Do You Guys Hate Michael Cole?

Michael Cole doesn't always think before he speaks. I actually was alright with him when he was hated on before his heel turn. He's quite annoying that way but the only thing I enjoy about his current persona is that it's an FU to all of those who gave him a hard time before he went heel. Now he does a stellar job at pissing just about everyone off (myself included).

Last night he did something that pissed me off in a non forgivable way. He mindlessly announced that JR posted what he rehearsed to say (in their rap-battle) on Twitter. That entire segment was a clusterfuck due to JR so obviously forgetting the lyrics to his own rap. I mean all is forgiven since there's no way in hell I'd be able to remember any lines in front of thousands of anxious fans. But it really broke the fourth wall in a bad way when Cole told all of us watching that JR posted the lyrics of "what he was going to say".

THAT is when Michael Cole doesn't think before he speaks in a bad way. Breaking kayfabe in that manner is not cool.
I'm clearly way out of touch with today's wrestling. For one thing, I don't find anything about Michael Cole redeeming. He was terrible when he was a face and he's worse now. All the "he's a good announcer but...." stuff makes me scratch my head.

He's not a good heel, he's a heat-sucking black hole. For good heel commentator: see Bobby The Brain. I don't wanna see someone shut him up. I don't wanna see him "get his". I just want him to go away forever.
Nah, I actually think he's okay. He's a damn good announcer for one. So he may botch the name of a few moves, but so have many others who have sat behind the booth. And secondly, he's great at being a heel. I dislike his character, I think he's a prick when he's in character, but that's what I like about him. He's great at that role. It doesn't matter to me why he is a heel. That's for creative to worry about. But the point is, he's good at it.

Which brings me onto this, a lot of people say that JR shouldn't be subjected to the crap he has to do. But Cole is being put through some crap lately. The Michael Cole challenge; dancing and rapping last night on the Slammys. I don't believe for a second Cole really wants to do that stuff. And what kind of entertainment are the audience supposed to derive from that? It's the cringe-worthy embarrassment that both endure. They are both so awkward that it's funny. Well, it's meant to be. I think it's crap, but that's just how I feel. And also, just like JR, he's better than that. The guy is a former award winning journalist and a great play-by-play guy, he's above that side-show shit.
I don't hate Michael Cole in fact I guess I am a bit of a Cole Miner myself lol except I love to hate him. Seriously he is the best commentator in the WWE today and without him the commentators would be pretty dull and boring.
I am not a fan of Michael Cole but I don't dislike him. He is heel ok but its better that we should not have all face character in commentary. Then it would much more biased. And he sometimes give us some real funny joking moment. :lmao:
Cole has always been hit and miss for me, in small doses he can be comedic gold but I think having him on both shows simply makes him overbearing.
I really like cole, his one sideness is great for the wwe. i would love jr, himself and the king to announce all the time like his cold mine days. Mick foley should be commentating on SD!
I honestly find myself physically ill whenever I hear Cole talk. He is constantly putting himself over and doesn't add anything of value to the matches or to the talent in the ring. The only guy he even attempts to put over is Miz. The rest of the time he is calling himself a god, and bashing all of the face wrestlers. He's also talking shit about JR for no apparent reason.

I'm just wondering how you guys feel about him. I know he's a heel, but I find myself hating him legitimately. Why does Vince love him so much?

Well the WWE has just entered the "Reality Era" and you said yourself that you legitimately hate Cole which means he has real heat with WWE fans. Sounds like he is doing a pretty good job with the direction they are taking but I do feel the WWE is lacking a good commentator that can call a match and put over talent like JR has done in the past.
For the argument that he doesn't focus on the match or put over so and so and whatever else, you do realize that Vince and the office is telling him to do that right? He's not out there shooting on commentary. I can't understand how people hate cole but let booker t slide.
Booker T is AWFUL on commentary, but he's also not a douche. I'm also aware that Cole is being fed lines by Vince. We all know that Bryan was right when he called Cole a "McMahon Puppet." I just don't see how Cole adds to the value of the WWE. People aren't going to tune in to watch Cole, if anything they are going to either mute the tv, or change the channel.

Lol, a little off topic, but do you guys remember heel JR? He was cheered then too. Cole: "I can't see the match because of Jr's cowboy hat." Jr: "You're about to have a cowboy boot in your ass." LMAO. Cole has always been shit. He was somewhat bearable when he commentated Smackdown with Tazz and JBL, but Smackdown is as far as he should've gone.

His catchphrases are complete shit too. "Oh Myyyyyy!" Lame. "Vintage insert wrestler name here" Shit. Ok, lastly, who else is sick of Cole claiming to be undefeated at WM? Completely negates the point of the match (and I use the term "match" loosely) with Lawler at Mania for Cole to be given the "official" win.

Besides, Cole isn't a talented commentator or heel. Bobby Heenan was the greatest color commentator of all time and he was a HEEL. The reason is that he was likeable. Cole is just a smarmy little bastard that you just can't stand. There's nothing he can do to change that. He's just a douche.
The guy doesn't put on a good match and practically ruined parts of Wrestlemania but he's lucky ratings didn't go down thanks to Stone Cold. What bothers me is they're still continuing with his feud against JR. What's the point? He wasted so many segments this past year on Raw?

WWE could have been pushing D-Bryan alot earlier, but I still think this was the perfect time for his boost now that he won the MITB case and cashed it in. Could of had HHH feud with some-one else, and alot more...

So, what I'm trying to say is........Cole should just stick to commentating, his bickering during Diva matches and standing and ranting on the announcers table before main events is not entertaining whatsoever?
So, what I'm trying to say is........Cole should just stick to commentating, his bickering during Diva matches and standing and ranting on the announcers table before main events is not entertaining whatsoever?

Could have sworn I read an article on WZ a few weeks back where it was reported that Vince told the announcers to focus on other things while the diva matches were going on.
My avitar says it all. This vebal bashing while matces are going on is pissing me off. Ok so you get hard for The Miz I understnd that but why do you have to get into with Jerry or JR or Daniel while a match that has nothing to do with your whinny opinions is on. No one cares about your stinkin SLAMMYS or that you are the voice of WWE. Just call the match then when it's done you want to gloat about beating Jerry or insult JR make it short and to the point not drag it for 2 hours. :wtf:
I respect Cole a lot on commentary. He is a very very good heel commentator and he does his job very well. If everyone hates him, then he's doing a good job. One thing I dislike though, is that he has to try to explain the heel's actions for them to make sense, when they shouldn't make sense in the first place, because they're heels. And the funny thing is, he does it really well. And another thing that WWE should consider is having someone who could actually combat Cole on commentary because Cole out-shouts anyone on commentary and just owns them on any point they make. If there was someone who could fire back at Cole, then he might shut up a bit. Cole is too dominant on commentary.
I don't hate Michael Cole for the fact that he has been with the company for over 10 years. I respect the fact that he can pull his character off very well. The only thing I don't like about him is that he is over-doing it with his character.
I have mixed feelings about michael cole sometimes i love him sometimes i hate him i hate some of the comments he makes but i find it entertaining when he rants and makes fun of daniel bryan ,but at the same time i hate how he always talks up and pretty much kisses the miz's ass even tho I'm a BIG fan of the miz's current heel run it just get's annoying sometimes.
To Micheal Cole
Tone it down pal and I will respect you.

I like the guy. He , Laryngitis and vickie are the only ones who generate a lot of heat and that's their job. The heel wrestlers are supposed to, but only mark henry gets heat. If you dont believe me look at Del Rio. Most of the time the people don't even care.
Michael Cole

My personal thoughts? I personally think the guy is awesome! He is the true definition of oldschool heel. The true definition of a bastard of a heel. The true definition of a coward of a heel. The true defintion of a mouthy son of a bitch of a heel. Cole is the ultimate heel! Some guys on the lower mid card should take notice of Coles ability to turn a crowd on him.

Well some of you may say....they are just booing him because he's damn annoying. Well isn't that what a heel is supposed to do? Then some of you may say he is a dick for some of the stuff he aims at JR....well I seem to remember a time when heels would say stuff that would want to make the fans jump the guardrail because of the heels pure douchebaggery.

I say well done Michael Cole, keep pissing off the IWC and please please keep on making the crowd hate you like that!
I actually really like Cole.
I don't know if it's different in America (I'm English) but I really enjoy his clear, witty announcing. Sure, I can see how some of you could hate his heel persona but I'd much rather take his commentary over any of the others because I prefer his voice. Again, this is probably purely based on the fact that I come from England and prefer less American accents. Tbh, I probably hate JRs commentating the most, I can't stand his accent.
I don't hate the guy. I think he plays his role really well. I just find it sad that he doesn't have that good, quick-witted babyface to shoot him down once in a while.

Still, he does his part well. He makes fun of himself enough, he purposely makes errors in hopes of being ridiculed and he loves playing the victim. Is he as good as Bobby Heenan? No. But, he isn't doing anything that the beloved Heenan wouldn't be doing. (Though, I obviously understand that Heenan would have done them better).

All in all, the guy plays his part well. He has people booing the "bad guy." What I love about him is that people online hate him. The supposed smart wrestling fans love cheering the bad guy. When a bad guy does his job well enough to actually make those same fans actually want him fired, something must be obviously wrong with him. (For the record, this isn't exactly directed at the OP. It's just a general statement).
His "announcing" is terrible. He never stays in character, he's either buddy-buddy with the king or insulting him. He'll rib the king with a clever line, half laughing like he's the kings best friend, than five minutes later he'll be yelling at the king like he hates his guts. If the feud is over they i don't care what their characters working relationship is, i just care that its consistent. He's can't break character as much as he does and be effective
Vince knows Cole draws a lot of heat hence his reason for being that annoying. And mind you he is doing a good job at it.

The way I see it, doesn't matter if the guy can't wrestle. He isn't there to wrestle in the first place. Cole is a commentator, and right now he's the commentator we the audience should hate and pay to see get beat up.

The only thing I hated about Cole was his frosted tip hair back in the late 90's if my memory serves me good.

I don't love Cole, I don't hate him either. I'm just annoyed with his current persona, which is exactly what VKM wants us to feel towards Cole.

Good job Michael "Vintage" Cole! haha
Michael Cole doesn't need to tone it down. WWE needs to hire someone to fight back. Are the Yankees a bad baseball organization? Or is there just not enough competition for them?

Cole isn't running the show like it seems, Lawler is horrible at his job and is frankly embarrassing. Booker t is fun but dumb. It's a shame they can't clone CM Punk and put him on commentary. Punk/Cole would legitimately be a top 5 broadcast team.

You guys are mad that he's "taking up segments". Well, in those segments, he's getting a reaction and anyone he's associated with is more over. Daniel Bryan was the most over when he was feuding with Cole.

After just watching the AWA DVD, it seems like most of you guys think like Verne Gagne. Cole is over. It's not "x pac heat" because it wouldn't have lasted this long and WWE looks at quarter hour ratings and has other instruments of measurement that we don't. If he was truly getting "x pac heat", they'd know it.

Also, "he's not always in character" is such bullshit. Unless you're a ****** and you think people are 100% always the same that is. Cole makes fun of Lawler and is NEVER "buddy buddy" with him unless he's being a coward or if the situation calls for them to get along. I don't like everyone I work with, and most of the time, I'm doing my best to piss them off, but sometimes I joke with them. Don't be stupid.
The wwe is trying (and sadly the only person who even comes close to replacing him) to come up with a "now" version of Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Who inn his own right is a hall of famer, as he was so very good at what he did. Michael just needas to slow his role and stop trying to push himself.
I must be the only person who is amused by Cole's antics...Don't get me wrong I don't want to see him in WM matches...
He gets under fans skins...and I love that...he is very good at making people hate him...and not in a cheap way wither.
But I would LOVE to see him managing a wrestler...He could of given Swagger a push to the sky...if they wrote it properly.

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