Why Do People Hate Michael Cole?

Can I be honest for a moment? There are two individuals who make the WWE entertaining to me today

Those two people are Michael Cole and Kane (Just a personaly opinion)

Michael Cole cracks me up every Monday, like when Jericho first spoke last week, he took the camera and walked around with it, and Cole said "HEY IM ON TV" and started waving his hands around. Dude is just so funny too me
Cole is wonderful at what he does.
It is not Cole that people hate, it is the character he portrays. But, isn't that the whole point of being a heel? If your a heel and people hate you, you are doing a damn good job. How many Heel Superstars in the WWE can you not stand right now? NONE!
Cole is an announcer, and he is playing a better heel then any wrestle right now!

Just think, we could have Mike Adamle back? :shrug:

Yeah, Cole is gold.

Yes, he is a good commentator, but the delivery of his role is abit mixed and needs to be watered down alittle to make him more tolerable to watch. His job is to create heat, not to hack and dissect the careers of half the roster.

Remember, there's a difference between being a heel and just being annoying. When you're watching a bad guy in a movie, you keep watching because you dislike the bad guy and want to know what's going to happen to them and the protagonist. However, when the bad guy is irritating and hard to watch, you either skip through their scenes or stop watching the movie.
It's easy to get involved in TV shows and movies, blurring the lines between what's real and what isn't. The producers of these shows want us to get involved in the story being told.....they want us to believe the character actor you've been watching on TV for years has just died in a gunfight....and we feel bad (or good) while watching the program, knowing we'll see the same actor in another TV production sometime soon. But while the show is airing......oh man, the poor guy just died!:icon_sad:

Pro wrestling fans also tend to blur the lines between real and kayfabe. We've read a bunch of posts about "hating" Michael Cole and it's still tough to tell whether the writer hates the man or the character he's playing. I read the posts and get the idea it's a little of both. Many of you want Cole fired because he plays an obnoxious jerk. Really? Really?

As a man, I have no idea what Michael Cole is like....and neither do any of you. As a character, he's doing what the writers instruct him to do, and I happen to think he's doing it well, largely because a lot of people want him gone since they don't like his on-air personality. Don't they realize that persona can change at any time and they might like the "new" Michael Cole (thereby saving the poor guy's job, if it's left to us)?

Remember when The Miz got that scowl-faced reaction from the 9-year-old girl after he won his title? I saw him on a talk show soon after and he was asked how he felt about the little girl obviously hating the fact he had won the match. Was Mike Mizanin upset that he was hated? Miz replied that if she truly detested what she saw, it meant that he was doing an effective job in the character he played, and his employers were happy with him. Following through on this logic, don't think Michael Cole feels bad that people hate him......it's just the opposite because management wants him to inspire hatred.....and he's doing it.

Mission accomplished.
This reminds me in a way of the chaos that was going on in WCW. Meaning, the way WCW announcers would completely ignore the match or venture off and talk about the nWo or some upcoming feud, main event or some outside personaility that was coming in or what happened the last week. Basically, the way Cole ignores the matches, for me, reminds me a bit in the way that Tony Schavione and others would just completely NOT stay with the match going on in the ring.

The object of trying to build the show is important, no doubt. You don't wanna just have a show where no one knows what the card is about, but to just completely go into business for self or treat it as if these matches aren't even happening is hurtful to the product and the persons busting their asses in the ring. It's disrespectful. What Michael Cole does that gets under the skin of so many people is the obvious little things that have nothing to do with what's going on in the ring. Sure, there should be an even flow of one commentator slightly slanted to the heel and the other to the face, but if he's gonna be THIS kinda guy, take him away from the booth and make him a manager. I'd rather have him as that than someone who butchers the product because at the end of the day, THAT'S what really pisses people off and makes him hated so much. Screw everything else, this man goes out of his way to destroy the other talent and bury them. Calling the two champions "nerds" is something you'd never have seen in any other promotion. smh...I sometimes think the WWE just doesn't care half the time and shows it.
I actually like Michael Cole, I think hes a good heel commentator he does go a little off topic sometimes but thats essentially his character WWE have transformed him into a colour commentator yet still expect him to do the play by play.

I actually think much of the problem on Raw stems from King, to me he just doesn't look interested any more and lacks the enthusiasm which was his trademark in the attitude era.

I actually think him and josh mathews dovetail quite well on smackdown abetted a bit by Booker T but he's worth his seat for the hilarity factor alone.

That's a good observation about Lawler.

I remember reading that he doesn't really follow the product anymore. Just flies in for TV and PPV, and just goes out and reacts to what's happening.

It shows, because the one thing that seems to get him going the most these days is his feud with Cole. The rest of the time, he just does not seem overly invested in the competitors he's supposed to be putting over.

Regarding Cole however, he's got a couple issues... the biggest one being that he's a heel play by play man. I've said this before, but the play by play guy's job is to put over the product, and make it something that the viewer wants to watch. When Cole (as a heel) is putting down a good part of the product, he is not doing that job. He's doing his job as a heel, but being a heel contradicts the main purpose of his role.

His other big failing is that he spends a lot of time calling out the faces on their hypocrisy, and you know what... he's usually right when he does, and the audience can see that he is. Again part of the job of a heel commentator (Jesse Ventura was big on this too, especially with Hogan), but with Cole, there's rarely a counterbalance to show that as a heel commentator, his opinions regarding the faces are usually off base. The OP said that this was something Heenan did as well? No he did not. When it came to Heenan, his observations on the faces were always so over the top that as a viewer you couldn't take what he said seriously (Marty Jannetty threw himself through the Barber Shop window is just one example). By doing this, he effectively put a more positive light on the faces, because if Heenan was saying ridiculous things about you, then you gained more sympathy from the crowd. At the same time, he also was very far reaching in finding ways to positively praise the heels, which was very transparent to the viewer and helped garner them the more negative reactions they needed.

Cole doesn't do this at all. When he justifies a heels actions, you can usually sit there and think "yeah I understand where that guy's coming from", or when he lambasts a faces actions you can typically think "you know he's got a point". The end result is the face that draws Cole's ire never comes across as the hero he should be, and the heel that Cole praises ends up being the more sympathetic one. Essentially he's got the whole dynamic of commentating backwards.

He wasn't always like this. When he was just a commentator, without his own 'character' so to speak, he was actually very good, so there's no reason he can't be again. But as a heel commentator, he simply does not work, and he hurts the overall product.

In his case, don't confuse the fact that he gets heat to mean that he's effective at his job... because his particular job should not require him to even get heat.
My simple take on this.

Heenan was a heel manager first. He built of YEARS of credibility as a heel manager. When he went to the booth people knew what he was already.

Cole has been a play by play guy for years, and I don't buy him as a heel. This whole deal has been poorly manufactured drama that has led to worthless matches in what are supposed to be WWE's prime shows, the pay per views. The heels in the booth have almost always been the color guys and that works because by and large a lot of them as least on point in their careers were heels in the ring or as managers. When I hear Cole I know he is being fake, he has never been a believable heel to me, and he's gone from annoying to unbearable. I don't hate the guy I just find him annoying and poor at what he does. Another reason I'm sure a lot of people hate him is because he's the man that replaced Jim Ross. A guy that replaces a legend is rarely liked, especially when his talents, in my opinion, pales in comparison to the man he replaced. They've toned the whole thing down a bit from this time last year when they were planning that abortion of a match at Wrestlemania, and I'll put it this way. I've been watching WWE since 1985 and I can't remember a worse broadcast team in the history of the WWE then what we have now, and in my mind the majority of it comes from the fact they are trying to play Cole as a heel. Lawler stinks as a "face" commentator and it's just not working.
Cause Heenan was good at it, period end of story. Cole is rather boring, is motor mouth, and doesn't even compare to Hennan at all. I dispise Cole, he's boring and I hate his hell character. He should know better of trying to go against Jerry Lawler and out do him in the ring either. Another point here he's no WWE SUPERSTAR wrestler period.
Cole is too critical of a wrestlers real short-comings. It makes no sense he is sometimes a face, then others a heel on tv. I'd love to see him befriend Daniel Bryan soon too.
I think Cole has calmed down a little bit on RAW. I expected this past week that he would be bragging about lasting longer than King in the Royal Rumble but he didn't. I kept waiting and waiting for him to say something but nothing. He still kisses up to Lauranatis & Miz but other than that he has toned it down. On Smackdown he still plays the annoying Heel and stills goes back & forth with Josh & Booker T but thats ok I guess whatever.

Cole is not a Bad Announcer and I liked him when he was Announcing with Tazz & JBL as well. He does go off topic alot but he can still call the Matches most of the time. So I don't hate him.
Michael Cole and Bobby Heenan alike? HAHAHAHAHAHA..they are about as much alike as Scott Hall and John Cena. This has got to be in the 14 years i've been coming to this site the dumbest thread or article ever posted. And no, in 20 years we will not look back and think 'wow Michael Cole was great' like we do Bobby Heenan. What some of us will be thinking at that point is 'how the hell could i watch WWE's shitty product and listen to Michael Cole's pathetic commentary.' Bobby Heenan's commentary was who he was from day one. He was a heel and he only strayed from the formula once when Hulk Hogan turned heel. The guy is consistent in his hatred of Hulk Hogan and will cheer along whoever stands opposite. That might sound like Cole and Daniel Bryan but the point is Heenan personally didn't like Hogan and Hogan was the main face of WWE. Bryan is just some awesome wrestler who'll never be on Hogan's level. Another Rey Mysterio. No reason to get all riled up over nothing. Cole and what he does just doesn't make any sense and makes for bad TV. In the one area of wrestling entertainment that is hard to screw up, WWE constantly shoves down our throats the worst conceived angle of all time where Michael Cole is made to put himself over the just as green crop of wrestler heels. Cole would make a much better manager and is more comparable to Jimmy Hart who, no matter what decade, has always been fucking annoying. The problem with Cole being a manager is he does not add anything. He does not make the product more interesting, he doesn't make the angles any more interesting, he doesn't even do a good job being a heel commentator. Someone here compared Jerry Lawler in the 90s to Cole now and that too is just as big BS as anything i've read on WZ in a long time. Another poster here said Jerry Lawler doesn't 'follow the product' and acts lackluster about Cole and WWE in general. Jerry Lawler has been in wrestling since the 1970s. He's a 100 time USWA world champion. The guy was around to feud with Savage for years before WWE. He has commentated for WWE for almost 20 years. No man has put in the time Lawler has. He's called the greatest moments in WWE wrestling and he felt those moments and you could believe him. His job was easy back when wrestling was awesome. Most fans envied Lawler's easy job commentating in the Attitude era because he got paid big bucks to have a front row seat to the awesomeness. Even up until the mid 2000s Lawler seemed interested. But how can the guy be interested in calling matches with kids old enough to be his grandchildren who are as boring as paint drying in an era where most of his peers are deceased or in wheelchairs still having a better time than the hardcore WWE wrestling fan on a Monday evening. Lawler realizes Cole isn't getting any better at his character and he's been in wrestling far too long. Cole should just be fired, he's just a waste of space. I'd rather listen to mundane commentating from good ole JR and listen to Jerry lawler's death rattle than listen to Michael Cole try to pretend the WWE product is worth watching. So you guys can bash Lawler all you want, but it's your product that sucks the life out of him. It's not the other way around.

Wrestling marks and smarks like me are allowed to be whiny and critical of a product that sucks. A WWE commentator and world champ are not. CM Punk is not Stone Cold Steve Austin and Michael Cole is not Bobby Heenan, people get your head out of your asses and back into reality. Do some of us love CM Punk and Michael Cole because they are just like us: whiny, hypocrite complainers who think we know everything?
My problem with my Michael Cole is that he's playing a heel and yet he will drop at a moment's notice and start cheering a Face (Cena, Sheamus, Orton etc.). If you are going to be a heel announcer then you need to be a heel...you can't be both. Bobby the Brain, Jesse Ventura, Paul Heyman were all exceptionally good at this.

Additionally, when Cole is in an angle he will constantly draw attention away from the match at hand and talk about some random bullshit like Twitter or how great a wrestler he is. You are an announcer. Call the match. He also suffers from oversaturation due to being on both RAW and Smackdown. So you can't even watch a WWE product without hearing this asshat. The fact that they have Jim Ross employed and not announcing at least ONE of their shows is the biggest load of shit on the planet.

In the end, Michael Cole is basically Vince McMahon's puppet so honestly the blame falls on him for putting us through this shit week after week.
Funny I just picked him as the person I wanted to be fired in a different thread...

*copy and paste*

Wonder why the ratings keep declining? Michael Cole has been a mainstay on RAW, and he's doing a terrible job of putting over the talent... therefore the talent IS NOT GETTING OVER as much as they should... therefore people don't care about the talent... therefore people don't care about RAW... therefore the ratings drop ever more as Michael Cole continues to "make us care" about the WWE wrestlers.

It's because he's annoying, and he has ADD... he can't stay focused on the match, so he resorts to having bullshiting conversations with the other announcers
Now back to the formula, Cole=heel announcer,Daniel Bryan=heel wrestler. Why is Cole still talking shit about the guy,shouldn't he be kissing his ass like he does to Miz. That's going against the formula. That's what pisses people off now,when Bryan was face you could live with it a little but he's heel now and it makes people shake their heads because it comes off as this guy must really have it out for Bryan.

Just because you're a heel doesn't mean you automatically like other heels especially the ones you have been bashing for over a year. I like the fact that they kept his opinion on Bryan consistent. Always has a problem when Jerry Lawler was a heel announcer and looked as though he had some man crush on Orton then once he was kicked out of evolution he was so anit-Orton.

Besides JBL as a heel announcer also bashed heels like The Miz or Sylvan and no one had a problem with that.
I think people actually don't like Cole the person. He took JR's job after all. That is something that shouldn't have happened in the first place. JR should be on Raw as long as King is. Also, Cole NEVER gets his ass kicked for the things he says, so there's no payoff. On the few occasions Cole has gotten his ass kicked, it didn't matter. He was back on commentary in no time. He then apologizes, then a week or so later is right back to being a douchebag tearing down Daniel Bryan whenever he's on screen.

People only enjoy heels being around so they can boo them and hope they get their ass kicked and the ass kicking accomplishes something. When it comes to Heenan, the guy was HILARIOUS, and likable. I can't say for sure, but I'd guess that people liked Heenan back then even though they weren't supposed to.
Heenan knew how to put people over.. like when Goldberg beat Hogan for the WCW Heavyweight Championship on Nitro. As much as J.R. did for Jeff Hardy against the Undertaker on Raw. So anyone saying Heenan was a terrible commentator, he had the skills to influence what you think.

The thing about heel commentators (as color guys) tend to know when to shut up. King would shut up to allow J.R. to give someone his glory, especially at the end of a PPV.

Cole lacks excitement. Imagine J.R. when Kane tried to pull Ryder under the ring.. how crazy he would have been to yell "Bah gawd King!!! Kane tried to pull Zack Ryder straight down into HAAAIILLL!"
For me the biggest problem with having cole on pbp is that the guy doesnt know the difference between an armbar and an armchair, the pbp guy should be calling the in ring action and therefore needs a deep knowledge of wrestling holds and wrestling history.
I've said it a thousand times so why not once more? The reason he's so hated is because (with him) people can't tell the difference between working and shooting which means he does his job EXTREMELY well as a heel announcer. He's being told WHAT to say and HOW to say it. He's told who to push and who to bury and also HOW to push them or bury them. He's just a WWE announcer, he isn't an outside third party going rogue on commentary. If you want to hate an announcer for HOW they announce, all the heat should be on Booker T. If you want to get really drunk, do this every time Booker announces: Have a drink each time Booker throws an "H" every time he pronounces a word that starts with "S". So listen for "Start" to sound like "Shtart", etc.
Serious question. I know people think he's destroying the product, and ruining wrestlers, but why? Bobby Heenan acted and did the same thing Cole is doing today. In fact I remember my Dad and his buddies talking about how much they hated Heenan at the time and wanted him gone, only to remember him fondly for the legend he is now.

In no way am I trying to compare them on awesome factors, Heenan wins. I just wonder if the same thing that happened with Heenan will happen with Cole when all is said and done with his career.

Heenan was a wrestler. He had a real knowledge of the business. Michael Cole is not believable as a heel or an commentator for that matter. He was a punk in the back who used to do interviews and get mocked by the talent and for whatever reason, he's on tv now. I'm not entertained by him and I get bored with his stupid remarks.
Heenan was also a comedic genius with a brilliant improv talent... Cole is not colour, so comparing the two isn't strictly fair... His direct comparison would be Gorilla Monsoon, who was equally bad as a commentator (no rose tinted glasses I'm afraid) and kinda did the same to heels as Cole now does to faces... The difference is that Vince himself used to be a commentator, so he was knowledgeable on the right way to call the talent. He hasn't called a match for well over 15 years, so it's debatable that what he says for Cole to say is right...

Cole is hated as a character cos he plays it well, but as an announcer in general its because he detracts from the show and has displaced JR, who is clearly the true Voice of the WWE. The best thing they can do is make him a manager (or GM).
I've said it a thousand times so why not once more? The reason he's so hated is because (with him) people can't tell the difference between working and shooting which means he does his job EXTREMELY well as a heel announcer. He's being told WHAT to say and HOW to say it. He's told who to push and who to bury and also HOW to push them or bury them. He's just a WWE announcer, he isn't an outside third party going rogue on commentary. If you want to hate an announcer for HOW they announce, all the heat should be on Booker T. If you want to get really drunk, do this every time Booker announces: Have a drink each time Booker throws an "H" every time he pronounces a word that starts with "S". So listen for "Start" to sound like "Shtart", etc.

Michael Cole is one of the worst announcers in the history of Pro Wrestling. He has NEVER been a good announcer in the length of his employment with the WWF/WWE.
The big problem with HIS CHARACTER is that he never really seems to get any form of comeuppance which is what you hope to see happen to a heel. You never see something like he spends all night kissing Vince McMahon's ass and Vince finally tells him "SHUT UP MICHAEL COLE!!!" Even when he does come out on the loosing end of a match or something he just never sells it.

He does seem to have toned down dominating the show a good bit this Monday which is another major problem. A commentator is there to provide a narrative and explain what is going on and why. They're not supposed to be the whole show.
I think Michael Cole does a fine job, always has. Michael Cole is a heel and he simply does his job, I don't think some people really understand that. Yes, Cole is overbearing at times, but he's not the first commentator to do it. If anything, commentary as a whole is the problem, NOT Michael Cole. Michael Cole is supposed to make you angry, supposed to get under your skin. That being said, I've never seen him take it too far -- for me, at least. Cole has gone after Daniel Bryan and slobbered all over The Miz, but he's always had another commentator to bounce that off of.

I want people to remember Michael Cole fondly, since he does a good job, but he's no Bobby Heenan. Plus, people seem to really have a hatred for Michael Cole. He's a target, he's someone easy to blame for the downfalls of the product. It's no fault of his own, he's just gotten that "label." Hopefully, people can calm down with the hatred, but even if they don't, I'll remember Michael Cole for what he is: A good commentator, who does his job, but by no means a legend.
There is a bigger difference between Cole and Heenen than alot of people seem to realize. Cole has a habit of making segments about him and trying to be more than an announcer but be the star of the show Heenan didn't go after attention like Cole does. If you guys want to listen to a good heel commentator go back and listen to Jesse Ventura One of the best heel commentators of all time. A big thing that make people not like Cole is that WWE makes storylines for him he is a commentator and don't need a storyline let him be a commentator nothing more.
There is a bigger difference between Cole and Heenen than alot of people seem to realize. Cole has a habit of making segments about him and trying to be more than an announcer but be the star of the show Heenan didn't go after attention like Cole does. If you guys want to listen to a good heel commentator go back and listen to Jesse Ventura One of the best heel commentators of all time. A big thing that make people not like Cole is that WWE makes storylines for him he is a commentator and don't need a storyline let him be a commentator nothing more.

Heenan regularly made segments about him as for most of his commentary run he was still a manager, so he'd be conspicuous by his absence when his men wrestled, and he would always run faces down who might come into play with his guys... then it was about being a "broadcast journalist"... the difference is that Heenan knew the character he was playing was a fool and deluded... but the heels treated him like gold... Ric Flair, Lex Luger pretty much all the major signings came through Heenan onscreen... Heenan got Wrestlemania moments like managing and being beaten by Andre, the dog suit and the Red Rooster match... Cole actually craved the Wrestlemania moment but isn't the manager, he comes across as the guy who WOULD love to be a wrestler but isn't and sounds bitter about it when he commentates... You can imagine the creative moment where he found out jerry and booker would be in the Rumble and he said... me too...
Before they turned Michael Cole into a full-blown heel, I never had a problem with him. It seemed like fans only hated him because he wasn't Jim Ross, the guy they wanted doing PBP.

Then they tried to take this heat and make it work for them. In the process, they turned Cole into the most annoying announcer since David Crockett. During the buildup to WrestleMania 27 when he had the Cole Mine, he actually surpassed Crockett as the Most Annoying Commentator EVER!

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