Do You Guys Hate Michael Cole?

Heenan was actually enjoyable. He was paradoxically a face, even though he was technically a heel. Cole couldn't do Heenan's laundry. Besides, Cole is the PLAY BY PLAY guy, not the color commentator. Also, I have to disagree with TWJC. Cole does get Xpac Heat. He's not a likeable guy. Vince for some reason didn't want Ross on commentary anymore so he replaced him with Cole.

The fans were upset because of this so Vince decided to just make Cole a full blown heat magnet. To Vince any publicity is good publicity. This is just my two cents of course. I'm glad to read you guy's opinions though.
I think Cole is very entertaining. He is a quick thinker and has good mic skills. I get tired of seeing traditional boring comentary like JR. Cole, Booker, mike stryker, josh matthews is a good rotation for me. Throw in King for his experience from time to time.
This guy is an amazing announcer like him or not, he really knows how to make a boring match seem interesting, he did an awesome job on the kevin nash and hhh match, as well as lower card match ups, and him being biased towards wrestlers he don't like actually helps them out in the long run, I think he is one of the most passionate announcers the wwe has had besides JR.

I like king, but he just doesn't get that excited when something big happens.
I dislike Cole because he tries to make his own agendas seem more important then what's happening in the ring. Wrestling commentary is the art of telling the story of what is happening in the ring - not just your own personal stories. His voice is extremely annoying at times when he's ranting. There's a difference between being a heel, and being annoying. A heel commentator talks like a villain, they may root for the heels, etc. An annoying commentator, ie Cole, will just yell and scream random crap and talk himself up instead of telling any kind of story about what's happening in the ring. I sometimes literally have to mute my television because his complaining is so bad that I can't listen to it.

However, he does have the occasional good day, where he is more subtle but is still a heel. You are right about sounding more into 'spots' though, which is definitely a plus. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes he makes it work. I remember when Kane returned, Cole said "Oh my God", of which the way he said it was as if he was alerting the audience that s*** was about to go down.

Subtly is a great quality. The problem is that Cole tries too hard to root for heels, and Lawler tries too hard to root for faces, and in the end things become inconsistent. For example, when Cena was beating the hell out of Swagger, Lawler was talking as if it was completely fine, just because Cena is a face. Stuff like that personally just pisses me off because it's such an inconsistent and irritating way to call the action. I mean, I know that we're meant to like Cena, but that was just favouritism and seemed unrealistic.
Well, where do I say? He is one of the worst commentators the WWE has ever seen in my opinion. Not because he's a heel or not because he's a face... But because he can NEVER ACTUALLY commentate. I like guys like Josh Matthews and Todd Grisham because they are play by play commentators, they don't play favourites and they just commentate on the action! That's what I like in a commentator, JR being the best play by play in my opinion.

What does Cole do? He just sits there and whines and tweets and talks about backstage stuff which has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything. If I wanted to know what one of the wrestlers said backstage, then I'll go on, if I want to have action being called in the ring, then I'd WATCH THE MATCH. That's why I don't like him, he's just shite at his job and it doesn't help he's on RAW and SD!
Overexposure, overexaggeration, oversaturation. We get 4 to 7 hours of this guy non-stop. It gets old. Fast. The crappy tendencies all announcers carry (plugging Twitter and not talking about the match and such, etc.) do not help his case. I'm damn sick of just hearing him and then at times WWE puts him on storylines like feuding with Jim Ross or Daniel Bryan or Jerry Lawler. GIVE US A FUCKING BREAK.
I dislike him in storylines, but when he actually calls a match his work is brilliant, his announcing stood out recently in that nash vs hhh match, but there has been several matches where he was professional, you just can't have too face announcers, one has to disagree with the other one, I hate that announcers has heel/face gimmicks though.

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