his movies for one, they may not be box office hits but they make back twice the budget in dvd sales.
I'm sure Vince's life long dream was to make movies that sit beside "The Ring"
Because they're such big hits.
merchandising, sponsorship deals, its not just about the product but about the talent performing unlike other promotions wwe stars are global, and yes wwe is an entertainment brand, they are branching out
I have no problem in branching out as long as you suddenly delude yourself thinking you're some sort of hotshit and stay true, and improve what kept you alive and kicking for so long: pro wrestling.
I understand the term: If you don't draw, you won't be a main eventer. I get it. But based on the pops at Extreme Rules coupled with further hype and some investment can make Christian to be an incredibly good competitor. I don't ask for a year long reign. But two days? I'll put the onus on you; if you are a creative head and creater of a hugely sucessfull soap opera and one of your greatest character leaves, the next logical step would be his "best friend" a la the person that character was closest to would take his place. Its quite logical.
Now, as a mogul you also know that the replacement might not have the same fanbase as the the one who left the show. But since you made the decicion, what would you do? Invest in the said person.
He made Miz a credible champion, I fail to see where and how he thinks Christian cannot.
and as far as you making vince cry....
He'll probably cry with laughter after you open your mouth
I'm sure he'll be thrilled when I ask him, why did his stock went down 60% since 1999 and kindly ask for some sort of specific explanation. I would also ask him if he has realized that his stock drop has been seriously influenced by UFC's stock skyrocketing.
its hilarious how every idiot with a share thinks he owns the company,
If I owned the company I'd fire him for doing something like that. I don't care if its Zack Ryder winning the championship and losing it in 2 days. For one, you're losing a massive business and PPV buys. You're also losing a potential main eventer who can now be taken seriously and has the ability to easily transition from upper mid card to main event given his victory. Not to mention, you're also disrespecting a 13 year veteran and made a title absolutely worthless.
So yeah, its a good thing I'm not in charge.
seriously, if you sold your shares it probably wouldnt even make a dent
In what? In WWE? No it won't. I'm not his business partner otherwise I'd be too busy talking to Vince about appreciating the stock.
As for selling it, I might. I might make a killer 20 grand out of it but I'll wait and see if WWE network is worth anything.