Bret is Back!

I don’t understand how those claim that Bret Coming back makes no sense when it does.

Bret was a victim of the Nexus attack, everyone that is there accept for Kahli was a victim of nexus.

So again how does it not make sense for Bret to be there when he was a victim himself?

They needed someone to represent the legends.
No way the WWE lets the Nexus lose that match at Summerslam.

Posted about it in another thread, watch for a Brett heel turn at Summerslam, again like a Nexus loss no way Brett Hart actively participates in that match.

If it were to end the way you put it, I would vomit.
There's a factor a lot of you aren't considering: That Bret Hart will actually wrestle at Summerslam.

Like everyone said, he's in no condition to wrestle anymore. He's gotten up in his years, he had that career-ending injury, and there was the match at Wrestlemania, which I still don't really see why everyone was so upset. For God's sake, what did you people expect? It's not like he could've mat wrestled with Vince for five minutes before going into his traditional moveset. It served its purpose of ending the storyline and giving the older fans of Bret a satisfying beatdown on Vince, the man who screwed him years prior.

Anyway, that aside, the complaints in this thread hinge on the fact that Bret will wrestle. How do we know he will? Bret's not an idiot, he must know he can't do it anymore. So, maybe, the week before Summerslam, he announces that he won't actually be wrestling in any sort of match, and reveals the person who will be filling his spot. Seems a little more realistic than him wrestling, doesn't it?

As for who? Well, I could say who it could be, but I think everyone has a good guess already...
God I hope he doesnt wrestle. I am a hitman fan but Wrestlemania was painful. It was a disgrace to Vince that he let it happen. If he is going to be part of the team, then aside from a couple of 10 seconds in the ring, stay out. Or turn Heel then maybe everyone will stop crying about the "montreal screw job' and realise Bret had it coming.
They never were going to have HHH in here (anyways isn't he almost as old as Bret? :lmao:) and it became less likely after he injured himself again, Bret should of been a manager type person for somebody needing the spotlight...Miz, he slhould of been placed in this match as a testing ground to see if he can wrestle with the best of them (okay not against but be on the highest level and not flounder) Seriously they need to place him in a match at Summer Slam to keep him relevant, this could be the one where he loses the US title, they just need to keep him relevant.
There is no reason for bret to still be in the wwe. in my opinion he has overstayed his welcome. I marked the fuck out when i found out he was returning and the night he returned especially seeing him and HBK in the same ring again after all the matches and drama they had. I was even glad he got the match with vince that everyone including myself was hoping for years he would get revenge and make vince tap out. But thats all he should have done. He has no reason at all to still be in the wwe besides the nexus angle which he shouldnt even have been involved with in the first place. I doubt bret was really planning on staying past wrestlemania, but just like hogan and flair i guess he just cant get it out of his blood and just stop. Granted he won the us title from the miz at the time made some sense only cause they were in canada and i thought that was it, then i kept getting more annoyed when he became the general manager, then after he had to leave i was like thank god thats over. Then he came back to be on cena's team and i was like OH COME ON! just quit already. Theres no point to being in a match where you have to have other superstars beat your opponent down so you can apply your finisher. This is why i have soooo much respect for hbk. could he have gone another year or 2? of course i think so, but he didnt want to and wanted to have a life outside of wrestling and spend time with his family. He had one last amazing match with taker and was done and thats a perfect chapter to end your career with especially receiving a farewell in the main event of wrestlemania and getting a standing ovation after the match. Ric should have been done after the hbk match that was the perfect limb to go out on but nope hes still got this mindset of "i can have one more match i can!!". Austin said a few years back he said he probably had one match left in him but he made the right choice and decided to not to risk it. Bret should have had his last match against mcmahon and granted it wasnt a 5 star classic by any account, it would have been the perfect way to end his career. Im just sick of superstars who never know when to call it quits.
It doesn't make any sense at all. I like Bret, but I don't get this. He clearly can't wrestle anymore and will play a very minor role in such a match. I hope WWE are not planning to have Nexus lose so soon and have Bret win by slapping the Sharpshooter on one of these guys. Honestly, I was expecting HHH's music to hit.
I was waiting on the same exact music to I just read that Triple H might be out until December now, which sucks. But, Bret Hart? Honestly? He's old and won't do much in the ring and like Mathix23 said, he has overstayed his welcome in the WWE. I dont understand why the WWE wouldnt have found a better 7th member for the team. Yes, Bret had beef with the Nexus, but he is way over the hill to be in the ring wrestling. Who knows..We will have to wait and see how this pans out i guess
I'm wondering if he'll do any more. It said he was 'in training' didnt it? Maybe he resolved his other issues and will be able to do some more. Obviously he wont be the same because of the stroke but he may have some more in his arsenal and may be able to take a few more bumps.

Im a Bret Hart mark so any chance to see him once more is great for me.
There is no reason for bret to still be in the wwe. in my opinion he has overstayed his welcome. I marked the fuck out when i found out he was returning and the night he returned especially seeing him and HBK in the same ring again after all the matches and drama they had. I was even glad he got the match with vince that everyone including myself was hoping for years he would get revenge and make vince tap out. But thats all he should have done. He has no reason at all to still be in the wwe besides the nexus angle which he shouldnt even have been involved with in the first place. I doubt bret was really planning on staying past wrestlemania, but just like hogan and flair i guess he just cant get it out of his blood and just stop. Granted he won the us title from the miz at the time made some sense only cause they were in canada and i thought that was it, then i kept getting more annoyed when he became the general manager, then after he had to leave i was like thank god thats over. Then he came back to be on cena's team and i was like OH COME ON! just quit already. Theres no point to being in a match where you have to have other superstars beat your opponent down so you can apply your finisher. This is why i have soooo much respect for hbk. could he have gone another year or 2? of course i think so, but he didnt want to and wanted to have a life outside of wrestling and spend time with his family. He had one last amazing match with taker and was done and thats a perfect chapter to end your career with especially receiving a farewell in the main event of wrestlemania and getting a standing ovation after the match. Ric should have been done after the hbk match that was the perfect limb to go out on but nope hes still got this mindset of "i can have one more match i can!!". Austin said a few years back he said he probably had one match left in him but he made the right choice and decided to not to risk it. Bret should have had his last match against mcmahon and granted it wasnt a 5 star classic by any account, it would have been the perfect way to end his career. Im just sick of superstars who never know when to call it quits.
THIS. As a matter of fact, all of this. Bret Hart is a 53 year old stroke victim. Before Cena's team was announcing people I thought, Cena, Edge, Morrison, Jericho, Bourne, and maybe the Hart Dynasty. When they were announcing the team I thought, Khali? R-Truth? Really? Then Cena says there's one more, and I start thinking, well at least Triple H is coming back and putting some more credibility on this team. And then Bret comes out instead.:disappointed: I think to myself, why the fuck would they bring him back, and put him in this match, when we all know damn well he shouldn't even be wrestling anymore. Seeing Bret come out made me think to myself, why? Why would they put him in a match of this magnitude against people who are still young and can wrestle. People who don't wake up every morning with back pain, people who don't have gray hair, people who aren't wrinkly, people who don't sit on their balls sometimes. Bret should not be in the WWE for the same reason Ric Flair shouldn't be in TNA. It's because he's old, and there's a new breed in the Wrestling. Granted, TNA is like wrestling's nursing home, bringing in a bunch of guys who were in their prime 10-20 years ago, but WWE is supposed to be bringing in new talent. Bret obviously doesn't know when to quit, seeing how he was wrestling before some people in the business were even alive.
I for one am not thrilled with Bret being back. He is who he is and that will never change but he is just in no shape to be getting involved in the ring.

I don't see why he keeps getting booked this way. The GM position was fine, but that got fucked up, the match @ WM was horrible and he needed plenty of help. I guess because its 7 on 7 @ SS and Trips is out they get the next best thing. Since we all know Rockys ass ain't showin up anytime soon.

I just think Bret needs to be behind the scenes. That's where a guy @ his age with his capabilities should be. Nothing against the man and his carrear but he is just to far out there that anything he does is just awful now. Id rather remember the Hitman like the SS promos show. Him giving it all and leaving it in the ring. He is better than just some 5 minutes of glory and redemption. He got that a WM, I guess. Now its time to take that horse out back.

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