Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
I can say that I'm surprised. Rhyno has been one of my favorite wrestlers since the ECW days. He had a very unique look which consisted as an untamed look with his hair and scruffy beard, slightly unorthodox ring-gear and the strangest build for a human being I've ever seen. I mean, he was like 5'10 and weighed nearly 300 pounds, had massively wide shoulders and a very thick muscled frame. He was also absurdly fast, again like an actual rhino, and had a body made for the spear. So the name Rhino and in WWE's case, Rhyno, fit perfectly. His very stocky build, enormous legs, short arms, and the long shaggy hair and facial hair made him look untamed and dangerous, and on top of that, almost looked like an actual rhino. His promos in ECW were hilarious, and I think the ECW environment really made his promos better because he didn't have to censor himself. I remember one where he was pounding on a door saying how violence gets him off more than having Jasmine St. Claire suck his dick, and who can forget his great feud with The Sandman and all those times he piledrived women through tables on the outside.
Rhyno didn't make the top 200.