I think John Cena is the one who can and the one who should be in there with Brock at the biggest show of the year. Yes, all the negative stuff constantly brought up about him casts doubt on what the company might want to do with him but he's still, by far, the #1 performer and personality in WWE and I celebrate each time he ascends to the world title, unlike many of you.
My alternative pick is Roman Reigns. I believe he might have been on the path to do the deed with Brock at WM31....but his injury really gummed up the works, forcing the company to alter all their plans. I think Reigns star would have risen so high by then that the allure of Lesnar-Reigns would have been irresistible.
Reigns is big enough and tough enough to be seen as a credible opponent for Brock......and except for Cena, who else would be?
Big Show or Mark Henry? At Wrestlemania.....are you kidding? They have the size but not the allure. Dean Ambrose or Seth Rollins? They have the allure but not the size.
Don't talk to me about Daniel Bryan. As much as many of you feel he has magic, I believe he would look so ridiculous standing in the ring with Lesnar that it would make the match a non-event on WM31 night, regardless of how it had been built up over the months. Daniel would lose....lock, stock & Brock.
So, if Roman Reigns can come back soon enough and the publicity machine could build the match to fever pitch, he might very well be the one in the ring against Brock. But if he can't, I'd love to watch Cena win the rubber match with Lesnar.
Cena did an amazing thing for a #1 guy, losing cleanly to Brock in their first match (Can you imagine Hulk Hogan doing that, when he was the man?) But you don't really think Cena is going to finish second best in the long run, do you?
I must, respectfully, disagree with you Sally. I don't think Daniel Bryan
should be the one to beat Brock Lesnar, but acting as if it's an impossible story to tell is unfair. In professional wrestling, as well as in legitimate fighting sports, plenty of "David and Goliath" scenarios have ended with the giant slain. In the world of MMA, Randy Couture once defeated Tim Sylvia, a man six inches taller and forty pounds heavier than him. Japanese kickboxing organizations have also featured smaller competitors facing bigger competitors time after time. They're incredibly popular and they're as real as it gets.
In professional wrestling, "smaller" wrestlers with less of a storied technical background than Daniel Bryan have been successful. Rey Mysterio comes to mind as well as, to a lesser extent, Shawn Michaels.
If WWE was really interested in telling this kind of story with Bryan and Lesnar, a story that properly told would be incredible to watch, they could. Every giant has his Achilles Heel. Perhaps for Brock it's his ankle/leg, his arm, his torso, his neck, etc. Who knows? Bryan would have to scrap. Brock would have to wrestle pompously, but it could work. After all, let's face it, if we're so worried about how any of this
looks, every Lesnar match looks laughable. It took him twenty minutes to defeat a guy pushing fifty last year and he was defeated by a corporate businessman two years ago. Brock would easily decimate just about any wrestler in WWE, but WWE has the luxury of operating in the world of professional wrestling, so anything can be done.
I would love for Daniel Bryan to return to challenge Lesnar. I think Bryan even coming close to defeating Brock would be incredible to watch. It'd put deafening heat on Brock and Heyman for them to trash DB, working in the age-old criticisms about his size being his downfall in WWE, imploring him to back down. In the end, I'd be okay with Bryan losing, too.
Side-note: I don't have any specific love for Reigns beating Lesnar. I find Reigns to be the best fit aesthetically, but in no other way. Responses to Reigns had grown tepid, so hopefully he can reclaim his heat once he undoubtedly returns to finally shut Seth Rollins up. If not, WWE might be granting a victory to a guy who, let's face it, isn't as over as Daniel Bryan. Hell, I'd prefer to see John Cena defeat Brock Lesnar before Reigns.