Why is it so hard to believe that some people are so sick of WWE that they'll stick to something else? While I admit to liking some aspects of WWE like Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk and at times The Miz, I can't stomach full episodes. And these days, Michael Cole doesn't help. At all. Enter TNA. The other televised wrestling company with a rather unique set of younger stars and some of the old figures you grew up with and wondered where the hell they went. Ah, and the Hardy Bros.
People always want to think TNA's not making a profit. They just sold out a TV event this week. Without giving off free tickets. That's the opposite of what happened to WCW. TNA is in fact growing. Yes, the behavior may be chaotic, but to say it's as chaotic and inmate ran as WCW is pretty far off.
So TNA makes some dumb decisions on a monthly basis. Meanwhile WWE gives us underwhelming feuds, pushes cut short and 2/21/11. All while getting a bone like The Rock thrown once in a while. Face it. WWE is shit. So is TNA. And so is the rest of the wrestling biz.
But I'm not gonna sit here and watch you bitch and moan about what fans like. I can like whatever the fuck I want and I don't need you criticizing me for it. You think TNA's shit, fine. But pointing to it's fans because you have nothing constructive to say and just feel like being a "jerk" (failing at it too), you can just kiss my hairy ass. I've always felt like criticizing WWE fans for pretty much jizzing at such stupid things as Michael Cole's character, The Nexus, Sheamus and Wade Barrett, but I refrain from it. Because I ain't daddy to tell them what to like and what not to like.
You clearly misunderstood. I wasn't calling out TNA fans for liking their product, I was calling them out for not properly defending it when needed. And I wasn't even calling out all TNA fans, just the ones that can't seem to come up with a proper defence.
You prefer TNA over WWE? Fine, whatever, but if I call you out on some part of it that I think was awful, then give your own thoughts on the actual matter at hand. If you think that part was bad too, say so. If not, explain why you think it wasn't and let's discuss it. Don't hide behind bad excuses like "WWE does it too".
Let me give you an example. You mentioned Michael Cole as a reason why you hate WWE. For the record, I agree with you. I find Cole to just be incredibly annoying and not interesting at all. It's actually a similar problem I have with Vickie Guerrero. I don't find either of them to be unique heels in any regard, but just purposely annoying. It's like Vince has forgotten how to make a proper heel that doesn't wrestle, and instead relies on cheap heat to make these people hated. Yes, they get booed, but maybe fans are just sick of the character and want them off their TV. It's why I mute my TV whenever I watch RAW now, just so I don't have to listen to Cole.
Another example is with the 2/21/11 thing. I agree with you, it was disappointing. However, I think that's more the fault of the fans than WWE. They were the ones to pick apart an obvious video, thinking that there was something new and that maybe Sting was going to show up. When I first saw that video, the first thought I had was "Undertaker". Wrestlemania is coming up, he hasn't been seen in a while, the video was predictably creepy. It just had Undertaker written all over it, and the fans got worked up over something completely different. Should Triple H have come back at the same time and "challenge" Undertaker? No, but again, it's more the fault of the fans for expecting something else entirely.
See? I took two points you gave me and gave my thoughts on them. In one case I agreed with you, and the other I slightly disagreed, and I explained why. Why is that so much to ask?