Brock Lesnar WWE World Heavyweight Championship Run Thread

Is Brock Lesnar's WWE Title Reign being affected by Recent Injuries?

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As much as I'd like to see Cena finally turn heel, I doubt it'll ever happen. The company makes too much money off of him being the baby face. But who knows. Definitely wouldn't mind seeing him make the heel turn and bring back the Authority. Think it'd be a fresh angle for the WWE.
It's not a bad idea, but my problem with it is Rock's title reign would be just like Lesnar's. So you'd just be prolonging the problem. Rock would either not be there, or he'd have to drop it to someone soon after winning it, and if he did that it would totally devalue Lesnar's ending the streak and demolishing Cena.

Also, HHH vs Sting, I'm fine with as a match, but for control of the company I'm not. Sting's character isn't really suited to be a figure head type, he's supposed to have a mystique about him, it would ruin his gimmick.

Cena vs Reigns, would be a fine as a match, but that still leaves the big question mark as to what you do with Lesnar's title.

That's why I think you gotta stick with the plan and let Reigns go over Lesnar at WM. It's obvious, but sometimes thats the right path to go. Trust me, if winning Superstar of the Year last night or setting the Rumble elimination record were any indicators, they have every intention of strapping the rocket pack to Reigns when he returns, by the time WM gets here, we'll all probably be sick of him, he's gearing up to be the new Super Cena. Did you hear Punk's 2nd podcast with Colt Cabana? He said he was told by like 10 employees to make sure he made Roman Reigns look strong in their match.
How would putting the title on The Rock solve anything? He's even more of a specialty, rarely appearing attraction than Brock Lesnar is. The fundamental flaws with putting the title on the likes of Lesnar or The Rock is what we already knew would happen:

We knew The Rock's reign was a vanity reign that was over from the moment it started because we all knew he'd drop it to John Cena at WrestleMania 29. We knew The Rock wasn't gonna stick around because he had his multi-million dollar movie career to get back to. The result was what most would think of as a lackluster run with a lackluster match that not quite as many people were interested in seeing as Vince McMahon thought. Both guys worked hard and The Rock showed a lot of heart by sticking with it after getting hurt, but people knew the outcome months before the match even happened and it suffered from the fact that a lot of people are just plain burned out, unexcited or uninterested in being WWE Champion again.

In Brock Lesnar's case, we knew that he'd be MIA for months at a time because of how his deal is structured. At the same time, that didn't stop a fair amount of people from wanting to see Lesnar win the title anyway, but it's also reinforced the "part timers shouldn't be champions" argument. Lesnar has no particular love or passion for anything, it's all about the paycheck. WWE could go tits up tomorrow and Lesnar probably wouldn't care in the least. He's a mercenary and Vince has taken a gamble that Lesnar's rare appearances will translate into jacked up viewership, ppv buys and network subscriptions. It will, to some degree, but probably not enough to justify the special treatment and sweetheart of a deal that Lesnar's been given.

You're also forgetting that, if reports are accurate, that the studios don't want Rock wrestling anymore due to potential injury. They can't legally stop him, at least I don't think, but The Rock defying the wishes of the studio could hurt his career. Maybe he wouldn't be considered or called up for some big money roles at a later date. Then, of course, he could sustain severe injury that could potentially end his career as an action star. Besides that, Fast & Furious 7 his theaters a few days after WrestleMania XXXI, so The Rock is gonna be busy in the weeks leading up to the release promoting the crap out of it. The odds of The Rock being at WrestleMania XXXI to wrestle are slim to none.

As for Reigns vs. Cena, I'd be fine with the idea if there's a good chance of WWE putting Reigns over Cena. However, we all know that Vince McMahon is protective of John Cena to a fault and while there's talk that Reigns might be the next "face" of the company, he's largely unproven at this point in time as a singles wrestler. As a result, I'd be very surprised if Vince would allow Reigns to go over Cena because he's paranoid about doing anything that might potentially damage the Cena brand, especially during the biggest show of the year.

As for Triple H vs. Sting, that match is probably gonna happen. I dunno if there'll be any sort of stipulation as to gaining "control" over Raw & SmackDown! though. Last week, there were reports that Sting's current deal is for a grand total of 6 appearances. The first took place at Survivor Series and the last will be at WrestleMania XXX. Of course, that doesn't mean that another deal can't be or won't be reached.
Like JH said the Rock will be promoting the new Fast and Furious 7 that week, and I highly doubt he'll be wrestling at Wrestlemania. If he does make an appearance it would be similar to last year when he comes out cuts a promo and leaves. Don't want to see another part time champion anyway. Lesnar has pretty much done me in on those for a long time to come.

HHH/Sting I can see happening if the Undertaker decides not to show. HHH is still great in the ring, and it would be a good match. Likely Sting's one and only ever in the WWE though. I would liked to have seen him against Undertaker but that most likely won't be the case. I think Taker is finished.

Seriously don't know if they have enough time to build up Reigns before Mania. He has no history with Lesnar, and with Lesnar not showing up, and Reigns being out with an injury for the past few months, there is precious little time to build any history between the two. Reigns could win the Rumble but don't know how good of a match it would be for a Mania main event. I somehow can't see Heyman and Reigns going at it on the mic either. Reigns would get owned. It's too early to give him the title, he has to earn it.

One name that hasn't been mentioned here is Randy Orton. He seems to have been forgotten about. I would love to see him come back, invoke his rematch clause and go over Lesnar. Then have Rollins cash in, setting up a Rolliln/Orton fued for the next few months.

Sadly I don't see a title in Reigns future this year. I think Mania 32 should be his year. Let him get the experience and build he needs to be the next face of the WWE.
I'm a big Brock fan, but the part-time schedules need to stop.

I'm not expecting Brock and others to work house shows, but they need to show up on raw and on ppv's. It's only 4 or 5 dates a month they would have to work. It hurts the product that they disappear for months after they devote so much time for them. They need to be consistent tv characters or I don't think it is worth it.
Even during the Hulk Hogan era, when he rarely wrestled a full time schedule and often went more than a month between defenses, he was still a constant presence via promos on TV and did all the big shows and events. Hogan in the 80s was the last "part time champ" WWE really had, but he was more of a presence by a wide margin than Lesnar.

This is partially true. I can remember right after Hogan won the championship back from Randy Savage, he would wrestle a pretty hectic schedule against him in arenas all over the country multiple times a week. Most people never heard about the matches because he lost plenty of those matches by countout and they weren't broadcast on TV or Prime Time Wrestling or Superstars or any of the other shows. It was almost the same result every night. It's assumed Hogan never wrestled a lot during his title runs but mainly because he was seen more during propmos and guest appearances. Even still, Hogan did more footwork during the early part of his run as champion than a lot of people give him credit for.
This has been by far the worst title reign in the history of the company. It's not all Brock's fault it's his contract's fault and whoever thought of that dumbass contract. He should be at the very least showing up once a month on a Raw to beat somebody up with the title, and wrestle every other PPV. His contract since returning has been awful as has his ring work. Since he beat Cena for the title at Summerslam until now has been one of the worst stretches in WWE history. It's going to be remembered as a very dark time. They obviously don't have any faith in there full time guys like Rollins or Bray Wyatt to put over Reigns at WrestleMania. So they have to call on Lesnar and give him the title even though he's not on TV 3\4 of the time. What a disgrace signing Lesnar to that contract might of been the worst mistake in Vince Mcmahon's life and now he's paying for it. Push the new fucking talent for once.
He worked Vince into giving him such a sweet contract that allows him to do very little of anything. I don't know when contracts that allows only so many events started but it shouldn't be used for a champion and Lesnar was brought in to be champion. The people know Lesnar isn't defending the title somewhere else that he's not available for Raw. As the champion you should at least be on every Raw and wrestle every PPV. Even do squash matches to let people know you're still the monster.
Brock should have never won the wwe title. He has been the worst champion since when Miz when the title.
Brock only defended the title against cena. Only had 2 title defenses.
He never shows up on raw, smackdown or any shows.
This isn't the 80s anymore. Wish people stop using that as an argument.
Even in the 80s, hogan showed up every other day. And defended his title on house shows, wwf superstars, prime time wrestling or ppvs. He showed up most of the time. Even when he isnt defending the title.

Brock was never a good professional wrestler. A good amateur wrestler but a shitty and dangerous wrestle.
He was pushed to the moon in 2002 bc of his looks.
He shouldnt of ended the streak of the taker. What a waste.

Goes to show u, that titles mean absolutely nothing in wwe.
The more logical reason to go for better ratings and buyout on Wrestlemania would be for Cena to have his last hoorah at Wrestlemania vs Roman Reigns. Its very obvious Lesnar is not here to.stay and could care less about having the championship.
In 2014, Brock Lesnar conquered the streak and destroyed everyones favorite/least favorite invincible hero, becoming the champion and having a lengthy reign...even if that last achievement is undermined by his amazing vanishing act. But I'm not going to bitch about his part time status as everyone has already done that. But this made Lesnar into something unstoppable...We haven't seen a force like this in a loooong time.

And absolutely nothing good will come of it in the long run. A victory over the Undertaker at Wrestlemania won't do much for Bray as Wrestlemania 30 proved that maybe the dead man should retire...and Lesnar claimed that prize first. So who will conquer Lesnar?

If he drops the belt at the Rumble, then that means either Cena or Rollins will get it. If Rollins will get it, it probably will be done through cheating so I don't see how that would put Rollins over. If Cena gets it...does Cena even need to go over anyone anymore? Cena has been at the top for so long that nothing will push his career higher than it already has been. Also, who has been Brock's challenger during his time? There was Cena, um...Cena...and Cena again? And Rollins too, but expect a large portion of the match to be based around Rollins and Brock teaming up.

But even if they went that route, there are other ways they could've used him. Maybe get another MMA-esque fighter to join Heyman and Brock can be something of a mentor, so his legacy lives on after he leaves WWE in someone else. I was hoping that there'd be an 'nWo, Nexus'- styled invasion using MMA-inspired wrestlers. But even if they didn't go that route, wouldn't it have been cooler if Heyman stayed with Cesaro- who wouldn't be depushed- or maybe took Rollins under his wing? Then being with Lesnar can add credibility to someone else, even if they don't feud with him in the long run.

If Brock sticks with the company until Wrestlemania, then he can put Reigns or Bryan over. But if he loses at the Rumble, then there was absolutely no reason to give him such a monstrous push in the first place. All its done is end the streak, a highlight of wrestlemania and maybe even indirectly killed the Wyatt Family since Cena crushing Bray was to remind us that despite getting his ass handed to him by Lesnar, Cena was stillm super strong.
They already successfully "killed" a lot of Brock's aura coming off the Taker and Cena victories for me just by making it look like Cena had him beat at Night Of Champions had Rollins not jumped in and interfered. But yeah, despite that, him losing the championship or taking a clean pinfall loss directly before Wrestlemania would be disappointing and would completely kill the whole reason why we went four months (by that point) without a single title defense.
Brock does not deserve a push. Push someone with a future in WWE, not someone who will be gone after WM.

Let Lesnar win, and then have the authority attack him and have Rollins cash in and win.

Have Orton return at the rumble and win.

Rollins VS Lesnar rematch at Fast Lane with Rollins retaining.

Orton vs Rollins at WM with Rollins retaining. Continue their rivalry until summerslam and have Orton win the belt.

It will free Lesnar for a match against Sting or HHH and will drop Cena from the title picture, and push Rollins further as top heel. Everyone wins.

I think Lesnar vs HHH at WM would be a good match under this booking, since the authority will have screwed him out of the title. He wants to leave as a face anyway, a good way to turn him.
Brock's "super run" has been dead for a while, thanks to WWE's decision not to promote him in any sort of way for weeks and weeks at a time. During the Golden era champs like Hogan wouldn't defend the belt for long periods of time but would still be a center point on all the shows and the promotion in general. Despite chasing the belt, Cena has been marketed how Lesnar should have been marketed the whole time. If he wasn't wrestling then he and Heyman should have been doing something else to make his challengers lives miserable on RAW, and the PPV's that he wasn't working. Reminding the fans every week that Brock Lesnar was the champ and the most destructive force ever. Instead both of his challengers arguably now look stronger than he does going into the Rumble. At this point I feel like it would be a joke if Lesnar retains and defends at Mania.

WWE has made it very clear he's a transitional champ, and have done little to market him as the "absolute" man to beat. It's awfully hard to do that when the champ just isn't on TV for long periods of time.
They already successfully "killed" a lot of Brock's aura coming off the Taker and Cena victories for me just by making it look like Cena had him beat at Night Of Champions had Rollins not jumped in and interfered. But yeah, despite that, him losing the championship or taking a clean pinfall loss directly before Wrestlemania would be disappointing and would completely kill the whole reason why we went four months (by that point) without a single title defense.

Exactly this.

Whilst I agree with the OP that Brock losing at Royal Rumble makes ending the Streak and the match at Summerslam pointless I feel that they've already wasted the potential of this title run by having Cena almost beat him at Night of Champions. That match perfectly encapsulates everything that has been wrong with the WWE for years now. They keep telling us their business is storytelling and that they're sports entertainment but, quite frankly, they suck at telling stories. They sacrificed Brock's monster aura so Cena could get his back to sell a few more t-shirts to kids for Christmas. Creative can't even begin to put together a story that has a start, a middle and an end. Time and time again we see them produce a great start and they often give us a satisfying end but they just can't get the middle part even vaguely right and often they don't even try.

A few examples of this in the past few years would be John Cena's year of torment between matches with the Rock. You know the one where we were told Cena suffered a crisis of confidence and went on a losing run despite us seeing Cena being his usual self for the entire year and actually having a pretty strong run. Think of how much more the win over Rock would have meant if Cena actually had been booked to have a weak year. If he'd been beat by Lesnar, couldn't get the title off CM Punk clean, lost out on getting other shots and eventually took some time off to get his head straight to return at the Rumble to win it to go to Mania to beat Rock and get his mojo back. How about Daniel Bryan's run to Mania last year? The ultimate underdog story of him fighting the Authority except that it included an aborted feud with the Wyatt Family, saw him win the title for a second time for no reason whatsoever and didn't even have him in the Royal Rumble when logic dictated he should have won it.

Think of how hot the fans would be to see Brock lose if he had returned two years ago and plowed through every single person he faced in the ring. If he had defeated Cena by stoppage, beat Triple H and not had to give him his win back at Wrestlemania to soothe Triple H's ego, beat CM Punk, destroyed Big Show, ended the Undertaker's Streak, annihilated Cena at Summerslam for the title and beat him again at Night of Champions. The anticipation for someone to finally beat the guy would be off the charts and would be a perfect set up for Reigns or Bryan to take the title off the guy who dominates the industry.
the only way to use the brock story is reigns wins the title at mania. No other top face need that win. Bryan or cena or orton. They established rollins as a top heel now. Making roman as a top face is best now. I dont see any wrong in roman. Pls dont judge a wrestler who havent wrestle in big matches. Iwc hates roman bcoz wwe picks him as a face of wwe. In last raw intro video they ends with roman instead cena they normally show. So iwc wait for a year. Lets allow roman wins the title.
In 2014, Brock Lesnar conquered the streak and destroyed everyones favorite/least favorite invincible hero, becoming the champion and having a lengthy reign...even if that last achievement is undermined by his amazing vanishing act. But I'm not going to bitch about his part time status as everyone has already done that. But this made Lesnar into something unstoppable...We haven't seen a force like this in a loooong time.

Oy I could be friggin unstoppable too with the title and sitting at home not defending it, so could you, so that's a load of crap. Rusev is unstoppable, Reigns (for all his faults) is unstoppable, Lesnar is a lazy bastard. If he really cared about the title and not the money, he would show up every week or so to remind us he still has it. Not every 3 months to parade around and then just walk out again. You might not want to bitch about it, but I'll do enough for both of us.

The WWE totally wasted the Undertaker's streak. A streak that was years in the making, a streak that was older than most of the fans you see at the shows nowadays. What did Lesnar get by beating the Undertaker? Did he need the rub? No. He had come back as a big star from UFC, and they handed him not only the one of the oldest streaks in WWE history, but the WWE title as well.

Brock Lesnar doesn't need the push, he was already up there, it should have been given to someone who was up and coming. Someone who is making the WWE their career, not a guy is will be going back to UFC in a matter of months, and we'll never see back in the ring again. This little drama for Lesnar is just a stop gap while he decides what he wants to do. I don't see him resigning with McMahon, because seeing what's happened they will want him to work more, that is something he's not willing to do. So take the strap off him as soon as possible, and let's get going here. We've wasted enough time and energy on someone who doesn't give a shit about the company.

Christ I forgot what this thread was all about there with my ranting. Okay got it. The push was wasted the first time he defended the title against Cena and almost got beat. We haven't seen him in the ring since. Some unstoppable beast.

The only thing that's been wasted here is the Undertaker's streak and the last 6 months of the WWE title reign.
If Brock Lesar loses at Royal Rumble, his title reign would be the worst in WWE History!!! Great Khali's title reign>>>>> 2014-2015 Brock Lesnar's title reign! No successful title defense, barely showed up, and got a rear-whooping on PPV's!!! Not to mention the same Paul Heyman promos over and over again: " My client is a BEAST! He conquered the streak! There are people who cheer Cena, and people who scream Cena sucks! Brock will conquer Cena! The champ isn't here because he's a special attraction. My client is the reigning defending champion of the world!" That got old after a while. No new stars are being made, the same competitor fighting ( Brock lost his first feud after conquering The Streak , making his SummerSlam dominance a fluke ), and Undertaker's streak ruined!!! :banghead::banghead: :banghead:
Oy I could be friggin unstoppable too with the title and sitting at home not defending it, so could you, so that's a load of crap. Rusev is unstoppable, Reigns (for all his faults) is unstoppable, Lesnar is a lazy bastard. If he really cared about the title and not the money, he would show up every week or so to remind us he still has it. Not every 3 months to parade around and then just walk out again. You might not want to bitch about it, but I'll do enough for both of us.

The WWE totally wasted the Undertaker's streak. A streak that was years in the making, a streak that was older than most of the fans you see at the shows nowadays. What did Lesnar get by beating the Undertaker? Did he need the rub? No. He had come back as a big star from UFC, and they handed him not only the one of the oldest streaks in WWE history, but the WWE title as well.

Brock Lesnar doesn't need the push, he was already up there, it should have been given to someone who was up and coming. Someone who is making the WWE their career, not a guy is will be going back to UFC in a matter of months, and we'll never see back in the ring again. This little drama for Lesnar is just a stop gap while he decides what he wants to do. I don't see him resigning with McMahon, because seeing what's happened they will want him to work more, that is something he's not willing to do. So take the strap off him as soon as possible, and let's get going here. We've wasted enough time and energy on someone who doesn't give a shit about the company.

Christ I forgot what this thread was all about there with my ranting. Okay got it. The push was wasted the first time he defended the title against Cena and almost got beat. We haven't seen him in the ring since. Some unstoppable beast.

The only thing that's been wasted here is the Undertaker's streak and the last 6 months of the WWE title reign.

I was primarily just referring to him beating the Undertaker and delivering the most one-sided WHC battle ever to the face of the company- two things people wouldn't have expected, especially from one guy. But yeah, it would've been more effective if he defended more frequently. He wouldn't even have to show up a whole lot, just once and have Heyman carry the rest. Then have him squash Show (still a major oversight in my opinion, as he technically cheated to defeat him) and some other fresh faces.
If Cena gets it...does Cena even need to go over anyone anymore? Cena has been at the top for so long that nothing will push his career higher than it already has been. Also, who has been Brock's challenger during his time? There was Cena, um...Cena...and Cena again?

Yes, but as the standard bearer of WWE, Cena does have something to prove; he's been beaten badly by Brock Lesnar twice in a row. If we follow the logic inherent in the history of pro wrestling, doesn't Cena have to gain ultimate revenge?

If it weren't for all this unfortunate "hatred" of Cena, the answer would be a resounding yes. Since management has taken such pains to make Brock the king of the hill, how can his ultimate defeat come at the hands of a lesser WWE performer?

Seth Rollins? Roman Reigns? Sure, if WWE wants to further the push of either guy, having him cleanly defeat Brock Lesnar at a major PPV would do it, I suppose......yet, it would be overkill, in my opinion. These guys are young; they have long careers in front of them.....I don't see taking down Brock Lesnar as a necessary step in their development, but I think John Cena needs to do it after being humbled by Brock the last two times.

Y'know, maybe part of the problem here is that while WWE management knew it wanted to build Brock to almost mythical status, they lacked one important piece of information: how long the guy was actually going to commit to WWE. Perhaps they believed he would enjoy pro wrestling again more than he originally thought he would (even if what he was actually enjoying was the boatload of money he was getting for an extremely limited amount of work) and that the company would have a much longer time to build his legend.

Well, whether they knew he was going to leave or not, he has to lose if he isn't staying, right? If one wants to view all this as having "wasted" Brock's push, I suppose it's a valid viewpoint, but things being what they are, WWE doesn't want to have any of this "leave WWE while still holding the title belt" crap...a la Bret Hart.

Still, if Brock is leaving, I would think he'd be amenable to any manner the company chooses to send him off, so I vote to let John Cena finish it. Personally, I'd love to see them beat the living hell out of each other.....with both acquitting themselves admirably.....and have John Cena win it cleanly.

Hey, gang, we don't want none of them part-time motherfuckers beating our boys and walking away, do we? Like him or not, Cena is ours.

Let him show Brock the door.
I had posted that Brock is going to eventually turn on Heyman. I don't think he'll do it at the RR. Having a face Brock with no title would be even worse than him as a heel with no title.

I think the only reason Rollins was thrown in is because creative couldn't think of a legit way to keep Brock and Cena strong without Rollins interfering again.

Did they say this was a no DQ match? If not, I think the ending is going to be the same as last time. Except, Rollins goes to hit Cena with the MITB case, but hits Lesnar instead. Lesnar wins by DQ, and no one looks weak. Pretty shitty ending, but that's all I can think of. Plus it keeps the Heyman/Rollins/Lesnar storyline going.

With the network, I expect a lot of unclean main even matches like we've already seen.
Yes, but as the standard bearer of WWE, Cena does have something to prove; he's been beaten badly by Brock Lesnar twice in a row. If we follow the logic inherent in the history of pro wrestling, doesn't Cena have to gain ultimate revenge?

If it weren't for all this unfortunate "hatred" of Cena, the answer would be a resounding yes. Since management has taken such pains to make Brock the king of the hill, how can his ultimate defeat come at the hands of a lesser WWE performer?

Seth Rollins? Roman Reigns? Sure, if WWE wants to further the push of either guy, having him cleanly defeat Brock Lesnar at a major PPV would do it, I suppose......yet, it would be overkill, in my opinion. These guys are young; they have long careers in front of them.....I don't see taking down Brock Lesnar as a necessary step in their development, but I think John Cena needs to do it after being humbled by Brock the last two times.

Y'know, maybe part of the problem here is that while WWE management knew it wanted to build Brock to almost mythical status, they lacked one important piece of information: how long the guy was actually going to commit to WWE. Perhaps they believed he would enjoy pro wrestling again more than he originally thought he would (even if what he was actually enjoying was the boatload of money he was getting for an extremely limited amount of work) and that the company would have a much longer time to build his legend.

Well, whether they knew he was going to leave or not, he has to lose if he isn't staying, right? If one wants to view all this as having "wasted" Brock's push, I suppose it's a valid viewpoint, but things being what they are, WWE doesn't want to have any of this "leave WWE while still holding the title belt" crap...a la Bret Hart.

Still, if Brock is leaving, I would think he'd be amenable to any manner the company chooses to send him off, so I vote to let John Cena finish it. Personally, I'd love to see them beat the living hell out of each other.....with both acquitting themselves admirably.....and have John Cena win it cleanly.

Hey, gang, we don't want none of them part-time motherfuckers beating our boys and walking away, do we? Like him or not, Cena is ours.

Let him show Brock the door.

With the way Brock Lesnar's reign has turned out, it would be great to see Cena defeat him and go to Mania with the belt instead whilst tying Ric Flair's record in the process. I actually have the feeling that is the direction that will be taken, though with Rollins inserted in it, it sort of messes up things a bit.

That said; Brock's booking sucked from the get go as he needed legit heat to build on breaking the streak, but has not been booked in such a way to get that. Most of his heat comes from him being MIA rather than his deeds, which is pretty sad,lMO.

Like I said elsewhere, he should have been the one to send Daniel Bryan packing at ER, then could have moved on to Batista and sent him along also...thereafter, he still squashes John Cena at SummerSlam as he did, and then Orton at NoC(Cena would sell his squash by missing NoC)... obviously with the Cena-Brock series standing at 1-1, they would meet at the Rumble, with Cena again losing, and then Brock would have had a great platform to go into Mania as Champion where someone could have been built all the while to topple him Cleanly.

Sadly, it was an opportunity missed, as it would have improved everything tenfold,lMO, now, we can look back at his reign as terrible to the point that I think not many people are interested in a Brock Main Event besides Bryan-Brock being a possibility(which is only due to Daniel Bryan more than anything).
Yes, but as the standard bearer of WWE, Cena does have something to prove; he's been beaten badly by Brock Lesnar twice in a row. If we follow the logic inherent in the history of pro wrestling, doesn't Cena have to gain ultimate revenge?

If it weren't for all this unfortunate "hatred" of Cena, the answer would be a resounding yes. Since management has taken such pains to make Brock the king of the hill, how can his ultimate defeat come at the hands of a lesser WWE performer?

Seth Rollins? Roman Reigns? Sure, if WWE wants to further the push of either guy, having him cleanly defeat Brock Lesnar at a major PPV would do it, I suppose......yet, it would be overkill, in my opinion. These guys are young; they have long careers in front of them.....I don't see taking down Brock Lesnar as a necessary step in their development, but I think John Cena needs to do it after being humbled by Brock the last two times.

Y'know, maybe part of the problem here is that while WWE management knew it wanted to build Brock to almost mythical status, they lacked one important piece of information: how long the guy was actually going to commit to WWE. Perhaps they believed he would enjoy pro wrestling again more than he originally thought he would (even if what he was actually enjoying was the boatload of money he was getting for an extremely limited amount of work) and that the company would have a much longer time to build his legend.

Well, whether they knew he was going to leave or not, he has to lose if he isn't staying, right? If one wants to view all this as having "wasted" Brock's push, I suppose it's a valid viewpoint, but things being what they are, WWE doesn't want to have any of this "leave WWE while still holding the title belt" crap...a la Bret Hart.

Still, if Brock is leaving, I would think he'd be amenable to any manner the company chooses to send him off, so I vote to let John Cena finish it. Personally, I'd love to see them beat the living hell out of each other.....with both acquitting themselves admirably.....and have John Cena win it cleanly.

Hey, gang, we don't want none of them part-time motherfuckers beating our boys and walking away, do we? Like him or not, Cena is ours.

Let him show Brock the door.

You REALLY are Cena's bitch aren't you? No matter how much hes being shoved down our throats you kiss his ass and defend him like no other.. Lesnar's only opponents ever since he returned was Cena.. Cena.. and Cena. It wasn't until now that they changed it to Rollins.

THe WWE has a HUGE opportunity to make a MEGA STAR by transferring the streak rub from Lesnar to the rising star. But instead, you want Undertaker's streak to go to waste by having Cena be the conquerer? Got it.. Lesnar's whole title reign would be a waste if it was conquered by Cena.. trust me I hate it as much as you do; the part time champion crap is pissing me off too, but you can't change the past, what happened has already happened. They are already half way through with Lesnar's title reign they might as well go all the way through and make him hold it to Wrestlemania, where he drops it to the next mega star in Roman Reigns. You have a once in a life time match in Reigns vs Lesnar, two juggernauts going at it clashing for the title, with Reigns being the hero to finally dethrone the part time champion. You have a unique and fresh storyline that not only builds a new star, but also delivers an amazing storyline, yet you want to do the same old, overplayed underdog storyline that Cena has been doing for 7+ years? I just don't get it.. Reigns vs Lesnar is a once in a lifetime match, Cena vs Lesnar is overdone. Wouldn't it make more sense to build another mega star, rather than feed Cena another unnecessary rub that does nothing for him? What more do you want for Cena? When will it be enough? Lets see, you want him to end the Authority, end Rusev's streak, and end Lesnar's reign of terror? Will that be enough rubs for Cena for you to be satisfied or no?
I hope Brock DOES lose at the Rumble. I mean, they have been using up a lot of Brock's pathetic TV appearances lately so maybe that is a sign that he'll be taking off early. Add in the factor that Rollins came out looking good after last night's Raw, I think that Brock will bow out early. He'll win the match, but Seth will cash in.

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