CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE?

  • Yes, he saw his friend Bryan taking a backseat to a part timer and decided to leave.

  • No, this wasn't punk's battle to fight and his fans deserve better.

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The Butcher

📶 said:
CM Punk, who did not appear at last night's RAW, also did not appear at tonight's SmackDown taping in Toledo, Ohio, despite being advertised for the event. WWE has since removed Punk from almost all their upcoming events on the events section of their website, although he remains on the Elimination Chamber page. It is not known at this time if Punk is injured, or if something else is going on. The last tweet that he posted on Monday night stated, "Thanks for all the support. Keep being you guys, it's pretty cool."
Punk's contract is up in July, and he stated in an interview last week that he doesn't know if he will re-sign after it expires, and that "everything is up in the air."

UPDATE: reports that Punk apparently told Vince McMahon at last night's RAW that he was going home and left the show. No further details were available other then that he's been removed from all shows going forward.

This is breaking news. More to come for sure. Speculation is running high, naturally, but nothing is confirmed in regards to why Punk left. Word is his contract is up this summer. His last two tweets (the one mentioned in the article and one stating "the view never changes") look a lot different in light of this news.

*Just a housekeeping note: could a mod add "non-spam" to my thread title to differentiate from the spam thread? I should've done so but was being hasty.
Could be anything honestly, but if he spoke to Vince and walked out, has to have something to do with either Vince, HHH or the company itself. Punk hasn't been extremely quiet about WWE when it does something stupid, what happened last night probably was the last straw for him.
Seemed like he needed a break. Both from him looking tired (he was down for quite a bit in the Rumble for no apparent reason) and his character being pretty redundant.

Hope that all is well with him.

Would not be surprised if it was over the Daniel Bryan situation.

Either way, like I said, Punk needs the time off as far as his character goes anyway. And it will be good to see some new faces, with them being forced to push Bryan, and Reigns on the cusp of breaking up with the Shield. Win Win for everyone involved.
Seemed like he needed a break. Both from him looking tired (he was down for quite a bit in the Rumble for no apparent reason) and his character being pretty redundant.

Hope that all is well with him.

Would not be surprised if it was over the Daniel Bryan situation.

Either way, like I said, Punk needs the time off as far as his character goes anyway. And it will be good to see some new faces, with them being forced to push Bryan, and Reigns on the cusp of breaking up with the Shield. Win Win for everyone involved.

He's definitely needed a break for quite some time, so getting a rest now would do wonders for him.

But yeah, thinking this is more over the situation of the company, Punk did talk about a Revolution on his time up, he talked about people like him and Bryan getting moved up. My guess is this is his way of protesting because of WWE's lack of faith in Bryan and their push of Batista. This is the same thing that happened before with The Rock, and he had a problem then, WWE is doing the same thing again and again, so this is where he's taking a stand. Bryan is honestly too nice a guy to do something like this, but Punk can and will.

Speculation on my part, but this is what I'm thinking is the situation.
So many things.

First off, I always have to be suspicous, because its Punk....If he is talking, he is working you.

The fact that WWE has clearly been working people via twitter in the recent months, coupled with how Punk is, makes me not rush to say goodbye. I think there is a strong chance they are just giving him some time off, and he will be back the week after EC, or some such.
So many things.

First off, I always have to be suspicous, because its Punk....If he is talking, he is working you.

The fact that WWE has clearly been working people via twitter in the recent months, coupled with how Punk is, makes me not rush to say goodbye. I think there is a strong chance they are just giving him some time off, and he will be back the week after EC, or some such.

That's a good point, and looking at it, even I, at first thought it would most likely be a work and it could definitely be that way. The timing could be either/or honestly, it's hard to say, because, this is Punk. He could walk out at just about any moment, he's thought about doing it before, so that makes it very hard to differentiate the fact from the fiction.
The fact that he isn't being advertised for any events is somewhat telling. It could be a work I'm not ruling that out but with his contract expiring in July maybe it is legit.
NorCal raises an excellent point in bringing up the potential worked aspects of this.

We've got to keep in mind that Punk is currently in a storyline feud with the bosses. I mean, this has been a bizarre past few days in regards to social media and WWE. The Royal Rumble ordeal was met with a large amount of reaction from current and past WWE Superstars on Twitter and Facebook, and one has to wonder how many of these individuals are in the loop. Now those two seemingly innocuous tweets by Punk lead to him walking out on the company, which in turn takes him off of all their shows except the Elimination Chamber. WWE could very well be trying to use the power of social media and the media firestorm surrounding the Rumble to do some meta-storytelling.

I doubt it at the moment, but it's possible.
Don't we always jump to the "being worked" idea and are more often than not wrong? We are so close to Wrestlemania. Why would they remove their 2nd biggest draw (arguably) from storyline, live TV, and live events?

That makes no sense at all.
The way things have been so chaotic lately I dont really know what to make of it.

This is crazy. I dont blame him if he did just deuce out & the strange way things seem to have went down after the Rumble makes a bit more sense. No mention of the situation on RAW & other factors seem to make it fit.

Question is do they try as hard to get him back this time or do they let him chill at home & come back when he is ready?
In the back of my mind I'm calling bullshit. But I'll play along...

CM Punk is burned out! He's tired and needs a break from the road. Which leads down the road to Wrestlemania 30. Daniel Bryan is a good replacement for Punk going into a match against Triple H at Mania. But CM Punk didn't have to drop a "pipebomb" on Vince McMahon this time around, because actions speak louder than words ever can.
Don't we always jump to the "being worked" idea and are more often than not wrong? We are so close to Wrestlemania. Why would they remove their 2nd biggest draw (arguably) from storyline, live TV, and live events?

That makes no sense at all.

Another thing how quickly they did it. It took them a while to update their schedule before with Bryan which led to them falsely advertising him their, which even led to them giving out refunds. So either WWE finally got their acts together, or this is most definitely a work.
Don't we always jump to the "being worked" idea and are more often than not wrong? We are so close to Wrestlemania. Why would they remove their 2nd biggest draw (arguably) from storyline, live TV, and live events?

That makes no sense at all.

Not to mention nobody would be being "worked" except for the hardcore fans who are looking at WWE news at 2 o clock in the morning.
Don't we always jump to the "being worked" idea and are more often than not wrong? We are so close to Wrestlemania. Why would they remove their 2nd biggest draw (arguably) from storyline, live TV, and live events?

That makes no sense at all.

It's just a possibility that is fair to discuss. It also is a heartening thought for Punk fans. I don't think it's a work. I think this has to do more with frustration at the creative plans. With the reaction the fans gave at the Rumble and all the attention that received, it's likely that plans for the road to WrestleMania and 'Mania itself changed, and changed in such a way that didn't please Punk. He's said in the past that he wanted to headline WrestleMania. Maybe since he sees that that isn't likely, he's decided that he's done everything he wanted to accomplish outside of that and now he's done with wrestling. Everything's speculative.
The lack of activity on Twitter by Punk could be very telling. He could be working us but I'm not sure Punk would joke about something like this.
The lack of activity on Twitter by Punk could be very telling. He could be working us but I'm not sure Punk would joke about something like this.

I don't think so either, Punk is usually open when it comes to stuff and when he has an opinion, he's never been one to keep it bottled up.
Maybe its a family issue and he needs time. If that's so, he'll be back for mania. That's my speculation.
Another thing how quickly they did it. It took them a while to update their schedule before with Bryan which led to them falsely advertising him their, which even led to them giving out refunds. So either WWE finally got their acts together, or this is most definitely a work.

Or they didn't want another shit storm on their hands where they had to hand paying customers their money back.

A company like the WWE learns from mistakes like that. When they do happen 99 percent of the time those mistakes don't happen again.
Or they didn't want another shit storm on their hands where they had to hand paying customers their money back.

A company like the WWE learns from mistakes like that. When they do happen 99 percent of the time those mistakes don't happen again.

WWE learning from mistakes. I'll be honest, that doesn't compute.

It could definitely be the cases of them learning from their mistakes, but that's the kind of mistake that shouldn't have happened to begin with. You could definitely be right though, I won't deny the possibility because it fits in just as good, if not more-so.
Could be a work but I'm leaning more towards him being displeased with the way things are going. He does great in the Rumble and puts his body through hell just to be eliminated in the cheapest way possible? Then he knows that he's going right back into a dead end storyline that won't amount to anything? Granted a WrestleMania payday is great but Punk just seems like a guy that doesn't really do it only for the money.

Also, I wouldn't be shocked AT ALL if he's a little pissy about Batista taking peoples spots and winning the Rumble when he literally came back a week before the damn thing. Add on top of that the fact that Batista already has heat in the locker room by saying that this is a shitty state of wrestling and it all adds up to a meltdown.

Maybe Punk is a huge locker room guy? Someone who actually cares for the boys? We can all guess I'm sure we'll find out in a couple of days what's really going on.
Something being discussed in some other corners is the fact that while a lot of fans like to think that Punk and Daniel Bryan are besties because of their similar background and common friends, the truth may be closer to a mutual respect and admiration without an actual relationship. I bring this up because if Bryan is getting plans built around him that ends in some sort of mega push (big "if"), Punk could be resentful because of how things went for him when he was riding high back in 2011. He could feel that it should be him getting whatever is in store for Bryan. Rather, it should've been him, but he got fed to Triple H and turned into heel while still incredibly over. Punk could be mad at the world right now.
If and IF Punk has legit gone. What do you think changes in the company because of this and not just the Wrestlemania card?
WWE learning from mistakes. I'll be honest, that doesn't compute.

It could definitely be the cases of them learning from their mistakes, but that's the kind of mistake that shouldn't have happened to begin with.

I am not talking about their product on TV. I am talking about the behind the scene business aspects. They made a mistake publicly on false advertising a wrestler and had to return money to customers causing them to lose money.

A company like the WWE learns from those type of mistakes and usually doesn't let another public situation like that happen again.

It is much like the GLADD incident with CM Punk. It happened once and not another issue. When something "controversial" happens on Twitter the WWE puts a stop to it pretty fast and has people apologize.
Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez have a breaking news audio update on and went into more details on the CM Punk situation. It was believed that Punk was going to leave the company in July when his contract expired. Punk is very burned out and he’s one of the guys that saved his money and his mentality is that he does not need WWE. There were Raw script changes with less than 2 hours before the show and this was because of Punk. Apparently it didn’t boil down to one thing and this has been building up for a while. Meltzer brought up the issue of pay going forward when the WWE Network starts, which is what we heard and reported on in the last update. The talent is wondering how payoffs will look and no one has been told how that is being handled so that could have been a factor in Punk deciding to leave.

Punk posted a cryptic tweet on Monday night that looks like he was saying goodbye to the fans.

Here is a new update.

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