Do You Guys Hate Michael Cole?

I just wish that Michael Cole would call the match. There are so many moves that I have no idea what they are, or even if they have names. I want Michael Cole to go back to commentating like he used to. I miss commentators doing their jobs instead of trying to elevate themselves into the spotlight. The spotlight is there for the wrestlers, if you want it so bad leave the announcing booth and become a wrestler.
I can't stand Cole. His character sucks for the sake of sucking; much like Vicky G's, except her's works and doesn't flop all around like a dying fish.

Michael Cole got good heat for a while, and then the story line went about 3 months too long. It should have ended when Jerry beat him. Done and done.

But honestly, his character is not the real problem: NO ONE CALLS THE MATCH ANYMORE! Without JR, no one calls play by play; it's all rhetoric and flame fanning. And by god, Cole harps on the stupidest points of a feud, for minutes on end. They need to split him off of Raw, and get someone who doesn't want to be a title character and just call the match and be the straight guy. (Note: Cole was doing this for quite a long time before it was decided he had to be the evil commentator, and Jerry became the face. I miss stupid silly rooting for the bad-guy Jerry.)

In closing, get someone to call the match, and stop having 5 people talking the whole time trying to get their feud involved on TV. There truly are way too many people talking at the same frickin' time.

Cole's character is like a movie villian. Sure we have heard " thats what he is supposed to do make you hate him." and thats true because that is the job of a heel but there is a slight difference.

Heels are supposed to be hated so that when they get their ass kicked people will pay to see it and be emotionally satisfied and ready for more. However Michael Cole being a commentator not only is given a chance to piss people off all night, he unlike most heels don't get their asses handed to them or beat on a weekly bases. He escapes punishment which makes you want to too see justice on Cole more.

You hate him and you want him to be shut up right? Good because you will end up happy after he gets beat up or even pay moneys to see it on pay per view. Its what WWE is best at.... emotionally triggered buisnness.
I hate Michael Cole with all my heart. If I could wish death upon one person in the world. It just might be Michael Cole.

Michael Cole NEVER talks about the match. In fact.. it seems as though if more than 3 seconds go by without talking.. he feels the need to start talking about whatever story he can come up with! SHUT THE FUCK UP. Cole's stories suck anyways.. there usually about what Vickie Geurerro is wearing... OR.. we spend the entire broadcast talking about the walkout and not focus on any wrestling.

Every attempt the announcers make at moving the direction back towards the match is usually negated by Michael Cole and his horrible heel playing abilities.

Michael Cole became a heel off of the Anonymous Raw GM's heat. So Vince wet his willy when Cole stood up and read a message from a Raw GM and thinks the heats for Cole? Uhh how about the heat is for the ******ed RAW GM that is no longer around.

Thus the Anonymous RAW GM has created a monster in Michael Cole who doesn't know how to play a proper heel, instead he plays a pretty good annoying toddler.
If you hate Cole then he is more or less doing his job. Vince likes him because he gets on fans' nerves with "Vintage!" and a lot of the other annoying things he does. His obsession with The Miz gets on my case in particular. I do like that they are trying to make him into a heel announcer but they should use that to get heat for the heels themselves not Cole. I don't hate him as much as most but I do find him annoying because of "Vintage!" and his obsession with The Miz. It gets old. It could be worse though. Mike Adamle could still be announcing.... I'll take Cole over him any day.
If you hate Cole then he is more or less doing his job. Vince likes him because he gets on fans' nerves with "Vintage!" and a lot of the other annoying things he does. His obsession with The Miz gets on my case in particular. I do like that they are trying to make him into a heel announcer but they should use that to get heat for the heels themselves not Cole. I don't hate him as much as most but I do find him annoying because of "Vintage!" and his obsession with The Miz. It gets old. It could be worse though. Mike Adamle could still be announcing.... I'll take Cole over him any day.

Well yes, we hate him because he's doing his job. He's doing his job rather poorly. It is possible for wrestling fans to hate someone.. not because of them being a good heel.. but just to simply hate them because they suck at their job. This is the case with Michael Cole.

In fact.. the times I like Michael Cole are actually when he does a good job! Like when The Miz would come out and Cole would stand up and rant about everything The Miz did for the week. That was actually really good.

But it's what he does during the matches.... and it sure as fuck isn't call the action. He literally does... EVERYTHING.. but call the action... he talks about his week, he badgers his fellow co-workers... he even has been working on a book for the last 7 years while doing commentary.
Hello, I am new to this, as I just of late made a profile.

My opinion on Mr. Cole is this, he is a good, even great Heel announcer, yes. But the problem on this that he distracts people from the match. Everyone seems to have forgotten how he got in trouble with the whole '***' comment on Twitter, while still in his Heel persona, but I'll get to that in one moment. He distracts people from the matches, contently makes fun of the divas. He takes away from the matches by talking down, sometimes insulting, the Faces. He nearly orgasms over the Miz, though he has not done that as of late. He also insults J.R, which I know is his job but...face it, he goes over-board. He had a box placed for his protection, that's just stupid. Now on to the more recent events, and I apologize for rambling. He made of Jerry Lawer's mother the week AFTER she died, brought out Jerry's son to mortify him on National T.V. The whole scandal with Twitter should have resulted in his firing, why it didn't, God knows. He calls himself the "Voice of Raw and WWE." Frankly, if you agree with it or not, Good 'Ole "J.R" Jim Ross is the only true voice of Raw, even if his to humble to say it. His little uni-trad piece for Wrestlemaina was just.... idiotic. Mr. Cole should stick to being a war corresponding and journalistic man, that's what he did best. Do I respect him?, yes, but to an extent. Do I hate him? With a burning passion.

I hope you like my little rant, have a good-day.
I LOVE Michael Cole as an announcer, they way he is now. Way back when before he got this persona, he sucked, nothing, and absolutely nothing about him stuck out besides being the Rock's little bI*ch. I love to hear him speak, especially when he's making fun of one of the other announcers, lol

It should be noted that all of this love is for him the announcer. Yes, I HATE HIM WITH A BURNING PASSION WHENEVER HE HAS AN ACTUAL MICROPHONE IN HIS HEAD, BAHHHH
cole has become annoying but he has made himself into one of the better comentators in the business, he can IMO do a whole show byself, witch is something i cant see booker or the king do... he may suck to hear but he is good,, somewhat like cena you get tired of him but it wouldnt be the same without him..
It's been reported that officals were disappointed that during the walkout angle on RAW a couple of weeks ago, that JR and Jerry Lawler got bigger reactions than many of the wrestlers and that's a problem. The proliferation of non-wrestler "characters", of which Michael Cole's heel persona is one of the most recent, whose camera-time or over-the-top performance on commentary is detracting from what the active performers are doing in the ring and is damaging their chances of getting over with the fans. This leads to what WWE has been doing recently; giving announcers like Lawler, JR and Cole tv and PPV matches when those places on the card should be going to the guys on the undercard who need more exposure in order to gain recognition from the fans.

"if you don't like him, he's doing his job" doesn't apply in this situation, since we're talking about about an announcer whose job is get the talent, not himself over. Cole is an excellent announcer, but unless he switches over and becomes an manager or something, he needs pull back a bit on the mic.
Yes I do dislike, he's very annoying, talks way too much and disrespects the legendary commentaitors like JR. and Lawler. When he praises the Miz he really annoys me so yes I dislike his new character and attitude.
I don't dislike Michael Cole, and in fact often find him very entertaining. One knock on him though, is that he often tends to pay more attention to his broadcast partners than to the match itself. He's happy to exploit botched commentary, but often makes the same mistakes he gets on Booker, et al for (granted, Booker is often inexcusably bad, and as a former wrestler, should know the name of a goddamn move).

My main gripe with him, and this isn't necessarily his fault because he's not a booker, is that he occasionally gets more attention or exposure than other people who are paid to be in that position. It was one thing when he had a beef with performers on NXT, but I had no interest in him having a match at 'Mania, nor did I want it to be 20 minutes and at the expense of Bryan/Sheamus. I didn't want that feud to last for three PPVs, either.

Putting him and JR in the main event and taking the focus off of Del Rio during Raw in Mexico was foolish, especially since a large number of Mexicans don't even listen to their commentary. Devoting 10+ minutes to him having matches on Raw takes away the opportunity for other people to work. It's not like there were a shortage of guys in the back on the Raw roster to use in additional segments, or matches that could have lasted longer than they did. Would you rather see Ziggler and Kofi get an extra 3-5 minutes a few months ago, or would you rather see Michael Cole covered in bubble wrap, rolling around the ring with King and JR? Now that the Smackdown roster is also fair game on Raw, there is even less of a reason for it.

Having him involved in establishing Ryder as a face with their four second match was not a horrible idea and worked well as a quick throwaway, but I don't want him to continuously be a part of the action on Raw other than to call it as he sees it. I am not looking forward to next week's segment. WWE reportedly keeps bringing JR back because it boosts ratings, but why can't they realize that it's his commentary that people want, not "matches" with Michael Cole?
I thought Cole was toned down a lot last night until that stuff he brought up about JR, and then it was back to the heel Cole, and I was just annoyed. Like previous comments have said, it takes away from things. A guy like Hennan was a heel commentator, but he was a smart one, and played upon himself. If you could play along with the product, then I say it's fine. Jerry Lawler was a heel guy as well in his heyday on the announce team. I loved the three man booth with him, jr, and vince actually.
I really hate Michael Cole mainly because he rarely commentates anymore, he rather talk about himself the whole show which makes the matches less exciting to watch and takes other commentators attention off what's going on in the ring. Sometimes I wish I could just mute his voice, I don't understand why he cant be a heel commentator and still be able to call a good match.
Michael Cole is great for the WWE. I love him. He is an excellant heel. And i think we will see more of him in the ring hopefully, i have seen him take alot of good bumps.
Not at all. I hate Jim Ross and I hate Jerry Lawler. Cole and Booker together are just fine. Maybe add Josh Mathews to RAW. Dump Ross and Lawler. Give them different jobs but no more announcing for them. Lawler is a damn creep and Ross is just a bitter old man.
As a commentator, Cole is sufficient at best. He's been doing the job long enough to know how to call the basics of a match, and he's clean and prepared enough that he almost never makes a mistake. But he's clean to the point of being sterile at times... Every one of his lines sounds scripted and lame, like he's reading off a piece of paper or repeated something Vince is screaming into his headset (note: that's exactly what he's doing). Only once in awhile do I see glimpses of greatness in Cole, when there's a high profile match going on and he puts aside his "heel character" long enough to promote the match going on in the ring.

My biggest annoyance of him is that he focusses on the main event whenever there's a mid-card or divas match going on. He never calls the action unless Cena is in the ring. It's annoying, to say the least... It's hard to get invested in a match when the announcers are talking up John Cena vs. jobber 143 for later in the evening...

A lot of the reasons people hate Cole aren't his fault. His character is product of the industry, and you can directly blame VKM for that one. I want to see announcers out of feuds and calling matches. The King was able to be a fantastic heel and still do his job without making me want to rip out my eardrums! As a on-screen character, Cole is one of the best heels in the business. I've often said that few know how to draw a reaction like Michael Cole, and I stand by that still. He's a great heel, and that's why I'd love for him to quit commentary and become a manager. He understands the business and he has no shame, meaning he'll do whatever he has to in order to get people to boo his character. He the one of the best heels in pro wrestling, unfortunately, in order to do that he has to single-handedly destroy the art of wrestling commentary.
I do not like Michael Cole... I dont enjoy his commentary and I dont even dislike him as a Heel... I just plain dont like him in his current role and whish he would get off the air.

I dont know why WWE are alowing/writing him to Pass remarks about Lawlers mother or JR's weight (or for Johnny Ace to mock his Bells Palsy...for another thread ofcourse.).

These things are not even my main gripe....I am just not entertained by it whatsoever... Booker T sucks ....yet he sucks so bad it is entertaining...Michael Cole is just.....Nothing.
I absolutely love Michael Cole. He's so great at being annoying it's untrue. He just evokes this hatred out of nearly everyone. For me, the worst announcer there is Lawler. I can't stand him. It's just so contrived when he does things like scream "WOOHOO" like some excited child when a Face hits their finisher. He's still lusting over the Divas even though he's in his 60s and we're in an environment where "Puppies" aren't acceptable so he has to resort to acting like he has an intense emotional bond to Kelly Kelly. I don't find Lawler believable any more, he's just more annoying than anything.
Personally, I have nothing against Michael Cole or his announcing ability. I also have no problem with announcers occasionally going on various tirades.

But right now, Michael Cole is in the position where he goes on three or four tirades every single show. He's not just talking about how great the heels are or how terrible the faces are, he's constantly yelling the same things over and over and no one can get a word in edgewise.

I just finished watching the 12/9 smackdown and it was ridiculous. Not only does he say pretty much the exact same things about the same people every time, he was screaming for most of the night. I swear he spent more time going off on tangents than actually calling any action, and when he temporarily runs out of things to say he insults fans and his colleagues.

Again, I don't have a problem with him personally, and I think he does fine as the heel commentator but he definitely needs to be allowed to dial it back a bit. 3-4 repetitive and especially screaming tirades twice a week is a bit much.
Michael Cole is a waste of space. He doesn't deserve the role of being the announcer especially when he doesn't do the 'announcing'. He just goes on annoying tirades over nothing.

I actually believe he could be a detriment to RAW's ratings (and SMACKDOWN's even though he is admittedly less bad on that show). If someone decides to turn to RAW, the first thing they're going to hear is Cole's annoying voice, get distracted from the actual product, then change the channel. He isn't even believable as a heel, he is just over the top annoying. He could be used as a heel manager for short bursts like Vickie and do it well. Just think of a Cole, Vickie announce team LOL.

Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan was the best duo IMO. Bobby was not only a heel, but he was a smart, very witty character (and person in general). Not only did they call the action, they were able to make inferior talent look larger than life and make wrestling believable. Bobby had his heel moments, but they were quick one-liners that didn't distract from the product and actually made the viewer love the character, and love to boo him with genuine respect. Cole just goes off on annoying tangents putting down other colleagues like he has an inferiority complex and it's rather degrading.

To sum this up, either make Cole a heel manager or get him off the air PLEASE WWE!!!
For the most part, I like Cole and I'm often entertained by some of the stuff he says on commentary but he has got to stop making fun of Jim Ross' facial disfigurement because that is totally over the line and sickening!

For example, tonight on Smackdown, Matthews made the comment that Cole speaks out of both sides of his mouth and Cole responded "Actually, there is nothing wrong with my mouth, unlike J.R.'s"

How anyone in that company finds this amusing or acceptable for that matter, baffles me. Now I can understand Cole making fat jokes or jokes about Ross being a hick because they are basically harmless digs at the guy. But for him to exploit Ross' speech impairment and facial paralysis from numberous attacks of Bells Palsey on a frequent basis is completely disgusting and unwarranted.

Now I know the argument can be made that he has someone feeding him lines or some other such nonsense like that but I can only believe that to a certain extent. But then again, this is the same company that ran storylines of Kane having sex with corpses, Lita having a miscarriage, Eugene pretending to be mentally ******ed, McMahons vs HBK and God, Big Show's dead father being dragged from the cemetary in his coffin by a truck, and the dreaded near penis amputation by Yamaguchi San to Val Venis to name a few.

I have always liked Cole as an announcer or even as a backstage interviewer back in the day as well. I just hope he stops taking cheap shots like the one I mentioned before because for one thing, Ross is hardly even on Raw at all anymore much less any ppvs. Why continuously talk shit on the guy at all?
Maybe they are going to finally put an end to their feud once and for all and maybe the rumors are true that Cole will being going back to doing just Smackdown again and Ross doing Raw permanently who knows?

Anyways, to answer the question, I dont necessarily hate Cole but I am starting to really get sick of the bullshit.
I enjoyed the bit Cole did last night (12/9) with Daniel Bryan. The routine fit perfectly into the scheme of things and gave Daniel someone to play off, which is what he sorely needs. What made it successful is that Cole wasn't the star of the skit; instead, he exchanged words with a performer whom many fans want to see get ahead. They were equals......and the purpose was to further Daniel's standing, not Cole's.

I believe many folks turn against Michael Cole when the routine features him alone. During his feud with Jerry Lawler, there was too much time spent accenting Cole as an individual, which turned me off. I'm not interested in the antics of a ring announcer, unless he's someone who can get directly involved in the fighting action, such as Booker T, or Lawler himself. But Cole's part in the Lawler program worked best when he interacted with the King, acting as a "foil" to Lawler's "hero."

But I don't hate Michael Cole, not at all. He plays a useful role on both brands and will be fine as long as he's utilized to advance the cause of others.....not his own.
Bottom line, Cole is not a wrestler, so you can't expect much from him, but he's a good announcer and he does exactly what I feel he's supposed to do...give me a reason week in and week out to hate his guts. If I remember correctly, that's the definition of a heel.
He's gotten beyond the annoying and heel heat phase. He's now to the point where I mute him everytime he's talking and change the channel any point he jumps up from the announce desk. To the point where I'm beginning to hate this man as a human being. That can't be good for their ratings.

Also, his comment about JR's Bells Palsy on Smackdown was way wayyyyyyy too far.

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