Pick Your Poison: Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart

Pick your poison: HBK or the Hitman

  • HBK Shawn Micheals

  • The Hitman Bret Hart

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The match was not that bad at all like some make out. An hour is a long time and they put on the best match they could on that night without question. The wrong man won though.
I think the match was great, but had potential to be so much better. With that being said, I think the best Hart/Michaels match is The Rockers vs. The Hart Foundation from Saturday Night's Main Event. I believe it's on the Bret DVD for those of you who haven't seen it.
For when it happened & what its worth, the match was as great as it could've been. A lot of people don't honestly realize how many matches before this closed in on an hour, without the actual clock keeping track in the corner of the screen. (Randy Savage v. Ultimate Warrior from Summerslam 92, to me, seemed to go on forever)

Bret Hart v. Shawn Michaels gave the world two great technical wrestlers, with H.B.K. having the ability to hit a few high spots (or as Jake said, routine moves) here & there.

I disagree with the match being "shite" as it was what it was. I assume many who feel the match to be boring & crap, are the same people who hoped for an hour long high spot after high spot type of contest, that kept fans on the edge of their sit. (Frankly, that would've probably killed both wrestlers)

The weardown/rest holds were a bit much, but I don't blame them, as technically the Iron Man match hadn't been done before.. so neither guy, before that, knew that they had to actually go out & perform for an entire hour, plus. I think they went in just hoping to not get injured, or worn out 20-30 minutes in. So all in all, they put on a great show.

I think they could've picked up the quickness of the ending a bit before they did. (I don't recall it starting to pick up greatly until about 5 minutes till it was over) I think they could've went 10 whole minutes, or 15 at the longest, straight, with high spot after high spot.. especially since they'd been "resting" on & off throughout the whole thing.

Overall, it was one of the top Iron Man Matches they've ever had.. but if you're looking for action packed Iron Man matches.. I'd say Triple H. v. The Rock, Judgment Day 2000. H.B.K. was the special ref. Taker returned at the end. Several falls were made, loads of in between stuff happened to keep it on-going.
Ric Flair used to go out every night and wrestle for an hour. Those matches weren't boring. And in my opinion Hart & HBK are considerably better wrestlers. People say they couldn't have gone full pace for an hour. They didn't have to. There was two in the ring. 30 minutes each. Pretty simple if you ask me.
In my mind it's probably the defining match of the 90's.
For a long time i had a complaint that there were no pin-falls but looking back on it now, i wouldnt have it any other way. By keeping the 1 pin til the end, you keep the suspense and the 1 big moment ending, as well as what Michaels said.
This match was great. The match was slow because it was like neither one wanted to ware themselves out. It a strategy like story. Both of these men were little mean that knew how to adapt to each opponet, something we don't see today. Now in days it looks like they just pummel each other then someone wins. Which is why the HBK/Khalil match was so strange on HBK part. Anyways, in headlocks and things like that they did moves that drained opponets while giving them time to rest(i.e headlocks, armbars, submission holds. And the wrestlers did as little moves and low engery takers to break the holds because they had 1 hour. I see it as a great story and one that showed their true talent.
I believe Shawn said that Bret had a number system to tell shawn when they needed to slow the pace down or quicken the pace.

I was there that night and from the moment Shawn came down from the roof, until he won i was entertained. Although Shawn Michaels was my favorite at the time so that could be a part of it.
This match was known as a classic. The greatest WrestleMania match ever. Match of the year. But during it I just couldn't get into the match. Sure it told a great story, but it just didn't have that edge that makes a match amazing. Don't get me wrong this match, was good, very good. But it could have been better. First of all I know that both these guys did not give 100% maybe 90%, but not 100%. What I mean by that, is that they could have pulled of more interesting moves. I know that can't jump around for an hour because they would've passed out, but they could've added just a little bit more. I enjoyed the match, but it could have been better.
Ok, first things first, I realize neither of these guys are "poison" but I couldn't be bothered to come up with a better title, so with that being said it's just like all the other Pick your Poison threads, who do you think was better, who would you you rather watch

This is a tough one for me, cause I'm a fan of both guys, I like both wrestlers styles and they have both put on some great matches, but I think I'll have to go with HBK on this one cause he has never failed to deliver, that and the whole Montreal Screwjob thing, that just made Bret look like a bit of a baby, he should've just given up the title like he was suppose to, he should've known that there was no way Vince was going to risk having Bret show up on Nitro with the WWE title in his hand, Bret should've done the right thing and just agreed to drop the belt the HBK, don't get me wrong I like, and respect Bret for everything he has done and given to the business, and he is one of my all time favorites, but I think when he's put up against HBK then HBK has got to come out on top, the guy is still putting on great matches night in and night out
I went with HBK if only because Bret's legacy was cut short. Shawn's is ongoing, and not done quite yet.

I think Bret's legacy could have gone on longer, and better if he had managed to more fully reconcile with Vince, but sadly that is not the case.

As for the story of wether or not Undertaker threatened Shawn Michaels about dropping the title to Austin, here you go guys:

definatley HBK one of the greatest wrestlers ever bret hart was the biggest cry baby ever thats y no one could stand him and if ur bret hart who cares were u loose even if it is in canada dats y vince did the monteal screwjob u dont c micheals cryin that he lost at his home town or state hbk 4 time wwe champion and i really dont care how many times bret hart won the belt and bret hart if u aint down wit that HBKs got to words for ya s*** it
HBK no doubt... Shawn is the total package. Bret was very good at what he did which was going in the ring and putting on great matches but he did lack in the charisma and mic skills department..

Even going back to the HArt foundation vs Rockers day (even though I do think the Harts were a better tag team) Shawn was on the cutting edge of highspots and fast paced exciting tag team moves.. He continued this into his singles career making matches like Ladder match and Hell in the Cell famous.. He could have great matches with anyone dispite his small size as is shown in his great matches.. He could adapt to any style whether it be getting technical with Hart/Angle brawling with Mankind/Austin/Vader... or just trying to survive against the Taker.. He's the first grandslam champ..

In the opinions of many Shawn is not only better than Bret but concidered possibly be one of if not the greatest of all time.. by many of his peers. Even Brets good friend Chris Jericho has said Shawn is the greatest of all time.. as has Brets own nephew Teddy Hart..

Bret was a great wrestler but in the words of Ric Flair "Shawn just took it to a whole nother level".
I gotta go with HBK. Shawn Michaels may be the best showman in the history of the business. I have trouble when people always name Hogan, Flair, Austin and the Rock as the top dogs because Michaels really belongs in the discussion. None-the-less this is still tough because both Hart and HBK are clearly top 15 guys all time.
I know both give it their all when in the ring ... and contrary to what many say because of the screwjob ... both LOVE and would do ANYTHING for the business. But I have to give the nod to Michaels.
HBK gets my vote. Both had a great rivalry together but when Bret got screwed he left like a baby. He wasn't going to drop his title so the only way for him to lose his title was to get screwed. HBK has been apart of one of the best stables in the WWE while Hart was fighting for US Championships in WCW. I know that's the bookings fault, but I just never like Bret. My vote again goes for Michaels.
HBK gets my vote. Both had a great rivalry together but when Bret got screwed he left like a baby. He wasn't going to drop his title so the only way for him to lose his title was to get screwed. HBK has been apart of one of the best stables in the WWE while Hart was fighting for US Championships in WCW. I know that's the bookings fault, but I just never like Bret. My vote again goes for Michaels.

So I guess crying like a baby is worse then being a volatile, complaining, hissy fit throwing, politicking, smile losing, disrespectful jerk!!! So really Shawn cried just as much as Bret if you really think about it...or take the word of other wrestlers in shoot interviews!!!

definatley HBK one of the greatest wrestlers ever bret hart was the biggest cry baby ever thats y no one could stand him and if ur bret hart who cares were u loose even if it is in canada dats y vince did the monteal screwjob u dont c micheals cryin that he lost at his home town or state hbk 4 time wwe champion and i really dont care how many times bret hart won the belt and bret hart if u aint down wit that HBKs got to words for ya s*** it

Wow...u got it all figured out!!! And it wasn't just about Bret losing in his home country...it STARTED with Shawn's disrespecting him!!

Tell ya what pal...ya said it like a true HBK mark!!! I'm a mark for both guys..as I worshipped Bret...and I think Shawn is still the best wrestler in WWE today!

Yeah..send a message to Bret Hart..smart..I'm sure he's on here everyday! Whatever...
I say Breat the hitman Hart The Excellence of Execution. With such memorable matches as Hart vs Benoit and The Exellance of execution vs Mr Perfect. great matches and many more. I like shawn too but I just like bret more.
This cant even be a debate really because HBK is still wrestling and Bret cant. Brets whole career no matter what people will say will be linked to the screw job. For all the people who say Bret is a cry baby do you realize how immature Shawn was in the mid 1990's? He has even admitted it himself, along with guys like Vince. Dont think Shawn is some angel because he has found god and gave up booze and drugs. He ran around backstage with his little Kliq and raised hell backstage. Bret was a man about it, and told the people the truth that Shawn is a backstabber. Its funny i mean lets look at the stuff Bret put over Shawn at WM 12 and then Shawn pulled the i lost my smile angle BS and wouldnt do Bret the honors at WM 13. Shawn screwed Bret and kept it a huge secret for i dont even know how many years(the whole time he was denying it), finally admits it then claims he wants to make peace with Bret and feels that he is the bigger man now because Bret wont talk to him. Bret makes HBK look like a god at WM 12 giving Shawn probally his best technical match of his life and when the match is over Shawn replies to Bret "Get the Fuck out this is my time" if you dont believe me watch the Bret Hart DVD. And for all the people that say Bret is a cry baby if any of those people had to go what Bret went through they would be saying the same thing. Look what this guy has gone through he has lost his brother, brother and law, and Brian Pillman all in the span of five years. Not to mention his dad died in 2003, so do you think he would really want to go make peace with HBK and Vince after all the business has taken from him?

Bret helped put on the biggest wrestler in modern day pro wrestling and thats Steve Austin. The matches at SS 96, and WM 13 were classics and made Austin the legend he was. That feud was classic, they made it seem like a shot on how real it seemed.

Bret also help make guys like his brother Owen(who is such a underatted wrestler), British Bulldog, HBK, Yokozuna, Kevin Nash. He was part of the legenday Hart foundation with Jimmy Hart and Jim Neidhart.

Do you think Shawn would have put over BOB BACKLAUND in a major ppv. Only to have him loose the belt 1 day later. I will never take away anything from HBK as a wrestler, but Bret put the company on his back from mid 1992 untill SS 1997. The whole focus of 1997 was the legenday Hart Foundation-Austin feud.
To cut off the argument for HBK at around 1997 is very umfair to him.It disrespects all that Shawn has done since 2002. It also disrespects the fact that he put over Steve Austin in well fought match that he was physically no shape to be wrestling in. Yes, Shawn was quite immature in the mids 90's, while Bret is portrayed as the pros pro. But wasn't it Bret who walked off following the Iron Man match, and was gone for almost all of Shawn's first title reign.
If you look at the breadth of their whole careers, I have to pick HBK on the strength of Shawn's return in 2002. For all of Shawn's immaturity and dependency issues in the 90's, he changed his ways and has become a top rate professional. He has had many great matches since his return. Unfortunately, my memories of Bret in WCW are very cloudy and of a man who seemed disillusioned and bitter with the industry. Yes, a lot of it had to do with what Shawn and Vince pulled on him,but Shawn finally admitted to his mistake and has tried to extend an olive branch to Bret.
Shawn, to me, has always been a better entertainer than Bret Hart. There are so many matches of Shawn Michaels I could watch over and over again. Bret has a few, in my book.
I say Bret. I've always been a big fan of his, and while HBK certainly has the edge in mic skills and charisma, and that's important, in-ring skill is IMO the most important factor and I think Bret was far better in that aspect.

To cut off the argument for HBK at around 1997 is very umfair to him.It disrespects all that Shawn has done since 2002. It also disrespects the fact that he put over Steve Austin in well fought match that he was physically no shape to be wrestling in. Yes, Shawn was quite immature in the mids 90's, while Bret is portrayed as the pros pro. But wasn't it Bret who walked off following the Iron Man match, and was gone for almost all of Shawn's first title reign.
If you look at the breadth of their whole careers, I have to pick HBK on the strength of Shawn's return in 2002. For all of Shawn's immaturity and dependency issues in the 90's, he changed his ways and has become a top rate professional. He has had many great matches since his return. Unfortunately, my memories of Bret in WCW are very cloudy and of a man who seemed disillusioned and bitter with the industry. Yes, a lot of it had to do with what Shawn and Vince pulled on him,but Shawn finally admitted to his mistake and has tried to extend an olive branch to Bret.
Shawn, to me, has always been a better entertainer than Bret Hart. There are so many matches of Shawn Michaels I could watch over and over again. Bret has a few, in my book.

He was fighting not to put over Austin at WM 14 its on his DVD. Shawn has done alot since 2002 dont get me wrong but Bret cant wrestle thats not fair to him. And Bret took time off in 1996 he had been on the road and hadnt missed one show since the time he arrived in 1987. You cant compare these two now its not fair to Bret if you compare them both in 1997 hands down Bret was better, and is. All of the matches Shawn has had before 2002 Bret could easily match with his. Shawns career is what it is today because he has had so many great matches since he has came back. But you have to take in account that Bret cant wrestle and is lucky to be walking.
A couple falsehoods in your post...

He was fighting not to put over Austin at WM 14 its on his DVD.

That wasn't really true... Austin mentioned in the DVD that he didn't think that Shawn wanted to give up the belt to anybody.. But the thing fact is that Shawn broke his back built up an amazing mainevent fued with Austin for Mania and went out there against doctors orders and put him over with a broken back.. Shawn did not have to do that.. He had the greatest excuse in the world to not go to Mania and even though he didn't like it he did the right thing for the company and dropped the belt..

Shawn has done alot since 2002 dont get me wrong but Bret cant wrestle thats not fair to him. And Bret took time off in 1996 he had been on the road and hadnt missed one show since the time he arrived in 1987.

But it is fair... Bret is 8 years older than Shawn.. Shawn is actually as old now as Bret was when he stopped wrestling.. Bret wrestled for 24 years 76-00 This is Shawns 24th year and that is including his 4 years that he was injured and did wrestle.. Comparing the 2 is not unfair..

And your right Bret didn't miss one show.. he missed 2 according to him.. not a big deal just wanted to get correct info out there..

You cant compare these two now its not fair to Bret if you compare them both in 1997 hands down Bret was better, and is. All of the matches Shawn has had before 2002 Bret could easily match with his.

Hands down better in 97?? Wow... All I have to say is that if this were true Vince would have never let Bret go to his competition that was on the verge of putting him out of business... Vince chose Shawn and got rid of Bret.. BTW both guys had 2 ***** matches each and Bret had 3 MOTY's and Shawn had 4.. I hardly think anyone was "hands down better" than Shawn..

Shawns career is what it is today because he has had so many great matches since he has came back. But you have to take in account that Bret cant wrestle and is lucky to be walking.

Again.. no I don't have to take anything into account as I've said already that as of right now Bret wrestled more years than Shawn..
I don't matter how many years they wrestled in my mind.. In their prime who is the best. In my opinion Wrestlemania XII showed that very well. I was 8 years old watchin that and I still think it was the best match ever. My heart is wit Bret Hart (yea I said that) cuz I was a fan of his long before I liked Michaels. But as far as matches where I could never get bored of them, Shawn steals the show. Bret Hart still is one of if not the best to ever do it, I just still got a lot of memories of watchin HBK havin 5 star matches every month in '96.
Eh the back and forth here is fun, but I still say Michaels on pure charisma and mic skills. Obviously, Bret is a better technical wrestler. And people can defend either side but they both WERE and ARE crybabies when it comes to the 90s. If these two egomaniacs could have put aside their differences for the better of the business then they would have had many more classic matches and probably been the best feud of all time. Now, we are just stuck with WM XII and the screw job.
Bottom line, Bret should have dropped the strap WHENEVER he was asked to do because it is his fucking job. And Shawn should not have taken part in the screw job because he should show some fucking character.
I do think you have to take Shawn's return into account when discussing their careers, and it probably puts Shawn a little over the top. But to act like either one of these guys is not in the top 10 all time is a little off. Way too many classics between them to even name.
I'm somewhat divided between the two.

Bret Hart deserves all the respect in the world. He had one of the toughest work schedules, the best work ethic, and he's been through so much shit with the WWE. He's one of the best wrestlers out there and he has put on stellar matches. Plus, he essentially "created" Stone Cold.

Shawn Michaels was a douche in those days, but he was definitely more entertaining than Bret Hart. He had much more charisma and more high spots in his matches. Even though he didn't want to put Austin over, I have to respect him for going through with the match instead of backing out of the match.

In terms of the Montreal Screw Job, both sides were wrong. Bret should have realized that there was no way McMahon could let him keep the belt. He acted like a baby, which is no better than Shawn Michaels. Michaels shouldn't have participated in the screw job, but he really benefited from it. The Mr. McMahon character was created and it propelled Michaels to become one of the most hated heels of all time.

I'm going to have to go with Michaels on this one. I have more respect for Bret Hart, but Michaels has always been more entertaining.
HBK has been putting my butt on the couch to watch him wrestle for over twenty years. Bret Hart didn't. Even now, in his forties, he still puts on matches that are usually show stealers. RAW. April. Cena. 60 Minutes. Nuff said.

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