Brock Lesnar WWE World Heavyweight Championship Run Thread

Is Brock Lesnar's WWE Title Reign being affected by Recent Injuries?

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When Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30 to end The Streak, I was as vocal as anyone about the stupidity of giving the honour to a part timer. In hindsight, I was very wrong....

Lesnar's demolition of John Cena at Summerslam to win the WHC was great booking. I loved the promos where Brock was basically saying, "well what did you expect?"

Sure, I think the WHC should be the main focus of RAW every week, but look what has happened instead. Seth Rollins has proven he is going to be a megastar. Rusev has become a monster heel. Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Dolph Ziggler have been given main event opportunities at pay per views.

Lesnar is being booked like an old school turn of the century, the 19th-20th turn, carny attraction. And it's a good thing. Would names like Frank Gotch and George Hackenschmidt carry the same historical resonance if they appeared every week to defend the title? I applaud Vince McMahon's (and probably Triple H's too) sense of history.

We only have to go back to the 1980s to see a similar booking situation when it came to the World Title. Hulk Hogan may have cut a promo here and there, but he hardly ever defended the championship on television programming outside of pay per views.

In hindsight, I was wrong. The booking has been brilliant. It makes the WHC feel special. With respect to the following wrestlers, one cannot imagine Jack Swagger or Great Khali or Christian getting anywhere near that title belt while Brock has it. You have to be the best of the best to even get a shot.

As much as I love Daniel Bryan's work; I think the man to beat Brock should get the same rub one would expect from ending the Streak. To beat the 1 in 21-1 must feel important, and usher in the new era. Again, as much as I'd love Bryan to have another Wrestlemania moment, I think it should be saved for Seth or Wyatt. Maybe even Owens.

Or perhaps you disagree.....
The difference between Lesnar and people like Hulk Hogan or even Frank Gotch, as you mentioned, is that they were always in the public's eye. When not defending the belt, Hogan was on TV every week still a major part of the company. Frank Gotch would tour the country and all the big cities, and was known as a huge media [or would it have been newspaper?] darling. Lesnar on the other hand is hardly ever on television. It's awfully hard for the public to get invested in a champion that isn't there.

Hogan did talk shows and visited sick children. Frank Gotch was a vaudeville star and wined and dined with celebrities and politicians. Lesnar on the other hand is a recluse that would rather sit on his farm shooting animals.

That's been my issue with Lesnar's booking. His absence. I don't care if he wrestles half a dozen times a year, I just wanted him on TV every week even if all he did was walk around with the belt intimidating people. Instead Cena got strapped with carrying the company in the part time/never there champion's absence, and that's not right. That was poor booking on WWE's part.

Lesnar has always felt like a glorified transitional champion. Being built up to be fed to the next big star because he couldn't be one himself.
It’s been reported that Brock Lesnar was kept off Monday Night Raw last night due to some sort of backstage incident. Dave Meltzer noted there was more to the story regarding the WrestleMania headliner, but that those inside WWE did not want it told “until whatever it is is settled.”

Mike Johnson of PWInsider is shedding a bit of light on the mysterious situation, noting that Brock Lesnar was visibly angry backstage, and may have even walked out of the Raw taping before it went off the air. Johnson was told it has nothing to do with creative plans heading into WrestleMania, but “something regarding his business relationship with WWE”.

Vince McMahon reportedly acknowledged the issue during a Smackdown production meeting earlier today, but didn’t say much. Regarding the WWE Champion, Lesnar flew into Nashville for Raw last night on his private plane, but returned home to Minnesota and will not be at tonight’s taping event.

Uh oh!

Looks like Brock Lesnar and the WWE are experiencing trouble in paradise. Obviously, the chat about Lesnar staying after WrestleMania might be in jeopardy now that the business relationship between the two parties has come under scrutiny.

So, what do you speculate seems to be the problem with Lesnar and the WWE? Do you think it comes down to money or how they would handle Lesnar after the Mania event? Could it even be something as simple as Lesnar out and out saying that he wants to leave after Mania? I guess we will all find out.

So what does this mean for Lesnar and the WWE?
Lesnar should have never been given the belt. He is never there to defend it. He doesnt care about the wrestling business. He has no passion or respect.
Lesnar ending the streak was stupid.
Lesnar always getting shit handed to him. He is like a spoiled kid. And when he doesnt get his way, he quits.
Lesnar run with the belt has been terrible. He has been the worst champion since the Miz.

Can't wait till he loses the belt.

Till this day, I dont get why he was given the belt.

This isnt the 80s no more.
Even hogan during the 80s defended his belt every month. Hogan mostly defended his belt during house shows. Despite what fans think or assume.

Lesnar barely defends the belt

Never liked lesnar as a wrestler or as a person
Lesnar shouldn't even be champion right now. Vince just wanted a special moment to crown Roman, all this shit with Lesnar ending the streak, destroying Cena and holding the title has all been for Roman.

I'm good with that. I'm just laughing at people who were so adamant about Brock being champion and now they bellyaching that he's never around...which is exactly what we knew would happen from the beginning!!

Just goes to show how silly marks outmark themselves. "Give us what we want!" (Brock as champion) Vince gives it and now people back to complaining.

There are always 2 sides of a coin. With the Brock Lesnar's title run, something is better and something is worse. On one hand, his title run has been somewhat meaningful and on the other hand, it has some bad effects also.

The World Title seemingly was a hot potato till Lesnar won it. It was generally being traded between John Cena, Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton. The title oftenly used to change hands much frequently which decreased its prestige. It was all on a Daniel Bryan ride before his injury. It became precious again when Daniel Bryan won it back at WrestleMania 30 and Daniel Bryan made it look like a prize to hard work he did during past 4 years. Then, he defended it against Kane when again it became irrelevant. Then, Bryan was injured so, he was forced to relinquish the title (kayfabe). So, the belt was put on the safest bet, you know whom as John Cena. When put back on John Cena, neither title nor Cena was supposed to need it but then again, there was no choice. Hmm, afterwards enter Brock Lesnar, the man who ended the streak, who has defeated The Rock and The Undertaker in past. But, Brock Lesnar is unable to show up frequently as all guys do. Then, he carried the title for about 8 monts. Here, the title also gets legitimacy. It is in same hands for a big duration which it used to be in good old era. I mean, the title is not being traded back and forth like it used to do in last 3-4 years (minus CM Punk reign). Longevity is the factor which I liked in Lesnar's title run.

As everyone has stated, his run has also been somewhat indifferent because of less showings and less defendings. Ever since Lesnar won the title, he has been absent from PPVs where the world title NEEDS to be defended. We have been used to watch that tradition since about 10 years. The World Title has been defended at each PPV, if there was not a serious issue. Lesnar has defended the title only 2 times since he won it. Another thing is that, they never stated Lesnar's absence at PPVs while remember, Bryan was screwed off the title because of not defending in a month. I know its kayfabe and they can't afford Lesnar for much appearances. But, they should have stated have kayfabe reason as to why Lesnar is not defending the title continously at PPVs. Had Lesnar defended the title against different men atleast 1 time more, the title run should have been better than amazing.
Thats all.

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