[BFG] The Aftermath, The Chaos, The Results

Or could it have not been just smart fans who thought it would be cool to do that if the ME ended like it had? Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but that is a stretch since I know people who where there and a lot of people from the fan interaction who traveled in threw trash.

I won't say you're wrong here, but it's quite the coincidence. Plus, were your friends the first ones that threw trash or did they follow suit? A few bad apples spoil the bunch and Russo only needed to plant a few of them in the audience, especially during an event that had 12th row tickets sales an hour before the show aired.

I see this as the same nostalgic mentality that Vince had whenever he repeated the Montreal incidents.
.................hmmmmmmmmmmm.. Remember the good old days in the early 90's; before the Internet became every dumbass smark's haven to post how they have the perfect angle, booking, and what not. Where you can actually watch a Raw, or Nitro, or PPV, and enjoy it not knowing every freaking possibility that can happen, and be really surprised?
.................hmmmmmmmmmmm.. Remember the good old days in the early 90's; before the Internet became every dumbass smark's haven to post how they have the perfect angle, booking, and what not. Where you can actually watch a Raw, or Nitro, or PPV, and enjoy it not knowing every freaking possibility that can happen, and be really surprised?

Yeah I remember those days! When everybody wasn't a freaking critic, When people enjoyed Pro Wrestling and people in the Pro Wrestling media wasn't trying to sabotage a whole freaking company with constant negative blogs or podcast! Ahh how long for the good ol days!
I just want to make a comment about this.

For all of you who don't believe this is a revitalization of an nWo type of angle, pay attention to what KB noticed here; trash being thrown into the ring.

If I'm not mistaken, this also happened when Hogan made his Bash at the Beach heel turn. I'd bet my bottom dollar that Russo planted people in the audience to toss the trash into the ring in order to provide symbolism and a direct relation to the BATB heel turn.

I totally, 100% agree with this. What makes me think this (if im not mistaken, since i was watching a online feed that was kinda blurry) But...didnt the trash throwing just stop after like maybe 10-15 seconds of it? Like the "plants" ran out of shit to throw & all the real fans in attendance, didnt wanna throw stuff- in fear of getting the boot out of the building.

I dont know who suggested using 'plants'- but i do beleive that to be the case. I think EB, HH, VR & whoever else was involved....probly wanted other fans to join in & turn it into the NWO reveal, reaction. But it just didnt happen. As soon as i saw the 1st few things get thrown into the ring, I was like: uh-oh...just like NWO. But then it just stopped. I dont think the fans even realized what was really happening until 'for no apparent reason' Abyss just comes down to celebrate with the rest of 'them'. THEN- everyone was like: wait...THIS is 'them'? UGG!! I know that was my reaction!!

I guess i wanted the HH/EB thing to just be the 'deception' & I wanted more out of 'them'. Something totally seperate
Who does TNA bring in to make a big splash that is realistic. Batista, HBK, and Jericho is not a realistic option. Also AAA wrestlers would have been terrible because there is no emotional ties to these wrestlers and the fans wouldn't care about this. I am glad that Helms and TWGTT didn't show up tonight. "They" have no business beating up Angle and Anderson. Why should TNA bring in more outside talent when everyone gets pissed off about ex WWE guys and an already bloated roster? Everyone with a brain knew Hogan, Bischoff, and Jarrett where going to turn heel. We knew has soon as Hogan came out he was turning. TNA knew the fans would know this stuff. The shocker is and was Jeff Hardy turning heel for the first time since his early WWF days when he didn't even talk.

Anyone. Absolutely anyone, as long as there is an outside presence to "they," to justify the constant ramblings about how they are coming and they are going to change everything. It could have been Hardy, Bischoff, Hogan, Abyss, and Jarrett, and add someone, anyone from the outside and I think it would have been better. It didn't have to be a McMahon, or HBK, or Batista, or JBL, or Jericho, or any of these unrealistic options that would have been spectacular but we all know would never happen.

Paul Heyman. Bob and Janice Carter. A couple of WWE rejects. Some ROH guys. Hell, even mark Madden :lmao: Anyone at all, rather than just a random collection of guys who are already there and already in a position of authority.

They were warning us all along, I guess I was too naive to hear the warnings. They talked about deception, and boy oh boy, did they ever deceive us.
To anyone who is upset over "they" not "arriving" in the (semantic) sense you think they should have, understand something:

When Abyss continually repeated that "They are coming", that is not a prerequisite for "they" not being in TNA already — it simply means that at that point in time (time is relative), "they" are not here yet, which can be understood as "they" having not fully developed yet.

If "they" are coming, they can still unveil themselves at any point in time despite the fact "they" were already "in" TNA prior, because "they" is a faction—a collection of wrestlers—who were not in TNA as "they" prior to coming to fruition at BFG. Why is this so hard to understand?

Why must you people take everything so literally?
To anyone who is upset over "they" not "arriving" in the (semantic) sense you think they should have, understand something:

When Abyss continually repeated that "They are coming", that is not a prerequisite for "they" not being in TNA already — it simply means that at that point in time (time is relative), "they" are not here yet, which can be understood as "they" having not fully developed yet.

If "they" are coming, they can still unveil themselves at any point in time despite the fact "they" were already "in" TNA prior, because "they" is a faction—a collection of wrestlers—who were not in TNA as "they" prior to coming to fruition at BFG. Why is this so hard to understand?

Why must you people take everything so literally?

In addition, Abyss may times said that they will REVEAL themselves, which implies that they were already in TNA.
I really enjoyed Bound For Glory last night up until the last 5 minutes, which left me with asking myself what just happened. So "They" were there from the beginning? And "They" were basically already in control before they "seized" control at BFG? Are Sting, Pope and Nash the good guys this entire time since they were the people opposing Hogan and Bischoff? Or are they still the bad guys because they were opposing the guys who were good at the time and are bad now? What about Joe? He fought for TNA against people who were, in hindsight, also fighting for TNA. So if Sting, Pope and Nash knew what was going on with this whole "Deception" thing, why wouldn't they let Joe know so they wouldn't fight each other. Why am I asking so many questions?

Other than the last 5 minutes or so, I really liked BFG. The Machine Guns and the Bucks tore the house down. The Knockout's match was entertaining. I'm still not sure what to make of the Eric Young tag match. The Monster's Ball match was brutal. It was on pace to be a borderline great show, until the swerve ruined it. To me, it was like having a swerve for the sake of having a swerve. Sometimes, the logical and most obvious choice is the best. Last night, the obvious choice would've been for Angle to win the belt, which I think would've been the best choice as well. But we got what we got so I guess we just have to see where this goes.
To anyone who is upset over "they" not "arriving" in the (semantic) sense you think they should have, understand something:

When Abyss continually repeated that "They are coming", that is not a prerequisite for "they" not being in TNA already — it simply means that at that point in time (time is relative), "they" are not here yet, which can be understood as "they" having not fully developed yet.

If "they" are coming, they can still unveil themselves at any point in time despite the fact "they" were already "in" TNA prior, because "they" is a faction—a collection of wrestlers—who were not in TNA as "they" prior to coming to fruition at BFG. Why is this so hard to understand?

Why must you people take everything so literally?

To add onto this, why is it so beyond comprehension that someone (Abyss) who is trying to cover up the fact that his masters (They) are already in TNA, or cast doubt on those that already believed They to be in TNA would lie? Wouldn't lying to throw off Dixie (and by extension the fans) make complete sense?

So yeah, to make this post not spam:

I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of BFG.

The Guns match was awesome as always.

The KO match was pretty good.

The young match wasn't as cringe inducing as I thought it would be.

Lethal/Doug was very good for the time given.

RVD/Abyss was entertaining.

Joe/Outsider's 2.0

After that it I wasn't as interested.

EV2.0/FOurtune was actually quite good besides the ending, which I can forgive so long as EV2.0 is gone for good now.

Hardy's heel turn was quite shocking and I was pretty outraged that the match didn't end in a clean finish, but how could it with the big reveal coming up.
To anyone who is upset over "they" not "arriving" in the (semantic) sense you think they should have, understand something:

When Abyss continually repeated that "They are coming", that is not a prerequisite for "they" not being in TNA already — it simply means that at that point in time (time is relative), "they" are not here yet, which can be understood as "they" having not fully developed yet.

If "they" are coming, they can still unveil themselves at any point in time despite the fact "they" were already "in" TNA prior, because "they" is a faction—a collection of wrestlers—who were not in TNA as "they" prior to coming to fruition at BFG. Why is this so hard to understand?

Why must you people take everything so literally?

Fair enough, IDR, that is one way to explain away the misleading, if not outright deceptive, nature of the revelation of the identity of "them."

You know as well as I do that there was rampant speculation about the identity of them, ranging from the ridiculous to the plausible, from the interesting to downright stupid. Most of the speculation involved an outside component, because it was strongly suggested via the rantings and ravings of Abyss that this is what was imminently going to happen. Not only were they coming, but the were going to take over and change things forever, which strongly implied an outside presence and a takeover sort of situation (with or without a connection to an established TNA presence).

Your explanation is logical as it usually is, and I am certain this is how they will spin it going forward. But it was misleading. It was set up in a way whereby the ever naive IWC would make false assumptions and gross over-analyses, and would therefore draw fans into the intrigue with hopes and dreams of what may be. I am as guilty as anyone of being duped, and I don't consider myself a naive fan or a stupid person by any means, but they set the seeds in my mind for something more and continued to tease it and build upon it, knowing that people like myself would get drawn in hook line and sinker. And this was done on purpose, with ambiguity and murkiness designed to at least mislead if not outright deceive. And that's fine, it worked. Once. I guarantee you, it won't work a second time. Which is unfortunate because if they ever do manage to put together some sort of a coup or a surprise or a "change the world forever" moment, I know I will miss it because I won't give them an opportunity to cry wolf again.
When Abyss continually repeated that "They are coming", that is not a prerequisite for "they" not being in TNA already

Uhh, yes it is. If They are here than they are not "coming."

— it simply means that at that point in time (time is relative), "they" are not here yet,

Because they're somewhere else. In a different location. At longitude and latitude coordinates other than those of the Impact Zone. Outside of TNA. In WWE, or in ROH, or in Japan, or in Mexico, or sitting home on their asses, or on Planet Blisstonia, or hanging out in Parts Unknown, or Beyond the Veil.

Anywhere but on Impact and Reaction every single week.

which can be understood as "they" having not fully developed yet.

How did Bischoff or Hogan, the two prime movers of They, "develop"?

Your argument here would have something to it if, as the They reveal, Hogan and Bischoff had visibly changed in some way, indicating that They weren't the same Hogan and Bischoff that we've already known. You'd have to run some kind of a mystical angle, some deep character change to say that the Hogan and Bischoff who are here today are the They who Abyss has been saying are Coming.

What you're saying would have something, if, instead of Hogan and Bischoff, "They" were Raven leading Fourtune dressed as a Raven's Nest/Flock/Serotonin rehash. Even in an alliance with Hogan/Bischoff/Jarrett etc.

But we're just talking about Hollywood Hogan and Easy E. Those guys were here the whole time.

If "they" are coming, they can still unveil themselves at any point in time despite the fact "they" were already "in" TNA prior, because "they" is a faction—a collection of wrestlers—who were not in TNA as "they" prior to coming to fruition at BFG. Why is this so hard to understand?

Because that's not what TNA did?
Why must you people take everything so literally?

Why must some people work so hard to avoid the truth that TNA promised something and didn't deliver?

We the audience got pwned by TNA creative. Let's all just man up and admit that. Some of us can accept that and keep watching, saying it's their job to work us. Some of us will say:

Hatehabsforever said:
Little did I realize that the "deception" angle that I had been anticipating actually involved deceiving fans like myself into purchasing a PPV that I otherwise would have never considered buying. But that's OK, they got me once. I can guarantee you, they won't get me a second time.

Oh, and by the way, to numerous TNA defenders who have argued that nothing TNA could have done would have satisfied the TNA critics, since no one available and affordable would have matched the hype, and anyway don't we always argue that TNA brings in too many people:

“What should they have done? What would have made you complainers happy?” Guess what? If you can’t deliver a major, game-changing surprise that will shake TNA to its foundations, here’s a thought: Don’t promise a major, game-changing surprise that will shake TNA to its foundations. Promise amazing wrestling matches, promise the best combat athletes in the world settling their issues with violence. Promise what you actually plan to deliver. A Jeff Hardy heel turn would have been a big enough surprise, and if we weren't so busy crapping all over They/Deception/NWO version 8, it would be big news.
To anyone who is upset over "they" not "arriving" in the (semantic) sense you think they should have, understand something:

When Abyss continually repeated that "They are coming", that is not a prerequisite for "they" not being in TNA already — it simply means that at that point in time (time is relative), "they" are not here yet, which can be understood as "they" having not fully developed yet.

If "they" are coming, they can still unveil themselves at any point in time despite the fact "they" were already "in" TNA prior, because "they" is a faction—a collection of wrestlers—who were not in TNA as "they" prior to coming to fruition at BFG. Why is this so hard to understand?

Why must you people take everything so literally?

I have to agree here since I was one along with many that were pissed Sunday night that no one from "outside" the company was brought in. This whole angle was made to deceive fans. People were thinking that someone huge would be brought in and it wound up being Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett, and Hardy aligning with Abyss.

It is a shocker to see Hardy turn. Sting was talking about deception since March. That is why he took out Hogan and Bischoff. Abyss, Pope, Sting, and Nash told us that they would be revealed at a proper time. I'm sure a lot of us would have wished for something huge like a McMahon, Heyman, JBL, or HBK to show up. That would have been huge news, but not realistic.

Hardy turning is still a big deal. We have to wait and see what TNA does to move this angle forward. Whether people loved it or hated it, it has been the most talked about angle in TNA since Hogan arrived last year.
Wrestling fans are too funny. I can't imagine what type of storyline would make you all happy. You exist to put over yourselves by trying to put down TNA.

While BFG didn't deliver the greatest swerve of all time, it did produce a new storyline that has changed the landscape of TNA.

Abyss did his job by creating a frenzied hype surrounding who they were. Because he was able to create this hype, Dixie Carter got flustered and signed a document without doing her due diligence.

Jarrett has been going around for months telling anyone who would listen that Hogan and Bischoff couldn't be trusted. Sting has been targeting Jeff Jarrett for months now and trying to take him out for the good of TNA. This caused a mixed message for the wrestlers in the back who didn't know who to believe. Kevin Nash believed Sting and so did Pope. Unfortunately, Samoa Joe did not believe them and he had to pay the price.

Sting also has a long history of being Hogan's arch enemy. This has been preserved with Jarrett and Hogan joining forces.

A heel Jeff Hardy is going to create a number of new storylines - more than a heel Angle or Anderson would have done. His feud with RVD should bring the best out of both men and will raise the bar for the next title change.

While I agree that Fortune should have gone over EV2, they will now have the opportunity to avenge their loss and take them all out one by one.

If anyone is listening, please relax and just enjoy TNA and stop trying to act like you are smarter than them. It is a television show. Sometimes a show is better than another show. Sometimes it is worse. Just watch and enjoy.

That is just one man's opinion

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