10 WWE Superstars Suspended/Speculation & Effects

If this list of names was true then would Randy Orton really be on the homepage of WWE.com? If it was true then surely they wouldn't be posting Randy Orton all over the site and promoting him further.

Until we receive confirmation from, and only from, WWE officially, regarding who is involved in this then nothing that's being reported is validated whatsoever.

Until WWE personally reveal the names to be the likes of Orton, Kennedy, Nitro etc etc then they are not suspended or involved in any wellness scandal, nor is any of what has been reported conclusive truth, just complete BS.

Also, Meltzer is a bullshitter BIG time, so whatever he says is total BS - unless WWE personally confirm it.

We'll have to see what WWE does with regards to the names of the people supposedly suspended.
So here are the facts at the moment.

Supposedly, only ten wrestlers have been suspended by the WWE at this poine dt. This list shows 14 wrestlers, so obviously, some of these guys were clients, but maybe aren't anymore. Who knows what the hell is going to go down. This storyline may almost be as big as the Chris Benoit situation, but not that big.

So it's going to be rumor mill city until we get some hard facts from the WWE, or until we don't see people on Raw in the coming weeks. Try to keep the discussion going, and simply dont' spam in this thread

Yup and so we're going to hear loads of rumours about who it is and who it isn't because both are from credible sources. And as ever we're gonna have people saying I don't believe it's any of them.

Here's the full list that ESPN gave as clients they didn't say they've been suspended Shoichi Funaki, Dave Bautista, Adam "Edge" Copeland, Chris "Masters" Mordetsky, John "Johnny Nitro" Hennigan, and Shane Helms. [also Benoit, Eddie and Byan 'Crush' Adams] Edge, Morisson and Helms have been brought up on both lists. Like I said it's going to be speculation city until we see who's gone.

Also, Meltzer is a bullshitter BIG time, so whatever he says is total BS - unless WWE personally confirm it.

But it's not Meltzer that's reporting the names it's the New York Daily and ESPN. Their definately have been suspensions and WWE have issued a statement in that regards. The debate is who are the people, both lists are from credible sources though ESPN list says that they are some of the customers, not those who have been suspended.

isant shane helps the hurriance or whatever? And if so isant he the dude who just recently broke his neck? So how was he even tested

isant shane helps the hurriance or whatever? And if so isant he the dude who just recently broke his neck? So how was he even tested

No one was tested yesterday for example. It is based on independent information received from investigators from the Albany County, NY D.A.’s office regarding these names being involved in something BEFORE the wellness policy came into place. i.e. a year and a half ago

isant shane helps the hurriance or whatever? And if so isant he the dude who just recently broke his neck? So how was he even tested

Shane Helms = Gregory Helms = The hurricane (though he hasn't been for two years!)

The reason for the suspension was that they were all identified as clients of Signature Pharmacy in Orlando, the site raided by Albany County and Florida law enforcement agencies in February for distributing steroids and other prescription drugs to clients who had not been examined by doctors. The investigation is part of a probe into illegal Internet drug distribution by Albany D.A. David Soares.
Also people, on the WWE statement they mention it is their practice not to reveal the names of the people at hand and only people who violate the policy as from November 1st will have their name made public.

This does however suggest that top guys are involved and WWE doesn't want to reveal their names, despite the fact we won't see them on television anyway if it's true.
EXACTLY this leads me to believe the list of names is of clients who have previously used medication (or more specifically steroids) from the lab, but may not have been doing at the time of the lads closure and searching of it by police. Therefore it looks like these suspensions are tempoary, WWe will probably test all superstars in the next few days to establish, who, if anyone is still on them.
If this list of names was true then would Randy Orton really be on the homepage of WWE.com? If it was true then surely they wouldn't be posting Randy Orton all over the site and promoting him further.

Orton is now been moved from main story on the WWE site, you heard it hear first folks
Further to a previous post of mine, WWE has now changed the main story on WWE.com to relate to Hardy/MVP for Smackdown tomorrow night, but the Randy Orton story is still up but on the latest news tab.

So the webmasters have been editing the site and actually touched the Orton story and put it in another place - if he was involved in this scandal then surely they would have deleted it all together.
Orton is now been moved from main story on the WWE site, you heard it hear first folks

No he isn't - second news piece down under "THE LATEST"

If he was suspended he WOULD be OFF the page, we'll see if he does get removed shortly.

EDIT: You corrected your post so now mine is void so ignore it.

So yes, he has been moved from the main story and is now the second latest story in "THE LATEST" section.
I think the WWE is setting an example overall, the don't want there guys being associated with that shit in any way, shape or form. Hell, even handing down ten day suspension for being on the lsit is good enough for me.

This year has been a disaster for the WWE from a PR point of view. They have been killed by the main stream media since the Benoit situation. Wrestlemania and the over all quality of the programming has sucked, hell, this whole year as a whole may have been the worst on screen since 1995, and that's saying something.

These guys being associated with the doctors involved are stupid on their own part. Even if they aren't testing positive, it doesn't mean they don't have shit in their systems to block a positive test result from coming in. These doctors constantly stay ahead of the testing, or else they would be out of a job.

In this case, these guys are guilty by association, and should be. If you're not doing steroids, then why be associated with a guy that distributes them??? You are either very stupid, or you're on the juice
Further to a previous post of mine, WWE has now changed the main story on WWE.com to relate to Hardy/MVP for Smackdown tomorrow night, but the Randy Orton story is still up but on the latest news tab.

So the webmasters have been editing the site and actually touched the Orton story and put it in another place - if he was involved in this scandal then surely they would have deleted it all together.

It'll be gone by tomorrow morning, guaranteed. They don't want to take it off completely because that would be a definite.

But what would it make for Orton, he's already been suspended this year.

EDIT; yeah he has been moved from main story, he's still on the front page but not main story.
Its Hard to believe that Cena passed through the net? But whoah! Even so , 10 big names , it depends how serious the suspension is. If Orton , Kennedy and Batista are for the chop (for a decent lenght suspension , well atleast a month I suspect) , then it will seriously effect the next few weeks leading up to and Unforgiven. With the WWE title , Triple H or Booker would probably step up for the match , The Iligitamite child , could probably hold through the suspension. If not Id love it to be Shelton Benjamin. As for Smackdown! an early return for Taker , or Kane even.

Its too early to speculate at this stage. One we don't know who it is , and two we don't know how long the suspension will be , and when it will be initiated (For guys like Orton/Batista , they might leave it a month and then make them serve a slightly longer suspension to justify the delay).

Whatever happens , its going to stretch the already limited resources that the WWE has got in terms of talent.

Although one thing , I highly doubt that its Edge , how/why would he be on steriods considering hes injured.
It'll be gone by tomorrow morning, guaranteed. They don't want to take it off completely because that would be a definite.

But what would it make for Orton, he's already been suspended this year.

But he has changed drastically since then. Still a prick, but changed nonetheless. However, this scandal is regarding events prior to the wellness policy being implemented, so it doesn't even matter whether he's changed or not now as it is referring to something that happened a year and a half ago.

If all of this is true then WWE is screwed up more so than it already is.
Its Hard to believe that Cena passed through the net? But whoah! Even so , 10 big names , it depends how serious the suspension is. If Orton , Kennedy and Batista are for the chop (for a decent lenght suspension , well atleast a month I suspect) , then it will seriously effect the next few weeks leading up to and Unforgiven. With the WWE title , Triple H or Booker would probably step up for the match , The Iligitamite child , could probably hold through the suspension. If not Id love it to be Shelton Benjamin. As for Smackdown! an early return for Taker , or Kane even.

Its too early to speculate at this stage. One we don't know who it is , and two we don't know how long the suspension will be , and when it will be initiated (For guys like Orton/Batista , they might leave it a month and then make them serve a slightly longer suspension to justify the delay).

Whatever happens , its going to stretch the already limited resources that the WWE has got in terms of talent.

Although one thing , I highly doubt that its Edge , how/why would he be on steriods considering hes injured.

Can people PLEASE read the story about why they've been suspended am sick of answering the injured people being suspended thing. It's dating back to February on a company who supplied steroid illegally.
Maybe These guys will just get suspended without pay but still appear on tv but won't do any house shows. i will just wait and see what happens next.
Maybe These guys will just get suspended without pay but still appear on tv but won't do any house shows. i will just wait and see what happens next.

I doubt that very much, why get suspended yet allowed to appear on TV if the average fan saw that they'd think ha yeah right they're suspended. When jeff was suspended was he on TV? No he wasn't. The suspensions are very likely to start from now and will very likely include ALL tv shows!
I'm also getting sick of people saying shit like "how the hell could he be on steroids when he's out injured?" and shit like that.






I doubt that very much, why get suspended yet allowed to appear on TV if the average fan saw that they'd think ha yeah right they're suspended. When jeff was suspended was he on TV? No he wasn't. The suspensions are very likely to start from now and will very likely include ALL tv shows!

But i mean guys like Orton and KK will still appear on tv while guys like Funaki and Santino will be banned from tv without pay ect.
In all this talk about these guys getting "SUPPOSEDLY" busted you hqave a few top names in Orton, Batista, Kennedy, and Booker. Now if this is true its a damn shame. One name you do not see on that list is that of JOHN CENA. It boggles my mind people get mad when they see these guys getting busted esp. when they are in top story lines. Everyone is always calling for John Cena's head, yet he stays opff thhe radar with this stuff, you never hear much about him here on wrestlezone news except for appearances. The guy is exactly what you want to build your product around cause hes never in trouble, and you can always count on him when needed. If this is true is another Orton mess up not as bad as others but a mess up and iif he has the title it only hurts the WWE as a whole and if you call yourself a true fan you wouldnt mind Cena as much as champ cause he gives a good image to something some of you say "you love". I'm not at all saying to be a Cena fan but cut the guy some slack it could be way worse.
Two positives will come out of this. First WWE is doing the right thing by suspending these guys. From a PR standpoint it will only help there image as being proactive against steroid use and from an internal standpoint it will send a message to all the current superstars to clean up.

Second positive is that these suspensions will give opportunities to others who have done the right thing and have kept clean. When all the smoke clears and we have a firm understanding of who is suspended we should see others who aren't stepping up to take advantage of the situation. CM Punk comes to mind. If John Morrison is indeed one of the individuals, they should take the title off of him on Tuesday on ECW and give it to Punk. Punk should be rewarded for not only his hard work, but for doing things the right way.
In all this talk about these guys getting "SUPPOSEDLY" busted you hqave a few top names in Orton, Batista, Kennedy, and Booker. Now if this is true its a damn shame. One name you do not see on that list is that of JOHN CENA. It boggles my mind people get mad when they see these guys getting busted esp. when they are in top story lines. Everyone is always calling for John Cena's head, yet he stays opff thhe radar with this stuff, you never hear much about him here on wrestlezone news except for appearances. The guy is exactly what you want to build your product around cause hes never in trouble, and you can always count on him when needed. If this is true is another Orton mess up not as bad as others but a mess up and iif he has the title it only hurts the WWE as a whole and if you call yourself a true fan you wouldnt mind Cena as much as champ cause he gives a good image to something some of you say "you love". I'm not at all saying to be a Cena fan but cut the guy some slack it could be way worse.

As stale as John Cena has gotten lately, and as much as I no longer like him, you make an exelent point. Look at RVD last summer. He got smoking up and had BOTH of his world titles striped while he was in the middle of a storyline. That was a huge blow to the WWE. John Cena won't dpo somthing like that. So right now, if the rumored names are true, this is a HUGE opening for some names out there, especially on RAW.
Well, if this is true, some of them I think will get off with something less.

Edge, Helms have both required surgery and therefore might have the required paperwork to clear them. That I understand.

The others, a little shocking. Regal doesn't look like he's on roids, and who cares about Simon Dean. Kennedy would be the most problematic as it affects one of the most up and coming stars.

But let's be realistic, Batista...was there any doubt? Plus, if his new book is as blunt as it's rumored to be, he doesn't give a crap about the industry, or his fellow workers. Good riddance.

Orton, I will be the first to get this no-talent loser off my roster. This isn't the first time he was suspended for conduct, whether it be drugs or behavior. He skipped out on the Navy...AWOL...give me a break. The guy has a history of just screwing up. I'm tried of him and I hope he's finally gone.

As for the others, I feel bad for only one of them and that's Booker T. If there is any consolation to this, Vince might actually have to push OTHER wrestlers! We may actually...*gasp*...actual WRESTLERS on WWE.

The biggest comment that has stayed with me, and I know it's not from a useful source, but I digress, Test. He stated that steroids in wrestling were like plastic surgery in Hollywood. It's for looks only. If true, Vince may have to actually drop his Giant Khali, Batista and all guys who are too busy trying for that "look" instead of actual talent.

This could be a good thing people

Kennyg9 did make a point about Cena. I'm not a fan of his in ring work, but its a good thing the company can rely on their number one guy.

But some of these names, wow. Edge, Booker T, Mr. Kennedy, Batista, Orton, they're some pretty damn big names right there. Now as we know, it's not one hundred percent guaranteed that all of the people listed have taken steroids, but thats a mighty list.

For people I'm not too surprised about, Chris Master, Batista, and even Orton, because i know he had trouble before. But Masters and Batista are Jacked! That can't be from pure body building, thats unnatural.

Names like Johnny Nitro, Funaki, Edge, Regal, Booker, and really Kennedy are surprising to me. Besides Nitro, none of these guys are really muscular, just in shape. And i hear commentators say Nitro, now Morrison, works out like 3 hours a day or w.e, and i believed that because of the shape he's in, and there's not reason to lie about that.

WWE is in deep shit right now because of all these main eventer's having to be suspended. In Kennedy's case, it seems like he will be Vince's child, and him having to leave for a month plus will really hurt creative.

At least in Santino's case, they'll have a good reason to get rid of that worthless Italian scumbag of a wrestler.

I think its funny Funaki is on the list. I kinda laughed when i saw his name. But WWE better not get rid of him, he's is Smackdown's! number #1 reporter!

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