eventer even if he shows up once a year...he will draw more in that 1 day than all those superstars combine together can.. If im vince i dont give a rats ass if you break you ass 365 days a year if your not bringing money and drawing and your mad cuz the rock is in the mainevent a mania than TNA is always an option!!!

how many times does the rock have to say he appreciates what the wwe did for him??????
how many times does the rock have to let us know the wwe is his family his blood hes a 3rd generation star???
how many times does the rock have to say thank you to the fans for all the support????????

cause ive heard him say this countless times... but the IWC keeps crying!!!!!! heart broken sad pathetic people!!!!

Please stop attacking the IWC, its borderline spamming. Rock has pushed WWE and its fans away for years, and all the sudden he wants to be involved in the WWE, sounds a little fishy to me. I know hes only in it for the money, and him saying that he appreciates the WWE isnt good enough. First of all he didnt want to mention WWE until he returned, he never went on interviews and spoke about wrestling. Second, Hogan and Austin Blist actors? Hogan is more known as an actor than a wrestler. His impact for being in Rocky III was so great that it caused Vince Sr. to fire him (he wanted strictly wrestling guys). Austin isnt a Blister either. The Condemned is a very successful movie thats still shown today, which is more than I can say for the other movies the WWE has produced. I dont think the IWC is pathetic for standing up for themselves. A lot of people are seeing through The Rock's facade and they certainly have the right to do so. If you always want to side with the sellouts because they seem more successful then thats on you, but let others voice their opinions without being badgered.
Please stop attacking the IWC, its borderline spamming. Rock has pushed WWE and its fans away for years, and all the sudden he wants to be involved in the WWE, sounds a little fishy to me. I know hes only in it for the money, and him saying that he appreciates the WWE isnt good enough. First of all he didnt want to mention WWE until he returned, he never went on interviews and spoke about wrestling. Second, Hogan and Austin Blist actors? Hogan is more known as an actor than a wrestler. His impact for being in Rocky III was so great that it caused Vince Sr. to fire him (he wanted strictly wrestling guys). Austin isnt a Blister either. The Condemned is a very successful movie thats still shown today, which is more than I can say for the other movies the WWE has produced. I dont think the IWC is pathetic for standing up for themselves. A lot of people are seeing through The Rock's facade and they certainly have the right to do so. If you always want to side with the sellouts because they seem more successful then thats on you, but let others voice their opinions without being badgered.

You can voice your opinion all you like, but expect it to be scrutinized. This is a forum. And I believe the guy is in the right. Rock wanted to conquer another entertainment medium. It's completely selfish for fans to criticize Rock for wanting to grow personally.

Rock deserves to be in the main event, plain and simple. The mass want to see this match. I'd hope Punk was smart enough to realize this. He can be bitter about it, but that shows ignorance to me.
I know what the point of the thread is, and what I said was relevant to my point: Punk would be ignorant to think he deserves the spot more than the Rock. Can he be mad that he's not in it? Sure, he can feel whatever he wants. But, it's not justified.

Well that's completely different then saying no.

I realize that he should do what is best for his business, and The Rock WILL make money for the company but being in the Main Event. But how would CM Punk justify being mad is very simple. He justs want to make money. This may or may not be a known fact by the majority of people, but you do get a nice chunk of change performing in the ME of Mania. And quite frankly Punk would be justified in saying that Rock who is most likely being paid a ton of money for appearing is taking away from the money that Punk could be making. Is this selfish of Punk? Yes. But it is still justified.
Well that's completely different then saying no.

I realize that he should do what is best for his business, and The Rock WILL make money for the company but being in the Main Event. But how would CM Punk justify being mad is very simple. He justs want to make money. This may or may not be a known fact by the majority of people, but you do get a nice chunk of change performing in the ME of Mania. And quite frankly Punk would be justified in saying that Rock who is most likely being paid a ton of money for appearing is taking away from the money that Punk could be making. Is this selfish of Punk? Yes. But it is still justified.
I'm sorry Macios, but how can you believe this is a credible argument?

Punk wants the big bucks that Rock gets, eh? Well, if he was one of the most entertaining men in the history of professional wrestling, he could have a chance at making that money. The Rock deserves it. Punk doesn't. In a business, there's competition. The best guy will be chosen, and if you're not him, then too bad. The Rock can do a better job at entertaining the fans at Mania than Punk. Agree? So, the Rock is chosen. Punk needs to be smart enough to realize this.
I'm sorry Macios, but how can you believe this is a credible argument? .

Money consumes all, it is a very credible argument.

Punk wants the big bucks that Rock gets, eh?

This was in reference to how you said it wasn't justified. I'm NOT saying Punk is right but it is a legitamate fact that Punk must be thinking of. It is clearly been said that Punk won't sign because of money so i would think it is a credible argument.

Well, if he was one of the most entertaining men in the history of professional wrestling, he could have a chance at making that money.

But there's your problem, it is not Punk's fault, the only reason Rock gets the money is because him and Cena have history and so Rock gets a match because He is entertaining. I'm sure if they were to do the same thing with Punk and Stone Cold there'd be no problem.

The Rock deserves it. Punk doesn't.

This is not a true statement. Why does Rock deserve it? He has done jack shit in the last 7 years where at least Punk has been competing every week.

In a business, there's competition. The best guy will be chosen, and if you're not him, then too bad

How in the world can you say this. Do you see Rock's name on the WWE roster. he is not in the business he is in the movie business and not the WWE.

The Rock can do a better job at entertaining the fans at Mania than Punk. Agree?

This is the truth. However should Punk be happy about this. Not necessarily.

So, the Rock is chosen. Punk needs to be smart enough to realize this

No you do not get the thread purpose. The idea is whether he is allopwed to be upset to which you said Yes. End of argument.
Money consumes all, it is a very credible argument.

This was in reference to how you said it wasn't justified. I'm NOT saying Punk is right but it is a legitamate fact that Punk must be thinking of. It is clearly been said that Punk won't sign because of money so i would think it is a credible argument.

But there's your problem, it is not Punk's fault, the only reason Rock gets the money is because him and Cena have history and so Rock gets a match because He is entertaining. I'm sure if they were to do the same thing with Punk and Stone Cold there'd be no problem.

This is not a true statement. Why does Rock deserve it? He has done jack shit in the last 7 years where at least Punk has been competing every week.

How in the world can you say this. Do you see Rock's name on the WWE roster. he is not in the business he is in the movie business and not the WWE.

This is the truth. However should Punk be happy about this. Not necessarily.

No you do not get the thread purpose. The idea is whether he is allopwed to be upset to which you said Yes. End of argument.

I'm not getting into a multi-quote battle with you. We obviously have different view points. The thread is, should Punk feel upset because the Rock is main eventing Mania. I know what the thread is about, I can comprehend that. Does he have the right to be upset? Sure does. He can feel whatever he wants to feel. He can be bitter all he wants. Fact is, the Rock is a better professional wrestler. If Punk doesn't understand this by now, I'm glad he's leaving WWE and going into the minor leagues - because with that wrestling ignorance, he's never going to improve and gain that elusive spot that Rock gets.

If Punk is too stubborn and ignorant to not clearly see why Rock gets the treatment that he does, then that's his problem. I'm looking at this from the most objective view point I can. He can be upset, though.
You can voice your opinion all you like, but expect it to be scrutinized. This is a forum. And I believe the guy is in the right. Rock wanted to conquer another entertainment medium. It's completely selfish for fans to criticize Rock for wanting to grow personally.

Rock deserves to be in the main event, plain and simple. The mass want to see this match. I'd hope Punk was smart enough to realize this. He can be bitter about it, but that shows ignorance to me.
I have no problem with The Rock wanting to move on and do something else besides wrestle, but the fact that he couldnt spare at least a month out of 7 years to pop up and say hi, get involved with the storyline, and keep his memory alive with the WWE Universe is whats irking most people. I understand The Rock is big, and from a business and a wrestling standpoint hes the perfect pick Wrestlemania, but I believe some people fail to put themselves in the places of people like Punk, Orton, or anybody else in the locker room whos chances might have been jeopardized because of The Rock. His involvement in WM28 means that no matter wether he stays or goes, stays at the same level hes at right now, or works his ass off, Punk will not be fighting for the title at Mania next year. The way things are going with him you have to imagine thats what he was gearing up for at WM28. So hes forced to be part of another rivalry like the one he was with Orton that will leave him as a midcard talent or worse yet not even participate at WM28.

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