Ask tdigle The Questions That No One Else Will Answer

Tdigs, do you know of my work on here? And what do you think of me?'re good in my book. 487 has nothing but good things to say about you, and I always trust his judgment. I'm not a huge sports fanatic though (only certain basketball and football teams), so, I can't comment on what you've done in that section. But, if I did read everything you wrote in there, I'm pretty sure I'd have nothing but great things to say about you.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1386225 said:
Really, really good movie. I thought Jaume Balaguero was one of the most overrated directors until I saw [Rec]. Really looking forward to the sequel. Reports out of Toronto seem to be pretty good (also looking forward to Romero's new Dead film as well).

Glad to see you liked it as well. It took me awhile to get around to seeing it, but boy did it deliver. Definitely had me jumping a few times, something I haven't done in years. I absolutely love the faux cinéma vérité style. Bloody-Disgusting gave the sequel a good review, so I can't wait to get my hands on it either.

I've heard of Trick 'R' Treat, but not Paranormal Activity. Any horror film with vignettes/stories is a-ok in my book, though.

The things I've been hearing about Trick 'R' Treat make the hyperbole surrounding Haute Tension's release look like nothing. Everyone I talk to literally tells me it's one of the greatest horror films ever. With that much praise I'm sure it'll let me down, but I'm still really looking forward to it.

Paranormal Activity is another faux cinéma vérité film like [Rec], and one that has also been getting insanely good press. It's the purported recordings a couple makes while asleep to try and document some of the "paranormal activity" they've been experiencing. The reviews I've read of the film has said that audiences were literally shaking and crying when leaving. This is probably my most anticipated film of the year, and I pray that they'll expand the theatrical release outside of the few limited cities when it's released next week so I can see this. From what I've heard this is a film you really have to see in a theater to truly appreciate it. When Bloody-Disgusting calls something one of the scariest movies of all time, you know it's going to be good. Here are the two teasers/trailers:

Hmm...I think you've seen everything I have, man. I'm trying to think here. There's the low-budget stuff that Ryan Nicholson does; his stuff's pretty good (e.g., Live Feed and Gutterballs). There's a French movie called In My Skin that's pretty disturbing, but that's more psychologically unsettling than anything else.

Psychologically unsettling is what I like. Gore and ultra violence is great, but something truly psychologically disturbing is what I enjoy the best.

Then, there's the simulated snuff from the guys at Toe Tag Pictures. If you haven't yet, check out their stuff (August Underground, August Underground's Mordum, and August Underground's Penance). There's also some simulated harakiri films floating around out there, but, that may be getting a little too graphic for this site.

Yeah I've checked out the August Underground stuff (some of it), and thought some of it was very good, and some of it was pretty bad.

I'm looking for something far do I describe it...maybe surrealistic horror? Like the diner scene from Mulholland Drive. C'mon TDigs, I know you've got some hidden gem in the bag for me..
There's a short film La Cabina that is quite disturbing...I can't really describe it, you just have to see it.

Also, there's this one film called The Begotten. Very, very bizarre. Sort of like a mix between Kenneth Anger and David Lynch. It's pretty hard to find, but, it's a once in a lifetime experience. Also, there's a Spanish film called In A Glass Cage that's pretty fucked up.

La Cabina and In A Glass Cage are emotionally disturbing, while The Begotten is just...strange.
A mix between Kenneth Anger and David Lynch? Is it even possible for a film to be that insane?

I'm going to see if I can't track those down. Thanks.

Speaking of weird films...seen Calvaire?
Yes I have, thanks for asking. Seen The Isle? Didn't think so.

Apparently it's made people vomit. Very unlikely that will happen with me.

Cruelty to real animals on film though...I'm not cool with that. I like my turtles in soup, not being murdered on screen ala Cannibal Holocaust.
How often do you *********e?

If you could kill one person that is alive today(preferably someone of importance beyond your own life), who would it be?
La Cabina was fantastic TDigs, thanks for the recommendation. The ending was very creepy. Genius directing, never thought I'd be frightened of a telephone booth before.
Apparently Tdiggle is not the only one who will answer my questions!!!

I wish the National Robotics competition were in Dallas again so we could meet up. That would be sick.
I wish I could've gone last time. I would have taken your team to Copy Cats for fake ID's, and then we would have gone to Jack's Pub and picked up drunken SMU girls.


Considering that most of them were sophomores, that would have been a bad idea.

This year I'm the only senior left standing, and will be 18 at the time of the competition.

Answer me these questions three.......

Hows your day going?
Do you know anything about field hockey or sevens rugby?
Do you believe that Karl Marx is right to suggest that we are all being opressed by the assumed "bourgousie" and that we as the assumed "proletariat", should rise up and overthrow our oppressers, so we will finally be liberated and enlightened?
Hows your day going?

Pretty shit, really. It's been nothing but raining at the UofA, and I just found out that there are 20 confirmed cases of Swine Flu on campus. Also, I'm hellaciously behind in my studies.

Do you know anything about field hockey or sevens rugby?


Do you believe that Karl Marx is right to suggest that we are all being opressed by the assumed "bourgousie" and that we as the assumed "proletariat", should rise up and overthrow our oppressers, so we will finally be liberated and enlightened?

I do believe that the "bourgousie" oppress the lower class; however, I don't think a violent overthrow of the upper class by the proletariat is in order. If the lower class would simply acknowledge that they outnumber the upper class and can vote their own class into office to vote for laws that would stop the oppression, that would be just fine.
How often do you *********e?

It depends. Once every few days if I'm busy with my studies and I can't get a window of time with my roommate out of the room. Multiple times a day if I can get an extended period of time alone. And by extended, I mean at least 12 hours or so.

If you could kill one person that is alive today(preferably someone of importance beyond your own life), who would it be?

...I couldn't kill anyone. I would; however, allow horrible things to fall upon the head of this scoundrel man that beat my mom and what not. Stuff like his dog dying, though. Not stuff like "Your mom just died of having her head exploded by a firecracker being lit in her ear. Freak accident, swear."

Answer me these questions three.......

Hows your day going?
Do you know anything about field hockey or sevens rugby?
Do you believe that Karl Marx is right to suggest that we are all being opressed by the assumed "bourgousie" and that we as the assumed "proletariat", should rise up and overthrow our oppressers, so we will finally be liberated and enlightened?

My day has just ended

It's played on a field (I used to play it), and Sevens has seven players in each team and is rugby.

Why does the toilet flush one way in Australia and another in USA? Is it something to do with hemispheres?

When will it be ok to think Dakota Fanning is hot?

Which day of the month is usually the best?

Why do all question type words start with a 'w'? Except for 'how' of course?

What is your favourite thing to do when you're drunk?
A mix between Kenneth Anger and David Lynch? Is it even possible for a film to be that insane?

I'm going to see if I can't track those down. Thanks.

Speaking of weird films...seen Calvaire?

Yes, good movie. Not sure where it's from, though, either Belgium or France, I know that much.

Yes I have, thanks for asking. Seen The Isle? Didn't think so.

Tdigle, what's the trouble with Harry?

The Isle is a good movie. Never seen the Hitchcock movie you're referring to, unfortunately, although I have seen the French thriller, With A Friend Like Harry.

Do you think WWII could have been prevented with something as simple as a hug?

No, Germany needed to keep on keeping on until she was totally prostrate. Italy's kind of an anomaly (in regards to the Axis), but the Germans and Japanese never quit unless extreme and excessive force is used.

How often do you *********e?

If you could kill one person that is alive today(preferably someone of importance beyond your own life), who would it be?

When I'm in a sexually active relationship, once or twice a week. When I'm not, at least five times a week.

Hmmm...not sure if I could ever kill someone, but if given the chance to beat the shit out of someone or to keep someone in my basement for a month or two of physical and psychological torture, I'd probably go with either Madonna, Sean Penn, Bono, Caroline Kennedy, Philip Roth, John Krasinski, or Bruce Jenner.

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