10 WWE Superstars Suspended/Speculation & Effects

I just think this goes to show how stupid WWE thinks their fans are or that WWE is stupid. Do they really think we won't notice who has been suspended when a bunch of people(more noticeably) the main eventers don't show up on TV? Besides I'm sure that they will pull some shit angle where they all got in a car crash or something stupid like that. WWE not only needs an off season, a union, but some common sense.
At least you will probably hear something very shortly about this out of some of the wrestlers on this list.

Helms and Edge pop to my mind on this one.

Edge is very very forthcoming when it comes to his steroid allegations, which was proven with his retaliation towards Sports Illustrated when they outed him earlier this year. If someone like Edge, who is vocal about his steroid use, remains silent, then thats a sign of guilt in my opinion. I'm interested in seeing how this turns out.

Also, people got to remember, steroids are legal to a point under a doctor's prescription. So while some of these guys are on the list, it doesn't necessarily mean they are abusers, just prescribed users. It gets to fucking confusing to figure out appropriate levels of testosterone, and thankully, I'm not a doctor.

It will be up to you as individual to decide whether you think the guy is a user or an abuser. It my thinking, I think Edge may have used them, well, hell, he said he did, but for medical reasons. But then I see guys like Batista or Masters and clearly they have abused steroids, so it's up to the individual to decide how they will criticize.
And everyone who is being stupid on here always saying Cena is the best and he doesn't do steroids and all that stupid shit marks say need to just get off of these forums, now i am all for freedom of speech, but i don't like constantly reading the same old shit, especially when its wrong. Have any of you people seen Cena's body building contest footage before he was a wrestler? The man was just about as clean as hogan in his prime! i mean come on people. Those veins are just bursting out of his arms. Have u seen the man flex? If John Cena doesn't use steroids then neither does Scott Steiner and believing that is believing a massive(pun intended) lie.
Based on records obtained through sources a few months ago, Adam "Edge" Copeland's last reported prescription came many years ago when he was recovering from neck surgery.

So, it is likely many of these incidents took place before the Wellness Policy was implemented in February of 2006. It is said to be well known that Orton and Helms' transactions took place well before the WWE's new drug policy and that the Helms & Copeland transactions took place during injury rehab. It also may not be the smartest thing to jump on Ken Anderson already, depending on the date, as he admitted to steroid use prior to February of 2006.

It should be stressed that it was not confirmed that any of these men are among the 10 wrestlers that were suspended by WWE earlier today (those names will be made public on November 1). For those who remember the Sports Illustrated investigation earlier this year, WWE was very aware of the names involved and chose not to suspend anyone at the time because the time frame took place before the Wellness Policy was put into full gear. It is possible WWE could still suspend these wrestlers even if dates took place before February of 2006 due to media and government pressure. Chris Benoit, Brian Adams and Eddie Guerrero were also on the list as well. Several more WWE wrestlers were said to be on the list as well, including one wrestler who was scheduled to be hired this week.

This indicates to me that what I initaly thought that this is merely results of that investigation they started months ago, this is not a new one as some people have been suggesting. The lab has been shut since Febuary so none has gotten any roids from their since then. Then there is another year taking you back to when WWE's wellness programe started, which kind of implicates Chavo in this. Edge has admited using Steroids in the past, and last mentioned the topic to my knowledge last year he said something like he last used them 3 years ago which would take ya back to 2003. Basicaly these alligations are not as serious as they seem. What will be serious is if WWE tests any of these superstars now and they are found to have out in their systems.
I just think this goes to show how stupid WWE thinks their fans are or that WWE is stupid. Do they really think we won't notice who has been suspended when a bunch of people(more noticeably) the main eventers don't show up on TV? Besides I'm sure that they will pull some shit angle where they all got in a car crash or something stupid like that. WWE not only needs an off season, a union, but some common sense.

Gee, ya really think we'll be able to figure out who the wrestlers that were suspended are? Duh! Maybe that's why they're going to start making the names public in November? But right now, it's part of the policy that the names are not released. They can't just change that and reveal the 10 names out of nowhere. Somehow I have the feeling they didn't plan on suspending several wrestlers at the same time when they created this policy that included not revealing the wrestlers publically, since they can do one or two once in awhile and not reveal them. How many midcarders, jobbers, and farm guys do you think have been busted and we never knew about it?

Combine that with your moronic comments about Cena, and it sounds like it's not the WWE that needs common sense. Yeah no shit he was probably on steroids how many years ago, what does that have to do with him being a perfect representative of the WWE right NOW? You pathetic Cena haters are just embarassing yourselves now. There's nobody in the WWE that has NEVER used steroids. The problem is ********ers like Orton that smoke backstage, use steroids, put shit in women's gym bags, go AWOL from the military, and in general just be horrible human beings. If you want somebody to represent the WWE in the mainstream, which is what the WWE champion should be able to do, Cena is as good as it gets.
And everyone who is being stupid on here always saying Cena is the best and he doesn't do steroids and all that stupid shit marks say need to just get off of these forums, now i am all for freedom of speech, but i don't like constantly reading the same old shit, especially when its wrong. Have any of you people seen Cena's body building contest footage before he was a wrestler? The man was just about as clean as hogan in his prime! i mean come on people. Those veins are just bursting out of his arms. Have u seen the man flex? If John Cena doesn't use steroids then neither does Scott Steiner and believing that is believing a massive(pun intended) lie.

Dude Cena doesn't take steroids anymore. he has been on his best behavior during all this steroids controversy and is no wonder why wwe still have him as champion. well that and he sells a lot of merch and tickets ect...

EDIT: and i'm not sure if he was on the roids in the past but he looked like he was. but whatever cause in reality you never read anything bad about cena because he is a good person and someone you can build a company around.
But i mean guys like Orton and KK will still appear on tv while guys like Funaki and Santino will be banned from tv without pay ect.

Lol, you're suggesting the WWE give out different levels of punishment based on how good the wrestlers are? That's like MLB saying Alex Rodriguez and Ken Griffey Jr will keep playing if they test positive but Robinson Cano and Brandon Inge will be suspended. It doesn't work like that, it shouldn't work like that, it can't work like that.
Lol, you're suggesting the WWE give out different levels of punishment based on how good the wrestlers are? That's like MLB saying Alex Rodriguez and Ken Griffey Jr will keep playing if they test positive but Robinson Cano and Brandon Inge will be suspended. It doesn't work like that, it shouldn't work like that, it can't work like that.

LOL, no man just have the main event guys suspended without pay but still have them show up and tv and ppv but not house shows. but guys like funaki and santino should get all that plus ban them from tv and ppv.
I'm most upset about William Regal. However, he's been very vocal, just read his book, about abusing drugs in the past.Like many people have posted, you have to remember, some of these guys like Regal, Kennedy, Edge, have admitted it, and it's been a long time ago. Guys like Masters and Orton, have been suspened, so these are just a list of guys who have been clients in the past, in which I'm sure the WWE already knows about.

But I'll be really pissed off if they suspend Regal, he's finally getting a push! I'm sure he'll hopefully be ok. Is was one of Triple H's groomsman at his wedding. Always good to know people higher up!
Dude Cena doesn't take steroids anymore. he has been on his best behavior during all this steroids controversy and is no wonder why wwe still have him as champion. well that and he sells a lot of merch and tickets ect...

EDIT: and i'm not sure if he was on the roids in the past but he looked like he was. but whatever cause in reality you never read anything bad about cena because he is a good person and someone you can build a company around.

Dude, you are seriously misinformed. Cena is on steroids and has been on steroids/ HGH since the time he was a body builder untill this day. I understand that all you fat slobs who sit on your asses have no clue about what it tales to look like John Cena day in and day out for years so I will tell you. It takes more than a shot in the ass. It takes a ton of clean food, a ton of sleep, and a lot of training. Chavo and Kennedy are both on steroids also.
Dude, you are seriously misinformed. Cena is on steroids and has been on steroids/ HGH since the time he was a body builder untill this day. I understand that all you fat slobs who sit on your asses have no clue about what it tales to look like John Cena day in and day out for years so I will tell you. It takes more than a shot in the ass. It takes a ton of clean food, a ton of sleep, and a lot of training. Chavo and Kennedy are both on steroids also.

Dude, i work out i dont need any steroids to look like cena looks now. cena is not on the roids now but he used to be on them when he was just a body builder, when he had that proto type gimmick, but now he looks clean.

EDIT: just look at cena's old pictures from back then and compare them to how cena looks now and then tell me if you think his still on the roids.
I should be interesting to see how things skake out from this point on, Many of these restlers last order was BEFORE the wellness policy came to be, and last I checked you can't get suspended for doing something that was legal. I also agree that guys who have admitted to using the juice have leverage as well (Edge, Ken, Helms) due to the fact that they havent used them in 4 or 5 yers. WWE should also come down harder on the guys that abuse steroids (Batista, Masters) and please don't tell me that those two dont abuse it. Batista wont get in major shit due to him being good pals with Trips. Also, some of these guys on this list I doubt u will ever see on TV again including Santino, and possibly Masters. This whole thing is really onna screw up storylines but is a stepin the right direction for WWE, they should get some props for doing this.
John Cena is not on steriods and never was he has been a body builed ever since high school. If you knew that then you would not have said that. He is a great guy and a great athlete so everybody please stop spreading these rumors. Batista, Chris Masters, and Randy Orton I can see where they get that from (even though I am a Batista fan it is still possible). Kennedy has already admitted to doing steriods. Edge was only on them after his surgery, even thought I dont really like Edge it is true. By the way I am SICK OF HEARING THE JOHN CENA RUMORS! I WILL MAKE THIS SIMPLE FOR YOU...HE IS NOT ON STERIODS!!!:cuss2:
John Cena is not on steriods and never was he has been a body builed ever since high school. If you knew that then you would not have said that. He is a great guy and a great athlete so everybody please stop spreading these rumors. Batista, Chris Masters, and Randy Orton I can see where they get that from (even though I am a Batista fan it is still possible). Kennedy has already admitted to doing steriods. Edge was only on them after his surgery, even thought I dont really like Edge it is true. By the way I am SICK OF HEARING THE JOHN CENA RUMORS! I WILL MAKE THIS SIMPLE FOR YOU...HE IS NOT ON STERIODS!!!:cuss2:

Calm down girl, a lot of these guys saying that cena is on steroids are just cena haters and are jealous of him thats all.
Everybody needs to remember that some of this guys took steroids because they needed. In certain injuries like a broken neck, like Helms has right now, or Edge and many others had, steroids are part o the treatment. I don't believe that everybody is using steroids for medical purposes but with the media pressure its possible that the guys that use it honestly will be blamed along with the others.
Many people might disagree with me on this but how wrong is to take steroids?. I understand the reasons on NFL and MLB, but in wrestling it doesn't give you a competitive advantage. So like any other person, they know the risk of it and they take it just to look better.
while I do not believe John Cena is on steroids anymore Cenalover5042 can not be taken seriously because there is obviously some bias anyways why does every controversy have to come back to John Cena if hes clean this is finally the time I give the man his props for at least making up for his less than desireable in ring and mic skill even though you can blame creative for the latter I give cena credit for representing the company with class and being mature so lay off Cena
I agree with CenaLover, evan though I am not a Cena fan, he has not been accused of taking roids, in fact his name has never evan came up: until then dont just start stupid rumers: If your gonna accuse Cena of taking steroids u better accuse Vince McMahon, Bobby Lashley, Kurt Angle, Khali, Triple H, and Batista. All of whom are more jacked than Cena is
This really has good and bad sides for the WWE. This is a chance for the up-and-comers to flourish and have new, interesting storylines emerge. Apparently Samoa Joe from TNA could be coming to the WWE, now is the perfect time for him to jump in. Some fresh faces are probably just what the WWE needs for its lack of viewers recently. Still, this is a huge blow to the WWE. Half of the alleged suspended wrestlers are/will have a large part in the current storyline. It will be interesting to see how the WWE handles it on tv. Will they come right out and say that there is steroid abuse, or cover it up with a storyline?

Also, anybody know if these suspensions are immediate? Or begin November 1?

EDIT: and to CenaBlowsAll, how can you accuse Khali of abusing steroids? The guy is 7' 5" tall, he could be 350-375 and still be extremely skinny.
From SI.com:

While the WWE declined to release the names of the suspended athletes, SI has learned that a dozen professional wrestlers have received steroids and/or human growth hormone through the drug network. The WWE would not confirm which, if any, of the following wrestlers are among those suspended:

• Benoit, who died June 24, 2007, received nandrolone and anastrozole in February 2006. (Anastrozole is used by athletes to counter side effects of steroid use, such as water retention and breast enlargement.)

• Two weeks prior to Eddie Guerrero's death on Nov. 13, 2005, he was sent nandrolone, testosterone, and anastrozole. Guerrero died in a Minneapolis hotel room due to what a coroner later ruled as heart disease, complicated by an enlarged heart resulting from a history of anabolic steroid use.

• Chavo Guerrero, who found his uncle Eddie dead in the Minneapolis hotel room, received, among other drugs, somatropin (HGH), nandrolone and anastrozole between April 2005 and May 2006.

• Between November 2003 and February 2007, Shane Helms, a/k/a The Hurricane, received, among other drugs, testosterone, genotropin (HGH) and nandrolone. (As previously reported by SI, he allegedly received HGH from an Arizona doctor in 2005.)

• Starting in September 2004 through February 2007, Randy Orton received somatropin, nandrolone, stanozolol.

• John Hennigan, a/k/a Johnny Nitro, a.k.a. Johnny Morrison, is the current WWE Extreme Championship Wrestling's heavyweight champion. Between June 2006 and February 2007 he was prescribed somatropin, anastrozole, testosterone, stanozolol and chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced naturally during pregnancy. (HCG is taken by anabolic steroid users to stimulate the production of testosterone, which is suppressed as a result of steroid use.)

• Ken Anderson, a/k/a Mr. Kennedy, lost to Eddie Guerrero in Guerrero's final match on Nov. 11, 2005. Kennedy received shipments of anastrozole, somatropin and testosterone between October 2006 and February 2007.

• Shoichi Funaki received somatropin in March 2006.

• Brian Adams, a/k/a Crush, who retired from the pro circuit in 2001, was found dead of unknown causes on Aug. 13. He received nandrolone, testosterone and Somatropin or HGH in December 2006.

• Charles Haas was prescribed anastrozole, somatropin, stanozolol, nandrolone and chorionic gonadotropin between August 2006 and January 2007.

• Edward Fatu received somatropin between July and December 2006.

• Between November 2004 and November 2006, Darren Matthews received stanozolol, somatropin, genotropin, and anastrozole.

• Adam Copeland, a/k/a Edge, received somatropin, genotropin (both HGH), and stanozolol between September 2004 and February 2007.

• Sylvain Grenier received somatropin, nandrolone, genotropin and stanozolol, starting in February 2005 through July 2006.

Through WWE spokesman Gary Davis, the applicable WWE wrestlers listed above declined comment.

Wow, this is really going from bad to worse, looks like our pal Edge and Kennedy were liars and were doing roids all this time
I'm not the biggest Cena fan in the world, but if the guy isn't implicated in this. Leave him alone!.

Morrison is a champion!! Now what for him?? Think he'll drop it at a house show this week???
riiight... how this got into a cena discussion ill never know O.o... anyway no1 really knows if hes on them or not for a fact soo neither sides have any strong arguments to back them up...

now back to the topic at hand, i still think that most guys are not main eventers, i still doubt WWE would do this and they are probably just doing this so they dont get so much heat anymore, im guessing its mostly mid carders

cuz if they do this then they will need to keep being so hard on the roster and if most of the main eventers stop using roids they will get way out of shape and WWE doesnt want that, so i doubt they will follow through with this, im guessing its just until the heat goes down...
No one knows who is getting suspended and for how long, but I doubt that the major players in WWE are going to be off TV for a long time. It would kill the WWE since there would be no one left to be involved in angles.

WWE can't get a break... ever since Vince blew himself up.
What pisses me off the most is that Raw is coming back to where I live (Green Bay, WI) for the first time in 2 years and now I'm pretty sure I'll be treated to watching dipshit losers like Cody Rhodes and Super Crazy while the guys I actually paid to see (Orton, Kennedy (Kennedy would have received the hugest pop in GB)) will be sitting at home. Our government is fucking awesome by the way... can't fix any problems that actually matter but they sure know how to stick it to pro wrestlers and Vinnie Mac.
John Cena is not on steriods and never was he has been a body builed ever since high school. If you knew that then you would not have said that. He is a great guy and a great athlete so everybody please stop spreading these rumors. Batista, Chris Masters, and Randy Orton I can see where they get that from (even though I am a Batista fan it is still possible). Kennedy has already admitted to doing steriods. Edge was only on them after his surgery, even thought I dont really like Edge it is true. By the way I am SICK OF HEARING THE JOHN CENA RUMORS! I WILL MAKE THIS SIMPLE FOR YOU...HE IS NOT ON STERIODS!!!:cuss2:

Awwwwwww, you got a crush on Cena, how cute lol(love the pink font by the way). You are right to say that people shouldn't accuse Cena of anything(yet anyway) because as much as I despise him, he can be trusted by Vince which is one of the main reasons why he is still the champ today(along with the merchandise sales). It is official, 2007 has to be the darkest year in WWE history to date. I am expecting a lot more names to be added on that list in the next couple of days and I agree with those who think that the big stars will not get suspended(maybe they will work with no pay). I am also interested to see how this affects TNA because they pretty much brought themselves in the line of fire when it comes to this subject(Kurt Angle must be shivering in his boots right about now lol).

Right now, I am pretty sure these are 6/10 guys that got suspended so far:

Chavo Guerrero
Gregory Helms
Chris Masters
Charlie Haas
Santino Marella
Ken Kennedy quotes from an interview that might interest some:

"The guest host asked do you take steroids? And i don't take steroids. I have taken steroids in the past. And i read some internet reports that people are mad that i said that i didn't take steroids."

"Vince said be honest. Tell the truth. Like we don't have anything to hide. And the thing is, i did take steroids. I never took a LOT of steroids. But you know, when i was working the independent scene i was trying anything i could. And you know what? Like i said, i never took massive amounts of steroids, and you know why i stopped taking them? Because of the Wellness Policy. Because they institued the wellness policy, and i knew that having a job with the WWE was way more important to me than the 10 pounds of extra muscle that the steroids gave me. And i stopped taking them, and i had the biggest push of my life, like i worked with the Undertaker for the past 6, 7 months. I was at the top of house shows, i was on every pay per view, and i didnt take any steroids. Nowadays, in our business, you don't HAVE to take that stuff in order to get a push. You just don't have to. Guys like ummm, the big guys like Bobby Lashley, guys like John Cena. John Cena swears up and down, and I agree with him, i believe him, that he's got no reason to lie to the boys... (interviewer: him and Lance Storm) ... never taken an ounce of steroids in their life. He's just got good genetics. If you look at him, his muscle bellies, are so big, he's just a, he's just a genetic freak."

"Look at Bobby Lashley, look at a picture of him when he was in the Army or whatever... he was a big guy then, he's just bigger now because he changed up his eating and his workouts and stuff."

Just thought people would like to read that, i can't believe Kennedy could be guilty after his claims to the contrary, same with Edge. Randy won't be punished for this long term, they already knew, if he was gonna get fired, it would have happened now. They can't fire him for something they already knew about.

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