Ok, I'm going to say this gain, since apparently their is an over abundance of stupidity flow throughout this thread today, right now all we have to go one is a spoiler from some angry fan who attended the show, and simply said Orton b. Christian for the WHC, the fuck gave no details on went down with the match, or after the match, WE HAVE NO IDEA WHERE WWE IS GOING WITH THIS!!!!!, how about we all watch the fucking show and just see what happened for our selves, for all we know this cold be leading to a Christian heel turn where he takes the title back from Orton a month or so down the road, at this point NO ONE really knows what's going to happen, so how about you all just stfu, stop your god damn bitching for 5 fucking mins. and just watch the fucking show BEFORE jumping to fucking conclusions
And I sorry JMT, unlike some people around here I am able to allow myself to still be a fan and enjoy the product, and all the work Vince has done to bring me the product in which I enjoy
Seriously sick and fucking tired of listening to people bitch non-stop, you know what's wrong with the fucking business, fucking assholes like the ones on this forum that piss and moan to no end, cause Vince caters to the majority as opposed to the minority, seriously just pull the stick out of your damn ass and at least attempt to enjoy something in your miserable lives for once or just shut the fuck up