Venting out Vince Rage (spoilers ahoy)

God damn, is this what the thread has come to? I'm not even mad anymore. This is kind of like going into a drunken rage and then waking up the next morning to find out you had a threesome with Justinsayne.
The article gave sound reasons for why this happened. Listen, I know I'm a huge Orton mark, so of course I'm not going to cry over his winning a title. However, I'm also a Christian mark. People should let this play out, and stop acting like Tea Partiers who want thur cuntry back, DAMMIT!
As to the question of why WWE stripped Christian of the title so shortly after his win at Extreme Rules, WZ was told that no one in WWE with any kind of influence values Christian as a top money draw for the company. Christian is well liked, and is considered, as we were told, "a reliable hand," but when it comes to being a top player in WWE, Vince McMahon has absolutely no faith in him.

Brian Gewirtz, who is the head writer on Raw, and also oversees the entire writing staff in general, which means he does have influence on the direction of Smackdown, is said to be a big supporter of Christian, but other than him, there appears to be no other members of WWE's top brass that consider Christian to be a major player. And yet, we're told by our key WWE insider that even Gewirtz wouldn't speak up for Christian as a top draw. "Brian knows Christian is a very entertaining wrestler," we were told, "but even he knows Christian should not be the number one guy on either brand."

As we said, however, Christian is still considered to be a quality worker and a reliable hand for WWE, and we were even told that a possible producer/agent position might be available for him when his wrestling days are over, but as far as Christian ever working at the top of a WWE brand, that seems to be a very unlikely possibility

Its not happening. It never will. Get over it.


If this article is accurate, then I actually do have a reason to be upset about. It doesn't make any sense why Christian can't be viewed as a top star in the company. There is no way Vince sees him as a "valuable hand" or whatever he said, because Christian barely fucking does anything.

Why even show Christian on Raw, holding the title, being congratulated by Rock if they just used him to expand on an Edge storyline? I could think of a million other things that could have been done that wouldn't have been nearly as pointless as giving Christian a two-day WHC reign.

If this article is accurate, then I actually do have a reason to be upset about. It doesn't make any sense why Christian can't be viewed as a top star in the company. There is no way Vince sees him as a "valuable hand" or whatever he said, because Christian barely fucking does anything.

Why even show Christian on Raw, holding the title, being congratulated by Rock if they just used him to expand on an Edge storyline? I could think of a million other things that could have been done that wouldn't have been nearly as pointless as giving Christian a two-day WHC reign.

Agreed. Vince gave Miz a chance he was a god damn nobody. Christian has been on Super Stars for the entire god damn time and Vince hasn't even thrown him a bone. That just sounds like a freakin' screw job.

Thank god this sport is fake.
I gotta say, I've actually understood why pricks like Hogan do this backstage shit now (though not to the extent it has reached). I finally understand why. So that shit like this would never occur.

The only men impervious to Vince's ego is John Cena. And the Rock.
I haven't had much to complain about the WWE for a while... but I felt that Christian at least deserved an entire PPV cycle with the World Championship. They could of developed a storyline between these two guys where Orton eventually won the title down the line in a series of battles. Would of made for some great matches as these two can work well together. Also, allowing someone else to hold the championship for a change was fresh and exciting... seeing Orton with the belt is a little less.

I'll see what develops before I make a final judgment on this call.
They give Kane a long sympathy reign where even beats The Undertaker 3 times, but they can't give one to the 2x TNA Champion because they feel he isn't big enough?
Please stop calling it sports entertainment, its fucking wrestling and as I said, he's good at what he does. Real good. Here's the thing though: He fucks up everywhere else. Today, he fucked up with building talent.

Also, appeal to authority.

You reach a stature of a kickass business man if you're a success in all of your ventures so far. His biggest success was WWE. Tell me one more success he has anywhere else except in the professional wrestling industry?

his movies for one, they may not be box office hits but they make back twice the budget in dvd sales.

the wwe music cds, merchandising, sponsorship deals, its not just about the product but about the talent performing, unlike other promotions wwe stars are global, and yes wwe is an entertainment brand, they are branching out, and as far as you making vince cry....

He'll probably cry with laughter after you open your mouth, its hilarious how every idiot with a share thinks he owns the company, seriously, if you sold your shares it probably wouldnt even make a dent
his movies for one, they may not be box office hits but they make back twice the budget in dvd sales.

I'm sure Vince's life long dream was to make movies that sit beside "The Ring"

the wwe music cds

Because they're such big hits.

merchandising, sponsorship deals, its not just about the product but about the talent performing unlike other promotions wwe stars are global, and yes wwe is an entertainment brand, they are branching out

I have no problem in branching out as long as you suddenly delude yourself thinking you're some sort of hotshit and stay true, and improve what kept you alive and kicking for so long: pro wrestling.

I understand the term: If you don't draw, you won't be a main eventer. I get it. But based on the pops at Extreme Rules coupled with further hype and some investment can make Christian to be an incredibly good competitor. I don't ask for a year long reign. But two days? I'll put the onus on you; if you are a creative head and creater of a hugely sucessfull soap opera and one of your greatest character leaves, the next logical step would be his "best friend" a la the person that character was closest to would take his place. Its quite logical.

Now, as a mogul you also know that the replacement might not have the same fanbase as the the one who left the show. But since you made the decicion, what would you do? Invest in the said person.

He made Miz a credible champion, I fail to see where and how he thinks Christian cannot.

and as far as you making vince cry....


He'll probably cry with laughter after you open your mouth

I'm sure he'll be thrilled when I ask him, why did his stock went down 60% since 1999 and kindly ask for some sort of specific explanation. I would also ask him if he has realized that his stock drop has been seriously influenced by UFC's stock skyrocketing.

its hilarious how every idiot with a share thinks he owns the company,

If I owned the company I'd fire him for doing something like that. I don't care if its Zack Ryder winning the championship and losing it in 2 days. For one, you're losing a massive business and PPV buys. You're also losing a potential main eventer who can now be taken seriously and has the ability to easily transition from upper mid card to main event given his victory. Not to mention, you're also disrespecting a 13 year veteran and made a title absolutely worthless.

So yeah, its a good thing I'm not in charge.

seriously, if you sold your shares it probably wouldnt even make a dent

In what? In WWE? No it won't. I'm not his business partner otherwise I'd be too busy talking to Vince about appreciating the stock.

As for selling it, I might. I might make a killer 20 grand out of it but I'll wait and see if WWE network is worth anything.
I missed that. What did justin say?

I said I was sorry for being able to enjoy the product Vince McMahon delivers, some how that makes me a hypocrite cause I don't enjoy the product TNA produces (a product Vinnie Mac has nothing to do with what so ever), this is of course based on posts I've made in the LD's that happened weeks ago, I don't think I've even looked at a TNA LD in the past two works, also should be noted that I've said over and over again that if there is one thing TNA does do right, it's house shows, and that if they brought another house show near where I live I would gladly shell out the cash to go again, also have stated several times that I thoroughly enjoy what they're doing with Bully Ray, & with Fortune

But whatever...
More like the cheap marketing era. I'm certain this is a mix Orton claiming wants to "walk out of Cena's shadow", the distrust on Christian, him going to TNA and of course the icing on the cake, Orton's movie. A marketing. Killing storylines for cheap movies that are never successful. Beauty.

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