Backlash: Undertaker vs. Edge

Cant see edge having a chance in any way shape or form here. Probably Undertaker overcoming interference to take the win, maybe an un-legit finish to continue the feud into some sort of gimmick match at judgement day. The more and more I think of it, could very well just end up being a DQ, seeing as how Edge can pretty much have unlimited title shots since he is corking vickie, so I can see interferance from familia when things get too hairy.
Few points:

1. Why does everything think this'll end in DQ? Edge can get pinned/tap out as many times as he wants and still get title shots bcoz he's engaged to the GM. I'm not saying it def. won't end in DQ but most ppl on here think its a foregone conclusion.

2. The Rock/HHH fued started and continued for one reason and one reason only. Rock was the only healthy ME face that was healthy at the time. If you remember, Foley had retired and both Austin and Taker were gone, and both came back and made an impact on that fued, causing a title change both times. That started at WM16, Rock got screwed by Vince. Linda McMahon gives him another shot coz that was her role then to stick it to Vince by doing what he didn't want i.e. bring back Earl Hebner, make 6man tag with Vince and Shane as HHH's partners. Austin helped Rock win belt = HHH gets rematch, as is the 'rules'. Iron Man rematch, Taker attacks HHH, DQ win 6-5, HHH becomes champ, Rock gets rematch, Taker and Kane get thrown in the mix, rock wins title back, fued ends, because there were plenty of heels for Rock to work with e.g. Benoit. Are there any heels on Smackdown aside from Edge that could do a good fued? MVP maybe, but not yet IMO. Draft (if there ever is one) may bring guys like Y2J or Umaga over, but otherwise no there isn't. So that's another reason to have a long fued.

3. Everyone believes Taker is going to have a massive title reign before he retires (not that anyone from WWE has stated that he's going to anytime soon, it's just he's been injured at least once a year for the past 3 years, but that doesn't mean he's gonna jack in the business. On the other hand, he is moving into selling real estate but the question is still when? Is this Taker's last title reign? Are they giving him ONE last long reign? Well that was what we were told last year. What if Taker gets injured tonight? Will he stick around another year JUST for a long title reign? Doubt it

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