Do You Guys Hate Michael Cole?


Most Charismatic Champion Ever!!!!!
I honestly find myself physically ill whenever I hear Cole talk. He is constantly putting himself over and doesn't add anything of value to the matches or to the talent in the ring. The only guy he even attempts to put over is Miz. The rest of the time he is calling himself a god, and bashing all of the face wrestlers. He's also talking shit about JR for no apparent reason.

I'm just wondering how you guys feel about him. I know he's a heel, but I find myself hating him legitimately. Why does Vince love him so much?
I like to dislike Cole. He does his job as a heel commentator, for me. His character is so obviously biased that I find it quite funny, actually. I only truly disliked his character during the extremely silly Cole vs Lawler feud earlier this year. That was awful.

I know I will be crucified for this, but between Cole, Booker T. and Jim Ross, I'd rather have Cole. At least I can understand what he says.

Though the best commentator I've seem on WWE was CM Punk, actually.
He's one hell of an anouncer, but his heel persona needs to fuck off. He called the matches very well back when he was only on Smackdown and I would absolutely have no problem with him to him going back to the original Cole. The current role Cole is playing is annoying at times. Heel announcer, ok, but in no way should Michael Cole put so much damn focus on himself. At times, I find my self muting the tv because Cole gets so unbearable. If Cole can just tone it the fuck down, I think he'd be enjoyable. Even if he remains heel but he needs to calm down a bit.
I respect Michael Cole a lot. Well he's pretty annoying on-screen but that's pretty much what his job is: To annoy all of you, and I quote. JR is a pure legend but he can't stand any longer with his health and so on, Jerry Lawler has this squeaky voice while he's a babyface and Booker...... Forget about him I think he should go wrestle again his Royal Rumble match was awesome. The WWE needs a genuine heel commentator, not Matt Striker he doesn't have that annoying attitude, when he was heel he only knows how to cheer for the heels instead of annoying the crowd. He doesn't get massive heat.
Yes I do hate him. Although I find him hilarious most of the times I still despise him. But that only means that he's doing his job right.

Just look at all the heels nowadays most of them are actually likeable and get cheered sometimes. Cole stands out from them. He actually has the entire crowd hating him just by being his annoying weasely character. And that's how you know if a heel is doing their job right. If he annoys you then just know the fact that you're supposed to be annoyed by a heel. Why make a thread about it? You hate him legitimately for bashing all the face wrestlers? He's a heel commentator. Bobby Heenan used to bash all the babyfaces and he's considered one of the best commentators off all time. He's even in the Hall of Fame. And Cole having heat with JR actually makes sense considering he.. well.. I don't know.. Feuded with him and Jerry Lawler? I love to hate Cole's character. He's a great heel that you just can't help but hate. There's nothing wrong with it.

All I'm saying is Cole is doing his job right. He has you hating him for all he annoying stuff he does on-screen so he's doing his job right. You can tell he's really into his character and that's the reason why he's such a good heel.
Cole is beyond heelish. He is horribly annoying and detrimental to the show. Heenan was a WRESTLING GOD. He was pure gold at commentary. So was Ventura, though not as much as Heenan was. Cole has always had XPAC Heat, even when he was a neutral commentator first starting out. Hell he botches moves and other shit all the time too. I don't know if he is just playing a part or if he really is a douchy piece of shit, but if he's playing a part, he needs to fucking stop because he's ruining the show. I seriously doubt a casual fan wants to watch Raw and listen to him run his damn mouth about how he's so great.

What's so great about him? The fact that he has athlete's foot and showed the digusting shit on tv? Wasn't trying to rant, but Cole just pisses me off.
i hate micheal cole because he dosent talk about the in ring action, same with king. I was watching ROH and they do something WWE DOSN'T(NOT ANY MORE) CALL THE ACTION AND ACCTUALLY TALK ABOUT AND PUTTING OVER FEUDS LIKE DAVEY RICHARDS AND RODRICK STRONG.
Michael Cole's job is to annoy and irritate the fans, and to make you root for the faces. But more often than not he's too over the top. He should definitely tone it down, and he would be fine as a heel (although I feel a face play-by-play guy, and a heel analyst works best). But the way he's portraying his character it just makes me change the channel. I love wrestling, but I'm not willing to sit through Michael Cole's commentary anymore.
I love Michael Cole. He's the best commentator in the business today, and his antics routinely make the show far more entertaining than it would otherwise be.
I see a few things here I'd like to address:


Yes, he does sometimes makes mistakes. Just like, um I don't know, EVERY OTHER GUY WHO HAS EVER BEEN ON COMMENTARY BEFORE HAS. From Gorilla Monsoon to Vince himself. Fuck, even Jim Ross isn't immune, Mr. "BENOIT CHEATED TO BECOME THE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE!". So, come on, quit acting like it's only Cole. Have we already forgotten about Adamle?


I don't see people not watching the show anymore. I don't see people leaving the shows live because Cole is there. What I do see is a heel getting amazing heat. What that heat is good for? Who knows...I'm not the booker; I'm not saying Cole should be a heel. It is what it is, and for what it's worth he's great at it.

I like Cole. I don't love him. I used to think he was the total shits. But he's grown on me. I accept that we aren't going to have Jim Ross forever, and if one other voice has become synonymous with the WWE to me besides McMahon himself, it's Cole.
I do. I really do. Not because he is a horrible on commentary, but his annoying personality is too distracting from the show. He just makes it hard to watch. I know being the heel announcer he is supposed to get under your skin, but not to the point you end up changing the channel and not watching the rest of the show. You know I kind of compared it to Flair and Hogan being the top heel in WCW. You wanted to watch the show to see what they were going to do and see who was going to try and shut them up, but then you have Scott Steiner as the top heel and everytime he gets on the mic I want to change the channel because I don't care. I know I'm comparing apples to oranges by comparing a wreslter to annoucer, but that is the same feeling I get with heel Cole.
Cole is an OK announcer. Not my cup of tea, but I'll always give credit where credit is due. He knows the product (unlike Jerry Lawler) and knows how to call it. He doesn't put me to sleep (unlike Jerry Lawler) either. He was also a big reason why Daniel Bryan got over during his early months, there's no doubt in my mind about that.

However, he just tries to hard. It's all well and good being a heel, but you need to know when to just shut the fuck up. It's a trait that all of the best heels in history share. From Hogan to McMahon, they knew when to stop. They knew when they'd gotten their point across. Cole doesn't have that. I don't think he focusses on his job enough either. Let's remember what an announcer's job is: call the matches and put the talent over. With the exception of Daniel Bryan and The Miz, he hasn't done this. He spends too long putting himself over, and I have a big problem with that.
During his Wrestlemania run I hated him and I wanted to see Lawler put him in his place. That is "good heat" the kind of heat that puts butts in the seats.

Now, I hate him and I want to see him replaced as the play-by-play guy. This is a "bad heat" an "I'm turning the channel" kind of heat.

He spends too much time promoting himself as a heel character. That is not his job as a commentator. It is his job to put over the matches and the superstars. He doesn't do that. He distracts from the matches by his ramblings and self-promotion. It's annoying and does not add to the product.

I understand that he is seeking heel heat, but it is not the right kind of heat.
I can't say that I hate Cole on TV or personally. I do think he's trying a little too hard to be a prick or a "super heel". Once his feud with Lawler and JR died down, there wasn't much he could do except go back to the announce table. Yes he drew a lot of heat earlier in the year, which was the goal. But keep in mind that when he was slowly turning into the heel announcer, it was to build up Miz's push to the title. He did his job well. But what I think is the general opinion was the way he (kayfabe) pissed on humiliated JR week after week. Remember back in 05 or 06 when they were pushing Jonathan Coachman the same way? Most fans weren't that receptive to his character, at least the way they were to Cole's persona. I can't say I've ever been a fan on his play by play, but there have been way worse than Cole. I'd say he's on the same level as Todd Pettengill was back in the 90's. But no I don't hate him. He's just doing what the powers that be are telling him to make his living.
I'm sure he's a great person, but his persona just angers me. Last night, he was incredibly over the top and returning to how he was during the Lawler feud. He can get heat, though, so he's doing his job.
All I know is that I was trying to get my friend in to wrestling, but he couldn't enjoy it because the lead announcer grated on him so much. Having an annoying persona is okay, but it's not okay to have that persona be ubiquitous on all the programming. He makes shows borderline unwatchable for many people, and even if others disagree on how annoying he is, he sure as hell isn't bringing in viewers or selling tickets.

Another problem is the new mindset of WWE Announcers. They're border-line riffing on the product. Even back when Lawler and Heenan were at their heel announcer prime, they still sold the product as the best thing going. Now Cole practically points out move botches and openly laughs at mistakes. It's horribly unprofessional and alienating to a new viewer.

All in all, current WWE commentary is an abortion that should have been reigned in a long time back.
Yes, I can't stand Cole.. never have, and I don't hate him because he's heel.. he's just annoying.. i like plenty of heels and hate plenty of faces, so i don't like or dislike who the WWE wants me to.. when Cole jumped up and started doing that stupid trumpet dance, i just wanted to reach in the tv and punch his jaw loose.. not sure why they keep Cole around
I dont hate Michael Cole, with that said, I greatly dislike him, I mean a lot. It has pretty much nothing to do with character as of late. The fact of the matter is, I have never enjoyed his work since he showed up on WWE television 13 or so years ago. My beef with Cole is not that he is so much a bad announcer as it is, he is a terrible actor. The thing about Cole is I dont know who this guy really is. Everything about the guy just comes across as incredibly fake. He has no real personality of his own and tries way too hard to sell the WWE product. Its like every single thought that comes out of his mouth is scripted, as if he has original thoughts of his own what so ever. Its so sad, he's almost like a robot, its just WWE in his brain 24/7, the guy is a total shill. The fake laughing, the exaggerations. It sounds like I'm knocking his announcing, but what I'm getting at is that I dont believe the guy sitting behind the desk is really being himself and that bothers me. Do Lawler and Ross play parts ? Sure, but they feel pretty natural because they insert their own individual thoughts into the mix sometimes. Cole with his god awful acting treats the fans like they are incredibly moronic. If the guy could just be himself and stop acting like a puppet and complete WWE tool, maybe I would have some respect for him. So basically I think he actually makes the worse show, and wouldn't be sad to see him get fired whenever that happens.
Personally I don't like the announcers trying to be as important as the wrestlers they all need to just do there job and call the match and not try to be liked or hated by the fans best heel type announcer in my opinion was Jesse Ventura he never over did it like Cole does.
Screw that "he's doing his job" excuse, Cole as a heel announcer is terrible. I understand it's his job to be annoying, which he does a little too good, but it's also his job to call the damn match, which he never does. He's too busy heeling it up
Cole is a great heel commentator. I always hate when people say he screws up names of moves while JR does that all the time. Lawler isn't even commentating, he just like to talk about things like divas and how fat vickie guerrero is.

So for me Cole > Lawler.
Michael Cole is a very good heel, but here's what the problem is. He's the main play by play commentator. His job is to call the matches, which he does not do. He spends half the night arguing with lawler and neither wun of them seem to care at all about whats going on in the ring. Another thing is how he is constantly putting himself over. Hes not involved in any current storyline, he's not a wrestler, hes a commentator. Im all for him putting the Miz over, and other heels, but he barely talks about anything other than himself. Its just extremely frustrating listening to that constantly. I wouldnt mind if he actually CALLED THE MATCH but he doesnt..thats my only issue
If you hate Cole now, I can't even imagine on how much hate would you give to Jerry Lawler of the 90's. He is way too FAR more annoying than Cole is. He literally sticking his nose to everybody's business. The spotlight stealer that Michael Cole referred to Jerry Lawler is really true. If you look at King now, you can't even imagine how a d!ck he is during those time.

As for Cole, No I don't hate him. He is the best commentator on the table now. He even carries Booker T whenever Booker slips up on his announcing.
Take your pick of who you'd rather have, Mike Adamle, Tazz or Matt Striker.

You can have "Jeff Harvey", some "Yam Bags", and "did you know the titles never changed hands in Canada?" instead of Michael Cole. I actually appreciate Cole, he was over the top a bit around WM time, but he's been a consistant worker for the WWE, he's paid his dues, he was the Todd Grisham getting bullied by the Rock 15 years ago, and I bet he makes the Hall of Fame eventually.
I'd rather listen to Michael Cole along with Cody, Swagger, Dolph, Christian, and Vickie for 2 hours than everything else. I look forward to seeing Cole every week just as I like seeing those 5. They make things interesting.

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