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Thanks FunKay. I'm going to try to knock out the research paper this weekend, so I'm glad I got as big a response as I did.
In that case we can be friends again. And that is a sweet wallpaper, but I keep it generic. No need to waste anymore hard drive space than I already do.
Damn...the whole Edge situation is only now really beginning to sink in...I'm actually really bummed out...though my anger towards Hogan is greater for the time being...
Why are you mad at Hogan? Or is it just regular "Hogan is a douchebag" hate? Because I always have a little bit of that.

And I was really bummed out about it last night, and I'm still feeling a little broken up about it, but I've made my peace. I'm happy he's going before it's too late, before he seriously hurts himself.
Every tween TNA wrestlers make should be run through their PR department. First we have Kurt Angle saying that everyone is using his moves, now we have Hulk Hogan questioning Edge's dedication... and then pulling a complete 180? Fucking idiots.

Also, look at the names he listed. 1) Pathetic, 2) Even more pathetic, 3) Crack head, 4) Dead (to be fair, not wrestling related), 5) Anderson officially retired in 97 when he was 39 years old. Edge is 37. 6) Was allegedly addicted to drugs when he retired, 7) Endured so many injuries that he began to go through muscular atrophy and now has cancer and 8) Died.

Hulk Hogan has made himself clear, he wants to see more dead wrestlers.
I liked your article too, glad to see you calling Hogan out on his bullshit. I'd have a few choice words for him should we ever come face to face...

I haven't read your take on Edge's retirement yet, IC. What are your thoughts?
Thanks everybody. That one's been brewing for a while.

The wife and I both misted up during Edge's deal last night. He's an easy HoF'er. I've been watching him since '97 - used to turn off all the lights in the house when The Brood came out. Still some of the best entrance music of all time.

Edge isn't a mega-draw, but like many others, he's consistent and damn he could be trusted when asked. I'll miss him, but like I said in my "Ok, Now I Feel Guilty" op ed a couple months back, I'm happier that he's going to walk away and stay healthy / in one peice.
I've been watching him since '97 - used to turn off all the lights in the house when The Brood came out. Still some of the best entrance music of all time.

Agreed. Edge has always had some of the best entrance themes in the business. His last one was also great. Not better than Brood but possibly the sweetest song in the business today. Or was anyway.
I always thought Edge's entrance was one of the best in the WWE. I loved how he walked through the falling fog. Metalingus is also easily my favorite WWE entrance song.
In an attempt to add more sources to my bibliography for my research paper, I'm citing your most recent editorial, IC. Your name shall ring through the halls of academia for all to hear.

Seriously though, is that cool with you?
When you back from Boston, dude? We gotta set a day to meet up. Gotta integrate you into Team Jersey. We're 5 strong right now.

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