"Cold Blooded" Matt Hardy?


The King of Swing
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Source: The Wrestling Observer

It's being reported that current creative plans call for Matt Hardy's alter-ego "Cold Blooded" Matt Hardy to be brought into TNA in the near future. Several months ago, Hardy introduced the "Cold Blood" alter-ego on Twitter, and it's being said that he is likely to be performing the character of "Cold Blood" Matt Hardy in TNA in the near future.

1st off i have not been able to watch tna lately and have not seen any tna with matt hardy. neither have i watched any of his youtube videos where he portrays this character.

my question is this: he just debut and is helping his brother/ part of immortal so what exactly would be the gimmick change? how would the way he acts change with this "cold blooded" gimmick? and is this a good idea? again i have not seen the gimmick or matt hardy in tna yet so give some details.
I hate Matt Hardy. I hate his braids, I hate his coat, I hate his fucked up knees, I hate him in the ring, I hate him on the mic, I hate his "Mattitude", there's never been a moment in my entire life when I thought "Matt Hardy's pretty good". Fuck that guy, I didn't want him anywhere near TNA to begin with, he's a waste of time, waste of money, waste of waste.

Matt Hardy sucks. Period. He's never been a good actor, he just comes off fake and cheesy. I don't think this gimmick will work, I don't think ANY gimmick will work. I hope he gets a "gets fired because he blows boat people gimmick". He'll rule as that guy.
Matt Hardy is trying desperately to get over. Not going to happen. TNA isn't competing with WWE. Nice product from time to time but it's not going to work for Matt, just like everyone else that jumped ship to the minor leagues, ie Hogan, Booker, Christian... Matt should have followed suit and followed MVP to Japan where he could have honed his skills and really improved himself, but I doubt that they even wanted him since he can't keep his mouth shut, and I don't think that he's capable of doing that. Matt Buried Matt...
I find it interesting, and unlike most people on these boards, i like matt hardy and think rejoining the hardys was a great idea. my only problem with it is that he sucked as a heel after he stopped fueding with jeff last time, so this cold blooded gimmick might end up just sucking.
to any one who thinks matt hardy is not over, your sadly mistaken. And for those who credit to his brother, look back at his mattitude run, and his i will not die run. He never faced his brother and for the most part his brother was in tna. At that time in his carrer he was extremely over. Hell still is really over, and his character actually makes me want to see tna, something that i haven't said in a long time.
More like "Cold Cut" Matt Hardy - who cares this guy is a turd. When the most noted thing in your career as of late is being a youtube sensation I really just don't know what to say outside of being grats on being less notable then Tay Zonday.

How this guy even gets talked about is beyond me. I'm sure his gimmick is he is going to be completely ruthless. OMG RUN RAGING REDNECK WITH POTBELLLY ON THE LOOSE AHHHHHH!
I am a Hardy fan, as made obvious by my name, but even I believe that Matt tries TOO hard to look good. When he came out for his match against Rob Van Dam, I thought that he looked pretty damn stupid with the braids and the angry look on his face. It just doesn't suit him at all. He still looks out of shape in the ring. On the contrary, I do enjoy watching Jeff in the ring. He's still entertaining.
Saying all this, the "Cold Blood" gimmick, could be interesting. He may become pure ruthlessness, beating on everyone who gets in his way. I would like to just see him beat the living shit out of people.
More like "Cold Cut" Matt Hardy - who cares this guy is a turd. When the most noted thing in your career as of late is being a youtube sensation I really just don't know what to say outside of being grats on being less notable then Tay Zonday.

How this guy even gets talked about is beyond me. I'm sure his gimmick is he is going to be completely ruthless. OMG RUN RAGING REDNECK WITH POTBELLLY ON THE LOOSE AHHHHHH!

Yeah, by the way, if the highlight of your career isn't even on Television but YouTube instead, there's something wrong with you, not WWE or anything else for that matter.

"The handcuffs are off". Bullshit. The handcuffs are off for guys like Pope and Anderson who always had talent but management fucked them over/underestimated them. The handcuffs were always on Hardy, he locked them himself and swallowed the key.

It's like this guy just turned sixteen. "Blaah I'll take over the world, I'll revolutionise pro wrestling, the Hardy Show will be a million dollar business, all you haters make me push harder". Well guess what, if negativity makes you work harder, get ready break yourself in half from working hard.

Piece of crap .. out of TNA, please.
I loosely follow his youtube videos and while I don't have the outright disdain for the man as some do, I generally don't like him. I actually was a big fan of his until he got fired from WWE and acted like a douche though. He is good in the ring imo and is capable of putting on solid matches. Does he put on 5 star matches? No, but they are solid matches that usually gets a good reaction from the crowd.

His mic skills at times are debatable. He's shown he can be aggressive and passionate at some times (Edge feud) and can be funny as well (Mattitude/V1). But on the flip side he's shown he can have trouble giving believable emotion (that isn't based on real emotions) that truly gets him over (his last feud with Jeff was just horrible). And he has a tendency to be cheesy. He is the definition of hit and miss in the ring and on the mic. He's had more misses than hits, but when he hits he is great and the good thing is that when he misses it's hardly ever flat on his face. His good is really good and his bad isn't that bad (if that makes sense).

The one thing I've gotten from his youtube videos is this new anger and hatred that has been instilled in him. He's shown with these videos that he can be a very good heel who can garner real heat (half the people on this forum hate him because of it). You can say it's X-Pac heat (real I hate this guy heat), but heat is heat regardless. If this "Cold Blood" gimmick is anything like MATTHEW (which it obviously is going to try to be) then I am truly pretty excited to see the outcome. It will at least be engrossing because people are going to watch what he does regardless. Some will watch because they love him and some will watch to see him fail, the key is that they will be watching and are interested in some way.

His gimmick will probably that of an angry man who feels he's been shit on far too many times from far too many directions. He has built up his steam and is ready to unleash it in it's purest form, violence. No more Mr. Nice Guy, I'm in it for me and those who support me. A determined and genuinely angry Matt Hardy has the chance to be really good. His feud with Edge had real passion and hatred which allowed his emotions to come out naturally. That's what will come out of it. The best thing to do to get over has always been to be yourself and say what your thinking. Matt is obviously angry at WWE, fans and wrestlers who turned on him (through his own fault), and possibly the industry as a whole. If he allows his true feelings and emotions out in an entertaining and believable way, this has the chance to be truly engrossing imo.

I'm not saying this is going to be the biggest thing and will make him a star, nor will it cause a huge spike in ratings for TNA. But it will be interesting to say the least to see what comes out of it.
I think Matt Hardy sucks and has always sucked and always will sucks! I wish I could see him face to face and tell that to his face! He really does suck! Have you ever seen the way he walks? The way he climbs the turn buckle. It always seems like hes got something up his ass. his legs look all funny when he walks and does his moves. Matt Hardy needs to quit, retire, give up, commit suicide or simply just die,
I think Matt Hardy sucks and has always sucked and always will sucks! I wish I could see him face to face and tell that to his face! He really does suck! Have you ever seen the way he walks? The way he climbs the turn buckle. It always seems like hes got something up his ass. his legs look all funny when he walks and does his moves. Matt Hardy needs to quit, retire, give up, commit suicide or simply just die,

The fact that he has brought up so much anger from you, towards him, shows how effective this can be. He has real heat from you. Now wouldn't you love to see him get his ass kicked by Mr. Anderson or RVD? And how pissed would you be if he beat them instead?

That's what a heel is, that's what a heel is supposed to bring out of you. Real hatred for them. You want to see them lose to your favorite guy and when he doesn't you hate him more.
I think Matt Hardy sucks and has always sucked and always will sucks! I wish I could see him face to face and tell that to his face! He really does suck! Have you ever seen the way he walks? The way he climbs the turn buckle. It always seems like hes got something up his ass. his legs look all funny when he walks and does his moves. Matt Hardy needs to quit, retire, give up, commit suicide or simply just die,

Matt Hardy is not my favorate wrestler by any means but for you to say he should commit suicide or just die is just fucking stupid you are either 14 years old or just ******ed, but anyways Matt hardy has had a decent career and has been over for years and he's obviously good at generating heat by everybodys comments nobody even knows what his gimmick is gonna be like yet you want to trash itbefore you've seen it like typical WWE sheep.:banghead:
I think Matt Hardy sucks and has always sucked and always will sucks! I wish I could see him face to face and tell that to his face! He really does suck! Have you ever seen the way he walks? The way he climbs the turn buckle. It always seems like hes got something up his ass. his legs look all funny when he walks and does his moves. Matt Hardy needs to quit, retire, give up, commit suicide or simply just die,

I'm by no means a Matt Hardy fan, but you are a first class tool. To come on the net and slag off a guy you dont even know, to say that he should kill himself and wish death on him simply because you dont like watching him wrestle, is nothing short of disgusting.

Honestly, the hatred directed towards Matt Hardy is getting ridiculous, and this post is a classic example of the sort of ******ed shit getting thrown around lately. I actually agree that Hardy is out of shape is not fun to watch right now and is proving himself to be an absolute douche with his whining and shooting on other wrestlers. But for christs sake, this is supposed to be a thread about his proposed new gimmick; about what sort of gimmick it will be and whether it will work for him or not. And yet the majority of the posts basically amount to "OMGz HARDY sux i hop dey fyre his azz he's TEH GAY!" with no mention of the gimmick itself. There are plenty of threads where you can slag off Matt Hardy (i.e. the "what do you think of Matt Hardy" thread for one), and if you have to slag him off here, at least address the topic while you're at it.

So, does anybody know what his gimmick is supposed to entail? I just hope it's not a gothic, brooding, "darkly poetic" character, because neither Hardy can pull that kind of gimmic off; they just come across as pretentious ********s when they try. Like Red Skull said, hopefully it's based around his discontent with the wrestling business and the IWC; if it's built on real-life emotions, and if he's truly motivated to make this thing work, then who knows? He just might surprise us all.
Hardy at one point was pretty damn good. He was fit, had abs, was in shape and wasn't in perpetual slow motion. But that was 5-6 years ago, he isn't interesting anymore, sucks in the ring and has always been terrible on the mic. Take a look at some of his promos on youtube.

His series of segments with Jeff after the hell turn were amazingly bad. 'Jeff I kiyled yure dawg, I killd him Jeiff. Hirs his collar Jeiff'.

Ugh. He should just move on.
"Cold Blooded" Matt Hardy?


Did Matt come up with this gimmick whilst watching a TV show about a serial killer by any chance? Why didn't he just go ahead and call himself Stone Cold Matt Hardy?

Anyway, I don't think this new direction will work very well for Matt, because as he showed in his feud with Jeff in 2009 he can't really pull of being a 'serious' heel. During his run as Matt Hardy Version 1.0 he was pretty entertaining, and was one of the best things on Smackdown at the time. Plus he was kept in his natural position i.e. the mid-card, so no-one had to buy him as a top contender.

Matt's probably got grand ideas about becoming a headliner in TNA and being given a run with the World title, but I just don't see him as a main-event calibre wrestler. In fact, I don't see his TNA run being anything other than a resounding failure. Which is a shame because he could actually be quite valuable in a mid/upper-mid card role, if he sorted himself out & didn't have ideas above his station.
to any one who thinks matt hardy is not over, your sadly mistaken. And for those who credit to his brother, look back at his mattitude run, and his i will not die run. He never faced his brother and for the most part his brother was in tna. At that time in his carrer he was extremely over. Hell still is really over, and his character actually makes me want to see tna, something that i haven't said in a long time.

:lol:Look at you! A blind Hardy mark. Please tell me how Lardy is over? Please tell me how those shitty braids are anything new? The only time in my book and a lot of others when Matt was over with anyone other than the Loyal blind Hardy fans was when he f first got into the WWE with Jeff and the spot monkey gimmick. It was sort of new and exciting. I'll admit that.

I've never seen eye to eye with a hardy fan because I believe Matt to be shit on the stick and not that great in the ring. I will give him and his brother for doing a lot of shit for high spots in the early part of their carriers. But that’s about it.

His run with Edge was simple, let the guys fight it out... whatever. It was funny but lets be real, the Hardy's in my mind were second fiddle to E&C when they first came into the WWE anyways. So lets see how it goes the second time>? Fuck please

Hardy in Tna is just kind of blah, they know Matt and Jeff have fans that for some reason or another will always follow them any ware and buy everything. I honestly haven’t seen his "cold blooded" Videos on youtube or whatever. But from the way it looks now its not going to turn out that pretty.
"Cold Blooded" Matt Hardy?

Did Matt come up with this gimmick whilst watching a TV show about a serial killer by any chance?

It's hardly the most inspiring or creative nickname, is it? It sounds like he put absolutely no thought into it at all. Again, when the Hardy's try to be dark and eccentric, they just come off as being dull and pretentious.Hopefully the gimmick doesnt reflect too heavily on the nickname, and he doesnt try to be gothic and alternative, although that's where I think it's going.

he could actually be quite valuable in a mid/upper-mid card role, if he sorted himself out & didn't have ideas above his station.

Agree with this. Hardy was a solid midcarder throughout his singles career, and that's fine, every fed needs guys like that, and there have even been perennial midcarders who have had more prestigious careers than main eventers (whose a bigger legend, Jimmy Snuka or Jeff Jarrett?).

Problem is, Hardy has delusions of grandeur. He thinks he is a top echelon star, and he seems certain that TNA will and should push him as a main event wrestler. If he DOES get pushed as a main event wrestler, it will be an indictment on TNA. Like you said, if he gets himself in shape, accepts that he is a midcard guy and works his ass off to make this gimmick work, he could be an assett. I'm not holding my breath.
if matt hardy gets pushed to the TNA main event, it is NOTHING more than the TNA main event. it is NOT the wwe, hell... i dont even think that ROH would put him in the regular main event given he was on the roster.

he is over, with a certain niche of people. however, this reinvention... drinking michelob ultras after training, eating grapes, MATTHEW ALL CAPS!, it's all just a failed attempt at terrible terrible terrible self reinvention. guys have indeed done it before, look at the transition of rocky maivia to the rock. THAT WAS A WIN! the rock also didnt have 10 years of playing second fiddle to jeff under his belt. so what has matt done? instead of capitalizing as the surviving brother in the big leagues he follows suit, makes himself the victim and decides to tuck tail and run to TNA to once again ride the coattails of his over pushed, overrated brother jeff. way to go! all his videos are self-delusions of grandeur and nothing more than that, most of his views are people like myself following him to see what kind of shit show he has become.

its like a train wreck, brutal, but you simply can not look away.
:lol:Look at you! A blind Hardy mark. Please tell me how Lardy is over? Please tell me how those shitty braids are anything new? The only time in my book and a lot of others when Matt was over with anyone other than the Loyal blind Hardy fans was when he f first got into the WWE with Jeff and the spot monkey gimmick. It was sort of new and exciting. I'll admit that.

I've never seen eye to eye with a hardy fan because I believe Matt to be shit on the stick and not that great in the ring. I will give him and his brother for doing a lot of shit for high spots in the early part of their carriers. But that’s about it.

His run with Edge was simple, let the guys fight it out... whatever. It was funny but lets be real, the Hardy's in my mind were second fiddle to E&C when they first came into the WWE anyways. So lets see how it goes the second time>? Fuck please

Hardy in Tna is just kind of blah, they know Matt and Jeff have fans that for some reason or another will always follow them any ware and buy everything. I honestly haven’t seen his "cold blooded" Videos on youtube or whatever. But from the way it looks now its not going to turn out that pretty.

So me telling you reasons why I like matt hardy is me being a blind mark. How about you not seeing that matt hardy is over makes you a ******. If you look at any video since his return in 2005, did he ever not get either a huge pop or heat. Infact I want you to post me a single video where he has gotten a small reaction. If you can then i will happily call my self the idiot instead. To let your hate for matt hardy, stop you from seeing how over he is actually makes you the blind one. You can't hear the pops he gets either Helen Keller.
So me telling you reasons why I like matt hardy is me being a blind mark. How about you not seeing that matt hardy is over makes you a ******. If you look at any video since his return in 2005, did he ever not get either a huge pop or heat. Infact I want you to post me a single video where he has gotten a small reaction. If you can then i will happily call my self the idiot instead. To let your hate for matt hardy, stop you from seeing how over he is actually makes you the blind one. You can't hear the pops he gets either Helen Keller.

Coolstorybro. Here is a small fact, god damn near any face gets a pop when they hit a finisher or go for one on a heel. Its a fucking fact, He was a heel for what less than a year since 2005? Big shit? The only minds that Fat Lardy was ever over in was was yours and a few other fans.

I've looked up your video's and all I see is him hitting a finisher and getting a pop over super hated heels. That’s being over? Yeah for a finisher, its not hard to do in the WWE. If I went in and hit Cm Punk at the moment with a Singapore cane I would get a pop.

Come on dude, really? Your going to say that getting a pop for him being a face and hitting a finisher or coming out gets him the status as over? That’s an every day fact of life if your anything of a wrestler and a face in the WWE.

His matches since his O so sweet comeback were nothing short of boring and he was getting a pop on name value only. Cool that he can do that because of his name, but really when your matches are so boring that I use them as the bathroom match more than the Diva's matches thats bad.

The only real solid part of that comeback you were talking about was his title run with Mvp and him trying to fight Edge over taking Lita. Then he kind of became irrelevant.:disappointed: I wasn't impressed.

Also Helen Keller Doesn’t need to hear shit. She talks with her hips, that will be all.:lmao:
The problem with Matt is he can't live up to his own hype. Plain and Simple.

He has heat from fans sure but is it the right kind of heat? Is it the heat that you get from what you do on the wrestling stage a la Vicki G. or even CM Punk, Nexus, hell even Miz? (Sorry I'm using WWE talent but I can't think of anyone in TNA right now who gets nothing but boos) No all his heat comes from stupid ass youtube videos where he brags about himself and basically calls himself the 2nd coming sure you're the 2nd coming...the 2nd Hardy brother coming to TNA.

I like the Hardyz always have. I've got their DVD, had their t-shirts back when they were in WWE, hell I even bought Jeff's DVD. This no shot against them...I don't think they need to commit suicide, I just think Matt needs to take a cue from Jeff and just shut up. I've seen Jeff in like 6 of Matt's videos and he never says a word. Go in the ring and do your job let your work speak for you.
I think this can make him a star. It will be breaking away from anything that he has ever done. Everyone complains that his gimmick hasnt changed in 10 years and when he finally changes it, people still want to complain. Get over it. Hardy is one of the most over wrestlers in the industry, dont hate..:lmao:
I hate Matt Hardy. I hate his braids, I hate his coat, I hate his fucked up knees, I hate him in the ring, I hate him on the mic, I hate his "Mattitude", there's never been a moment in my entire life when I thought "Matt Hardy's pretty good". Fuck that guy, I didn't want him anywhere near TNA to begin with, he's a waste of time, waste of money, waste of waste.

Matt Hardy sucks. Period. He's never been a good actor, he just comes off fake and cheesy. I don't think this gimmick will work, I don't think ANY gimmick will work. I hope he gets a "gets fired because he blows boat people gimmick". He'll rule as that guy.

I couldn't have related my vitriolic feelings on Matt Hardy any better or more succinctly than this. His 'cold blooded' gimmick will not work, nor will 2011 be 'his year' any more than 2010 or 2009, or any year, was.
In reading these posts...all I hear is bla bla bla " I am really jealous of Matt and wish I had his life"...(Zeven Zion)...he has 157,000 Twitter followers versus your 4....he just outed the Big Valbowski on a recent Youtube entry which was absolutely classic! This guy totally rocks...Cold Blood Matt Hardy is simply an alter ego in this business called professional wrestling...gimmicks change, it might not work...or it might set up a face turn in which he will get tremendous pops like he's always gotten in WWE..don't take things so seriously people...maybe your mad because IF you had a girlfriend she would choose him over you in a heartbeat...but that is a big IF in reading your rants. Matt Hardy has had some great matches in his career and he gives me a reason to watch TNA now...
I think this can make him a star. It will be breaking away from anything that he has ever done. Everyone complains that his gimmick hasnt changed in 10 years and when he finally changes it, people still want to complain. Get over it. Hardy is one of the most over wrestlers in the industry, dont hate..:lmao:

One of the most over wrestlers in the industry!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Please dude, Sharkboy was more over than Matt when he was with the WWE in his last run. You all keep coming in here telling us that OMFGORZ MATT HARDYZ TEH BEST!!!1!!@ But really what made him so original? What made him so over? Because Jeff and him had a promotion before WWE? Because they jumped off a few ladders before they got big?

Lets get this straight Hardy marks, The Dudly boys and E&C were in the matches with them that "boosted" them into the spotlight. It wasn't just the ?Hardy boys doing spots, it was all six men. But do you ever really remember that? Not past putting their names in a all Hardy dream match card.

How is sporting a shitty attitude with braids any different than his past gimmicks? Did he even have a gimmick in WWE? Does Calling yourself V1 and V2 and sporting Mattitude gear counts as a gimmick.

So riddle me this Hardy fans, what actually makes him so over. His charisma? His work ethic? Or whatever else. Because All I'm seeing from this gimmick is a pissed off ex WWE employee that’s STILL in his brothers shadow.

In reading these posts...all I hear is bla bla bla " I am really jealous of Matt and wish I had his life"...(Zeven Zion)...he has 157,000 Twitter followers versus your 4....he just outed the Big Valbowski on a recent Youtube entry which was absolutely classic! This guy totally rocks...Cold Blood Matt Hardy is simply an alter ego in this business called professional wrestling...gimmicks change, it might not work...or it might set up a face turn in which he will get tremendous pops like he's always gotten in WWE..don't take things so seriously people...maybe your mad because IF you had a girlfriend she would choose him over you in a heartbeat...but that is a big IF in reading your rants. Matt Hardy has had some great matches in his career and he gives me a reason to watch TNA now...

Well after picking through this wonderful post. Heres what I have to say.

1. I didn't know the whole state of North Carolina had twitter

2. Big V made a shit ton of valid points in his Video, Matt hardy slung shit for however long that Gem of a video was.

3. Apparently now guys Matt Hardy is a super hero because he has more Alter Ego's then the whole D.c Universe

4. Tipical Shit slinging from a Matt Hardy fan, awww they take after their master. If my old ladie wanted to leave me for a chipped tooth, washed up, Wwe reject then let her. I won't stop her, she'll come back sooner or later.

5. Yes he did have some classic matches in his early days in the WWE, I will not deny that. But now he's turned into a 10$ wallmart Web cam youtube jockey.

6. And my valid points from a post before this come to light, Hardy marks will follow them anyware as long as they are in that company.... No matter how shit the show is.

Vintage people, just vintage thank you ST.

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