Venting out Vince Rage (spoilers ahoy)

You don't even know how the match went down, or whether or not he won clean, maybe there are interference, maybe Vince wants to turn Christian heel (which is much better at anyway), you have no idea how this went down, or what they are planning on doing with Orton/Christian and the title picture
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't care. Christian is fucking dull. Randy Orton, less so.
IDK, I think I'd rather watch Christian chase Orton for the title, than watch him defend it in shit matches with Mark Henry, Christian vs. Orton just seems like a much more fun match to me:shrug:
Well of course it does. I just knew, fucking KNEW there was no way in fuck Christian was going to carry that show as their champion, and not only was I right, but they basically showed all his little fanboys exactly what they thought of him by treating it this way.

How many years have I been on this site? Someday, you guys will learn :)
I really have no issue with it, we all got to see Christian win the title, we got that moment that we've been asking for for year, stop your damn bitching people, Vince has never nore will he ever see Christian as this epic draw you all seem to
You gotta be fuckin' kidding me… you come off as a gigantic idiotic ******* who knows little to nothing about practically everything. And all because some character on a TV show had a bad day written into his storyline? Ya talking shit friend, absolute shit, but for the love of God keep it up 'cause I need the lulz.
When did all the regulars here become such WWE apologist?

I agree with the OP on his thoughts on Vince (though his argument is pretty weak at times). The fact is, Vince struck gold with Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena. Vince did not create any of those characters... he just pushed them after they made themselves, as anyone with an ounce of intelligence would have. Hogan came into the WWF already a star and Vince pushed him. Austin came to the WWF while it was dying, Vince gave him the ******ed Ringmaster gimmick, and then Austin created Stone Cold on his own and Vince could acknowledge something was brewing with that character. The Rock came into the WWF as Rocky Maivia, another Vince mastermind. And just like Austin, The Rock came up with his own character for Vince to push. Lastly, John Cena... Cena was on the same path as the likes of Sean O'Haire before he, on his own, came up with the rapping gimmick. Had Cena not go up to Stephanie McMahon and say let me freestyle on the Halloween episode, I guarantee he would have been cut from WWE not too long after that.

Vince has gotten lucky over and over throughout his career. He NEVER made diamonds out of shit.... he doesn't have the talent to do it. He's a fucking lucky idiot, and giving that boring ****** Orton the World Title again is just another example of Vince's stupidity. I saw someone say Orton is a draw... what a load of shit. Orton's never drawn ANYTHING. Orton has had COUNTLESS chances to become the face of WWE and carry the company on his shoulders, but he has continuously dropped the ball whenever given that opportunity. Why can't Christian just receive one opportunity to do the same on the B-Level show? What harm will it cause, seriously? The ratings would be the same no matter who was champion, but I guarantee the quality of the show would be much better if it was Christian as World Champion carrying the major storylines on the show rather than Orton.
Ok, I'm going to say this gain, since apparently their is an over abundance of stupidity flow throughout this thread today, right now all we have to go one is a spoiler from some angry fan who attended the show, and simply said Orton b. Christian for the WHC, the fuck gave no details on went down with the match, or after the match, WE HAVE NO IDEA WHERE WWE IS GOING WITH THIS!!!!!, how about we all watch the fucking show and just see what happened for our selves, for all we know this cold be leading to a Christian heel turn where he takes the title back from Orton a month or so down the road, at this point NO ONE really knows what's going to happen, so how about you all just stfu, stop your god damn bitching for 5 fucking mins. and just watch the fucking show BEFORE jumping to fucking conclusions

And I sorry JMT, unlike some people around here I am able to allow myself to still be a fan and enjoy the product, and all the work Vince has done to bring me the product in which I enjoy

Seriously sick and fucking tired of listening to people bitch non-stop, you know what's wrong with the fucking business, fucking assholes like the ones on this forum that piss and moan to no end, cause Vince caters to the majority as opposed to the minority, seriously just pull the stick out of your damn ass and at least attempt to enjoy something in your miserable lives for once or just shut the fuck up
No matter what the circumstances are, Justin, it was ******ed for them to give Christian a fucking two day reign as champion. Period.

Besides, if nothing comes out of this other than Orton beating Christian a couple of more times and then moving on and Christian slipping back down to curtain jerker (which I believe will happen), then you will still bitch about other people bitching about it, I guarantee it. That's how WWE apologist are, which the lot of you have become for some reason.

I don't know how anyone could defend this move by WWE, other than being a HUGE Orton fan.

And I can enjoy the show. I enjoyed Raw this past Monday, I enjoyed the Raw episode in the UK... those were enjoyable shows. However, I'm not some fucking WWE ********er who won't call them out whenever they do dumb shit, such as giving Christian a two day title reign only to hand the belt over to Orton yet AGAIN.

Also, Justin... way to be a hypocrite. You bitch about TNA each week in the fucking LD. If you're that passionate about pro wrestling, why the fuck can't you just sit back and enjoy TNA as easily as you do WWE?
Christian's been in the main event damn near every week since he came back from his injury. What makes you think he'll be curtain jerking as the number one or two face on Smackdown?
I'm still hoping this leads to a Christian heel turn. He hasn't gone that route since returning, and I always enjoyed him more in that role. Could be the #1 heel on Smackdown.

I fucking can not stress this enough.

This is how much we know about the story:

*Randy Orton b. Christian to become the new World Heavyweight Champion. Yes you read that right, Randy Orton is the new World Heavyweight Champion!

That's it. None of you have seen the show. None of you know what's going to happen. I'm pretty sure none of you work at the WWE and have access to inside storyline information, so you don't know what's going to happen next week.

For fuck's sake, people. We're hitting an all-time ridiculous high here.
To me, Orton vs. Christian to regain the title makes for a better PPV story than Christian defending to Orton "because the crowd said so". It's really not much of a stretch to see that, is it?
You know.... Something about this thread just screams... This fan. And you know what, I'm pretty much half serious. Only half, but still

I love it. Technically, Dolph Ziggler was world heavyweight champion longer than Christian.

I love being right.
I was surprised he got the strap at all after they announced Orton going to smackdown prior to the PPV. Anyone that thought Vince gave a flying fuck about smarks was of questionable intelligence to begin with.

Props to jmt on calling out justin on being a total hypocrite. I forgot to get around to it last night in the other thread.
He has been bitching for two days about how people bitching is stupid and they should just enjoy the show AKA the exact opposite thing he does when TNA is involved instead of WWE.
It was this D.

When did all the regulars here become such WWE apologist?

I agree with the OP on his thoughts on Vince (though his argument is pretty weak at times). The fact is, Vince struck gold with Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena. Vince did not create any of those characters... he just pushed them after they made themselves, as anyone with an ounce of intelligence would have. Hogan came into the WWF already a star and Vince pushed him. Austin came to the WWF while it was dying, Vince gave him the ******ed Ringmaster gimmick, and then Austin created Stone Cold on his own and Vince could acknowledge something was brewing with that character. The Rock came into the WWF as Rocky Maivia, another Vince mastermind. And just like Austin, The Rock came up with his own character for Vince to push. Lastly, John Cena... Cena was on the same path as the likes of Sean O'Haire before he, on his own, came up with the rapping gimmick. Had Cena not go up to Stephanie McMahon and say let me freestyle on the Halloween episode, I guarantee he would have been cut from WWE not too long after that.

Vince has gotten lucky over and over throughout his career. He NEVER made diamonds out of shit.... he doesn't have the talent to do it. He's a fucking lucky idiot, and giving that boring ****** Orton the World Title again is just another example of Vince's stupidity. I saw someone say Orton is a draw... what a load of shit. Orton's never drawn ANYTHING. Orton has had COUNTLESS chances to become the face of WWE and carry the company on his shoulders, but he has continuously dropped the ball whenever given that opportunity. Why can't Christian just receive one opportunity to do the same on the B-Level show? What harm will it cause, seriously? The ratings would be the same no matter who was champion, but I guarantee the quality of the show would be much better if it was Christian as World Champion carrying the major storylines on the show rather than Orton.

Ok, I'm going to say this gain, since apparently their is an over abundance of stupidity flow throughout this thread today, right now all we have to go one is a spoiler from some angry fan who attended the show, and simply said Orton b. Christian for the WHC, the fuck gave no details on went down with the match, or after the match, WE HAVE NO IDEA WHERE WWE IS GOING WITH THIS!!!!!, how about we all watch the fucking show and just see what happened for our selves, for all we know this cold be leading to a Christian heel turn where he takes the title back from Orton a month or so down the road, at this point NO ONE really knows what's going to happen, so how about you all just stfu, stop your god damn bitching for 5 fucking mins. and just watch the fucking show BEFORE jumping to fucking conclusions

And I sorry JMT, unlike some people around here I am able to allow myself to still be a fan and enjoy the product, and all the work Vince has done to bring me the product in which I enjoy

Seriously sick and fucking tired of listening to people bitch non-stop, you know what's wrong with the fucking business, fucking assholes like the ones on this forum that piss and moan to no end, cause Vince caters to the majority as opposed to the minority, seriously just pull the stick out of your damn ass and at least attempt to enjoy something in your miserable lives for once or just shut the fuck up

No matter what the circumstances are, Justin, it was ******ed for them to give Christian a fucking two day reign as champion. Period.

Besides, if nothing comes out of this other than Orton beating Christian a couple of more times and then moving on and Christian slipping back down to curtain jerker (which I believe will happen), then you will still bitch about other people bitching about it, I guarantee it. That's how WWE apologist are, which the lot of you have become for some reason.

I don't know how anyone could defend this move by WWE, other than being a HUGE Orton fan.

And I can enjoy the show. I enjoyed Raw this past Monday, I enjoyed the Raw episode in the UK... those were enjoyable shows. However, I'm not some fucking WWE ********er who won't call them out whenever they do dumb shit, such as giving Christian a two day title reign only to hand the belt over to Orton yet AGAIN.

Also, Justin... way to be a hypocrite. You bitch about TNA each week in the fucking LD. If you're that passionate about pro wrestling, why the fuck can't you just sit back and enjoy TNA as easily as you do WWE?
It's not just Christian that bothers. It's the fact that the same shit happened to Dolph Ziggler a few months ago, Christian being built up hugely. Not only for his initial angle with Del Rio but as being Edge's "replacement". They spent more time building to it than actually exposing the result. Couldn't it at least be saved for PPV? Regardless of whether Christian turns heel or not? First Kane/Edge, then the Dolph Ziggler crap and now this. How about a steady storyline, Smackdown? I thought you were the show that made sense.

And then of course, there's Pitbull. On my fucking TV. I really did contemplate suicide but then I realized I'd be satisfying some people.

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