Cheap Heat.


Pre-Show Stalwart
WWE announcer Michael Cole used the sexual slur "******" on his official Twitter page in a response to a post by fellow broadcaster Josh Mathews.

Cole eventually deleted the post and followed up with a message that stated, "I apologize to any and all who were offended by my tweet toward young Josh Mathews. It was obviously not meant the way it was taken."

WWE responded as well, claiming they alerted GLAAD to Cole's tweet and addressed the situation with him. "Michael will be included in the training session being done by GLAAD."

I think this was done on purpose. I think WWE wants to make Cole one of the most hated heel in the company for years to come. I think they are using this as a way to get him heat. I think we are only just beginning of Cole's heel run.

Cole is smart enough to know not to type something like that. Then again who knows. Very coincidental this comes a week or so after WWE partnering with Glaad.

What are your thoughts?
Do you think this was planned?
Totally planned and a total work like most Twitter bullshit form the WWE. They are using Glaad as a way to make a punishment. Very scary stuff right there.

I think it doesn't matter.
At first it sounds stupid. However, after that, I realise it's actually a decent idea, yet another way to push Cole along as the big heel character he is. I love how they use his character. Like I say, it's strange when this match has had the biggest and best build-up out of any so far. But the ways they've progressed the match and made both participants shine in two different lights is great. I, for one am really looking forward to all of this unraveling.
Is this really gonna get him more heat, if it's a work? If someone's offended by homophobic slurs, they're not gonna boo him and want him to get pinned in a predetermined match. They're gonna want him fired for real. It's

wait this is the prison fuck this



I can't rep SJ right now...have to wait 24 hours. Damn it! Why post something ridiculously awesome at the one point I can't rep, why?

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